Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 241 48, Duke: My battle flag still lacks a matching flagpole

Duker's fleet sailed in the subspace, and the virtual system has roughly locked the position of Efilar. He overlooked the sea of ​​souls in front of him, and the pain of Efilar vaguely echoed in his ears. Voice.

Through the spiritual network, he could clearly perceive the embarrassing situation the saint was in at the moment.

But Duker was not impatient because of this. Even if Efilar did not remind him, he could guess the opponent's purpose of besieging the imperial fleet.

He even guessed more.

The opponent displayed cunning like a pack of wolves and a conservative war style.

In Duker's eyes, the only one who could allow the Chaos Demon to use this tactic was his former brother - Horus. Even after thousands of years, he was still so conservative.

"No matter how confident you appear, deep down in your heart, there is always a trace of inferiority and cowardice that cannot be erased." Duker dismissed such conservative tactics.

Horus always believed that the Emperor did not choose him as Warmaster in the early days of the Great Crusade because the Emperor believed that his abilities were inferior to his own.

But in fact he was wrong. In the war between the stars, personal ability is important, but not that important. But Horus' timid tactical style was not suitable at all for the expansion of territory for the empire.

"Your conservatism comes from your inferiority complex. You end up wandering between inferiority complex and arrogance, which leads to the tragedy of your life."

Even though the two men haven't officially fought yet, Dukel's keen eyes have already locked onto Horus' weaknesses.

Next, he only needs to continuously attack this weak point, and Horus has a lot to consider.

Dukel raised the Eagle of Destiny banner, and the huge golden eagle crashed into the turbulent storm of the Sea of ​​Souls.

The Imperial Warmaster did not shy away from announcing his arrival to all dark beings, and generously gave those enemies hiding in the darkness sufficient preparation time.

"Since you can't wait to see me, then let's meet me." Duker's eyes surged with fighting spirit, bursting with pride like fire.

"Use all your talents, rack your brains, and recruit all your allies to please me. Then I will crush everything you are proud of into powder with great power."

The one who stands proudly on the top of the stars never needs too many calculations, he only needs to crush everything with his bloody brave heart, and as his enemy, there is indeed a lot to consider.

Soon, Duker's expedition fleet encountered a decent obstruction.

A huge demon world suddenly emerged from the gap in the sea of ​​souls. Like an isolated island in the vast sea, it blocked the path of the expedition fleet with incomparable accuracy.

This planet is different from the dark stars we have seen in the past. It is like a living body with life.

But the expedition fleet had just approached the outer orbit of the planet, and the name of a person echoed in the minds of the psykers inside the fleet at the same time.

Malicious whispers were repeated over and over again. Such mental torture was enough to destroy a senior astropath, but the regiment led by the Warmaster would never be easily defeated.

Every giant ship in this fleet, every soldier on board, is famous in many worlds; every psyker is no different from a god in the eyes of mortals.

The psykers heard the screaming whispers. They just looked at each other and said nothing more. In the eyes of some high-level psykers, there was even ridicule for such little tricks.

In their performance, the echoing whispers seemed to realize that they were useless, and gradually became depressed.

"Sally." An astropath pronounced the name accurately, without even a single syllable being wrong.

This is what the whispers keep ringing, a name that in Gothic means depravity, the place of desire, the place of no light.

Duker stood on the bow of the Soul Fire, staring at the dark star in front of him that dared to block his path.

There was no need for the Warmaster to say too many words. A Void Realm priest serving behind him, his body burning with flames, gently tapped the deck of the Fire of the Heart with the scepter in his hand.

At the twenty-second moment when the scepter struck, the invisible virtual energy surged out in a fan shape until it enveloped all the dark stars in front of him.

In just a moment, everything in this demonic world was under control, from the mountains standing on the plateau to the smallest, invisible molecule.

The priest then described the world to the Warmaster.

On the plains of steel and fire in this world, dense river networks flowed with unclean ichor. The rivers rushed through, cutting the crystal jungle into pieces.

Flames flashing with blue thunder grow on the branches of the crystal trees. The rivers and jungles are changing every moment, evolving into countless forms based on nine.

With the endless glory of the Destiny Sky Eagle battle flag, the sky in the dark world quickly changed color.

