“Fiona, what are you going to do? “Li Pu asked doubtfully.。

“Kevin and Veronica said they had something big to announce and invited us to the Alleyber Bar!”

“Kevin and Veronica? What big thing can happen between them?”

Lip was a little confused and confused.

But when he saw Fiona’s happy face and her expression of “You should understand! With an expression on his face, Lip understood instantly。

“A generous gift crab! “Li Pu touched his head, “Have these two guys finally decided to get married? !”

“Yes! Absolutely true! “Fiona smiled happier than she was getting married.。

“boarding! boarding! “A smile instantly appeared on Lip’s face.

Because he was also very happy.

As Kevin’s little brother, he received a lot of care and help from his eldest brother.

Although he kept complaining that the Gallagher family was trying to steal their own money, but Every time she helps, she is very honest.

As Fiona’s good sister and best friend, Veronica has been taking good care of the Gallaghers since they moved in as neighbors.

Not only does she often cooperate with Ian to make a little extra money , and came to the house from time to time to help Fiona and take care of Liam, and even lent his things to Fiona. So much

so that Kevin was often very annoyed about this.

In fact, between Lip and Fiona And in the hearts of the younger generation Gallagher, Kevin and Veronica are not relatives, but more than relatives!

So when they heard that Kevin and Veronica were getting married, everyone was happy for them from the bottom of their hearts!

“Lip, where are we going? Aren’t you going to your house? “Jessica was a little confused for no reason.。

“A pair of close friends are going to announce their marriage. Let’s go to the bar they run now and go home later.。”

“Oh, I understand, I will listen to you. ”

Jessica looked like a bird.

Lip opened the car, and the family filed in and sat in the back row.

Steve held Fiona, Ian held Carl, and Debbie sat in the middle. holding liam。

“Don’t tell me, although this car only has five doors and five seats, it is really spacious! ”

Fiona said while touching the interior of the car.。

“Lip, how much does this car cost?”

“Fiona, this is a gift from me, Jessica, for free! ”

Li Pu looked proud.。


The Gallagher family in the back row exclaimed in unison.

Lip introduced his family to Jessica without blushing, and the Liquid Phase family members introduced Jessica。

“This car is probably a smuggled car! ” Steve said, touching the car window.。

“Oh, I forgot that there is a knowledgeable person in the car! Lip smiled and introduced to Jessica, “My future brother-in-law Steve, maybe he will be responsible for the first formalities in your smuggling car!””

“Wow, hello! “Jessica, who was sitting in the rich house, waved.

Lip was very skilled in driving, and in less than twenty minutes, the Hummer parked steadily at the entrance of Alber’s Bar. Kevin, who usually

wears hip-hop style, was very rare in a crisp suit. , is warmly receiving friends and old customers at the door。


After honking the horn, Lip unlocked the safety lock and let the family get out of the car.。

“A generous gift crab! Steve, where did you get this awes

ome car? “Kevin’s eyes shone, “Sell me the mortgage at the lowest price!”

“I would like to sell it to you, but it was given to Lip by his girlfriend, so you have to ask Lip! ” Steve looked at Lip with amusement.

Lip couldn’t help but smile, and then touched his nose.。

“Watt hair? !”

“I think God is also a peach. She may have fallen in love with my big eagle, which is why she gave me such good luck!”


“Hey, I heard from Fiona, are you going to marry Veronica? what’s the situation? So fierce!”

“Well, it’s a long story. I’ll talk to you later. Kevin hesitated, “Can you lend me this car to drive for two days, just to have fun?””

“Of course, no problem. “After that, Lip hugged Kevin.。

“Brothers! “Kevin, who was looking at the Hummer with green eyes, stared like bells when he saw Jessica getting out of the passenger seat.。

“Lip, don’t tell that sexy and sweet-looking beauty from the Dragon Kingdom that she is your girlfriend, otherwise I will be jealous to death! ”

Looking at Kevin’s straight eyes, Lip’s vanity as a man was greatly satisfied at this moment. He smiled and nodded: “Yes, that’s my girlfriend!”

“A generous gift crab! What kind of bad luck have you had recently? ”

Steve looked shocked.。

“Hi, I’m Lip’s girlfriend Jessica! “Jessica walked up to Lip, smiled friendly and stretched out her right hand.。

“Hi, I’m Lip’s good buddy Kevin! ”

Kevin touched Jessica’s hand lightly in a gentlemanly manner and then took it back.

Then he led the Gallagher family into the bar.。

“Wei, look who’s coming! ”

Kevin shouted loudly as soon as he entered the bar.。

“Oh, Fiona!”

“Congratulations, Veronica! ”

The two sisters hugged each other tightly。

“Hi Lip! ”

Veronica originally wanted to retaliate with Lip. After all, she regarded Lip as her younger brother. But

when she saw Jessica next to Lip, Veronica turned into a black question mark face. She asked in surprise: “Lipp, have you changed your girlfriend again?”

“Veronica, it’s not a replacement, it’s an addition!”

“What’s the meaning?”

“Hmm~” Lip didn’t even know how to explain it.。

“Forget it, stop talking. I can’t understand the world of you young people, and I don’t want to understand it. Just be happy! Veronica changed the subject, “But please don’t hurt a good girl at will!””

“I know. “Lipp nodded.

Veronica pulled Fiona aside and began to share her joy with her best friends.

Lip took Jessica to a wine table and started drinking.。

“How about it? Never been to a ghetto bar。”

“Sorry, I used to go there often with my sisters when I was in high school. The style of the bars in Longren District is obviously different from here, but they are all the same old and shabby ones. ”

Jessica looked around, then smiled and said: “I quite like it here. ”

This is something Lip didn’t expect.

It seems that the eldest lady Jessica’s growth history is more colorful than I thought.

After a while, tonight’s theme officially started.

Kevin stood in the center of the bar, He solemnly announced to everyone that he and Veronica would hold their wedding next week!

Immediately, everyone in the bar started cheering!

Everyone drank, everyone danced, everyone… celebrated this rare and joyful night together.

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