Manga: The King’s Seat

Vol 4 Chapter 137: Come in time

Miraj's pretty face blushed when he heard the words, and tweeted: "No, don't think I didn't know Lucy was in your room."


Li Yigan coughed, his face blushed, and he was thinking of something to say, Mila suddenly approached, the catkin wrapped around his waist, shallowly.

"Go to bed early and don't worry about it at night."

Mira smiled and went back to the room.

Li Yi touched the wen mark on his face, and clicked his mouth, still feeling a little.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, three months have passed.

During these three months, although Li Yi was at home every day, he was not busy, but was rather busy.

The old guy Makarov used the excuse to say that the battle of the devil's heart caused him to relapse. He has retired early, and he has been paired with Polusika in the forest all day, so uncomfortable.

Although Li Yi did not formally take over as the president, he was already fulfilling his duties as the president. He only had to pass the trial of the Saint Ten Magic Guides, and then be recognized by the council, even if he was truly the president.

The guild's affairs are far more than expected, especially the group of **** like Fairy Tail, which is really devastating.

Going out to do a commissioned task often leaves a lot of trouble.

Fortunately, Li Yi has Mirajie, a good internal helper, who has spent the longest time in the guild and has some experience in managing the guild.

With the help of Elisa, Lucy and Zhu Bi'an, Li Yi's pressure is greatly reduced.

Now he has begun to lower his power. In addition to the four women, Kana, Naz, Mistgang and others also have to share some guild affairs.

In this way, everyone can participate in the construction of the guild and work together to strengthen the cohesion of the guild.

On Fairy Tail's side, Li Yi could barely be a hand-scraping shopkeeper, but that didn't mean that he could relax.

Every few days, Geral would ask him about many training issues through Magic Video. In addition, he needed to plan the development and construction of Paradise Guild.

Regarding Paradise Island, the Guild of the Demon Cats and the city of Nirvana need him to decide from time to time.

The mercenary group that spends his energy the most is the mercenary group of the gods. Now the scale of the mercenary group of the gods is rapidly expanding. It already has a special forces group composed of 3,000 elite soldiers and 2,000 wizards.

All kinds of equipment and weapons, food consumption, running-in training, goal planning, etc., Li Yi is a big head when he thinks of it!

Later, Li Yi was so angry that he cursed: "You have to ask me about such small things, Ryan, what are you thinking about? In the future, you can go to Urrutia to discuss such things, or listen to Lisana's advice. Arrange, come and bother me, I will come directly to shoot you to death!"

After cursing, Li Yi directly interrupted the magic video.

"Why lost your temper again? Ryan reported everything to you, which is also an act of loyalty to you, so don't be angry."

Mira came in with a snack at this time and said with a soft smile.

Li Yi heard this, his expression relaxed a little, and said: "Of course I know he is loyal. However, I hope that he can be alone in the future and don't ask me everything. If this goes on, he can't do anything without me."

"This kind of thing can't be anxious, don't be angry, try the snack I just made."

Mira put down the plate, then walked behind her, and gently pinched his shoulders.

Li Yi smiled and picked up the snacks, and exclaimed: "You are the most caring, no matter where you look like the two girls like Elisa and Lucy, a fighting freak and a young lady, they will not serve people. The most annoying It’s Zhu Bi’an. I don’t know where I went these days. I always see no one."

Mira just smiled sweetly when she heard the words, and didn't say much.

"Master, you have no conscience, I am busy outside for you, you sit here to eat snacks, and you have to say bad things about me!"

While she was talking, Elisa walked in with a grunt, looking upset.

Li Yi coughed, and quickly pulled her over, and said with a smile: "Is this angry? Master's joking, our family Elsa is the best."

"It's about the same."

Elisa grunted, took a bite from the snack on the plate, turned her head and exclaimed: "Sister Mila's craftsmanship is so good, please teach me later."

"Come on, you can only hold a sword with both hands. The love breakfast I made last time, I still have lingering fears"

Li Yi murmured a little.

But before I finished speaking, I felt a chill rush to my heart, so I shut up quickly.

Miraj pursed his lips and smiled as they quarreled.

After laughing for a while, Elisa finally remembered that the business was coming: "Master, just got a message from the Magic Council, the Holy Ten Great Wizards Trial is ready, and a grand ceremony will be held in the Imperial Capital. They let you leave for the imperial capital as soon as possible."

The name of the Saint Ten Great Wizards is not trivial. It is not only a proof of strength, but also a kind of glory.

Therefore, participating in the Saint Ten Magic Trial is no trivial matter. Many countries on the mainland will send people to watch the ceremony, which is truly eye-catching.

But what Li Yi didn't expect was that he was not the only one participating in the trial this time.

I heard that there are more than a dozen masters from other countries, all of whom are qualified to challenge the qualifications of the top ten magicians.

But now, there are not many positions that are vacated by the Saint Ten Magic Masters.

And the Magic Council also has a very **** rule, every trial, only one Saint Ten Magic Wizard will be born.

"It seems that we must not only find a way to pass the trial, but also compete with the masters of this country. But this is interesting."

Li Yi nodded. He has been staying at home these months and hasn't moved his muscles for a long time.

Replenishing energy for a long time, the trial of this sage ten great wizards came at the right time.

Becoming the top ten masters of the Holy Spirit, this main task, has also been shelved for too long.

"In this case, let's prepare and go to the imperial capital."


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