The ninjas in the team quickly came to the injured companion.

They took out the special trauma medicine made by the Inuzuka clan and treated the wounds of the injured companions.

After the wounded man who took the Bingliang Pill recovered from his injuries, he immediately reported the intelligence he had just obtained to Nara Hikari.

“Captain, the ninjas from the Hidden Cloud Village have crossed the border and are heading towards the Land of Fire.”

“Hmm? It seems that we can’t wait for the Hokage to arrive.”

“How many people are there?”

“Tens of thousands.”

“Tens of thousands!”

Everyone, including Nara Hikari, was stunned when they heard the number.

“What should the captain do?”

“Did you find out anything?”

Nara Hikari looked at Silbi, who was good at torture.

“That ninja is under a ban, and his memory cannot be explored.”

Silbi explained.

“It’s really troublesome, it seems that we can’t wait any longer.”

Nara Hikari looked around.

Everyone was looking at him now.

Some people avoided his gaze, and some were too excited.

“Originally, Lord Hokage only sent us to monitor the movements of the Hidden Cloud Village, but now it may not work. We must not let them enter the heart of the Land of Fire. Those who are willing to fight against the Hidden Cloud Village with me stand up, and those who are unwilling to fight with me will not be forced. Now you can go back to the camp and wait for support.”

Although Tobirama gave him the highest authority to lead the team before leaving, it must be his first time to lead a team, and he was a little nervous in his heart.

Fortunately, none of these people backed down, and all looked at Nara Hikari with firm eyes.

“Count me in.”

“Captain, count me in.”

“Okay, I won’t talk about the righteousness. Our relatives are in Konoha Village. If the Fire Country loses, our lives will be ruined, our relatives will be exploited, and even killed. Are you willing?”.


The Konoha ninja who hesitated just now was also ready to die in battle.

“Captain, you underestimate us too much.”

“Aren’t you afraid of death?”.

“If the Fire Country is gone, where can we go? Do we want to be traitors? After all, our relatives are in Konoha Village.”

“Well, let’s go.”

Nara Hikaru said and jumped towards the direction of Kumogakure Village.

Hundreds of Konoha ninjas followed.

A group of people caught up with the Kumogakure ninja troops on the way.

Just as the scouts reported, they were densely packed all over the mountains.

It was still shocking to see tens of thousands of ninjas rushing on the road together.

But there was no chance to regret it at this time.

“Secret technique, shadow soldiers”.

As soon as Nara Hikari finished speaking, thousands of shadow soldiers of various shapes appeared around again.


Thousands of shadow soldiers rushed to the Cloud Village troops first.

“Let’s go too”.

Nara Hikari took out a kunai and held it in his hand.


Nishito and Silbi came to both sides of Nara Hikari at the same time.

He shouted and rushed towards the enemy first.

Nara Hikari’s body quickly disappeared in the shadow under his feet.

“Enemy attack”.

After hundreds of Cloud Village ninjas were killed, they finally reacted.

They began to turn around and rush towards the shadow soldiers.

At this time, the Konoha ninjas also joined the battle.

The fierce battle started instantly.

Although the shadow soldiers were numerous, they were generally of the strength of Chunin.

At the beginning, they caught the Cloud Village off guard and achieved good results.

Unfortunately, when the Cloud Village reacted, the shadow soldiers were still dispersed under the siege.

“Shadow clone?”.

The Cloud Hidden Village ninja who dispersed the shadow soldiers looked at the shadow soldiers approaching again in surprise.

At this stage, the shadow soldiers gathered by Nara Hikari can only fight in close combat and do not have any long-range attack methods.

But they have the same ability as Nara Hikari.

That is, they can freely shuttle in the shadow of any object.

This ability of appearing and disappearing gradually gained the upper hand for a while.

After Nara Hikari joined the battlefield, the battlefield began to fall one-sidedly.

One by one, the Cloud Hidden Village ninja died in the hands of Nara Hikari.

