Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 283 90, Slaves of the Comoros Arena

The weapons produced by Commorragh are notorious for violating the laws of the material universe and seeking to be more effective in killing.

Explosive guns and psionic weapons are even better symbols.

With just one attack, these terrifying weapons can make a creature disappear from the world forever, leaving not even a trace of flesh and blood. This is somewhat similar to the Necron's Gaussian weapons.

These weapons have demonstrated their value in countless wars.

But now, they have failed their master.

When the weapons in the hands of the Dark Eldar fired bright beams of light towards the Doom Slayer's queue, the psychic barriers surrounding the Doom Slayer, these invisible defensive force fields, only rippled slightly, and then had no other effect.

The spiritual barrier is the product of a mixture of human psychic force field and animal force field. It is the invisible but strongest wall originating from the heart of life.

No matter how ferocious and powerful the enemy is, it can only guarantee the destruction of the body of life, but it cannot guarantee the breaking of the heart of the creature. This spiritual defense is now transformed into a physical barrier, and the orc human field adds distortion to the laws of physics. ability.

In the face of such a defense matrix, the energy weapons that the Dark Eldar are proud of are like a joke at the moment.

The Doom Slayer orderly harvests the lives of the Dark Eldar.

Rustank left diamond groove-like tracks on the blood-lubricated street surface, crushing the flesh and blood corpses of the Dark Eldar warriors.

The Destroyer Armored Corps surrounded the tank and slowly advanced.

The steel boots trampled on the enemy's bones and blood, making a squeaking sound. When those bones and flesh were trampled into a mixture of flesh and mud, the soles of the feet made a slippery sound when they stepped on it.

The Warmaster's legion has experienced hundreds of battles. They have entered and exited the most dangerous Jedi places and captured the strongest fortresses. Whether it was the heaven of the gods or the wave of insect swarms, they have faced it head-on and survived in the end.

They are true warriors who have experienced hundreds of battles and whose blood is still fresh. Even the most ordinary Astra Militarum among them has war experience far beyond that of others.

In the eyes of these veterans, the Dark Eldar's well-prepared defenses are even a bit crude, and the corpses of the Dark Eldar mixed with them are piled here at will.

The broken terror engine danced with lightning and had lost its function. The whip on its tail swung unconsciously, and was subsequently shot by more than a dozen laser weapons from the empire.

Suddenly, dozens of black shadows approached, jumping in the darkness at extremely fast speeds.

Even the laser beams that cut through the space were easily dodged by them.

"Concentrate fire, don't let them get close!" a Destroyer commander yelled.

The commander used mind control to activate the energy weapon. Two huge barrels extended from the armor behind him, and the shining beams lit up continuously, blocking the movement of the Dark Eldar.

Lasers were fired continuously over frequency, as if a pair of light wings suddenly spread out behind him.

Other Destroyer warriors also followed their commander's example, activating energy weapons and covering the enemy with fire.

The small nuclear reactor built into their armor provides energy, and even this kind of high-frequency laser strafing can last for a long time.

The beams of destruction fell like raindrops, and the Dark Eldar team suffered huge casualties before they managed to get close to the Destroyer team.

Before they had time to start killing, they saw the mechanical arm of the Destroyer armor popping up a single-molecule war blade, and a cold light appeared in the air.

A Dark Eldar didn't even react. The soldier's war blade connected to the arm armor cut off his arm and then stabbed him in the abdomen.

The Dark Eldar, whose abdomen was pierced, was lifted up by the armored mechanical arm and then thrown ten meters away like garbage.

The moment the war blade separated from the wound, a large amount of blood poured out from the cut artery of the Dark Eldar.

With a dull sound of landing, the body of the Dark Eldar twitched unconsciously on the ground.

"Go forward, in the name of Warmaster, for the glory of Catachan!" the commander roared loudly.

Roaring fighter planes passed over their heads, dropping air support for them.

The violent barrage and white phosphorus incendiary bombs cleared most of the obstacles ahead for the soldiers on the ground battlefield. Missiles fell on the enemy's lines one after another. The slave warriors and Dark Eldar who tried to attack them were all in flames. Let out a wail of pain.

For Comoros, the bad news does not end there.

