Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 303 110, Ring of Greed

"Look at this vain country, where there is no place that is not filled with bewitching luxury, it is really disgusting."

The heavy steel boots of the Doom Slayer trampled on the plain covered with gold coins, crushing the soft and bright precious metals.

The ghost of greed was torn off the hypocritical mask here, and the mountains of gold stretched to the dome of the rainbow treasury inlaid with gems.

The ground was full of glittering gold bricks and diamonds. Many poor people blinded by greed groped in the shining piles of coins, trying to take away the treasures that could not be taken away at all.

In the process, their pale faces were distorted by greed, until the mountains of gold coins collapsed, they cried and started again.

In every corner and crossroads of the Ring of Greed, there are gilded statues, some of which are beautiful Slaanesh, and others are demons and mortals in joyful ecstasy.

The diamonds beneath their feet reveal that these statues were once flesh and blood. Those who try to take the gold coins for themselves will be cursed forever.

Join those poor misers, or become a living statue.

The combined forces of the Empire and the Eldar are now located at the outermost ring of Slaanesh's six-ring domain - the Ring of Greed.

The invasion process was as smooth as expected. It was not so much that they invaded here, but rather that the God of Pleasure took the initiative to invite them.

Other Chaos Gods rarely welcome invaders into their Chaos realm, but Slaanesh likes to lure mortals into his unclean and abnormal domain.

Once mortals have a taste of the pleasure of Slaanesh's domain, they will be unable to satisfy their desires, and only the pleasure that indulgence can bring will remain in their hearts.

The center of Slaanesh's domain is divided into six domains, and the Hall of Pleasure surrounding Slaanesh is arranged in concentric circles.

Each ring is a microcosm of one of the strongest desires. They are not only the planes that Slaanesh loves, but also the strongest barriers. Intruders can only reach the Palace of Pleasure in the central area after breaking through six rings.

The reflection of each gem is enough to capture people's hearts, and countless mortals indulge in it.

But for the well-prepared Imperial Expeditionary Force, all this is not worth mentioning.

"The blood of sin flows between the gaps of each gold coin, and the cry of the soul resounds in the light reflected by each gem. You desire treasures to pursue vanity. Now you have it, but destruction is at hand."

Dukor is still looking for a way to break into the palace of Slaanesh outside the field. As the supreme commander of the expeditionary force, Dum, on behalf of the warmaster, issued a declaration of destruction.

As his voice fell, thousands of missiles and fish fell like a meteor shower of destruction.

Continuous explosions rang out, and the turbid smoke obscured the brilliance of the jewels. In the red flames, exquisite gems exploded one by one, and the mountains and plains piled with gold melted into red rivers.

The misers who were still trying to take these treasures for themselves watched all this happen with their turbid eyes, and their eyes kept blinking, as if they couldn't believe what was happening in front of them.

It was not until the human army appeared in their sight, shouting the names of the Emperor and the Warmaster, that these misers understood the reason for the drastic changes in the world.

"Mine! All mine!" The greedy misers' first reaction to seeing their own kind was not joy, but hatred. They had been bewitched by the treasures in front of them, and believed that everyone who appeared in front of them wanted to rob them of their wealth.

So these poor creatures bewitched by Slaanesh became the first enemies encountered by the human army.

From the outside, these misers were thin, with sallow skin and dull eyes. Not to mention compared with the mighty army of the Empire, even the civilians of the Empire could easily knock them to the ground.

But when they rushed towards the Imperial Army, the greed in their hearts made them burst out with incredible power.

In this spiritual realm, the madness for wealth can also become a terrible weapon.

They rushed from everywhere and finally gathered into a huge torrent. The desire for gold even overwhelmed their awe. Even when facing the armored soldiers, they never retreated.

And after these misers appeared the lust demons living in the ring of greed.

Lust demons are the most common group in the realm of Slaanesh. According to legend, they were born from the fragments of Slaanesh.

They feed on emotions, perceptions and souls. If they do not eat for a long time, the lust demons will even slowly dissipate until they are completely annihilated.

