Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 235 42, Interrogation of Pastor Asmodai

Shortly after the war, the fleet of the Mechanicus docked in the outer orbit. The priests brought a large number of environmental modification devices. They will help Darok restore and rebuild, making the world more suitable for human survival.

At the same time, the Dark Angels' interrogation priests arrived at Darok.

The main interrogator priest of the Dark Angels and the famous confessor in the empire.

But in the recent period, he has not been going well. In other words, he has rarely had good moments, but he is not as angry as he has been in recent times.

Efilar, who followed the Warmaster most of the time, had heard the rumors about him and the Lion King.

If Asmodei hears those rumors, he will definitely prove to the public that they are not rumors.

For Asmodei, there have been two major pieces of news, one good and one bad, in recent years.

The good news is that the Lion has returned, and the Gene Father of the Dark Angels once again stands among them.

The bad news is that the lion is followed by a group of mysterious people wearing black armor. Asmodai is curious about their identities. After a period of exploration, he angrily discovers that these people are actually fallen angels!

Asmodai has zero tolerance for traitors. He is brutal and uncompromising. His obsession with his work only grows with age.

Asmodei is ruthless in nature, and he is obsessed with hunting down fallen warriors, even if the upper echelons of the Empire believe that the pursuit is not entirely necessary.

But he insisted on this, and as long as he still had a breath left, he would never let any traitor go.

In order to achieve this goal, Asmodai will use any means necessary. In this regard, even among the Dark Angels, no one can compare with him.

Because of his insatiable obsession, he is willing to sacrifice everything to capture the fallen warriors, and he will try to cross any boundary in order to catch more traitors.

On a daily basis, he chants battle prayers to instill hatred for traitors in the Dark Angels, allowing them to focus on their own anger and ruthlessly eradicate all traitors.

This is Asmodai's unique style. His obsession with hunting down traitors makes the Dark Angel Grand Master sometimes have to think carefully about the suggestions he makes.

It is precisely because of this belief that when Asmodai discovered that his genetic father was surrounded by a group of fallen angels, no one could express the anger and sadness in his heart.

He secretly tried several times to kill those fallen angels, but such behavior repeatedly violated the boundaries of the Lion King.

A lion's territory cannot be violated, even if that person is his son.

The lion was angry because of this. In the roar of the lion, Asmodei was stopped from all ongoing actions and removed from his power, only retaining his position.

Such an order is tantamount to making the sharpest dagger among the Dark Angels completely idle.

Infinite sadness welled up in Asmodai's heart. He could not disobey the body's will. Under such an order, he could almost predict his own ending.

——He will be hidden in the snow like this forever, until his edge is no longer sharp, until he slowly rusts, until he becomes decayed and withered.

"Great Lion, Knight of the Emperor, the most loyal son of the Lord of Mankind, why do you allow rebellion to happen? You should bite their throats with the fiercest bite and dig out the heart of every traitor. !”

Asmodai's sadness could not be suppressed, but he could not disobey his father. If he did that, what would be the difference between him and the traitor he hated.

"Who led the Dark Angels to bravely attack the traitor Rune's palace, risking his own life; who stood up and boosted morale when the battle group was stranded on the demon world Amiti; it's me, the Lion King, it's Asmo Dai, I am your most loyal son, and those traitors should be thrown into prison and sentenced to death! As you taught us, no betrayal is too small to tolerate!"

Asmodai wept, this terrifying hero who was feared in the galaxy, howled under the stubbornness of the lion.

His voice was hoarse, and the sadness and disappointment in his high-pitched voice were enough to make those who saw it sad and those who heard it cry.

But at this time,

The High King Caligues, who was alone in the room with Asmodai, didn't think so.

At this time, the king of Darok, Caliguis, was piled on the ground like mud. Amidst Asmodei's cries, not only did he not have any empathy, but his whole body was trembling with fear.

Then, he saw Asmodai turn his head suddenly and lock eyes on him with a stern gaze like an eagle.

The sadness on the face of the interrogating priest was wiped away, and a smile appeared on his face as if his face had changed.

