The secret that he obtained the bloodline of the fierce dragon through the blood of the fierce dragon has nothing to hide from his woman.

She would know sooner or later anyway, so she simply told Long Qihu directly.

Long Qihu was shocked to hear that Chen Dali obtained the blood of the fierce dragon through the blood of the fierce dragon!

"Fierce dragon origin blood? Where did you get it from? I remember that back then our Dragon God Empire had a bottle of stolen Fierce Dragon Source Blood! I don’t know if it’s the same bottle!"

"Did you disappear together with your sister Long Qishan?"

Long Qihu nodded and said,"Yes!"

"That’s it, I found the bottle of Fiery Dragon Origin Blood where I found your sister, and it was your sister who personally taught me how to refine the Fiery Dragon Origin Blood!"

"Then why didn’t my sister come home? Still staying with you!"

"Your sister has been locked in the soul locking formation for too long, causing her to lose her memory and losing most of her strength, so she can only follow me!"

"By the way, I have another question to ask you. If others are like me and urge the blood of the dragon to seduce women with the blood of the dragon, will they also have this miraculous effect?"

Hearing what Chen Dali said, Long Qishan's face turned red, and she lightly punched Chen Dali's shoulder and said softly.

"It's not that simple! If the concentration of the Fierce Dragon Bloodline in your body was not too high, and if I was unprepared for a while, how could I have been so easily succeeded by your meager strength?"

"So, as long as the strength is not much different from mine, and the concentration of the dragon blood in my body is higher than hers, they can do whatever they want?"

Long Qihu nodded with some thought,"Yes, but to achieve this effect, the concentration of Lielong bloodline must be much higher!"

"Then isn’t the social atmosphere of your Lielong clan very chaotic!"

"There is no way. Let the clansmen with high blood concentration get more women and create more excellent offspring. This is the gene engraved in our bones. No one can change this."

"Only in this way will the Dragon God Empire become stronger and stronger!"

Hearing what Long Qihu said, Chen Dali suddenly had a bold idea in his heart.

However, he could not express this idea, so Chen Dali could only do it secretly by himself.


After two more days of communicating with Long Qihu, the owner of Fengluan Palace, the only unpregnant woman in Fengluan Palace, the kind-hearted aunt and other beauties with many titles, Long Qihu finally became pregnant.

Chen Dali took Long Qihu through the teleportation array in Luoyu Courtyard directly to the Death Valley Formation.

Many concubines in the formation were all surprised when they saw Long Qihu for the first time.

"Isn't this Qishan? Why did you come out of the teleportation array with Dali!"

"It's so abominable. Why didn't Qishan say hello to us? She went to hang out with Dali by herself. I want to go too!"


Baili Hanyan and Liu Banxia, who were standing aside, looked at Long Qihu being pulled by Chen Dali and realized something was wrong!

Although this woman looks very similar to Long Qishan, her temperament and dress are completely different from Long Qishan!

Long Qishan gives people a hot feeling, and her dressing style is very revealing. The dress is not low-cut.

The Long Qishan in front of her was wearing something similar to a cheongsam, although the slit on the side was exposed to the top of her thighs.

But it doesn't look slutty at all, giving people a sense of stability and elegance.

If Long Qishan secretly went out to play with Chen Dali, she would definitely show off like crazy when she came back. How could she be so quiet?

While several people were still guessing, a voice sounded from behind the concubines!

"Hello! What are you bad guys saying bad things about me? Hurry and recruit from the real situation!"

Hearing a familiar voice coming from behind, everyone quickly looked behind them and looked at Long Qishan who appeared behind them. Everyone then turned to look at Long Qihu next to Chen Dali.

Looking at the two identical Long Qishan , all the concubines were immediately stunned.

"this! this! this! what happened? Why are there two Qishans?"

"Is it possible that Qishan has practiced the art of cloning and wants Dali to have more fun?"

Baili Hanyan and the girls standing nearby looked at the two Long Qishan and nodded silently.

"Sure enough, that woman was not Qishan. I don’t know where Dali got a woman who looked so similar to Qishan!"

Long Qishan, who was standing behind everyone, also heard what the girls said.

So she pushed aside the girls standing between her and Chen Dali, and saw Long Qihu next to Chen Dali!

Seeing Long Qihu At that moment, Long Qishan felt a familiar feeling well up in her heart.

Then her eyes became moist for some reason!

When Long Qihu, who was standing next to Chen Dali, saw Long Qishan, her eyes were also filled with tears, and then It flowed down her cheeks unconsciously!

After Long Qihu shouted"Sister", she ran straight towards Long Qishan, and then stretched out her hands to hug Long Qishan firmly into her arms.

Long Qishan also felt the scent of family members on Long Qihu's body, and reached out to Long Qihu's back with her backhand, hugging her too.

However, because their bodies were really a bit broken, the two of them only had The head and ΩΩ are stuck together. This must be the problem of having a too good figure!

The many concubines who were watching looked at the two people hugging each other tightly and said happily.

"Qishan finally found her family, which is so great!"


In order to welcome Long Qihu's arrival, everyone personally prepared a sumptuous banquet for Long Qihu!

At the banquet, the delicate Long Qihu mingled with the girls.

When the girls learned that Long Qihu was the queen of the Qiantian Empire, they all showed surprised expressions.

The girls here have lived in Liangzhou all year round, but they know what the Qiantian Empire represents in Liangzhou.

Unexpectedly, the powerful Queen of the Qiantian Empire could actually sit and have dinner with me!

Moreover, this queen was pregnant with Chen Dali just like herself.

"vigorously! I didn’t expect you to be so powerful. You even captured the queen of the Qiantian Empire!"

"yes! From now on, whenever I go out, I can tell others that the Queen of the Qiantian Empire is my sister! But they will definitely think I am bragging!"

Long Qishan, who was very drunk at the banquet, saw everyone happy and became playful. She stood up and said to Long Qihu who was standing next to her.

"Sister, we look so alike, can you let me experience what it’s like to be a queen?"

Long Qihu, who had also drank a lot, was in high spirits. When she heard what Long Qishan said, she agreed on the spot.

"No problem, you can tell me anytime you want to be a queen! You can be that person for as long as you want!"


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