Lip took his three younger siblings and walked slowly on the street.

They are going to find and deal with an old bastard, and this old bastard is their father-Frank.

It turned out that when Lip was thinking a few nights ago, he was thinking about someone to get some money from.

But after much deliberation, I couldn’t think of a suitable candidate.

Just when Lip was at a loss what to do, he suddenly remembered:

Frank, the shameless father who made a living by cheating, kidnapping and stealing, was actually the richest man in the Gallagher family.

Now that the landlord has been discovered, he must be beaten to death, but where to start?

Lip combed through the plot and discovered one thing:

Frank broke the LCD TV in Aleb’s bar after drinking too much, so he stole Carl’s name and part of the information to apply for a credit card and cash out the overdraft to make a profit.

Whether it was because Fiona was an adult or because she was running a family, Frank didn’t pay her attention.

But the names and identities of Lip, Ian, Carl and Debbie had long been stolen.

The shameless Frank later even stole Liam’s credit as a baby.

In the United States, a good credit is very important.

Because it is the basis for a person to have a good life.

The United States has a mature and complete credit system. A person’s credit is related to all aspects of life, such as opening a bank account, getting a loan to buy a house and a car, checking student scores, applying for schools, medical insurance, and finding a job.

Once your personal credit goes bankrupt, it means that in the United States you are almost like a dead person, or even worse than a dead person.

Frank is a complete asshole!

He did not hesitate to dig holes for his children in order to drink and take DU. He simply acted without any limits and was worse than a beast.

Although it was just an overdraft of a few hundred dollars on his credit card, which was not a serious breach of trust, no one could guarantee what unbelievable things Frank would do in the future. Only God knew.

Sure enough, the majority of a family’s misfortunes and pain are caused by bastard and selfish parents!

Since Lip knew about this situation in advance, he would not sit idly by and do nothing. He was prepared to “honor” his bastard father by any means possible.

And even though Frank is drunk and dreaming every day, he is actually the one who enjoys the most in the


“Lip, where are we going to get money? “The youngest Carl is obviously interested in money.。

“We are not going to make money, but to get back the money that is rightfully ours. “Li Pu explained patiently, “Our credit and money have been stolen.。”

“Watt hair? ! ”

Ian, Carl and Debbie asked in unison.。

“What kind of bastard is he? I’m going to kill him! “Karl’s eyes widened with anger.。

“Frank? ” Ian hit the nail on the head.。

“Who else could it be but him? ” Lip said。

“No way! Debbie was a little reluctant to believe it, “Besides, where did we get the money for him to steal?””

“this……”The menacing Karl also froze on the spot.

Sure enough, Carl and Debbie were still young and had not been tricked by Frank enough. In addition, for young children, the ones they trust the most are their parents.

Even if their parents didn’t pay much to them!

“That’s just the way it is. Lip smiled and touched the heads of Carl and Debbie, “If you don’t believe it, just follow me and see clearly!” ”

After a while, Lip and the other four came to Kevin and Veronica’s bar, Aleppo.。

“Hi, Lip, Ian, Debbie, Carl, what brings you here? ”

Kevin, who was busy at the bar, asked with a surprised look on his face and raised his eyebrows.。

“You’re not of legal drinking age yet, but if you want to drink, I can……”

“Kevin, thanks. We’re looking for Frank. Is he here? “Lip asked.

Kevin tilted his neck and pouted into the bar.

Lip and the four of them walked around the bar and saw Frank sleeping soundly on the floor next to the pool table.。

“It seems that this guy must be living a good life recently. “Li Pu’s eyes are getting colder and colder.。

“Lip, why do you say that? Debbie asked。

“When this bastard was rich, he would go somewhere else to get his damn DU addiction, and when he had a little money, he would be drunk here. ”

Lipp patiently explained to Debbie, “When he has no money, he will go out and find ways to make some money while he is awake. You will only go home if you have nothing to do or if you are injured outside.。”

“I prove that what Lip said is true. “Kevin came over, “He wandered over at 8:30. After drinking a few drinks, he became drunk again. I don’t even know how many times I’ve dragged him to this corner.。”

“Why did you come to him? “Kevin asked。

“Take back what is ours. “Lipp knelt down and started rummaging around Frank’s body.

Frank was too drunk to resist, which made it easier.

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