Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 265 72, Orc: I want to recognize him as the boss

The armored boss pressed the telescope against his face. This tool made for humans, in the orc's big hands, was like a miniature toy.

He held the telescope with only two thick fingers, his scarred face crumpled into a ball, his eyes narrowed into a slit, and he squeezed his eyes through the small hole of the telescope with difficulty.

At the same time, his little finger rested on the control key on the side of the instrument, and he twisted the knob of the telescope as carefully as he could, but with just a little force, he adjusted the focal length too far.

An angry growl broke out from the throat of the rude orc.

Then he threw the telescope to the ground in a rage, and then stomped on it a few times with his steel boots.

Just as his anger was still lingering, a low grunt sounded beside him.

The armored boss slapped backhand, and the big hand over a hundred yards slapped the other party's face less than thirty yards away.

Then, the orc boss heard the painful scream that made him happy.

The Ironclad boss adjusted his mood, leaned over and picked up the telescope again, and adjusted it carefully.

This time, he found the function he wanted.

In the imaging of the telescope, the smoke on the battlefield was quickly faded, which allowed him to see clearly what was happening in the distance.

This was the battlefield between Xiami and the subspace monsters.

He saw that the monsters had built various solid fortifications, and as his sight shifted, a Xiami Warhound Titan appeared in his field of vision.

The roar of the Warhound Titan resounded throughout the battlefield, and the Ironclad boss couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

This big guy is so powerful.

If he could have such a big guy, the Ironclad boss would be unstoppable!

After determining his target, the Ironclad purred with satisfaction.

He casually handed his telescope to a rather clever fart spirit.

Almost every orc's daily routine and leisure entertainment is to play with fart spirits.

It can be said that this thin and small creature is already an indispensable part of the orc clan.

The clever fart spirit took the telescope from the boss of Iron Armor and put it into the iron box he carried with him.

Such an action made Iron Armor look at him with new eyes. It was rare to find a fart spirit who was not so stupid.

Iron Armor organized his own convoy. He ordered the convoy to stop and stared at every kid who got off the car with his relatively intact eye.

His other eye and part of his skull had disappeared, replaced by dense electronic equipment and a mechanical prosthetic eye fixed inside his eye socket.

On the warship of the Black Legion, half of his brain was taken out and replaced by metal wires, metal plates covered with engine oil, and other substances.

All this was the masterpiece of the dark mechanical priest.

Iron Armor was just an experiment of that madman.

They coaxed and deceived Iron Armor to cooperate with their experimental surgery.

Although Iron Armor suffered a lot of pain during the surgical transformation, he did not enjoy any benefits except losing half of his brain.

This made him very angry for a while.

Iron Armor gave orders to the noisy orc boys. Their goal this time was clear, which was to grab a Titan.

The plan was also very simple. First, they had to knock down the guards near the Titan, then tie the Titan's legs with chains, and start the chariot to drag the big guy back.

Iron Armor felt that his plan was perfect.

But some green-skinned boys didn't seem to think so.

So Iron Armor took out his big iron rod and the super-large-caliber spray gun that had undergone perverted modifications.

The muzzle of this spray gun was enough to fit two fart spirits.

When the spray gun appeared, those who had different opinions fell silent in a very short time.

All the orc boys deeply understood the power of this spray gun.

"Run away if you grab the big guy, boys!"

Iron Armor roared several times in a row until all the green-skinned boys showed expressions of sudden enlightenment.

Hearing that they were going to fight again, the orc boys cheered and ignited the engine of the chariot.

But as the boss, Tiejia couldn't help but frown when he looked at Xiami's army.

Tiejia is an orc who has been in the dark stars for many years.

He is not in the same group as the Bonebreaker Legion in the Galaxy. Let alone communicating with them, he has never even heard of the name of the Great Evangelist.

The long-term life and death test among the dark stars has tempered Tiejia with extraordinary intuition.

Tiejia looked at the imperial army getting closer and closer to him. In a trance, he saw a tall giant standing in the golden light of the eagle's wings.

He had the urge to follow the other party in an instant. The excitement in the trance was like seeing an orc god with his own eyes.

But Tiejia sneered at this sudden idea. He didn't want to be a kid for others. He wanted to be the boss on the battlefield.

