Lip heard Fiona talking to Wei and a strange man.

He knew that the legendary “eldest brother-in-law” Steve and his eldest sister Fiona met tonight according to the plot.。

“Ian, let’s go down together and see what’s going on!”


The two brothers went downstairs together, followed by Debbie and Carl.

While still on the stairs, Lip saw Wei sitting on the sofa, treating a wound on the forehead of a naked man. Fiona was sitting on the side, and the three of them were chatting happily.。

“Hi my name is Steve。”



“This is Debbie. “Fiona introduced。

“Hi Debbie。”

“Your watch is great!”

“Sanx, that’s Panerai’s。”

“That’s Ian. “Fiona pointed behind Steve.。

“Hi. ” Steve turned to say hello.

Ian raised his hand to signal。

“Yo, Veronica! “Kevin called to Wei and walked into the house, “Is the key with you?”

“what happened? “Kevin asked looking at Steve。

“This is Steve, who beat the hell out of the security guard at Purgatory Bar to protect my dignity.。”

“It’s for me! “Fiona said with a happy smile。

“Yeah? Which security guard? “Kevin frowned.。

“jimmy clifton。”

“Jimmy Klee…oh man, you’re such a dick! I adore you so much! “Kevin took the initiative to reach out his hand and shook it with Steve.。

“That guy just stood there, looking like an idiot.。”

“Then you must be his third, no, fourth enemy! “Kevin sat next to Lip and smiled at each other.。

“Yeah? ”

Steve and Kevin chatted word by word.

Fiona quickly stood up and dodged the bottle from Carl’s mouth, who was secretly drinking.。

“Okay, it’s time to sleep. Go upstairs, hurry up! ”

Fiona issued the order.

Lip, Ian, Debbie and Carl quickly went upstairs.

Kevin and Wei left after teasing Steve a joke.

After confirming that the underage children were back in the room , Fiona began to pack her things while chatting with Steve.

The two gradually got better and started a real battle.。

“I guessed it right, give me money! “Lipp raised his eyebrows at Ian and Carl.

Ian and Carl gave Lip a dollar each.

Just when the battle between Fiona and Steve entered the most critical moment, there was a knock on the back door.

Fiona He quickly ran back to his room on the second floor.

Steve quickly put on his pants.。

“Oh Shet! No more fun! Carl looked disappointed.

It turned out that Tony had sent the drunken Frank back.

After Steve got dressed, he walked out of the door.

Fiona said silently “Fuck!” ”

Steve, who was sweating profusely, stood next to the cab of the car, nodded to the three Gallagher brothers who were looking at him from the second floor, and then drove his stolen BMW and disappeared into the night. Lip knew that the washing

machine Stable。

“What do you think of this guy? “Ian asked。

“I think he’s oka

y! How dare you hit Jimmy Clifton, what a man! “Karl replied。

“It doesn’t matter what we think of him, what matters is what Fiona thinks of him! “Li Pu said with a smile.。

“Lip, is that guy our future brother-in-law? “Karl tilted his head and asked。

“Maybe, who knows? ” Lip replied with a smile.

Although he said this, he decided in his heart to help his eldest sister Fiona to completely take down this guy.

Because it has been really difficult for Fiona in recent years.

She started from seventeen She has supported the family on her own since she was 19 years old and is responsible for raising her five underage siblings.

Fiona does not have a fixed job and has been relying on odd jobs to support the whole family.

Her working hours are irregular, sometimes she has to work several jobs a day, and sometimes she does not work all day. Work is done.

The strong Fiona has never shown weakness in front of her younger brothers and sisters, and always finds ways to satisfy them.

In the past four years, she has suffered so much, been so tired, endured so much bitterness, and given up so many opportunities. , only she knows it.

Even if she wants to cry, she will only hide in a place where no one is around.

It is not easy for Fiona.

She really needs a shoulder, even if it is just to lean on, and then enjoy herself Talking is also good as a comfort to the soul. The reason

why Lip wants to do this

is because he thinks Steve is a good person, but also because there is no harm without comparison.

Steve and Feo Compared with the few guys behind Na, they are simply much better.

Even the well-known “little butt” of brother. As

a eldest sister, I am good at everything, but lacks business acumen and a vicious eye for choosing men.

It seems that I can only do it myself Check it out for her。

“Okay, let’s go to bed! “Lipp said to Carl and Ian.

In fact, since taking care of Karen, Lip’s mind has started to work very fast.

There are so many things that he has to think about and analyze.

His own family conditions, Karen’s family environment , his own economic strength, the growth and development of his family, and many other factors.

Because Lip not only wants to gain more money from the system, but also wants to give his family a bright future.

So he can’t stop at conquering girls all the time. The first step.

Lip is going to carry out the three things of picking up girls, making people, and giving birth to babies as much as possible.

Only in this way can the efficiency of gathering be high.

But to achieve this ideal situation, two necessities must be met first The prerequisites.

A relatively stable nest and a relatively wealthy income.

Lip actually already had a preliminary plan in mind.

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