But in this smile, Caligues seemed to be stressed, his whole body trembled suddenly, his lower body warmed, and a large amount of fluid leaked out.

He was so scared that he peed.

The smile on Asmodei's face became even brighter.

After being idle for a long time by the Lion King, he was finally reused by Warmaster Dukel, who sent him to assist Saint Efilar in the cause he was obsessed with.

Asmodai, who had been idle for a long time, even felt fearful after receiving the appointment of Warmaster.

He knew his situation well, so how could he live up to the Warmaster's trust in him.

A living traitor was right in front of him, and when he reunited after a long absence, he once again destroyed the traitor's body and will after many years, and Asmodai felt the long-lost happiness.

Under such circumstances, how could he not do his best for the Warmaster.

"Calligius, the High King of Darok." Asmodei said softly,

"Even the Warmaster doesn't know much about the matter between me and the original body. This is the secret I least want to mention. Now I tell you it. In exchange, Caliguis, should you also tell me Tell me your secret?"

Asmodai moved forward. The tall body of the Space Marine blocked all the light in the secret room, and the huge shadow covered Caligues bit by bit.

"No." Seeing the other party approaching, Calliguis' whole body was shaking violently like chaff. He shed tears and prayed to the other party endlessly, hoping to make Asmodai stop his actions.

But this is doomed to be in vain.

Asmodai's firm determination and steely willpower ensure that he can always complete his tasks successfully.

A few days later.

Efilar's fleet left Darok and came to the hidden depths of subspace.

She looked through the battleship's lens into the bizarre void of the subspace, where a planet was ignited by red fire and was burning.

The firelight reflected the saint's flawless face red, and the corners of her mouth curved into a perfect arc, revealing a joyful smile.

A world of demons was destroyed, and she once again added a small feat to the Warmaster's medal of merit.

Tens of billions of demons were burning in the fire. Efilar listened to the demons' wails as if listening to the most beautiful music in the world, and his face showed some obvious intoxication.

Then Efilar turned her head and looked at the tall warrior who was enjoying this scene with her.

"Asmodei, you did a good job. I didn't expect you to be able to find the coordinates of the demon world through the Supreme King."

The saint praised the interrogation priest, "The Warmaster will definitely be happy about this."

Efilar's praise comes from the heart. The interior of the subspace is chaotic and disorderly. Without precise targets, it is almost impossible to locate the hidden world of demons.

Destroying such a world and burning the tens of billions of demons in it is an achievement that every Imperial warrior and Battle Sister is proud of.

More importantly, Efilar knows that the Second Legion currently led by the Warmaster lacks nothing, the only thing missing is demons.

The Yajin factories are like the insatiable mouth of the abyss, swallowing up billions of demons every day to produce Yajin series military equipment.

Raw materials were in short supply. In order not to capture more demons, the Warmaster even dispersed most of his descendants across the galaxy, leaving only a small number to maintain the operation of the Arkin Factory.

But even so, Yajin equipment is still a scarce commodity in the empire and cannot be equipped for every imperial soldier.

The territory spans millions of worlds, and the Empire's soldiers are simply too many.

Warmaster Dukel's biggest dream at present is to let every loyalist soldier have an Argent weapon of his own. He worked hard for this and worked hard.

Efilar is a devout waiter who regards the Warmaster's dream as her own.

Although the fleet she led this time was not large in size, it was only a medium-sized fleet with three battleships and more than a hundred cruisers.

But attacking the demon world can still bring back many high-quality demons, adding to the Warmaster's dream.

Although Yajin energy weapons are scarce, their power is obvious to all.

In the Efilar fleet, only a small number of space warriors were equipped with sub-gold weapons, but they still defeated the demons without the ability to fight back.

Space Marines armed with aurium weapons have the ability to easily kill demons.

"This is my duty, and it is not worthy of praise." Asmodei said modestly, and then he asked the saint,

"There are still many coordinate points in the demon world. Lord Efilar, please continue our actions. If you listen to my advice, we will purify countless demons."

Asmodei said enthusiastically, and in order to make the saint listen to his opinion, he even humbly used the honorific title.