Tiejia drove the chariot with his boys rumbling.

The huge engine sound was like the roar of a beast, and the earth was shaken slightly.

Ironclad watched his engine spurting flames and screamed with excitement.

The rumbling huge engine was a good thing he had unloaded from the Khorne engine.

He saw with his own eyes that this thing drove the huge demon machinery and was rampant on the battlefield.

Ironclad thought that if this thing was installed on a chariot, the power would be amazing.

In fact, it was true. Ironclad on the chariot excitedly raised his weapon in his hand, and the green and red mixed together to form a wave of billowing smoke.

Feeling the roaring wind in my ears, tasting the air mixed with blood and war.

This is life, this is the meaning of being an orc.

Enemies in front of me, chariots under my feet, bullets in my guns, is there a more fulfilling life than this?

Iron Armor couldn't imagine it.

His chariot took the lead, and with the help of the lightning speed, Iron Armor smashed a subspace monster that was stupid on the battlefield to death with a stick.

The enemy's body was full of bone spurs, flames flowed in his eyes, and twisted flesh and broken armor were squeezed together.

When the fallen warrior saw the roaring green chariot, a hint of doubt was added to his crazy eyes, and he couldn't figure out why a team of Orks suddenly appeared.

But Iron Armor smashed the opponent to pieces first, and his head exploded like a watermelon. In the splashing juice, the eyeballs still with doubts flew out dozens of meters.

And further away, Tiejia saw a group of metal shrimps in red robes. After so many battles, he knew that these strange-shaped metals were the mechanical boys among the shrimps.

Tiejia hated all mechanical boys equally. Looking at these guys in red robes, he muttered "Omi Messiah" while ordering the Crusaders to shoot at them.

"Boys, shoot, smash them!"

Tiejia roared angrily. He admitted that shrimps have become very powerful in recent years, but they are still impossible to be opponents of Ok.

Amid Tiejia's roar, the green-skinned boys in the convoy raised their machine guns, although many machine guns were about to fall and emitting black smoke, as if they would explode directly in the next second.

But this did not affect the use of the orc boys at all. They were only responsible for pulling the trigger. As for whether they could hit, it all depended on the mood of the two gods, Go and Mao.

In the legend of the green-skinned orcs' bloodline.

Go and Mao are both gods with unlimited energy. The powerful ones have never been truly defeated.

They use savage roars to block the enemy's attack, and then Gogo will swing his big stick and hit the enemy's head.

And Maoge will take the opportunity to swing his weapon and hit the enemy's lower body with a critical strike.

The green-skinned orcs' belief in Gogo is innate and engraved deep in their blood.

Without anyone's teaching, orcs will subconsciously worship these two gods after birth.

But the orcs never know who is Gogo and who is Maoge.

Therefore, there are often orcs who believe in the wrong person. Some orcs see that Nurgle is very green and big, and they will mistakenly think that it is one of Gogo.

There are also orcs who mistakenly think that Khorne is very waaagh, so they mix in with Khorne believers.

Some orcs even think that the Lord of Man on the throne is the incarnation of Gogo.

In the machine gun's strafing, the barrel quickly overloaded and glowed with a scorching light.

But this did not bother the clever orcs. In order to speed up the cooling of the barrel, Tiejia grabbed a fart spirit and put it on the barrel.

A sizzling sound accompanied by a burning smell emerged, and the fart spirit screamed in pain.

A magical thing happened. Amid the fart spirit's screams, the barrel actually cooled down miraculously.

Other orc boys followed suit and put the fart spirits beside them on the red barrel.

For a while, screaming and crying came one after another.

The crazy offensive of the orcs forced the Mechanicus's Skitarii to temporarily avoid the edge.

Tiejia smiled. In the cheers of the orc boys, he felt that he had become stronger and more waaagh.

Suddenly, he saw a barrel aimed at him, and the sniper pulled the trigger in his hand.

But the devil favored him. The sudden bump of the chariot made the bullet that should have flown his skull first pass through his cheek.

However, the bullets from the other direction still hit his body accurately.

Blood spurted out immediately, and the large amount of blood loss made his head dizzy and he almost fell off the chariot.

But Ironclad recovered quickly. In the dark stars, he had encountered far worse situations than this, and this injury was nothing.

