The scenery outside the car window is slipping away quickly.

Lip and Ethel were talking and laughing as they drove home.

Suddenly, the new mobile phone that Lip bought for Ethel two days ago rang.。

“Hey, Veronica, what’s up?”

“Ethel, is Lip with you?”

“Here, let him answer the phone! ”

Li Pu took the phone with one hand.。

“Hello, Veronica……”

“Lip, we were robbed! Kevin was shot!”

“What! Is Kevin seriously injured?”

“Hi Lip, I’m Kevin, just a stray bullet scratch! Farke!”

“What’s going on?”

“I can’t explain it in just a few words! I’m at Wallace Street Park now. I’ll talk to you when you get here.。”

“good! ”

Lipp stepped on the accelerator a little more.。

“Lip, what’s the matter? Veronica’s tone seemed anxious to me!”

“Kevin and Veronica were robbed!”

“Who is so arrogant? ! Robbery in the park in broad daylight! ”

Ethel was stunned and stunned.。

“I don’t know either. But I’m not an ordinary person. I guess I have something to do with the gangs nearby.。”

“Gangster? !”

“Because they are the only ones who dare to rob and shoot so brazenly in broad daylight!”

“shot? ! Was Kevin shot? “Ethel was so frightened that she directly covered her mouth.。

“Fool, don’t worry, it’s just a scratch, it’s nothing serious! ”

Lipp held Ethel’s hand to reassure her.

Then Lip began to concentrate on driving.

It was originally close to a 40-minute drive, but it took only 28 minutes to get to the park.

Lip got off the car I saw Kevin sitting on a park bench with his left leg wrapped in gauze, while Veronica looked around anxiously.。

“Veronica! “Li Pu shouted loudly, waving his hands, and then led Ethel and walked over quickly.。

“Lip! You are here. “Veronica seemed to have found a backbone and held Lip’s hand tightly.

“Lip! “Kevin pursed his lips and smiled a little apologetically. He shouted and was about to get up, but was pushed down on the seat by Li Ke.。

“Kevin, you’re already like this, so don’t force it!”

“Lip, there’s really nothing wrong with me. I just scratched my skin a little and the blood didn’t flow very much. If you don’t believe me, ask Wei!”

“It’s not that he’s so stubborn. It’s really just a scratch. I used the gauze from the ice cream truck to simply treat and bandage it.。”

“Kevin, you are really stupid and blessed!”

“hey-hey! “Kevin rubbed his head and smiled.。

“Kevin, tell me what’s going on! “Lipp lit a Marlboro and took a sip and handed it to Kevin.

Kevin took it and took a sip, exhaling the smoke and slowly began to tell the story.。

“Our business today was originally very good! With the sales of the special Marlboro in the past few days, more and more people in the South District like it, and the supply is simply in short supply. We sold more than 8,000 yuan before 5 p.m.。”

“But who would have thought that when Veronica and I were going to buy the last few dozen B- and C-grade rods in this park, there would be nothing but moths! ”

Kevin suddenly covered his face with his hands.。

“G Dog’s subordinates Fei Luo and Shou Qiao also came over and bought a few. After smoking them, they also praised the special Marlboro. Later, the two of them went to play basketball one-on-one.。”

“Wei and I will continue to sell here! But I don’t know what happened, Fei Luo and Shou Qiao suddenly rushed over, first fired into the sky, and then pointed their guns at Veronica and me.。”

“And then you two were robbed? ”

Kevin and Veronica nodded together.。

“What were you two doing before you were robbed?”

“I’m counting money and taking stock of today’s running water!”

“Is it just in the car, without closing the window or sliding the door?。”

“Lip, how did you know?”

“Kevin, I think you’ve lost your mind! This is the Southern

District. You actually dare to count thousands of dollars in front of everyone. You are really crazy and seeking death!”

“I… I wasn’t just happy that I didn’t notice this. Who would have thought that this kind of thing would really happen! ”

Kevin said hard and tried to quibble.。

“It makes sense for you to ride on a horse, right? You feel uncomfortable because the bullet didn’t make a hole in you, right?”

“No no no! “Kevin waved his hand quickly。

“Kevin, I want to tell you that if you are fooled like this in the future, never count money in public. That may satisfy your vanity, but it may also kill you!”

“I will never do such a stupid thing again, but it won’t be so terrible that I will lose my life!”

“Whatever can happen will happen!”

“What does it mean?”

“This is Murphy’s Law!”

“Lip, is this what Murphy, the grocery seller next to Aleb, said?”

“Edward Murphy is an engineer. He proposed a psychological effect in 1949, also known as Murphy’s Law, Murphy’s Theorem, etc.。”

“Murphy’s Law originally said: If there are two or more ways to do something, and one of the choices will lead to disaster, someone will make this choice. ”

Li Pu patiently explained to Kevin, “Later it was extended to: If there is a possibility that things will go bad, no matter how small the possibility is, it will always happen. That is, whatever is possible will happen sooner or later。”

“Lip, now I understand!”

“Kevin, the reason why I explain so much to you is to make you aware of risks. After all, your business will only make more and more money in the future.。”

“Lip, really? Why am I getting more and more worried now? Kevin is so big, that’s the number of drug cartels in Mexico! If we were found out, Kevin and I would end up in jail for the rest of our lives.。”

“Veronica, risks and returns coexist, and high risks often mean high returns! “Li Pu continued calmly, “Don’t sell special cigarettes in the South District these days.。”

“Why? ! “Kevin looked confused.。

“Because there is a high probability that Fei Luo and Shou Qiao have already set their sights on you! No matter how much you sell, you will just work for them!”

“Lip, you mean they come and rob me every day? “Kevin looked unconvinced.。

“Kevin, if you could make thousands of dollars by going out every day and pointing a gun at people, would you do it? !”

“Damn it! I’ll go get the sand eagle pinned to my waist later.。”

“You are a pistol, and others are also pistols. Will others be afraid of you?”

“Then I gave Veronica a rifle and an AK. I still can’t believe how arrogant he can be! ” (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Kevin, do you have a regular gun license?”


“Then the latest task for you and Veronica is to take the gun license test as soon as possible, and then go to a regular gun store to buy pistols, rifles and shotguns on the grounds of maintaining the security and operation of the bar, and then give them to our ice cream truck buy some insurance。”

“Lip, what are you going to do? ”

Kevin and Veronica asked in unison。

“Nothing. G Dog and I had already made an agreement for three chapters before. But since he can’t control his men and they’re all over your heads,

I don’t think there’s any need for his Wild Dog Gang to exist. ”

Lipp’s eyes were extremely cold and his tone was very domineering.

Kevin and Veronica looked at Lip with wide eyes and looked at each other.

Ethel looked at Lip with admiration and love.

She had an inexplicable feeling: What Lip said would definitely come true!

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