As Imperial warriors destroyed the city's walls, a massive turmoil erupted within Commorragh itself.

In the arena of the Dark Eldar, a torrent of slaves are trying to overthrow their masters.

A scarred Astartes monk lifted the Dark Eldar guard up, pressed him into the black corner, and beat him crazily.

It wasn't until the Dark Eldar's head exploded completely that he dropped the limp body in his hands.

"For the Emperor, for the glory of the Chapter!" The escaped Astartes roared loudly, his voice carrying the resentment that had been suppressed for countless years. This angry roar was heard in the deep and cold slave dungeon. responded.

"For the Emperor!"

"For the Golden Throne!"

These responding voices were all Astartes monks who were ambushed by the Dark Eldar and sold to this arena.

As the Imperial Legion advances, the guards of the Dark Arena are emptier than ever.

The Dark Eldar thought that these ape slaves had lost their blood and dared not resist them, but they underestimated the unyielding will of the Space Marines.

The Space Marines took the lead in breaking the cage with their acidic body fluids and killed the unsuspecting Dark Eldar guards.

The warrior, who was only covered with a rag, had a fierce light in his eyes, and hatred drove him to kill.

His long career as a gladiator caused problems with his nervous system.

The warrior was called ‘Dak’. When the blood of the Dark Eldar splashed in front of his eyes, he seemed to have returned to a hundred years ago in a trance.

A hundred years ago, he received a rescue signal and went to save the world invaded by aliens.

But it was a trap. The world had been looted by the Dark Eldar, and they used the defectors among humans to send them false rescue signals and provide them with wrong information.

His company was caught off guard and encountered a sneak attack by the Dark Eldar.

When Dak broke the enemy's ambush and returned to his camp,

There were only countless broken limbs and arms left in the camp. The bodies of the Astartes brothers and the servants of the warband were made into various so-called works of art by the Flesh Prophet.

The roar of the battle brother before his death was recorded by the enemy and placed on the flagpole of the Imperial Eagle Flag, playing it in a loop.

The statue of the God-Emperor was pushed to the ground, covered with the blood plasma of the warband servants. These abominable aliens blasphemed the Lord of Mankind in this way.

An Astartes recruit suffered the most extreme torture. He still had a breath, but when Dak woke him up, he had only one request -

"Kill me, brother."

The pleading voice of the recruit still echoed in Dak's ears even after a hundred years.

Endless pain, his comrades were subjected to various cruel tortures in front of him, tormenting his mind and soul.

But he was powerless and could only watch it all.

Dak understood the pain of this battle brother and gave him mercy with his own hands.

However, he himself was captured alive by these aliens under the siege of the Dark Eldar, and started a nightmare worse than death.

Dak's heavy footsteps were clearly audible in the dark and deep corridor. He didn't know what was happening outside.

But he could see that the Dark Eldar had been invaded, and the defense here was unprecedentedly weak.

This was a great opportunity for him.

This was not to say that he hoped to escape in this rare opportunity - all he wanted to do was revenge and drink the blood of the Dark Eldar as much as possible. This was his only wish.

He knew very well that Comoros had a strict defense. With him and the slaves, there was absolutely no chance to break out of this sinful city.

Unless the human army could capture this place.

But this was impossible. The empire had a huge territory, a chaotic bureaucratic system, and countless wars and various emergencies every year.

The Supreme Council could not spare any thoughts to deal with the Dark Eldar.

Being able to drive these aliens out of the empire's territory was a manifestation of extremely high administrative efficiency.

Five Space Marines came out of the dark dungeon, following behind Dak in silence.

They belonged to different warbands, but made the same choice at this time.

All they wanted was to die gloriously in battle.

Rather than becoming slaves, becoming toys of aliens, and being shamefully slaughtered.

Several Space Marines picked up alien guns and used alien weapons, which was not allowed in the Holy Scriptures of the State Religion.

But now no one cared what the State Religion said.

Countless slaves swarmed out, and even various monsters imprisoned in the depths of the arena came out.

There were many monsters, but none of them dared to provoke six Space Marines.

Being able to survive in the arena of the Dark Eldar for decades, or even more than a hundred years, the killing skills of these Space Marines have reached the peak of mortals.

The hostility in them was almost materialized.