It is precisely because of this characteristic that they are distributed everywhere in the six-ring realm. Those mortals who are lost in the desire of the six rings are their best food.

The succubi are the most numerous lesser demons under the Lord of Pleasure, and those favored by Slaanesh become seducers and heart seekers.

The most favored of them are called "war vanguards".

War vanguards are the most favored maids, concubines, and bed toys of Slaanesh. They are the most agile and deadly among the succubi.

They have long and proud legs, smooth skin like silk, perfect hair, and sexy crab claws. They are dressed in flowing gauze, and the exquisite armor only protects three points.

Countless Slaanesh followers came from all over the Ring of Greed, and Doom and others were ready for battle at the same time.

In the sky, those buzzing warships kept firing torpedoes or laser beams.

"For the fate of our race." The Eldar Great Prophet Edrad roared at the same time, and the spiritual staff in his hand was inserted into the ground full of gold. The terrifying primordial power gathered on his body, radiating energy tides like an ocean.

Endless fire and thunder gathered in his hands, and the space of the greedy domain had traces of distortion.

With his roar, thunder and fire swept everything, killing thousands of misers and lust demons nearby.

The raging storm accumulated into a huge tornado, and the jewels and gold sand were swept into the wind, and then poured down from the sky like a golden rain.

The strong performance of the Great Prophet boosted the morale of the Eldar warriors. They shouted war cries and fought side by side with the army of the empire.

In order to snatch the sword of the old woman, the Eldar almost gambled on the fate of the future of the race in this battle.

They had no choice but to do so. If they could not obtain the last Crone Sword, the fate of the Eldar in the future would be to become a vassal of the Human Empire like the Orcs, or they would only face a slow death under the cruel manipulation of Slaanesh.

But this war was not as optimistic as the Eldar had imagined before.

After fighting with those seemingly decadent misers and succubi, the Eldar warriors realized with horror that in the realm of Chaos Power, the laws of physics had been greatly weakened, and they could not exert their original strength at all.

However, the followers of Slaanesh could be blessed in the Six Rings, becoming more agile and more powerful.

During the battle, the Eldar warriors looked at the Empire's legion with awe.

Only then did they realize firsthand what a great feat this human legion's expedition to the realm of Nurgle was.

At this moment, they could not even imagine how the human legion had snatched the goddess of life, Aisha, from such a powerful enemy.

The high-temperature and sharp lasers swept across the sky above the Ring of Greed.

The scorching rays cut the gold all over the ground, and thousands of parallel lasers cut the enemy's body at a high frequency.

The followers of Slaanesh advanced against the firepower of the Empire. When they were hit by the lasers, they screamed in pleasure or pain.

The Slaanesh Army leader held a scimitar inlaid with gems, and had long legs with sheep's hooves, which were looming under the translucent veil.

Her face was full of hunger and thirst, and her pink skin, like the finest silk, was accompanied by a sick smile.

This smile was extremely charming, and she licked her crab claws with a thick and barbed tongue.

The Slaanesh Army leader exhaled lazily, and a loud whistle suddenly broke out between the crab claws. This sound resounded throughout the Ring of Greed, making people feel extremely harsh.

Along with the harsh whistle, shadows appeared one after another on the ground where the river of gold flowed.

These figures opened their palms, wanting to hold all the gold in front of them in their arms.

Their palms scratched the golden sand on the ground, and their greedy smiles piled up layers of wrinkles on their faces.

These souls that emerged were all victims who had lost themselves in the Ring of Greed.

Their souls were imprisoned here forever, and their hearts twisted by greed could only watch others take away the gold in front of them day and night.

Long-term jealousy completely confused their minds, and now these souls have completely become loyal servants of Slaanesh.

They will never get what they want, and will never be satisfied.

"The golden and majestic man, it's really hard to refuse his kindness, dear, chuckle."

In the dissolute laughter, the rejected Disara rolled up her snake tail, and on the beautiful scales, the gems collided together, making a pleasant symphony.

