Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 30 30, The expedition sets sail

The great expedition finally ushered in the day of departure.

The majestic Mindfire, suspended in outer orbit.

Dukel walked out of the temple, and the Astra Militarum along the way isolated a path to the starport for him.

"Must win!"

"Must win!"

"Must win!"

Everyone was cheering. The image of the original body was like the god of war in their minds, and he would surely lead them to victory.

Humanity is extremely eager for victory, eager for this expedition to allow them to bathe in glory again.

In the excited shouts of the crowd, everyone seemed to have returned to that golden age when all races would surrender to mankind.

In the great age created by the Emperor and the Primarch, there would no longer be a world of suffering for mankind.

There was a special audience at the ceremony.

They are a powerful family after being purged by Dukel. Because of this iron-blooded purge, they lost their rights and family members.

Originally, they came here with hatred and offered a curse for this expedition.

But at this moment, amid the cheers of all the people, they fell silent.

Any vicious curse is so unspeakable at this moment.

They loathed the resurrected Primarch, for he had taken everything that was theirs.

But now they look at each other's majestic body, and for some reason they are so respectful, eager to follow each other, and eager to rest their restless souls in the expedition.

With the return of the original body, a new era has begun, and the fight between humans and chaos and aliens continues.

The glory of the empire will surely shine across the galaxy again, and everyone who participated in the process of this era will be remembered forever.

Despite the general trend, they are still worrying about the rights they have lost.

Some of the leaders of the knight families lowered their heads in shame.

Thousands of years of ignorance have corroded the oaths of their ancestors and their original intentions.

The ancient oath to fight for mankind is awakened again today.

They re-swore that they will fight for mankind until the last moment.

Amid cheers, they swallowed vicious curses and carefully left the crowd.

They will follow this great expedition, even if they pay for it with their lives, they will not retreat at all.

Amid the cheers of all the people, a huge fleet composed of countless battleships officially set sail. Thousands of engines lit up like stars, and the roar of tail flames swept through the void of the star sea.

After receiving the message received by the Astropath, the goal of the first stop of the expedition was extremely clear.

On the edge of the Storm Star Field, in the Southern Lys Galaxy.

The moment the fleet sailed into the subspace, the boundless sea of ​​souls boiled instantly.

The oscillating subspace tides come one after another like an unparalleled tidal wave. In such a turbulent environment, the human fleet will get lost if not careful, and completely fall into the waves of this sea of ​​souls.

In the past, when the human fleet faced such a situation, it could only rely on the help of navigators to find the nearest reality node and make the shortest subspace jump.

The battleship did not dare to stop for a moment and rushed forward, trying to rush into the relatively safe physical universe before the nightmare came.

But even so, many fleets will disappear and remain in the subspace forever.

Duker stood on the deck of the Soul Fire, looking at the bizarre scene in front of him. Under such a violent vibration, even psychic communication would become extremely unstable.

He issued instructions in the Heart Network, which were dispersed throughout the fleet. Tens of thousands of Heart Network members served as nodes, and the invisible translucent force field enveloped the entire fleet.

Under the psychic matrix, the raging subspace tides swayed like a gentle breeze.

With the blessing of the force field, the fleet is like a standing stone, riding the wind and waves in the sea of ​​souls.

No more danger of overthrow.

This miraculous scene made everyone's uneasy hearts instantly firm.

Traveling through the subspace without any danger, Duker summoned the astropaths and tried his best to clear the fog of the Sea of ​​Souls and capture every piece of information about the current situation of the empire.

Most of the information fragments are messy and noisy, making it difficult to decipher.

Even among the few intelligible messages, the picture is one of despair.

As the expedition deepened, more and more messages were captured by the astropaths.

These messages gave Duker a clear understanding of the current miserable state of the empire.

Supernatural disasters occur frequently throughout various galaxies, chaos invades, demons run rampant, and humans wail everywhere in the sea of ​​souls.

Mutants and psykers are exploding at an unprecedented rate.

Amid all kinds of horrific natural disasters, betrayal follows them everywhere.

The loyal servants of the empire turned into screaming cultists and ran rampant. Alien legions wiped out many worlds, and demons invaded in large numbers.

Traitors of humanity wandered on the fringes of the empire, and the worlds of countless empires were devastated by the flames of war.

The starry sky fortress feebly calls for impossible reinforcements, and the impregnable barrier has been invaded by the power of chaos.

The materialized nightmares compete to prey on the guardians of the Empire, enjoying their cries of despair.

The endless cries for help came from the fleets and supply lines loyal to the empire, and gradually subsided like the roaring war, leaving only dead worlds.

The soldiers who were running around trying to save the human empire found in despair that every time the battleship jumped, they were several light years away from their destination.

Countless hungry eyes are eager to taste the human soul that has fallen into despair.

During the voyage in the subspace, the only information Duker could receive was despair, endless despair.

People struggling in suffering think of the legendary ancient night, that ancient era when mankind had no hope.

They prayed hard day and night for the Emperor's salvation, and finally died in pain while praying.

These messages ignited the expeditionary force's anger.

Countless compatriots were mercilessly ravaged and died in pain.

The soldiers clenched the weapons in their hands and waited with burning eyes for the moment they reached the target star. They vowed to make all heretics and aliens tremble in the anger of mankind.

The edge of the Storm Star Field, the Southern Lys Galaxy.

Extraordinarily horrific carnage spread across many worlds in this galaxy.

The cruel and tyrannical followers of Khorne are wreaking havoc mercilessly.

They have completely taken over control of these worlds and turned them into lost worlds sacrificed to chaos. Under the brutal massacre, humans can only survive by hiding in dark corners.

There was once a legion of Ultramarines stationed here.

But since the opening of the Great Rift, endless chaos forces invaded, and human heretics rebelled. After a long struggle, the Iron Fortress completely fell, and countless warriors were slaughtered.

The Space Marine, whose body was impaled and hung on the city wall, let out an angry and powerless roar.

Their remains were hung on the steel city wall, with their eyelids cut out, their tongues gouged out, and their lips torn off.

They could only witness their former comrades being slaughtered one after another.

Unable to resist, unable to close my eyes, unable to spurn, unable to insult.

He could only express his anger with hysterical roars.

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