A senior prosecutor with a sinister face and an exquisite uniform walked majestically into the inspection room with two soldiers in black.

The prosecutor who originally gave Suri a hard time immediately saluted respectfully: "Sir!"

The senior prosecutor looked around, then sniffed the smell of gasoline in the air, and said with a look of enjoyment: "The smell of gasoline here is really strong."

The original prosecutor seemed to have found a backer, pointed at Suri, and said angrily: "Sir, it's him! He brought so much gasoline, saying it was as a contribution, but in fact he was threatening me!"

The senior prosecutor glanced at Suri disdainfully and did not speak immediately.

The original prosecutor continued to add insult to injury: "This guy has an unknown origin and drives a Jeep from the Patrol Bureau. He has so much gasoline. I suspect that he murdered someone from the Patrol Bureau on the way here! Otherwise, how could he have so much gasoline?" ?”

Upon hearing this, Su Rui glanced at the prosecutor coldly, with disdain on his face.

When the prosecutor saw that the senior prosecutor did not speak, he suggested even more arrogantly: "Sir, we should arrest them and investigate them carefully. There must be something wrong with him! Who knows, we can make a great contribution this time!"

Su Rui sneered secretly in his heart, how come every time someone sees him, they seem to see an opportunity to make meritorious deeds? Are you really so popular?

The senior prosecutor stared at Su Rui with burning eyes and said coldly: "Is it you who just... spoke to my brother in a disrespectful tone?"

When the original prosecutor and the surrounding soldiers heard this, they all thought that the senior prosecutor was standing up for them, so they straightened their chests and assumed a posture of pretending to be powerful.

Suri didn't take it seriously and responded coldly: "Yes, it's me! What do you want to do with me?"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a crisp "pop" sound, and the senior prosecutor's hand suddenly swung out, but he was slapped hard on the face.

But this face is that of the prosecutor.

Immediately, the senior prosecutor turned his head, stared at the prosecutor closely, and shouted angrily: "Let me ask you, are you and my brother... speaking in a disrespectful tone?"

"Sir...I...I...not...he...I don't..." The prosecutor was overwhelmed by the sudden slap and spoke incoherently.

This dramatic reversal shocked everyone, including Suri, who also showed a puzzled expression.

What exactly is going on?

Who is whose brother?



Two more slaps.

The senior prosecutor asked the prosecutor angrily: "You damn thing, you saw my brother coming and you still dare to ask for his contribution? Do you not take me seriously at all?"

The prosecutor was slapped one after another until he almost cried.

With a sad face, he quickly begged for mercy: "Sir, I... I really didn't know he was your brother. I was blind. I was wrong, I was really wrong."

The senior prosecutor glared at him, then put on a smiling face, turned to Suri and said: "Brother, I really didn't know you were here. This is all a misunderstanding. Come on, come to my room quickly and let me give you a good meal." You take the wind and wash away the dust..."

Suri looked at the senior prosecutor with interest, full of doubts.

"Brother, don't worry, I will help you find a place to enter the shelter." The senior prosecutor hurriedly added.

After that, he took Suri and headed towards a conference room.

This scene completely stunned the prosecutor. He originally thought that someone could support him, but he didn't expect that it was for Suri and the others.

At this time, Professor Liu immediately communicated with Su Rui through his consciousness: "Suri, what is going on? Why did this senior prosecutor suddenly change his attitude?"

Su Rui smiled slightly, with a flash of interest in his eyes, and responded: "I don't know, but things are getting interesting. Don't worry, let's follow him first and see what medicine he sells in his gourd."

Just as they were about to move on, the senior prosecutor suddenly stopped, pointed at the prosecutor and the soldiers, and ordered to the black-clothed soldiers: "These people are suspected of corruption, bribery, and cheating. The evidence is conclusive. Give it to me." Catch them and send them to military court!”

