“Hi, Linda agreed to pick me up, I think this motion-activated game console will be good for Debbie’s party! ”

Ian said while handing a bottle of cold beer to Lip who was adjusting the TV, and then placed the game console in his other hand on the sofa behind him.。

“not bad!”

“yes! ”

A sexy and hot stripping pole dance is playing on the TV.。

“What are you looking at? Ian asked, taking a swig of beer.。

“Things like pole dancing tutorials on educational channels。”

“Speaking of prodigal girls, you feel like you’re not attracting any attention these days!”

“Fuck you, Ian! ”

The two brothers teased each other without any scruples.。

“By the way, can’t this dancer arouse you at all?”

“Yes, I’m still gay!”

“Okay, then you can continue to be gay! ”

On the other hand, Fiona is really busy, busy choosing what movies to watch for Debbie tonight!

“Debbie, “Tie Me Up, Tie Me Up” is rated X. I only promised you to watch R.。”

“Fiona, but I’m looking for a movie that’s both alternative and edgy。”“three five three”

“If you are looking for excitement rather than torture, go and find it at Lip and Ian’s place!”

“You won’t be happy! “Veronica opened the back door and said to Fiona who was sitting at the dining table, “The bar is going to work tomorrow!”

“Vee, I can’t go, Debbie is having a party tomorrow!”

“Fiona, the Ten Thousand Bar Factory has been rented out for private parties.。”

“Fiona, you asked me to throw this stupid slumber party. If you don’t let me go, the party will definitely go bad!”

“Debbie, no.。”

“Will do! Debbie yelled, slamming the table.。

“Hey, hey, Debbie, what’s going on with you? ! “Li Pu stopped what he was doing, “Why are you so angry? !”

“Fiona and Veronica can’t come to my party. ”

Debbie said aggrievedly and was about to cry.。

“Wei, can someone take my class?”

“Fiona, they said they were celebrating someone joining the Hall of Fame. Anyone who doesn’t come will pack up and leave immediately.。”

“I understand, you two don’t want to go to that ghost class, right? ”

Lip asked.

Fiona and Veronica nodded in unison.。

“Then don’t go! Just a job。”

“Lip, since the crackdown, not only have Kevin and I been unable to sell special Marlboros, but even Aleppo’s business has become very bad.。”


“Bars are now the focus of renovation and inspections。”

“Farke, what about the nightclub?”

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen a cop go to our nightclub.。”

“Okay, let me take the liberty to ask: Veronica, are you willing to work as a lobby manager in a restaurant, morning 10 to 4?”

“Uh…I have to think about this。”

“What if the boss is Fiona Gallagher?”

“What? The boss is Fiona? ! “Veronica looked back and forth between Lip and Fiona with a surprised look on her face.

Lip nodded seriously.。

“Of course I do!”

“Lip, what’s going on? “Fiona also asked dumbfounded.。

“Didn’t you say before that you would give me a gift that is bigger than our family? I’m ready, it’s that restaurant at the intersection on Duncan Street。”

“Lip, you mean you bought that restaurant and gave it to me? ”

Fiona’s eyes were as wide as bells.。

“Yes. “Li Pu nodded again.。

“Oh my God! “Fiona covered her head with both hands, and then looked in disbelief and joy.。

“Lip, how much did you spend? “Fiona realized something and suddenly asked。

“Not much, $38,000. “Li Pu said calmly.。

“Lip, you won’t be fooled! Why is it so cheap? “Fiona was a little confused.

Lip told Fiona the reason in detail.。

“Lip, you have such a good head! “Fiona smiled happily.。

“So this means Fiona and Veronica can both come to my slumber party? Debbie

asked cutely.。

“Xiaodai, of course! “Fiona said happily, holding Debbie’s little face.。

“Oh yeah, that’s great! “Debbie hugged Fiona immediately.。

“I’m going to fire that damn Stark right now! Veronica stepped out of the back door with high heels and walked out of the back door.

Fiona gave Lip a grateful smile

because Lip was trying his best to protect Fiona as the eldest sister. Prestige and unity of the family.

Lip made a gesture of respect with Reese and then went back to the living room to tinker with the somatosensory game console.

