The bald prison bully is also the most ruthless person among ruthless people.

He actually endured the severe pain and relied on his strong physique to push the short-haired boy to the ground and strangle his neck.

When life and death were at stake, the short-haired boy had to resort to his unique buttonhole technique.

The bald man’s eyes were bleeding, and he fell to his knees in pain.

The short-haired boy stepped forward and gave the bald head a direct naked choke to kill him.

But the short-haired boy did not stop, but found a pair of barbells and put his bald head on the horizontal bar.

Then he raised a 45-pound piece of iron high and smashed it down hard.

After a while, ketchup and tofu puffs were splashed all over the floor.

Everyone around was stunned.

Some timid ones even vomited and fainted.

The short-haired guy with blood on his face walked up to a bearded man who seemed to be the second-in-command and asked: “Do you have any questions?”

“Yeah, no! “The bearded man replied tremblingly.

Many prisoners began to flee.

Because they knew that this was not the place where little Karami like themselves should stay.

From this moment on, no one dared to mess with the short-haired boy.。


Lip let out a long breath, and then took several deep breaths, and then gradually stabilized his heartbeat.

After all, the scene was violent and shocking, and it was somewhat inappropriate for children.

Lip couldn’t help but sigh in his heart: “I didn’t expect that young people The people of the motherland are so cruel and fierce! ”

But this has nothing to do with getting rich!

Is it possible that he, who has inherited Bruce Lee’s martial arts heritage, should become a killer and earn a reward?

Just when Lip’s mind was full of questions, another piece of information came to his mind.

Another short-cut guy.

His upper body is naked and he’s getting a tattoo from a female punk tattoo artist.。

“Can you let me enjoy it for a while longer?。”

“You’re such an artist, Sid.。”

“Do you mean to leave like this and I will never see this piece of art again?”

“Most likely yes. ”

The short-cut guy’s tone was calm, and there was no trace of sadness or joy.

The scene switched.

The short-cut guy put on a red shirt and was walking from the computer to a wall.

The wall was covered with various photos, newspapers, and documents. And small handwritten notes affixed to them.

The short-haired boy was looking at these seriously, as if thinking about something.

The scene turned again, and they came to a bank.

The short-haired boy was wearing a khaki suit, holding a revolver in his right hand and facing the ceiling. Just “bang bang bang~” three shots.

After arguing with the teller for a while, the loud sirens of the federal police and the roar of helicopters finally came.

The short-haired guy calmly raised his hands to surrender and threw away his two guns. With a pistol, he was arrested.

The scene turned again, and he came to the court.

The short-haired man tried his best not to defend himself.

In the end, the female judge sentenced him to be imprisoned in the Fox River Prison, a first-level prison in Chicago, for 5 years. The

short-haired guy looked like he was He had an unexpected smile.

But the female lawyer next to him looked sad and melancholy.。

“Isn’t this horse Mike? ”

Li Pu couldn’t help but be surprised when he looked at that familiar handsome face.。

“They sent me “Black Eater” and “Prison Break” again. Could it be that they want me to remake it? Even though I’ve seen a lot, I don’t think it’s so tidy!”

“What does the system mean? ”

Suddenly, the third piece of information came into Lip’s mind.

Lip heard a melodious sound of bells, and then followed the bells to see a church. It felt like he had seen it somewhere before.

Then he not

iced that things around him were moving very fast. The changes were like those taken by time-lapse photography.

Finally, the picture in my mind stopped.。

“Watt hair? Lip finally recognized which church it was, “This is actually the tallest building on the University of Chicago campus – the Rockefeller Chapel.” Lip

recalled the relevant information about the church.

The Rockefeller Chapel was designed by architect Bertram Goodhue and built from 1925 to 1928. It can accommodate 1,700 people. The

donor of the church was John Davidson Rockefeller.

Yes, that’s right, it’s the famous Rockefeller!

Rockefeller, the founder of ExxonMobil, the first billionaire in the 19th century, and known as the “Oil King”.

Lip was excited: “Finally, it has something to do with money. ! ”

Immediately afterwards, Lip saw the scene of keys being put into a box flashing by.。

“Is this key the key? ” Lip guessed in his mind.

The scene changed and he came to a huge farm.

More than a dozen cowboys on horseback galloped to a cemetery.

After laying flowers and bowing to the cemetery, they went to the mountains in the distance.

After reading the picture again and changing, he had come to an unknown place.

Lip felt his eyes were suddenly blinded by the strong light.

After finally seeing clearly, Lip was instantly stunned.

Because this was a warehouse. .

A pile was filled with gold bricks weighing 400 ounces each, which is 12.5 kilograms.

At a glance, there were at least tens of thousands of them.

These gold bricks were neatly stacked on the ground.

Lip carefully estimated that the gold in this warehouse There are actually about 80,000 bricks.

That is 1 million kilograms, which is 1,000 tons of gold. The

underground vault of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York is known as the largest vault in the world, with only more than 8,300 tons of gold. The gold

in this warehouse is only about one-eighth of it. 1.

This horse is so rich that it cannot be matched!

Lip: Surprised, the system has given too much!

Then, Lip saw a hand stroking these gold bricks and slowly walked forward.

Finally Stopped in front of a dark door.

At this point, all the information was transmitted.

Lip’s consciousness also returned to reality.。

“What’s behind that black door? “I have to say that Lip’s curiosity is really serious, “It’s actually more important than gold. ”

The first thing he cares about is not money but unknown things. Is he so not afraid of killing the cat?”

“It looks like my space bracelet is going to be of great use! Lip thought happily, “Any piece of this gold can be spent

for a lifetime, but I want to loot it all.” ”

In addition to being obscene, Lipu is also thinking seriously.

Lipu believes that the system will never give him useless information. It seems that he must grow up as soon as possible and establish a strong enough force. It is best to be

someone who can arrange people The forces entering the prison.

Because only in this way can we get in touch with Brother Zu and Mike and get more comprehensive information.

At the same time, I must go to the Rockefeller Chapel as soon as possible to conduct on-site investigation.

See if I can find any clues.

If necessary, I will Can enter the University of Chicago in advance。


Lip is ready to smooth out his thoughts bit by bit and design his plan step by step.。

“Lip, why aren’t you sleeping yet? “Karen’s hazy murmur suddenly came.

Only then did Lip realize that he seemed to be too anxious.

The impact and quantity of this information were not small. He should take time to digest it slowly, rather than rush it.

After all” More haste less speed”。

“Baby, sleep now! ”

Lipp hugged Karen.

Karen grabbed Lip’s hand and put it on her heart.

The night was already dark, and the two fell asleep hugging each other.

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