The greenskin convoy rushed into the battlefield between the Empire and Chaos like a torrent, and both sides were caught off guard by this sudden force.

Ironclad overturned several demon machines with his own strength.

As for those shrimp cans who shouted Warmaster and Emperor, they still hurriedly avoided the torrent of the orc convoy.

Ironclad's convoy rushed all the way, towards the warhound Titan he had set his eyes on.

The engine of the chariot made a noisy sound, and the flames it sprayed became brighter and brighter.

The huge engine made a rumbling sound, making the chariot shake, as if it was about to fall apart.

The orc boy in charge of driving the car stepped on the accelerator and stuck it.

The speed of the chariot was getting faster and faster, just like a galloping thunder.

Just as Tiejia was about to approach his target, he saw a cooler scene.

In the core area of ​​the battlefield, stood a tall giant wearing black, gold and red armor.

A dark red cloak, as if soaked in blood, fell behind him.

He was not wearing a helmet, with black hair and black pupils, bright eyes, and endless fighting spirit in his eyes.

Beside the giant, countless shrimp cans roared. Their eyes were fiery and pious, as if as long as the other party said a word, they would immediately do anything without hesitation.

Tiejia felt that this scene was really waaagh.

In comparison, the war dog Titan that was about to be obtained seemed dull.

Since the birth of the universe, which pioneer, which general, can be trusted and loved so enthusiastically.


When Tiejia was in a state of despair, the weapon in his hand fell to the ground unconsciously.

When he looked at the giant, there were almost little stars in his eyes.

At this moment, he was sure that he saw the incarnation of the orc god.

He could not help but fantasize that he followed the giant and experienced countless bigger and more waaagh wars.

Tiejia turned the direction of the chariot and rushed towards the direction of the giant regardless of everything.

But soon, he found that a group of blind subspace monsters blocked his way.

Tiejia had no scruples. He led the torrent of orc chariots and rushed into the position of the subspace monsters all the way, and almost instantly broke through their line from the inside.

No one could stop him from joining the giant. He wanted to recognize the giant as the boss and then waaagh happily.

Behind Dukel are countless heroes of the empire, who shout the name of the warmaster and are extremely brave.

The leader of the warriors is like an unshakable lighthouse, guiding the direction of their charge.

In the sky, storm fighters and thunderbird gunboats are circling and whistling in the sky, trying to wipe out all enemies who attempt to threaten the warmaster.

No one ordered them to protect Dukel.

Dukel does not need anyone's protection.

This is a spontaneous behavior, because this man is the supreme commander in their hearts.

This man is using his firm and powerful wrist to single-handedly support the human empire that is about to fall in the dark age.

The conqueror of the stars, the guide of mankind, the invincible king.

His heroic name echoes among the dark stars, humans cheer for it, and the evil trembles for it.

He will tear apart all enemies of mankind. He is the son of the Lord of mankind and the warmaster respected by all people.

Asmodai looked up at the back of this great being. He didn't know when he had tears in his eyes, and tears of joy flowed freely along his face.

His heart was beating wildly, and he was excited to be able to fight with the Warmaster.

Asmodai looked around and found that he was not the only one who lost his composure. Almost all the warriors were like him, cheering for Dukel and crying.

They thought they would sacrifice themselves in this dark world, because their humble and insignificant lives were not worth the Warmaster's risk.

In despair, they pushed back the waves of demons again and again.

Until Dukel went into danger to save them, the light came and the darkness retreated.

Typhons, Lucius, etc., these famous human traitors all died.

The Chaos forces suffered an unprecedented heavy blow. No matter how historians look through any books left over from ancient times, there are few battles that can compare with this victory.

The brave warriors crushed the last enemy, and they are about to reap the final fruits of victory.

At this time, there was a noisy sound on the battlefield.

A green-skinned orc convoy came from the edge of the battlefield with billowing smoke.

The huge roar of the chariot engine resounded through the sky, and the speed of the green-skinned orcs was incredible.

But Asmodai couldn't figure out why this group of orcs suddenly rushed into the only remaining Chaos forces.

I'm afraid that the cultists and human traitors also didn't expect why these green-skinned orcs suddenly and frantically attacked their battle line.

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