The powerful strength made every ninja who fought against Nara Hikari tremble.

“Stop that guy.”

Seeing his own ninja being killed, the ninja leading the Cloud Hidden Village this time was furious.

Commanded thousands of subordinates to surround Nara Hikari.

The Cloud Hidden Village had to bite the bullet and rush up.

However, no matter how they surrounded, Nara Hikari would always appear in unexpected places.

“Thunder escape, thunder cover”.

A senior ninja from the Hidden Cloud Village quickly appeared beside Nara Hikaru and raised his hand to form a seal.


Lightning bolts fell from the sky around Nara Hikari.

After the thunder zone was formed, dozens of lightning bolts shot towards Nara Hikari.

Nara Hikari quickly disappeared into the shadow.


The senior ninja looked at the disappearing Nara Hikari in surprise.

“His ability may be strange, be careful.”

The senior ninja of the Hidden Cloud Village reminded loudly.

“Lightning escape, strange thunder drowning thunder axe.”

Another senior ninja of the Hidden Cloud Village attached the lightning chakra to his legs and kicked towards Nara Hikari.

Nara Hikari disappeared again.

His kick missed.

“Mala, release the barrier.”


Two senior ninjas quickly appeared in front and behind Nara Hikari.

“Lightning escape, thunderstorm.”

The two shouted at the same time.

Quickly rotated around Nara Hikari.

When the lightning chakra formed a thunder circle around Nara Hikari, the two separated again, appearing under Nara Hikari’s feet and head one above and one below.

“Lightning escape, Thunder Dream”.

The two shouted again at the same time.

Two lightning balls appeared above and below Nara Hikari.

They were connected to the lightning circle surrounding Nara Hikari.

A cocoon-shaped lightning ball formed by lightning chakra wrapped Nara Hikari.

Nara Hikari frowned.

He didn’t expect the enemy to think of this trick to cut off his connection with the shadow.

“Sorry, you know nothing about my strength.”

Several kunai appeared in Nara Hikari’s hand.

Then he threw them out.

When the kunai touched the surrounding lightning chakra, it disappeared instantly.

When it appeared again, it had already stabbed from the left and right of the two jonin.

“Get out of the way”.

The jonin of the Hidden Cloud Village named Mara hurriedly reminded his companions.

Unfortunately, it was too late.

The kunai pierced deeply into the shoulder of the Hidden Cloud Village jonin.


A scream.

The barrier formed by the lightning chakra was broken.

Nara Hikari disappeared from the spot.

Appeared beside the jonin with a shoulder injury.

The kunai in his hand pierced into the opponent’s neck.


Mara roared.

The thunder chakra in his hand condensed.

“Lightning escape, grenade”.

Mara rushed towards Nara Hikari, intending to save his companion.

Nara Hikari pulled out the kunai and threw the jonin’s body to Mara.

Nara Hikari disappeared from the spot.

Mara caught the body of his companion, but it was too late to grieve.

Because Nara Hikari appeared on his side.

“Super large shadow shuriken”.

Nara Hikari raised his hand.

Dozens of shuriken flew towards Mara from all around him.

The swirling wind pushed the surrounding air away.

“I’m not willing to accept this”.

Mara roared before he died.

This series of killing moves were all thought out by Nara Hikari himself at the ranch during the days he traveled through time.

I didn’t expect it to be useful.

‘I’m still very talented.’

Nara Hikari praised himself silently in his heart.


The remaining two Kumogakure jonins and the captain of the Kumogakure who was leading the team and was close to being an elite jonin.

had to order a temporary retreat.

He also reported the news of his encounter with Nara Hikari back to the Kumogakure headquarters.

The ninja world was shocked when this news came out.

Konoha has another genius ninja, a powerful young ninja.

Not only the major ninja villages were shocked.

There was also the second generation Hokage Tobirama, and a group of high-ranking officials.

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