The nobles of the Dark Eldar quickly mobilized the guards to suppress the rebellion of the slaves.

Those dark Eldar warriors wore close-fitting armor and held long whips that could inflict extreme pain on their enemies.

Various alien creatures that ran out of the dungeon trembled under their whips.

The severe nerve pain made the behemoths beg for mercy in sorrow.

The long-term torture made these behemoths lose their wildness to resist, just like the wild beasts in the circus, not daring to resist their trainers.

Even though they have sharp teeth and claws.

Dak hid in the corner and rushed out suddenly when a dark Eldar warrior was not prepared.

The sharp blade in his hand pierced the opponent's neck without any hindrance.

The strong and powerful arms easily lifted the slender dark Eldar and pressed him against the cold wall.

The blood flowed down the wall and gathered into a bloody stream.

The fierce light and violence in his eyes made the surviving dark Eldar shudder.

He opened his mouth to summon his companions, but his throat was pierced, so he could only make meaningless gurgling sounds, and blood flowed out of his mouth.

"It's time to pay your debt." Dak whispered to the Dark Eldar.

After saying that, he raised the sharp blade in his hand and directly split the opponent's neck in two, cutting off half of his chin.

Although the weapons of the Dark Eldar were strange, their lethality was indeed amazing.

Dak was a Space Marine, and even the dark passage was not much different from daylight in their eyes.

The stream formed by the blood of the Dark Eldar reflects Dak's current appearance.

He is muscular, tall, and wearing tattered clothes. One of his eye sockets is empty, and his eyeball has disappeared.

The only remaining black eye is full of pain and violence. Seeing this shadow, Dak knows that he has become a monster.

A monster that was tortured by the Dark Eldar and escaped from the cage.

There was a slight noise in the darkness, and other Space Marine slaves also dealt with the Dark Eldar guards they met.

With the help of the weapons they picked up, they killed silently in the darkness. Only in this way can they relieve the depression in their hearts.

Even the Dark Eldar were ambushed by these Space Marines with super killing skills.

In order to suppress these Space Marines, the guards concentrated their firepower and forced them into a dead corner little by little, ready to put an end to them completely.

With a violent explosion on the dome of the arena, the efforts of the Dark Eldar failed.

The human army smashed the dome of the arena, and the armored Space Marines descended from the sky, easily suppressing the Dark Eldar with their powerful force.

Dak was stunned on the spot. He did not expect that it was actually the Imperial Legion that invaded Comoros.

Although the soldiers pouring in were wearing fully enclosed armor.

But Dak still recognized the identity of the other party from the double-headed eagle logo on his armor.

He missed this logo very much. During the 100 years he was imprisoned in the arena, Dak also used his fingers to carve a double-headed eagle emblem on the stone slab in the damp dungeon.

In the desperate and painful life of slavery, the double-headed eagle was his only belief to survive.

Dak watched these Imperial soldiers suppress the Dark Eldar in silence.

He had a lot to say, but he couldn't say anything.

During the 100 years of captivity, even if he saw humans, they were fighting for life and death in the arena.

Sometimes, he would duel with other Space Marines.

They would stop when the winner was decided. The loser would be willing to be killed, leaving the winner a chance to live and giving himself a decent life.

Dak didn't know why he insisted on surviving. Every creature that entered the Comoros Arena would not be able to get out alive.

The arena would squeeze every drop of value out of the gladiators and then throw them to the Haemonculi.

Let those monsters perform various physical transformations and tortures on the gladiators.

Falling into the hands of those terrible Haemonculi would be more terrifying than death and hell.

In a trance, Dak seemed to have returned to the days and nights in the slave cage.

He used his fingers to carve out the Imperial Sky Eagle on the stone slab bit by bit.

A hundred years of time, in this time equivalent to a mortal's life, he spent it in pain.

"Catachan Destroyer Armored Regiment 1, Colonel Devona, please report your position, warrior."

Commander Devona led the assault team to break through the arena. Les Mabo, who attacked with the team, had already run deep into the Dark Eldar's position to kill.

Devona was somewhat surprised. He did not expect to find a Space Marine captured by the Dark Eldar.

Looking at the tall and scarred warrior in front of him, Devona asked him.

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