If she agrees, Qiushui will marry you."

Hearing his father say this, Long Aotian's face suddenly turned pale.

"No, last time I mentioned this matter to Aunt Qingfeng, Aunt Qingfeng kicked me out directly! My aunt will definitely not agree."

"I also asked my father to make the decision. I really like Qiu Shui."

After saying that, he even kowtowed to Emperor Qiantian!

Seeing the hypocrisy of the eldest prince, Emperor Qiantian couldn't help but snorted coldly.

"As your father, I still don’t understand you?"

"How many times have you seen Qiu Shui? Do you like her? You are greedy for her body!"

"You are despicable!"

Hearing that his thoughts were exposed by his father, Long Aotian couldn't sit still! He came directly to Emperor Qiantian and squeezed Emperor Qiantian's shoulders.

"Father, you also know that this is my hobby since I was a child! Just help me!"

"Do I have enough help for you? How many of the women in your house were brought by me for you?"

"You said you are not living up to expectations. There are so many women in the house but you can’t bear to give me a grandson."

"You see, this despicable low-class man Chen Dali knows the truth of having many children and being blessed, how come you can’t even compare to him!"

Then Emperor Qiantian waved his hand and refused.

"Other women can still mess around. I advise you to avoid touching the generals in the army, otherwise you will end up losing all your prestige in the army and you will not even think about the throne in the future!"

Hearing Emperor Qiantian take out the throne and speak, Long Aotian shut up.

Long Aotian couldn't help but cursed in his heart,"This damn old emperor, can you die quickly? After death, this world will be the same. The prince's!"


The scene cuts back to the outside of the city, where Chen Dali and Qiu Shui are still in a stalemate.

At this time, Chen Dali had lost all his spiritual power and would be defeated in a few moments. Chen Dali was considering whether to use the Boiling Blood Pill to increase his strength.

But Chen Dali felt that it was a bit silly to waste his life on this kind of thing.

Just when Chen Dali was hesitating, Qiu Shui on the opposite side suddenly moved back. Chen Dali breathed a sigh of relief. Then, Qiu Shui said

"Let’s call this competition a draw! what do you think? After saying that

, he looked at Chen Dali, who was standing opposite.

Of course, Chen Dali knew that the other party was trying to find a way out for him, and of course he would not be shameless, so he immediately agreed.

"Okay, let’s call it a draw here!"

After seeing Chen Dali agree, Qiu Shui put away his dagger, then returned to the bonfire to greet everyone to continue dancing.

Chen Dali immediately went to see the female soldier with whom he had sex.

General Girl After holding the soldier in his arms, Chen Dali noticed something was wrong with the female soldier's face.

"What’s wrong with you? Why is your face so red?"

The female soldier said tremblingly.

"Can you put your electric power back in?"

Chen Dali looked down and found that he was not wearing any clothes. Then he took out a piece of clothing from his Qiankun bag and put it on.

Seeing the two of them finished, many female soldiers also gathered around

"Dali, you are so powerful. You can actually tie with Sister Qiu Shui. Do you usually hide your strength?"

Chen Dali looked at the girl who was speaking in front of him and the giant figure in front of him, and said with a smile.

"Of course, I am not only great standing, but also sitting, lying, and kneeling. Do you want to see it?"

The female soldier was stunned for a moment and didn't understand what Chen Dali was talking about.

Then, after being reminded by her companion, she realized what she was doing and said with a blushing face.

"Damn it, you are really bad, but I really want to see it!"

"Okay, remember to follow me when I return to the camp later!"

Of course the female soldier wanted to agree, but when she thought of Qiu Shui's terrifying appearance, she immediately backed down.

"Forget it, you should let the sisters in your arms accompany you, and I won't get involved."

After saying that, he ran directly into the crowd and disappeared.

Then Chen Dali looked at the other female soldiers with excitement, but the other female soldiers did not show any dignity at all. They all waved their hands and backed away, and the huge crowd suddenly dispersed. , leaving only Chen Dali and the female soldier in his arms.

In order to cover up his embarrassment, Chen Dali said to the female soldier in his arms

"Honey, how about I just let you accompany me tonight? Moved? The female soldier rolled her eyes at Chen Dali and said,"

I'm touched, I'm so moved!""

Chen Dali also heard the"touch" in her words, so he scratched his head in embarrassment.


The next morning, Chen Dali felt refreshed after a night of practice, but it was the female soldier who suffered.

But after the female soldier felt her increased cultivation and improved spiritual roots, she felt that everything was worth it. It was also very good to have Chen Dali all to herself.

Not long after Chen Dali got up, Qiu Shui assigned Chen Dali a task.

According to the report from the spies, something special happened in a village more than 300 kilometers away from the camp, and someone needed to be sent to check it out.

Looking at Chen Dali in front of him, Qiu Shui said with a slight smile.

"This task is left to you!"

The lazy Chen Dali was immediately unhappy. He usually hated running around. He found it very exciting to stay in the camp and tease the female soldiers, so he said with some displeasure.

"Why should I go? I'm just a new recruit in the army!"

"I can't help it. This mission is more important. I don't worry about ordinary people going there. If I go by myself, there will be no one in the camp to manage it."

"So I can only let you, Chen Kunkun, a great master who is comparable to me in strength."

"I dont go!"

"I'm sending seven female soldiers to go with you."

"Fine! Then I'll go take a look!"

When he heard the female soldier Chen Dali, he became excited. Anyway, looking at Qiu Shui, he couldn't avoid this task. It would be good to bring a few female soldiers to be happy!

So Chen Dali took seven female soldiers with him. The soldiers set off, but I don’t know if Qiu Shui knows anything.

One of these seven female soldiers is the female soldier Jingxiang who was promoted by Chen Dali last night.

The other six female soldiers are the ones who were divided up by Chen Dali before. Qingru and others.

When Qingru and others saw Chen Dali, they instantly felt very embarrassed. Even the most courageous Qingru did not dare to look directly at Chen Dali.

Especially Xiaoqian, who almost had her head stuck in two lumps. In the flesh.

When Chen Dali saw them, his expressions were very normal, nothing strange at all.

"Hello, beautiful ladies!"

A few people responded to Chen Dali very awkwardly. They thought that looking at Chen Dali's appearance, they probably didn't recognize them! Unexpectedly, Chen Dali suddenly said


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