Many Children, More Blessings: Hehuan Patriarch Takes In Another Female Disciple

19. Have Another Child And Become The Strongest Person In The Human World!

"This matter..."

"Don't mention this matter again, just pretend it never happened."

One night later.

Fairy Wangchen's complexion has returned to normal.

Her body is no longer as hot as iron.

She was dressed neatly and put on the veil again.

After quietly looking at her wrist, Wangchen sighed slightly.

How could she have expected that this female disciple would be a man?

Besides, she was conscious just now, and everything was her own initiative.

Of course, she couldn't blame others.

Besides, this person had been sitting on her lap and remained calm just now, because she had teased him many times.

"Anyway, you didn't lie to me. Not only did you detoxify me, but you also helped me recover my cultivation."

"I naturally remember the previous agreement! Tomorrow I will announce that you will be my true disciple."

Lin Xiao has now eliminated the illusion technique.

Wearing only a pair of outer pants, his naked upper body reveals a perfect figure like a sculpture.

He stood up lazily: "Then I, the disciple, would like to thank you, Master!"

Fairy Wangchen looked back.

I saw that this boy had a handsome face and a noble bearing.

She looked away as if she had been electrocuted.

She dared not look again.

She just pretended to be cold.

Lin Xiao transformed into Hongchen again.

Before leaving, he kindly reminded: "The one who could poison so quietly must be someone close to the elder."

"To avoid being plotted against by such a villain again, the elder should take the time to investigate."

Waiting for the door to close.

Wangchen breathed a sigh of relief.

He also felt a little empty in his heart.


Lin Xiao left Qingxin Peak.

He went to find a place to practice on his own.

He wanted to use this time before the Hehuan Secret Realm was opened to break through the Seven Star Dragon Sword to the third level.

At this time, the system prompt sounded.

[The host has been detected to have a child. ]

[Congratulations to the host for having a hundred years of cultivation! ]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining 10,000 High Grade Spirit Stones! ]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining 10,000 Middle Grade Herbs! ]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining 100,000 High Grade Materials! ]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining 10,000 various high-level elixirs! ]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Hehuan Heart Method (perfect) ]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Hehuan Gong (perfect) ]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Taiqing Xuanbing Jue (second level) ]

Hearing this voice.

Lin Xiao smiled bitterly: "Don't mention this matter again, just pretend it never happened..."

"Even you have my flesh and blood, how can you pretend it never happened in the future?"

Arrived at the place.

Lin Xiao found that the reward this time seemed to be better than the previous few times.

"It seems that as the number of my offspring increases, the quality of the rewards will gradually improve."

"Now the two basic methods of the Joyous Union Sect have been completed, and I don't have to waste time."

"In addition, Taiqing Xuanbing Jue...? It's actually a Qian-level method, the art of controlling ice..."

"Not only can it kill people a hundred steps away, but it can also dissolve the practitioner's power."

"Those who have cultivated to perfection can even freeze the entire area of ​​a hundred feet."

"What a powerful method!"

If it were before.

Lin Xiao would definitely be very happy to get this method.

But now it is known that there are immortal secrets in the Hehuan Secret Realm.

His mind has already been on the true scripture.

He immediately decided not to think too much.

Now he has gained another hundred years of cultivation.

He can also take advantage of the gap when Ningxiang, the little girl, goes out to practice and practice his own strength.

Thinking of this.

Lin Xiao felt a little annoyed again.

"I wanted to stay in this True Origin Realm to make steady progress, consolidate my foundation and refine my skills."

"I didn't expect that I would have so many opportunities in this Joyous Union Sect. I have gained a hundred years of cultivation several times in just a few days."

"Since the True Origin Realm has been completed, the Great Dao of Guixu Realm is right in front of me. With a hundred years of cultivation, how can I not break through?"

"Forget it, I'm afraid I'll have to find a special world and do some retreat in the future."

Lin Xiao took the exquisite jade in his hand.

He felt a little warm in his heart.

The little girl's identity is so extraordinary, no wonder she has such a treasure in her hand.

However, she actually gave it to Lin Xiao without reservation.

It shows her heart for this senior brother.

The reason why the jade pendant was taken out at this time.

It was because Lin Xiao was somewhat unsure about breaking through the Guixu Realm.

Before, he broke through the True Origin Realm in one breath, and he didn't think too much.

He simply didn't encounter any obstacles.

At this time, the difficulty and process of breaking through the Guixu Realm must be incomparable to the True Origin Realm.

Moreover, there are only a few powerful people in the Guixu Realm in this world.

Most mortals cannot explore this path in their entire lives.

The breakthrough experience left behind is even rarer.

Lin Xiao is walking on an unknown path that few people have ever walked on.

Although he must act carefully.

But with this exquisite jade pendant by his side, Lin Xiao also has a little more confidence in his heart.

If he really encounters any danger.

This precious jade protects the master and will not die.

"It's useless to think too much, so concentrate on breaking through."

After Lin Xiao used the jade pendant.

He took seven Guyuan Pills.

Then he started to practice the Seven Stars Kung Fu and began to practice with the Hehuan Heart Method.

A hundred years of essence cultivation.

From Lin Xiao's Divine Treasure acupoint, all the meridians in the body were washed, and finally merged into the Dantian.

As soon as this process began.

Lin Xiao felt that this breakthrough was very different from the previous ones.

Previously, whether it was the tempering of meridians, Spirit Sea, or true essence.

When breaking through, I only felt that the body was repeatedly tempered.

It strengthened the body, expanded the meridians, and deepened the Qi Sea yoga.

But at this moment, Lin Xiao.

He felt that the Qi of heaven and earth.

It seemed to be squeezing him.

The strengthening caused by the previous few realms seemed to have no effect in this tempering.

At this moment, Lin Xiao was like an ordinary person with no cultivation.

He was suffering from severe pain every moment.

It seemed that he would explode and die in the next second.

Not long after, there were many coarse beads of sweat on his forehead.

"No, the pressure felt when breaking through the Guixu realm is not borne by the body."

"It is... borne by my seven souls and six spirits..."

"If I fail, I am afraid that my soul will be scattered!"

Lin Xiao, who was experiencing severe pain, did not know it himself.

Because he broke through the Guixu realm barrier here.

It has also caused chaos in the Joyous Union Sect outside.

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