Thick and thick golden light enveloped the entire world, and the entire world seemed to be coated with a layer of golden paint.

Mountain fires ignited in the crystal jungle, the ichor in the river evaporated into sizzling black smoke, the steel and fire earth continued to crack, and countless demons and traitors lurking here let out unbearable wails.

Duker's figure was proud and tall. Facing this blasphemous world, he had no reason to let go and immediately ordered the soldiers to prepare for airborne operations.

At the same time, the twenty-two types of Extermination Order weapons specially equipped by the Warmaster have also begun to accumulate energy.

When these extinction weapons are fully charged, the planet will face the most complete destruction.

But before the destruction comes, it is the time for the Warmaster to hone his Primaris Space Marines.

Tall and proud warriors will flatten the surface of the planet, accumulate combat experience, and obtain intelligence about Chaos on the planet.

The orbital guns of the giant ship flashed brightly, and a large amount of explosives poured down, razing the jagged crystal jungle to the ground.

Countless crystal trees burst open, followed by more violent explosions.

The unclean energy contained in these crystal trees was detonated, and the chaos power that originally acted on the loyal soldiers became a nightmare that they themselves did not want to face.

After using orbital bombing to clear a safe area.

Large-scale airdrop operations began.

Dukel was the first to bear the brunt of it. He has never been a commander who sits firmly in the rear.

Compared with the meticulous dispatch of the legion, he prefers to charge at the crossroads of weapons, stand at the forefront of all soldiers, use his own strength to bring despair to the enemy on the battlefield, and enjoy the fun of war.

He longs to find a strong enemy on this planet who can fight him happily.

The first moment he appears, a large number of pink horrors and screamers come in groups.

They have been lying in ambush for a long time, and they rushed out of the crystal jungle in a mighty force.

These Tzeentch's demon army launched a fierce attack on Duke's army from all directions.

The pink horrors without a fixed form emit unbridled and sharp strange laughter in the battle.

Their energy forms present mottled and chaotic colors, their skin shines with pink fluorescence, and surging energy bursts from their fingertips, turning into pink flames.

Under the fierce artillery attack of the empire, the strange laughter of the pink horrors quickly turns into a crazy scream.

After suffering a fierce attack, the pink horrors that have not yet died will split into two in a sigh of relief, becoming two small blue horrors.

The little blue horrors have always been full of anger since their birth, and they complain all the time.

These little guys are even more vicious, and they are always full of malice to abuse the souls that break into their world.

The screamers riding the wind of magic travel in the void, they control the pale lightning, and walk on the ether tide.

And they are not only good at magic, but also sharp fangs and sharp angles. They swoop down from the void and hit the human camp with violent collisions.

In the past, every time they hit quickly, countless people would be turned into broken flesh and bones.

But the Imperial Warmaster personally led the most elite troops of the Empire. They cooperated tacitly so that these demons could not get any benefit in the hands of humans.

Dukel was also fighting. He laughed and split the pink horror in front of him into two, and then crushed the two newly born blue horrors with his huge steel hands.

Like a child who has found a fun toy, he could have killed the pink horror with one blow, but he was enjoying it.

The blood-red cloak behind him accompanied his every movement, rolling like a sea of ​​blood, surging with a bloody wave.

The Warmaster's towering body was extremely conspicuous on the battlefield. Almost all soldiers could see the majestic God of War when they looked up.

Endless courage grew in the hearts of every soldier. They followed the voice of the Warmaster and were not afraid of even the most brutal demons.

The courage of millions of soldiers condensed into an unstoppable tsunami in the subspace, and the magic wind that the screamers rode was dispersed and fell out of the void one after another.

Amid the roar of humans, these powerful demons fell abruptly in the air like dumplings.

The colorful crystal marks, under the control of the Chaos Wizards, turned into sharp shapes. These terrible weapons chased the Empire's fighter planes.

And on the ground, some traitors also appeared at this time.

They are the Red Corsairs Chaos Warband, a large corrupt navy composed of heretics and renegade naval forces.

The leader of the warband is Huron, the Black King, known as the Star Reaver.

The Red Corsairs are the former Star Claws Interstellar Warband. Before betraying the Empire, this warband was responsible for guarding the Great Vortex.

