At night, Lin Xiao was alone in his residence, comprehending the Yin-Yang Hehuan Sutra. The candlelight on the table flickered. Then a pair of tender hands suddenly stroked his chest. A fragrant breath like orchid rushed into his ears, causing a tingling sensation. "Young master, are you lonely practicing alone? Do you want me to practice with you to add some fun?" Yun Yao's figure appeared beside him out of thin air. Her eyes were as charming as silk, and her voice was charming and seductive, which moved people's hearts. She had turned back into a pretty girl at this time, wearing a green Luo skirt that she didn't know where she got from. She was extremely beautiful. Since Lin Xiao defeated the six sects of Demon Dao outside the gate of Joyous Union Sect, this woman disappeared again without a trace. Unexpectedly, she followed him all the way here, and transformed into a disciple of the Seven Star Sect and sneaked in. Lin Xiao had always been a little wary of her in his heart. He just said calmly: "Miss Yunyao, what do you want to do in my Seven Stars Sect?"

"Miss? Hahahaha, you are so nice, it makes me feel itchy." Yunyao was unrestrained.

A pair of slender legs like white jade gently hooked up.

Her face was very close,

her mouth exuded orchid fragrance, and waves of hot air hit Lin Xiao's neck again.

Seeing that Lin Xiao ignored her,

she stretched out her hand to tease Lin Xiao's face, and slowly said: "Mr., I was really lonely when you were not around."

"It's just some ordinary people fighting each other, it's meaningless."

Lin Xiao said: "Miss Yunyao, what exactly did you come to me for?"

"Hateful!" Yunyao said coquettishly, "Mr., do you have to make it so clear? Of course I miss you!"

Lin Xiao suddenly got up and threw Yunyao on the bed.

But she was still smiling and posed in a more ecstatic posture.

Seeing that Lin Xiao still had a cold face.

Yun Yao sighed slightly: "It's really not fun to be so unromantic! Alas... I won't tease you, young master."

She bit her lip and said suddenly: "Young master, is the taste of this Tianshu Realm wonderful?"

"That day, a group of ordinary people were turned into nothingness in an instant. Young master must have enjoyed it very much."

"Young master, do you want to know more about the mysteries of this path of cultivation?"

Lin Xiao frowned,

staring at Yun Yao with some complexity.

This woman's behavior was secretive, which made him a little unpredictable.

But the things she said about cultivation really made Lin Xiao very interested.

Yun Yao's mother was a cultivator after all.

Her life experience was also very special.

She must know a little about cultivation.

If Lin Xiao really wanted to seek the Great Dao.

This woman was a good guide.

Lin Xiao asked himself that there is no free benefit in this world, and he said, "If you are willing to reveal the mystery to me, you must have your conditions, so tell me." Yun Yao twisted her slender waist: "What are you talking about, young master? We have such a deep friendship, why should we be so distant?" Then she slowly opened her white arms, revealing her broad chest. "Hehe, young master, come and hug me, so that I can tell you in detail in your ear, okay?" Although it is the cold winter, it is particularly hot tonight. ...... It must be said that Yun Yao is really unique in the world. Lin Xiao really gained a lot after this night, and the Spirit Qi in his body increased a lot. Yun Yao's moist and pretty face was bright red.

"I really can't bear to leave you..." Yun Yao smiled sweetly and explained the purpose of her trip with satisfaction. After she left the Joyous Union Sect that day, she wandered around again. In addition to watching other people fighting and fighting, Yun Yao has been asking about the whereabouts of the Flying Fairy Picture. In the eyes of ordinary people, this thing is just an ordinary ink painting depicting several graceful fairies. Hanging it indoors can help people improve their cultivation. But the mysterious things in the painting are impossible for ordinary people to peek into. If a cultivator injects a little spiritual power into this painting, this portrait will become a map marking the entrance to the Secret Realm of the Immortals. Yun Yao also heard her mother mention this thing that year, so she wanted to find it. From the tone of her words, it seems that she is also very interested in the Secret Realm of the Immortals. Lin Xiao listened carefully and felt that it was reasonable and not a lie. Then he asked: "Miss Yun Yao, do you want to avenge your parents?"

Yun Yao hooked her pink jade feet and swayed back and forth.

Like a girl, she smiled innocently: "What's the point of revenge? I just want to kill a few people for fun."

Lin Xiao was speechless: "Then do you have any clues about the whereabouts of the Flying Fairy Picture?"

"Yes!" Yun Yao came closer again, "I also accidentally heard from others that there is a Flying Fairy Picture in this Ghost Alliance."

"I wanted to steal this picture directly, but I didn't know that although it was in the Righteous Alliance, I couldn't find the specific location of this picture."

"So...I had to ask for help, young master."

"I heard that the Righteous Alliance will hold a conference recently, and this Flying Fairy Picture will be the prize for the top ten contestants. Young master, you..."

Lin Xiao said: "Miss Yun Yao is very smart and has the unpredictable Divine Abilith, why not get it yourself? "Yun Yao Yingying smiled, and the little hand was uneasy:" The slave family still likes to watch the son's killing. It's hard to say "" If you are interested, you may wish to make a fun. The shadow disappeared in the room again. ]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining 10,000 Supreme Grade Spirit Stones! ]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining 10,000 Supreme Grade herbs! ]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining 100,000 Supreme Grade materials! ]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining 10,000 Supreme Grade pills of various types! ]

[It has been detected that there is a High Grade Wood Spirit Root owner among the host's bloodline descendants. ]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining a High Grade Wood Spirit Root! ]

[It has been detected that there is a High Grade Wood Spirit Root owner among the host's bloodline descendants. ]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining a High Grade Wood Spirit Root! ]


she's pregnant too.

Lin Xiao was just wondering whether to be wary of Yun Yao,

but now that she's become the mother of a child.

The relationship between the two is naturally not as simple as before.

"Since there are such benefits, it's not impossible to take a look at this conference."

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