Killing him can also increase the power of Baibao Soup.。

“How to take action?”

“You set up a formation to block him and control his pace.。”

Uncle Jiu understood the reason instantly. He held the rattle in his hand and took out several red threads from his pocket.。

Wrapping around and around, the Millennium Zombie had to stop its progress and decisively attacked Uncle Jiu. This time it was broken.。

Uncle Jiu couldn't control the intensity of this zombie's attack and couldn't resist it.。

“Thousand-year-old zombies will not be tied up by your red rope. There is a problem.。”

Lin Yun noticed something and spoke abruptly.。

“No, the red rope is about to break.。”


The Millennium Zombie's moral character is not low. Even if his body is affected, Uncle Jiu can still break free from the red rope.。

Lin Yun waved his arm and saw that the old zombie who was eager to try was immediately defeated.。

A wisp of green smoke was rising, and the old zombie had no breath at all.。

“Is this gone?”

Uncle Jiu was shocked again. He had never seen such a scene before.。

But what we encountered today was a thousand-year-old zombie. Most Taoist priests would not dare to conquer it head-on.。

“He must have been seriously injured. I only released a slight amount of spiritual power and he fell down.。”

Lin Yun said casually。

He guessed that the Zombie Supreme might have appeared. Perhaps this old zombie had already had a fight with their so-called leader.。

The ending is just a bit tragic。

“Pay attention to the rear。”

After the old zombie is gone, the aura he exudes will be felt by zombies of the same kind.。

As for the literary talents, they were hiding next to the Baibao Soup, not daring to say a word.。

He thought with fear that if the Zombie Supreme really came out later, he would be finished.。


A rustling sound appeared, which should be the movement of the Zombie Supreme, and the stench spread.。

“The talismans are ready and arranged in a formation。”

Lin Yun reminded that Zombie Supreme is very different from other zombies.。

Their current bodies are almost not afraid of the sun, let alone those ordinary weapons for conquering zombies.。

A bit dangerous。

A quarter of an hour passed, and the smell and sounds disappeared.。

What is this situation?

Lin Yun touched the wall next to him and knocked several times, but there was no movement at all.。

So everything he is doing now is a bit weird。

“Did Zombie Supreme escape? No, he should be attracted by the smell of Baibao Soup.。”

After the success of Baibao Tang, there are many ways to improve the strength, especially now that they have not really used it.。

So now everything is possible。

Uncle Jiu asked in surprise. During his many years of catching zombies, he had rarely encountered such a situation.。

Now he feels that it is getting more and more incredible。

“No, he is in the dark. We need to rescue Wencai first. Our goal has been achieved.。”

Lin Yun suddenly cast a spell, and the scholar who was far away just now appeared in front of them.。

“Master, I almost thought I was dead……”

Wen Cai excitedly hugged Uncle Jiu, who was crying in pain. It seemed that he was very frightened.。

“Okay, you caused the trouble yourself. Fortunately, Lin Yun saved you. Otherwise, there is nothing I can do as a teacher.。”

“Yes, thank you, Brother Lin。”

Lin Yun nodded, he was waiting for the opportunity。

Isn’t this Zombie Supreme ready to come out? You're not hiding somewhere all the time, right?

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