They are on the front line, always resisting the betrayers and demons inside the Great Vortex. At that time, they were well-deserved heroes of the Empire.

However, the long-term sacrifice also made them accumulate resentment against the Imperial bureaucracy. In anger, they withheld the Empire's tithe and openly declared rebellion.

Huron destroyed a survey fleet sent to the home planet Badab World, and also instigated three other warbands that were also dissatisfied with the Empire to join his rebellion.

The Battle of Badab lasted for eleven years. After such a long war, Huron was finally defeated by the Imperial Rebellion Army.

These defeated betrayers were forced to flee into the Great Vortex and became the Red Corsairs today.

After countless years of development, the Red Corsairs are now one of the most powerful forces in the dark world.

Many interstellar warbands that betrayed the Empire would choose to join the Red Corsairs.

But even with the help of the Red Corsairs, the Tzeentch Demon Army was still no match for Dukel.

The Imperial fighter planes quickly gained air superiority with their superiority.

Without those annoying obstacles in the air, the Warmaster jumped directly into the demons, and the giant chainsaw sword of the ripper type hummed loudly. In the pleasing martial arts, the bodies of the demons were cut open one by one.

The red pirate wearing Terminator power armor was trying to hinder the Warmaster's actions.

However, Dukel picked up a chicken and threw it hundreds of meters away, plowing a 222-meter-long ravine in the dense enemy formation.

The ravine opened up into a bottomless canyon, swallowing up thousands of believers and position artillery in an instant.

The original mighty power of the Supreme Heaven was still flowing into the body of the original body continuously at this time. His body had already exceeded the five meters in the material realm and expanded to as tall as a hill.

Even though the fallen warriors of the Red Corsairs had accepted the blessings of the subspace, they still looked insignificant when facing Dukel. Every vibration of the flames around the Warmaster's body was enough to make them fall to the ground.

Even if they were wearing heavy Terminator-type power armor, there would be no difference in front of the Warmaster.

Du'Kor was in chaos among the combined forces of the Tzeentchian Demon Army and the Red Corsairs, and loyalists followed in his footsteps.

The demons gradually felt fear. In the red firelight, their crazy emotions began to calm down, their morale collapsed, and they began to flee.

Duker stood proudly in this world like a towering mountain, with demons escaping at his feet, but he did not rush to pursue him. Instead, he looked up at the sky, and the battle that almost turned into reality shot out from his eyes. will.

At this time, the terrifying etheric energy rioted.

A terrifying psychic vortex twisted the top of the sky, shrouding all soldiers under its pressure.

Terrifying psychic energy connects the vortex to the sea of ​​souls.

The devil carrying terrifying majesty jumped out of the ocean of nothingness.

There is an iron halo standing behind him, wearing blue and purple armor and a cloak, holding a scepter in his left hand and a long sword of judgment in his right hand.

The Mocker of Fate emerged from the twisted vortex. His tall body was filled with a sense of oppression, and his evil and sinister eyes made people shudder.

"Son of the Cursed, you should come here. Your destiny will end here, your ambition will no longer have room to display, and the ideal you pursue is just a bubble in your dream."

"I have already penetrated all the directions of the future, and all the future destiny pictures depict your futility. You are just an existence that the curse tried hard to bury. In the years after you left, even the apostles of the gods did not want to Mentioning your name shows that your weight is not worth mentioning."

The Mocker of Destiny was not afraid of Dukel's majesty at all, and mocked the supreme commander of the empire unscrupulously. He pointed at the opponent with the long sword in his hand, and blue thunder arose from the blade.

And the scepter in his hand also ignited with fire, surging with extraordinary power of chaos.

Duker didn't care about his ridicule. He just looked at the other person carefully, and then pointed at the Destiny Eagle battle flag standing beside him.

"The last being who claimed to be able to see the future in front of me has been hanging on my flag for several years. I was once distressed that I could not find a matching flagpole throughout the galaxy."

The Imperial Warmaster held the flag firmly in his hand. Carlos, who was arranged in the shape of a two-headed eagle on the flag, burst out with a golden light that could not be looked directly at.

He showed the flagpole in front of the opponent,

"Look at this flagpole, which bone in your body is suitable for it?"

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