Long ago, Disara was just an ordinary high-level Eldar. After joining Slaanesh, her skin became whiter, her eyes became brighter, and she also had a few more arms and a beautiful snake tail.

Shortly after she came of age, her parents sacrificed Desara to a demon prince in exchange for his protection because they were afraid that Slaanesh would take their souls.

The demon prince agreed to the deal, but he did not eat the soul of the sacrifice. Instead, he took the girl back to his secret room.

During the long play of the demon prince, Desara fell into a Slaanesh champion warrior, received the blessing of Slaanesh, and possessed power far beyond mortals.

After things developed to this point, Desara not only did not take revenge on the demon prince, but complained that he could not satisfy her.

She thought that the demon prince's tricks were poor and could not give her a good sensory experience, so she chose to leave him.

The demon prince, whose self-esteem was hurt, ran to Slaanesh's palace and accused Desara of infidelity.

Slaanesh was furious when he heard it. He first scolded the demon prince for his shame and could not even satisfy his own followers. He also despised Dishala's disloyalty and made a contract for the master and servant - if Dishala voluntarily returned to the demon prince one day, then the demon prince could do whatever he wanted to her; if she was unwilling to return to him and he was not dead yet, then Dishala would never be able to ascend to a demon.

Ascending to a demon is the highest pursuit of the evil god's followers, and Slaanesh thought Dishala would give in.

Unexpectedly, Dishala would rather never ascend to a demon than return to the demon prince who could not satisfy her.

It was for this reason that Dishala led the Slaanesh warband named "The Sadist" to occupy the outermost periphery of the six-ring area, unwilling to set foot in the depths.

Now, she is actively studying how to extract various drugs from the souls of living people, including a longevity potion that can make mortals addicted with just one drop.

She believes that only this legendary thing can satisfy her insatiable heart.

When the imperial army broke in, Dishala was conducting her own experiments. Facing these thugs who suddenly broke into the greedy ring and interrupted her experiments, she was not angry, but surprised.

These strong men with golden light ignited the fire in her heart. She wanted to enslave them and make them tools to satisfy herself.

Dishala's snake body slithered forward. Her speed was amazing, like a pink lightning, and she was extremely powerful. The scimitar inlaid with gems in her hand was swung once, making it difficult for a Primaris Space Marine to resist.

The body of the Primaris Space Marine was blown away, and the power armor on his body was broken.

"Hurry up, little guys, knock them down like this, send them all to my bedroom, I say, all!" Disara screamed greedily, her voice was soft and melodious, like an itchy song.

But everyone knew that her bedroom must be a terrifying place.

Disara's speed was so fast that many warriors couldn't even see her figure clearly before being knocked to the ground.

In the Ring of Greed, she could feel the infinite primordial power, which was continuously injected into her body from the field.

This also gave her full confidence.

The scimitar in her hand swung continuously, and a team of seven destroyers fell to the ground with almost no resistance.

However, just when Disara was about to abuse.

A huge black shadow enveloped her, and it fell to the ground with a bang with the advancing flames.

An Emperor-class Titan with a mind meditation room on its back landed on the battlefield.

The Emperor Titan is the crystallization of human skills and knowledge, forged by the war that lasted for countless years.

After Duke lifted the taboo on Mars, the Titan scholars who followed him once again upgraded these divine machines, endowed them with more powerful cores and weapons, and even equipped them with anti-gravity engines that could sustain their own flight.

The modified divine machines, like a proudly towering monument, pay tribute to war and destruction.

Over a hundred meters tall, like a giant in armor, his feet are the most solid fortress, enough to accommodate an entire combat company and its auxiliary personnel.

A golden and red slender battle flag unfolded on the Titan's arms, and the golden sky eagle spread its wings. The will of the empire declared destruction to the enemy through this behemoth.

The moment the Emperor Titan landed, it directly attacked Disara.

"The Arthur family, on behalf of the Supreme War Marshal of the Empire, greets you, heretic!" The Titan's driver roared, and his consciousness was connected to the Titan through the nerves.

At this moment, he was the god of war of mankind.

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