He knew that this was a bit rash. After all, he did not have any actual position in this fleet. He was only transferred as an interrogation priest and had no right to make any suggestions to Efilar.

But his determination to kill all Chaos made him disregard his status.

If these known demonic worlds are allowed to continue, Asmodai will have trouble sleeping and eating.

At this moment, he carefully observed Efilar's expression, fearing that the saint would reject his suggestion.

But what he didn't expect was that Efilar also nodded and easily agreed with his proposal.

"That's what I meant," the saint said to him.

"But, aren't you worried that Lord Duker will blame you for this?" The other party agreed too quickly, which actually made Asmodai feel a little guilty, and he reminded the saint.

Efilar's mission this time is to suppress the rebellion. Entering the subspace has deviated from the original mission itinerary. He only conquered one world and could also be said to investigate the situation.

But if you continue to go deep into the subspace, according to the Imperial Code, it will be an unauthorized act at best. At a more serious level, it can even be said to be treason.

He himself didn't care, since he had already incurred the Lion's displeasure anyway, and he didn't care if the Warmaster disliked him.

He regards the pursuit of evil as something more important than his own life. Once the war commander holds him accountable afterwards, he will die calmly at the worst possible outcome.

But Efilar is different. Whenever the Warmaster is mentioned, the saint's eyes cannot be hidden from anyone.

Once this action arouses the disgust of the Warmaster, it will probably be more serious than any substantive punishment for this saint.

In response to his kind reminder, Efilar chuckled and shook his head,

"My Lord's eyes are watching thousands of worlds at the same time. If he does not agree with our actions, I am afraid it will be difficult for me to even enter the subspace."

Asmodai nodded and said nothing more.

Of course, he was skeptical of the saint's words. He knew that fanatics always liked to make exaggerated claims.

But he had done his best to remind him, and there was no need to argue with the other party as to whether the Warmaster could really watch millions of worlds.

And deep down in his heart, he was also worried that if he continued to persuade, Efilar would actually lead the fleet to withdraw.

But what he didn't know was that in the saint's spiritual vision, a huge eyeball burning with flames was also looking down at the demonic world in front of him, with an obvious look of joy in his eyes.

The Warmaster really has thousands of eyes, each eye looking at a different world, and it is no exaggeration to look at thousands of worlds at the same time.

"But there is one thing I need to make clear in advance." Efilar said to Asmodai, "If our action goes well, all glory will go to my Lord. If we fail"

"I will take the initiative to take full responsibility." Asmodei said without hesitation, even before the saint finished speaking.

"That's not necessary, the Warmaster will not embarrass a loyal person." Regarding Asmodei's misunderstanding, Efilar laughed dumbly and did not explain too much.

As they were talking.

A herald came over in a hurry,

"Commander, we have found information about Chaos Warmaster Abaddon from the demon world."

Imperial soldiers captured many cultists from the demon world. Although the interrogation skills of the mechanical priests were not as good as Asmodai's, they could still peek into the secrets of the cultists' minds through special methods.

There happened to be news about Abaddon.

Hearing this, Efilar frowned slightly.

In the previous battle on the Vigil Star, Abaddon was severely wounded by Doom and fled back to the subspace without a trace.

Unexpectedly, he accidentally discovered the other party's whereabouts at this time.

This is a good thing for Efilar. If he can take off the head of the Dark Warmaster and present it to the Warmaster, this will undoubtedly be a great achievement.

But she did not get carried away because of this, but carefully considered the authenticity of the news.

"Can Abaddon's exact strength be determined?"

Efilar asked.

It's not that she doesn't believe the information that the mechanical priests have detected, but those heretics are all lunatics. Their thinking is chaotic and often filled with a lot of delusions. The information obtained from their minds is often very unreliable.

Because even they themselves don't know which of their memories are real.

"Let me go meet those cultists." Just as Efilar was deep in thought, Asmodai on the side volunteered,

"I will do everything in my power to ensure the authenticity of the intelligence."

When it comes to the professional field, Asmodai is full of confidence.

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