In the winter morning, it is still so dark.

Lip naturally woke up at this point.

He got out of bed quietly, got dressed, and prepared to go for a run. But when he got downstairs, he found that someone had gotten up earlier than him.

Steve is already busy in the kitchen。

“Are you ready to join Gallagher?”

“To love someone is to love everything about them. Since Fiona can’t let go, I have no choice but to share the burden together.。”

“Thank you, I wish you fall in love with this chaotic life soon!”

“Maybe! Who knows! ” Steve smiled.

Lip made a Risby gesture, and then went out through the back door.

But he didn’t take a few steps on the stairs when he saw a man standing in the open space next to him, burning a pile of Fire.

The man had a cigarette in his mouth and stared blankly at the Gallagher house.。


“Hi Lip!”

“What are you doing”

“The basement was like an ice cellar. I couldn’t stand it anymore, so I got up to warm myself up.”

“OK, you bake slowly while I go for a run!”

“Lip, wait, can I talk to you?”

“What to talk about?”

“Just a casual chat between father and son. ”

Li Pu immediately thought that this old bastard must not be holding back anything good, but then he thought about it and decided to use the trick to see what bad ideas this old bastard was planning.。

“All right. ”

Lipp walked and stood two meters next to Frank.。

“That I might leave the South Side or even Chicago for a while. ”

Lipp looked at Frank in disbelief, trying to see the clues of falseness in his expression, but it turned out to be impeccable!

This means that Frank was telling the truth!

But why did this old bastard suddenly Leaving his comfort zone?

Lip was puzzled.。

“I’m going to be a chef。”

“Frank, are you out of your mind? Why would you want to be a chef? With your cooking skills?……”

Lip, who still wanted to continue complaining, suddenly realized that the chef Frank was talking about was not the kind of chef he thought, but a chemical chef like Lao Bai.。

“Do you want to be a Heisenberg?’?”

Frank didn’t answer, but stared at the fire and smiled.

Lip didn’t know what to say for a moment.。

“Don’t worry, I have good news for you! ”

Frank was full of confidence.

After some hesitation, Lip still asked what he was thinking: “Frank, what have you experienced? Why did you gradually become the bad guy you are today? !”

“me? Uh… let me think about what went wrong. “Frank was lost in thought, and after a while he slowly said, “Huh~ Maybe it started when I became Peggy’s child!”

“Why are you still involved with grandma? “Lipp was very confused.

Frank sneered and said very calmly: “Lipp, you should know that your mother is a violent madman, and so is my mother.。”

“what? real? Frank

nodded and started talking: “I was born in the 196

0s, my father is of Irish descent, Peggy is of Mexican descent, and my ancestors have Indian ancestry.”。”

“My father is from a small middle class. When I was a child, my family conditions were pretty good. At least I had enough food and clothing. I went to a missionary school and studied art. I played the piano pretty well.。”

“Peggy is barely a mother at ordinary times, but when she gets sick, she becomes my devil!”

“Since I was 9 years old, I have often suffered domestic violence, especially Peggy’s special care.。”

“Did Peggy do this to her other two uncles?”

“No, she only does this to me! Frank looked hopeless, “If there are several children in a family, then the mother will always have one child that she likes and loves the most, and of course there will also be one child that she hates the most.。”

“Unfortunately, I’m the one who gets hated. In all the years I was abused, I never saw those two beaten, not once! ”

Frank was obviously very angry.

Yes, anyone who experiences such a childhood will feel despair and anger. So Lip thought, but Frank’s next words directly shocked his jaw.。

“When I was thirteen, I had my first visit with my great-uncle. When Peggy found the sheet with a map on it, she was furious. After beating her, she brutally and mercilessly violated me!”

“Oh my God! “Li Pu was stunned with shock.。

“To this day, I still don’t know why Peggy disliked or even hated me so much. “Frank looked calm and spoke calmly.

But Lip saw deep sadness in his eyes.。

“I have never thought that I might not be my father’s biological child. Frank continued, “After Peggy and my elementary school teacher had an affair and my father found out about it, their relationship began to get at odds. My father disappeared not long after.” I don’t even dare to wonder if he would have died at Peggy’s hands long ago.。”

“This…isn’t it!”

“Not so? When I was fourteen, Peggy was a well-known chef and she was responsible for my drug addiction.。”

“A generous gift crab! “Lipp’s scalp was numb with shock.

What a perverted and evil bitch this Taima is! He

could actually do such a thing to his own son!

Others can only have a gray childhood at best, but Frank’s is better, he has a dark childhood. , or the kind that is so dark that it can infect the soul!

Lip knows that he can’t run in the morning today.

Because he has to be baptized in front of Frank—a refreshment of his three outlooks!!!

“Frank, are you making up some stories to trick me? “Because the shock was too severe, Lip began to not believe it.。

“Lip, just think of me as drunk and gibbering!”

“But please remember my words: When the rape of fate comes suddenly, no one can escape unscathed! ”

Frank laughed at himself.

Lip didn’t say anything, just handed over a flower with a solemn expression.

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