Time always flies by, and nine days have passed since the last time Lip discussed with Ian and Mickey the “dog and cat slaughter” operation against the Dingo Gang and Lynx Club.

In the past nine days, not only Mickey, but also the marksmanship of the other 11 key members of the Xiaolong Gang have rapidly improved under Ian’s careful guidance.

Nowadays, when hitting the glass bottles that Ian throws out casually, he can basically hit 78% of the time, and he can hit the fixed target with 100% accuracy.

But the bullets are consumed very quickly.

Lip had to go to Assan and buy 6,000 rounds of pistol bullets of various calibers.

The six key people responsible for detecting the whereabouts of Fatty Joe, G Dog and Bobcat Boss Tom also worked very hard.

In addition to their whereabouts, they also collected a lot of information about each target person, including their daily routine, eating preferences, and places to play.

Jessica also used Hongmen’s huge power to collect a lot of internal information and key information about the Wild Dog Gang and the Lynx Club for Lip.

This afternoon, the weather became cloudy and overcast.

Lip was drinking coffee while sorting out important information.

After careful analysis and research, he discovered that G Dog and Tom were actually the younger brothers of the Chicago Mafia.

It’s just that after the mafia collapsed, it started anew and established its own business.

Both of them are niggas, and they have been very difficult to deal with since they joined the mafia as thugs.

But the specific reason is unknown.

G Dog’s real name is Mark Gabriel, and he is a descendant of an African stowaway.

After the establishment of the Wild Dog Gang, they mainly engaged in the business of collecting protection fees, selling fans, and buying and selling human beings and organs.

Tom’s full name is Tom Franklin, a black man born and raised in the South Side.

The Bobcat Club’s business scope is very wide, including gambling, special transactions, ice cream, powder, etc… as long as it is an illegal business that can make money.

Since the Southern District is only so big and has only a small consumption power, for the same business, if wild dogs can help it, it will not be good if bobcats can help it.

Therefore, there are frictions and conflicts between the two gangs from time to time.

But most of the time it’s just chatting and pushing each other, and it doesn’t go as far as fighting with real swords and guns.

Because everyone comes from the mafia, there are still some limitations.

But since G dog snatched those 900022 bullets, he started to become aggressive.

Therefore, the conflict between the Dingo Gang and the Lynx Club has been intensifying in the past two years, and they have fought several times, but the Dingo Gang has always won.

G Dog may also know that he has done too many bad things, so he becomes more timid and cherishes his life.

Generally, they only operate in the core areas of their own territory.

Tom is not a human being either. What he likes most is playing with women and not treating women as human beings.

Lip calmly looked at the personnel information about the Wild Dog Gang and the Lynx Club.

After reading each one, put a cross on the list with that person’s photo.

Sure enough, these little gangs are made up of scum and garbage.

Lip read through the backbone and core personnel of the two gangs.

Let alone good people, there is not even one who has done few bad things.

They are all bad guys who do all kinds of evil.

The things I have done are enough to make me step on the horse dozens of times.。

“It seems that the filth and chaos in the South Side are inseparable from these bed bugs. “Li Pu sentenced these people to death in his heart, “Getting them out is not only for revenge, but also to purify the environment.。”

“Ding ding ding~” Lip’s cell phone suddenly rang.。


“Lip, this is Mickey, and just now Fei Luo molested a little girl in the park, and this little girl is the sister of Tyer, the owner of the “Thriller” bar closest to the Dingo Gang in the Bobcat Club. ”

Li Pu suddenly thought that there was information about this Tyre in the information. He was a powerful little leader under Tom. He was

hot-tempered and brave. He usually liked drinking and boxing with others.

But for his only relative, he My sister is very doting。

“Fei Luo slapped the little girl, and the people who were watching under the viaduct just now received news that those little brats selling fans were selling very well today and should be almost sold out.。

“Well done Mitch, these two pieces of information are key. I think we can move。”

“OK ”

Lipp hung up the phone and started driving towards the street crossing under the viaduct.

After a while, he met Mickey。

“Mickey, are everything ready? “Li Pu asked in a low voice.。

“Lip, you’re already ready。”

“Then let’s get started!”

“Lip, why don’t you go there yourself? I’ll just take someone with me.。”

“Mickey, stop trying. You can’t convince everyone to be the boss just by looking at it, so I must be the one to fire the first shot. ”

After speaking, Lip took a helmet and hood from Mickey’s hand and put them on himself.。

“Okay, I’ll ride the motorcycle! “After Mickey said that, he put on the prepared hood and helmet and put on a leather jacket.