The prosecutor and the soldiers suddenly panicked, because if they went to the military court, their future would be gone. So they knelt on the ground and kowtowed and begged for mercy: "Sir, we were wrong, let us go! We didn't know they were your friends! We were just following your instructions, right?"

"Follow my instructions? Do you mean that the mistakes you made were at my instigation? Haha..." A cold smile appeared on the senior prosecutor's face, and then he shouted coldly: "As soldiers, you are so easy Kneeling on the ground and begging for mercy is a disgrace to the military. Stop wasting your words and punish him on the spot!"

The prosecutor instantly realized that he had said the wrong thing and hurriedly kowtowed harder and begged for mercy, but it was already too late.

Following the order of the senior prosecutor, the black-clad warriors acted quickly and dragged the prosecutor and the soldiers out.

The other two soldiers in black picked up the gasoline on the ground and followed the senior prosecutor and Suri's group.

Outside the checkpoint.

After the black-clad soldiers announced the execution, gunshots rang out and the crowd cheered, happy to have eliminated the corrupt officials.

However, the checkpoint was temporarily closed and no one was being screened.

As for Suri, he was taken to a conference room.

The senior prosecutor warmly entertained Su Rui and his party, treating them as honored guests.

He personally poured water for Su Rui and the people around him, and also took out desserts and snacks that were rare after the end of the world.

These treatments made Su Rui even more confused, and he didn't understand what the senior prosecutor's intentions were.

However, Su Rui's women were delighted, because such food was too rare and precious at the moment.

The senior prosecutor smiled and said to Su Rui: "Brother, don't worry, I have dealt with those people who made things difficult for you just now. The news that you have gasoline will not leak out."

Su Rui looked at him playfully and asked lightly: "This sir, what are you..."

The senior prosecutor replied: "I can see that you are not an ordinary person, brother. You can take out so much gasoline, and you must have more resources and means. I just helped you out, just to see if we have a chance to cooperate."

"Cooperation? What if I choose to refuse?" Su Rui sneered, with his own calculations in his mind.

His principle is that whether to cooperate or not is not up to you, but me!

Old Zhu didn't seem to care about Su Rui's cold attitude, and still smiled and said: "Then let's make friends first. What I like most is making friends. I can help arrange your places in the shelter. What do you think?"

Su Rui was still puzzled. He asked calmly: "What do you want to do? I don't seem to see any benefit for you."

Old Zhu smiled, patted his big belly, and said: "Brother, my principle is that even if there is no mutual benefit, I will never offend people easily. In this end of the world, I just want to live as better as possible."

Su Rui couldn't help but admire that in this end of the world, Old Zhu could maintain such a body shape, which was really extraordinary.

So, he suddenly changed his attitude and agreed: "Okay! Since you are sincere, let's explore the possibility of cooperation..."

In Su Rui's view, he just needed a reliable partner in the shelter to help him deal with the unlimited resources in his hands.

This senior prosecutor is not only sensible but also capable, which undoubtedly makes him a suitable candidate for his own use.

However, even if it is cooperation, there must be a distinction between primary and secondary.

So, Su Rui changed the subject and said seriously: "However, I have one condition. How to cooperate must be decided by me! Otherwise, you will only have one result, which is... death!"

The senior prosecutor naturally knew that it was time to show his strength, so he said without flinching: "Brother, I am not scared. Look at these black-clad warriors around me. They are the elites of the guard team and you can't deal with them easily."

Su Rui sneered and responded: "Oh? Then I want to see if they are really as powerful as you said!"

As soon as the voice fell, the atmosphere in the room became tense instantly.

The two black-clad warriors quickly launched an attack. One drew his sword and stabbed Su Rui, and the other punched. Both of them released a killing move with powerful Qi!

The surrounding air became distorted under these two moves.

If Su Rui can't dodge, he will definitely die!

But Su Rui will naturally not sit and wait for death!

This is the critical moment for both parties to show their respective strengths. The winner will have a greater say in future cooperation!

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