

“Life is like smoking again, it makes you addicted when it makes you miserable. “Frank said with emotion, “But we Gallaghers are like cockroaches, they just can’t be beaten to death or blown away, and we keep on defeating!”

“Since ruining my own future, I have occupied Jinji’s house and have made a living by stealing, defrauding, and defrauding insurance companies, drinking, taking drugs, and having promiscuous sex.。”

“Hehehe~ Like a walking corpse。”

“I originally thought it was because I was so lazy by nature, but when I saw the various so-called laws and regulations in the United States, I resolutely chose to be lazy.。”


“I have seen through the employment system, welfare system, and tax system in the United States. Not working, not paying taxes, and cheating on subsidies by changing the law. This is the easiest and easiest way to survive.。。”

Frank looked like it was natural。

“Life is heading towards death. If I die, I will die happily. Why do I have to live so hard every day even though I am half tired to death?。”

“Wherever there are people, there will be class, so why bother yourself and make others happy? It won’t matter if I take advantage of the country by beating it like this. Besides, I am robbing the rich and giving to the poor! ”

Lipp wanted to laugh when he saw Frank speaking righteously.。

“Lao Ma and Lao En are actually right. The country and society are used by a few people to enslave and exploit other people.。”

“Only when the vast majority of people bear the burden and move forward, can the few people live in peace and quiet. ”

Li Pu was very surprised, because he never thought that these wise words he heard before traveling would actually come from the mouth of this most shameless old bastard.

But I have to say that these are the cruel truths!

“I was actually very happy from the beginning of self-destruction, otherwise I wouldn’t be a happy alcoholic. I am the first believer in alcohol and would like to be with it for life。”

“What about women?”

“When it comes to drinking and debauchery, women will only affect the speed of my toast. Please wait a little longer. ”

Lipp suddenly remembered that after Frank died, the body would explode when it was thrown into the incinerator by the corpse refining workers because the alcohol concentration in the cells was too high, causing the faces of the two workers to turn black. When he saw this scene,

Lip He laughed directly in front of the screen until he shed tears.

Frank, the old bastard, seemed to be living in pain.

All his hobbies were developed based on the destruction of the body and death on the streets. All of this left his body riddled with holes, but

He actually enjoyed it endlessly.

Lip thought for a while, could it be that mental destruction was far more desperate than physical pain, so he chose to live in a state of drunkenness?

Frank sucked down the rest of the cigarette, and then flicked the cigarette butt. into the fire。

“Lip, now I am like a train that has braked but is still moving forward. The inertia of life has made it impossible for me to stop, let alone deviate from the original track and choose a new direction.。”

“But I hope you seize the opportunity, choose well, and never become the second bastard and shameless Frank. ”

Frank patted Lip on the shoulder, turned around and walked towards the basement.

After a while, he walked out carrying a green canvas bag.。

“This i

s a little thought-provoking letter from Fiona and you guys, bye! “Frank took out a pink envelope from his arms and handed it to Lip, then smiled and walked towards the end of the street without hesitation.

Lip took the envelope and looked at Frank blankly.

He was a little lonely and lonely. , but the pace has been firm and not slow.

After a while, his figure completely disappeared on the other side of the street. It was

still some time before dawn, and the sky was really dark!

Lip also He didn’t know what was going on, but he felt like he was tightly grasped by a huge sadness and pain.

Even his own heart couldn’t help but hurt.。

“Farke! What on earth is going on, and why do you feel a little sorry for this old bastard? ! ”

Li Pu withdrew his gaze from the end of the street and looked at the pink envelope in his hand. He didn’t know what he was thinking, and he always felt a sense of loss. At this moment, the first hint of deep

blue appeared in the originally dark sky.

Lip Back home, Fiona got up and was making breakfast with Steve。

“Lip, aren’t you going for a run? Why are you back so soon? Fiona asked, licking her fingers dipped in cream.。

“Frank is gone and this is what he leaves for you. “Lipp handed the pink envelope to Fiona.

Fiona took the pink envelope in surprise, opened it, and was stunned for a moment.

Lip was also shocked when he looked at the wad of bills in Fiona’s hand. Stunned.

Fiona immediately opened the white letter paper.

There were only a few sentences on the letter paper:

“My dearest daughter Fiona, please allow me to say thank you for all your hard work over the years.。”

“Please allow me to say sorry to you and to Lip, Ian, Debbie, Carl and Liam。”

“I’m gone and I may never come back. Please don’t come looking for me.。”

“I wish you more and more joy and happiness!”

“love you forever! ”

Fiona burst into tears.

When Lip saw it, he quickly took out the letter and read it.

Suddenly, Lip thought of the original plot in which Frank treated himself to a big dinner and went skating after he successfully graduated from high school, but he ended up skating. The scene…

Thinking of this, Lip rushed out of the back door like crazy and ran towards the basement quickly.。

“Lip! “Fiona shouted loudly from behind.

Ian, Carl, and Debbie who had just come downstairs also saw this scene.

Lip hoped that the truth was not what he thought, but when he opened the basement door, the smell hit his face. After the fishy smell came, Lip knew that he was right。

“”Da da da~” Fiona and the others followed closely behind and came to the basement.

In the dim light, they saw Lip standing alone with his head lowered, as if he was looking at the ground in a daze.

As they continued to go in, everyone Like Lip, they all lowered their heads.

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

Because there was a large pool of bright red blood on the ground!

It was slightly frozen, like a flower from the other side blooming under the ice.

Lip suddenly came back to his senses, Pushing through the crowd, he ran like crazy towards the corner where Frank disappeared.

But after running for a long time, he never saw Frank.。

“Frank squid, Frank! ! ! ”

Lipp roared hysterically at the deserted street with wet eyes.

At the same time, on a bus bound for the border between the United States and Mexico, Frank quietly looked at the address on the note. He closed his eyes.

He wanted to have a good sleep.

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