The reason why they dressed up like this was that Lip and Mickey wanted to frame the blame more naturally and accurately.

Because there is a group of speedsters under the Bobcat Club. .

They often ride around on stolen Harleys and Indian retro cruisers to rob and cause trouble. The

leader of the motorcycle gang is Tell, and one of the strongholds of the motorcycle gang is the “Thriller” bar.。

“Fei Luo’s car is here. “A backbone of the Xiaolong Gang suddenly pointed at an old Ford and said。

“Mickey, let’s go!”

“Boom boom boom~”

Mickey increased the accelerator and sped towards the old-fashioned Ford parked on the roadside 300 meters away.

Just as Fei Luo cursed those little brats for not telling him earlier that they were running out of stock, which resulted in a few fewer sales to the passing ones. In person,

Mickey made a beautiful move and quickly placed the motorcycle in front of the Ford.

While Fei Luo was still stunned, there was a “bang~” gunshot, and the Ford’s windshield was smashed to pieces.

Lip shot him in the right shoulder as he drove alone.

Fat Luo’s name was Ron, and he was not a left-hander.

Lip quickly jumped off the motorcycle and pressed the hot muzzle of the gun against Fat Luo’s temple.。

“Fei Luo, if you don’t want to die, hand over all the fans in your car to me, hurry up. “Lip shouted loudly.。

“Brother, I’ll get it right away, but don’t shoot. ”

Fei Luo quickly took out two large bags of powder from the passenger compartment and handed them to Lip.

However, Lip smelled the smell of urine and glanced under Fei Luo. This guy was so scared that he peed.。

“Fei Luo, I’ll teach you a lesson this time. If you dare to provoke our boss’s sister in the future, prepare to report to Satan! ”

After that, Lip hit Fei Luo on the head with the butt of his gun, and he fainted on the spot.

Lip quickly jumped into the car.

Mickey followed the agreed route and drove towards the “Thriller” bar.

After passing a few turns After driving a few kilometers, Mickey entered an alley and made sure no one was around.

The two quickly took off their leather jackets, to

ok off their helmets and hoods and put them into the large satchel they had prepared.

Mickey took out the spray paint commonly used for street graffiti. He sprayed wildly against the motorcycle.

After a while, the originally pure black Harley turned into silver grey.

Mickey generously drove Lip back to the parking place from another road.

Lip let the man before The backbone of Wangfeng first rode the discolored Harley back to the Xiaolong Gang’s stronghold.

He was sitting in the car with Mickey, smoking a Marlboro and paying attention to the old Ford from a distance.

After a while, a pickup truck came. .

A tall and thin bald man got out of the passenger car.

Lip knew at a glance that it was “Skinny Joe” George, the most murderous backbone of the Dingo Gang.。

“��Odd, I think we can catch the next one.

After a few words of advice to another member of the Xiaolong Gang, Mickey said, “Lipp, let’s go. ” ”

Lipp stepped on the accelerator and set off towards the Tremor Bar.

Half an hour later, Lip and Mickey arrived at a street corner about 300 meters away from the entrance of the Tremor Bar and saw Ian who had been waiting here for a long time.。

“Ian, is Tyre here?”

“exist! ” (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Lip, is everything going well with you?”

“Let’s proceed as planned together。”

“Are we just going to do nothing? Have you been waiting? “Mickey asked doubtfully.。

“Mitch, you and Ian can come in and have a couple of drinks!”

“Hehe, that’s a good feeling!

Ian rolled his eyes and looked at Mickey, saying, “Mitch, are you stupid? ” There are so many things to do later, why don’t you drink as much as you want?。”

“I know, isn’t this just following Lip’s joke to liven up the atmosphere! ”

The three of them smoked Marlboros and waited while talking and laughing.

About an hour later, the sky turned dark, and Mickey shook his legs impatiently.。

“Mickey, can you stop shaking? !”

“Ian, I don’t want to shake anymore, but I don’t know why I can’t stop. ”

Mickey said and hit his leg.。

“This is normal, just nervous. “Lipp explained.

Suddenly, he saw Thin Joe’s pickup truck and a dilapidated Chevrolet van following behind it.

More than a dozen Dingo Gang boys came out of the van with long and short guys covered with things. come down。[]

Shou Qiao helped Fei Luo, whose right shoulder was bandaged, out of the car.

