Lip looked at Karen with a smile and explained patiently:

“When I was surfing the Internet not long ago, I undoubtedly discovered a place to get rich.。”


“yeah! The place we are going to is the Armor Square community in the north of Chicago. Centered on Shemai Road and Wingwood Street, it is the oldest Chinese community in the United States.。”

“Lip, what does this have to do with getting rich?”

“Fool, there is one very profitable business among many, it is called smuggling. ” Lip whispered in Karen’s ear.。

“Wow, that sounds exciting! “Karen smiled very sweetly.。

“Smuggling arms? ”

Lipp covered Karl’s mouth and gave him a symbolic slap on the butt.。

“Carl, keep your voice down.。”

“Hehe, I know!”

“We are not smuggling arms, we are smuggling electronic products。”

“electronic product? ”

Karen and Karl asked at the same time, and at the same time looked at Lip with doubts.

Lip nodded and explained。

“Mainly the 160G iPodclassic released by Apple in September this year and the 120G iPodclassic released last year。”

“Lip, who would spend two to three hundred dollars on this little thing? Karen asked suspiciously。

“Nearly 100 million units of this little thing have been bought all over the world, and it has become popular in the Dragon Kingdom on the other side of the ocean.。”

“So, believe me, this little thing will bring us big fortune. ”

Li Pu still patiently explained.。

“Brother, are we going to buy it in the Apple store and then smuggle it to the Dragon Kingdom?”

“Of course not! If we really do that, not only will we not be able to make any money, we will also lose money.。”

“Brother, where do you get the goods from?”

“Boy, in today’s information society, as long as you can surf the Internet, there is no information you can’t find. “Lipp smiled and rubbed Karl’s head.。

“Cool, bro, you are awesome!”

“Now, let’s talk about something else. Don’t dwell on this issue because there are so many people on the subway and I don’t want to cause any trouble.。”

“understand. ”

Karl nodded.

In fact, Lip has already found the source of goods from the Internet, which is in Springfield.

Springfield and Chicago, the third largest city in the United States, belong to the same state of Illinois. Also

known as Springfield, it is a city in the United States. The capital of Illinois and the county seat of Sangamon County.

The source of goods Lip found is actually an inspection and labeling factory of Apple, which is responsible for the final quality inspection and labeling of all Apple products.

Those products that meet Apple’s quality inspection will appear on Apple stores and some regular sales channels.

Products that are defective or fail to meet quality inspection requirements will be disposed of.

Through clues on the Internet, Lip discovered that Chicago’s underground electronic product processing and recycling center is in Longguo City.

That’s why he decided to come and take a look.

These processed prod

ucts are usually circulated to some informal channels for trading.

And this type of Apple products have become a source of smuggling.

Because they are processed products, the unit price out of the factory is extremely low. , usually less than one-tenth or even one-twentieth of genuine products.

However, these problematic Apple products can be smuggled to other countries at a price that is almost the same as genuine products.

Therefore, smuggled electronic products have always been It’s huge profits among huge profits!

In fact, Lip’s current attempt to smuggle iPod classic is just a small test.

His real purpose is to test the smuggling of iPhone 4, which will be released in San Francisco next June.

iPhone 4 is an epoch-making mobile phone.

More This is the favorite of consumers in the Dragon Kingdom.

Lip must earn this money.

Although the United States has been severely cracking down on the smuggling of high-tech electronic technology products, a large number of electronic products have long been flowing from the United States to all over the world

. It can be said that the world has become a relatively complete industrial chain. What

Lip wants to figure out most now is how these smugglers let these huge quantities of electronic products pass through customs and reach other countries.

As long as this key node is known, Lip Feeling that they can minimize the risk.

Lip and Karen smiled at each other, and then watched silently as Carl jumped up and down, unable to calm down for a moment.

Liveliness is a common problem for children of this age. Who was not like this at first? ?

Lip didn’t blame Carl. He just watched with a smile.

Carl is still young, and the shameless genes and prehistoric power of the Gallagher family have not yet awakened in his body.

Although he has occasionally shown some violent tendencies, such as caring for small animals, repairing toys, etc. Yes, but if it is corrected in time, there is no hope of salvation.

Lip certainly does not want Carl to follow the same path as in the series.

Because he wants his little brother to have a better life.

This time going to Chinatown, in addition to understanding Regarding the news about smuggling, Lip also has two purposes.

The first is to broaden Karen and Carl’s horizons and experience the ancient oriental culture.

The second is that Lip must come to eat Chinese food and see what he is familiar with. After about an hour ,

Lip and the other three finally took the Chicago subway red line and got off at Longguo City.

Lip saw the Dragon City archway on the platform.

Engraved on it were “The world is for the common good” are four big characters.

Behind these four big characters, Lipu knows that there are four more words “propriety, justice, integrity and shame”.

Lipu also knows that it is the handwriting of the great Mr. Sun。

【Ps: Congratulations to WBG for advancing to the semi-finals 3-0, I can watch Theshy play a few more games, Kaisen! ! ! 】

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