Lip took off his shirt because he was too hot, revealing his strong and strong upper body.。

“Wow, oh my God! Bro

ther, when did you become stronger than me?”

“Isn’t it natural that older brothers are stronger than younger brothers?”

“Alright alright. Lip, I feel like you’ve grown too fast recently! I saw you were almost 180 a few days ago, but now you are probably 183!”

“Roughly the same!”

“What’s going on?”

“Maybe it’s secondary development!”

“I’m really envious. I’ll go back to my room and take a nap for a while.。”

“What’s up? Did you have too much fun with Mickey last night?”

“screw you! ”

Ian smiled and walked upstairs.

Lip continued to tinker with the somatosensory game console attentively. After tinkering for a while, he finally got it done, but he still broke out in sweat.。

“The weather this year is really hot! ”

Li Pu couldn’t help but complain, and was about to get a cold beer on the side to drink. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“”Dong dong dong~” There was a sudden knock on the door.

Lip had to open the door first.。

“Who? Lip asked as he opened the door.。

“Hi Lip。”

“Who are you? Lip asked, scratching his head in confusion, feeling confused in his heart: Who is this? Why don’t I remember it at all?

But one thing is that this face and figure are very good, even better than Karen.

This point may be better than the twin ponytails!

In an instant, Lip’s mind was spinning countless times.。

“Hello, my name is Holly Huckmire. Holly smiled sweetly and extended her right hand to Lip.

Lip opened the door completely and shook hands with Holly briefly. “Hello, please come in.” ”

Holly’s eyes were shining at this moment, because she saw Lip’s full chest muscles, clear abdominal muscles and strong waist muscles.

Holly looked at Lip obsessively, and couldn’t help but swallow a sip of saliva。

“Debbie, your friend is here! “After Lip yelled, he returned to the TV, picked up the cold beer and took several sips of it.

Holly came back to her senses, but she watched Lip slide up and down while drinking. She fell into obsession again and couldn’t help biting her red lips.。

“Lip is getting more and more handsome. Not only has he grown taller, but he has also become stronger! I must find a way to capture him! ” Holly thought in her heart。

“I am coming! ”

Debbie shouted and ran over happily.。

“Wow, Holly, I didn’t expect you to be the first one here! Debbie looked excited, “But didn’t I tell you it was tomorrow night?””

“Oh, I just came to see if this is your home first, otherwise it would be bad if I couldn’t find it or went to the wrong place tomorrow! ”

explained Holly。

“Oh, I see! Then let me take you in to meet my family! ”

After that, Debbie took Holly and walked into the house.

But Holly turned back and continued to look at Lip.

Lip felt the gaze and raised his head and looked over.

Holly saw Lip raising his head to look at her. His face turned red and he turned his head back.。

“Just looking at it makes me shy! What does this little girl mean? ” Lip thought in his mind and used “Comprehensive Insight””。

“Wow, it’s actually purple!”

【Name: Holly Huckmire]

1.8 [Level: Purple Epic!】

【Keywords: scheming bitch (mythical beast butterfly)。】[]

【Loyalty: 50。】

【Current status: Factory new。】

【Pregnancy progress: 0。】

【Hidden reward: “Wisdom and ingenuity””。】

【“”Wisdom and ingenuity”: Active – can greatly improve the intelligence of the target person in the family in a short period of time. Passive – can increase the upper limit of the wisdom attribute of the family as a whole by 20%。】

【Negative attributes: 1. “Holding evil intentions””——This woman is deeply scheming and rebellious by nature. If she cannot be completely conquered, there may be backlash! “The mythical butterfly”——This woman can produce a well-directed butterfly effect. 】

You don’t know if you look at this, you will be shocked when you look at it。

“My luck is really incredible! “Li Pu felt a burst of information in his heart, but he quickly calmed down again.。

“This Holly is not simple! Lip thought in his mind, “With the information I’ve seen now, it’s not easy to conquer her!” ”

But this only aroused Lip’s desire for challenge and conquest that he didn’t know had existed for a long time.

He was ready to have fun with this scheming bitch Holly!.

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