Four younger brothers surrounded them to ensure safety.

Then he swaggered into the Tremor Bar!

A dozen subordinates and two drivers also walked in.

After a while, a large number of customers poured out of the bar like crazy.。

“Start taking action. Mickey quickly eliminates the two people guarding the door. Ian is responsible for throwing flash bombs, tear gas and grenades into the bar from several planned directions in the shortest possible time. I will go to the back door to block it first, and you will arrive when you are done. Come through the back door。”

“OK ”

The three people put on hoods, gloves and goggles, put on body armor, got out of the car with the guy who was also wrapped up on their backs, and approached the bar from the other side. Lip’s men got out of the car, and in a corner where

no one was paying attention, they were carrying their clothes The M4A1 with a good silencer fired three shots at the three street lights near the bar. The

three street lights went out instantly.

Mickey took the cover of darkness and reached near the door of the bar. He fired at the two black men who came out to check the situation. The ghost raised his hand and fired two “bang bang~” shots.

I don’t know if it was because of nervousness, but although Mickey hit the two people’s torsos, it was not fatal.

Mickey now showed the ruthlessness and determination of the future bully of the Southern District.

He ran forward quickly and shot each of them in the head.

Suddenly, two more niggas heard the sound of gunshots and came out to check the situation.

Before Mickey could raise his gun to aim, he heard two “Whoosh~” With a sound, the two niggas fell to the ground, with a small eye between their eyebrows bleeding.

Mickey looked back and saw who else but Ian!

Ian quickly ran forward and hit the bar door with a flash and a tear-jerking combo. .

Then, he pulled Mickey and ran to the alley next to him.

In the alley, he saw the small window on the side of the bar, and threw a tear gas and flash bomb into it.

Finally, he threw a grenade into the bar.

The bar suddenly erupted . There was a huge “boom~” explosion, followed by various screams and shouts, followed by the sound of violent firing of various weapons, and then various screams and calls for help. Lip was hiding at the back door of the

bar Behind the two trash cans in the blind area of the 113 corner on the side of the alley。

“”Clang~” With a sound, the back door was pushed open violently, and the first person who came out was Tell.

Lip took direct aim and fired.。

“With a sound, Tyer fell to the ground.

Then came two niggas holding guns, who should be Tyer’s younger brothers.

Without any hesitation, Lip fired two more shots.

The two niggas fell to the ground. .The

sound of “crackling, clanking” in the bar gradually weakened and disappeared after a while. At

this time, Ian and Mickey also rushed over.

The three of them met。

“How about it?”

“Tom should be dead, but it’s still unclear how many tear gases Fat Lo and Thin Joe just threw?”


“Why not just throw all four away as planned?”

“I forgot when I was nervous。”

“Go now。”

“good. ”

Ian and Mickey returned to the small window on the side of the bar in the front part of the alley, threw two tear gas canisters in.

Then they ran back to the back door.

After the three of them reunited。

“It would take four tear gas canisters to cover the entire bar, and it would be impossible for ordinary people to hold on inside. ”

Ian and Mickey nodded.

Sure enough, after a while, Fat Luo and Shou Qiao helped each other and moved out.

The two moved slowly because they were both shot.

Lip did not hesitate at all and shot twice. .

Fei Luo and Shou Qiao fell to the ground.

After waiting for a while to make sure no one came out again, Lip, Mickey and Ian walked to the three most important targets of Tyre, Fei Luo and Shou Qiao respectively and headed towards their heads. They fired one more shot.

Then they quickly ran towards the exit on the other side of the alley.

Lip looked at his watch and saw that only 8 minutes had passed. They quickly threw their hoods, gloves, body armor and various firearms into the diagonal while no one was around. Then

he circled back to the Hummer and left quickly.

Lip deliberately controlled the speed of the vehicle to about 80 yards.。

“Lip, why don’t you drive faster? “Mitch asked.。

“This is more like driving at a speed where you have no idea what just happened.。”

“I understand. If you drive too fast, it might easily arouse suspicion.。”

“So, Ian, does Mickey find it exciting?”

“It’s exciting, but it’s stressful. “Ian explained honestly.。

“Nothing happens once, but it will be cooked the second time!”

“Lip, why are you so calm? “Mickey asked curiously。

“What’s this? It’s just the beginning, things are about to change in the Southern District! ”

Ian and Mickey listened to Lip’s words with admiration and expectation in their eyes.

The Hummer walked further and further away, gradually blending into the night.

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