“Senior brother, just wait for me. "Wencai is helpless。

This hundred treasure soup was in his hand. Although he was resentful, he still sneaked towards Shi Shaojian in front of him.。

“Damn it, why are these people so tall?。”

Wen Cai struggled to squeeze through the crowd and approached Shi Shaojian。

He is relatively short, so he often has to put his feet up to see where Shi Shaojian is.。

Therefore, it is very laborious。

Ahead, Shi Shaojian felt something was wrong. He frowned and speeded up.。

When Wen Cai saw it, he quickly chased you in front of him.。

Come closer, take the hundred treasure soup in your hand and pour it forward。

However, Shi Shaojian was already a corpse demon. He flashed his body and got out of the way in an instant, and then disappeared.。

And this bottle of smelly treasure soup was suddenly poured on a tall and strong man.。

“Bastard, you threw shit at me!”

The man turned around, smelled the stench on his body, and went crazy。

His eyes were blood red, he glared at Wen Cai, and rushed towards him crazily.。

“I'll beat you to death, you bastard!”

“Ah, no, I didn’t mean it! Wencai was so frightened that he ran back and asked for help: "Brother!" help me!”


Qiu Sheng, who was shopping, vaguely heard Wen Cai's cry for help, but it was very low.。

“Maybe it's an illusion, I'm really worried about my junior brother。”

Qiu Sheng said helplessly, and then continued to wander on the street.。

On the other side, seeing Qiu Sheng not coming to help him, Wen Cai was afraid and angry.。

“Master, Brother Lin, come and save me! Killer, help!”

Behind him, the man who had been poured with treasure soup looked fierce and chased him with a thick iron rod he picked up from nowhere.。

Wencai turned pale with fright。

If he gets hit by a stick, half his life will be lost!

“Master, Brother Lin!”

He has no hope for Qiu Sheng。

At Uncle Jiu's house, Lin Yun frowned。

“Brother Lin, what's wrong?”

Uncle Jiu drank tea and asked。

“Did something happen?。”

“Something happened. Lin Yun said lightly。

With a thought in his mind, a golden talisman was drawn within three seconds.。

Xuanguang Water Mirror Talisman!

“Literary talent! " Lin Yun thought。

As Lin Yun chanted, the talisman emitted golden light, and a scene appeared in the void, which was the scene of Wen Cai being chased and beaten.。

“Is he a literary talent?

What's going on? Didn't they ask them to catch Shi Shaojian? Who is this man?。”

Uncle Jiu looked surprised。

Lin Yun looked at the dirt on the man's body. He knew without looking that the literary talent must have made another mistake and poured the treasure soup on this man.。

Anyone who encounters this kind of thing will go crazy!

“No, I have to save Wencai!”

Uncle Jiu looked at the picture worriedly. In the picture, Wen Cai was almost hit by an iron rod several times.。

Under that force, Wen Cai's thin body would probably be destroyed immediately.。

Uncle Jiu could still sit still, so he stood up and headed towards that place.。

“Don't worry, Uncle Jiu。”

Lin Yun smiled slightly and said comfortingly。

“Lin Brothers。”

Seeing Lin Yun's calm look, Uncle Jiu suddenly realized, with Brother Lin here, what are you worried about?。

“Could it be that, brother Lin, you have already cast a spell to protect literary talents?”

Lin Yun nodded.。

“Brother Lin, you......”

He could no longer describe Lin Yun's miraculous skills in words.。

There was no opening of the altar, no preparation, and the magic was cast on people who were far away.。

Such means。

Well, it doesn’t seem strange what Brother Lin does.......

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