Mary Joya,

Five Old Stars received a call from Stussy

At the moment,

Five old guys sitting together

Look at each other.

All of them were confused.

What the hell is this Ron going to do?

It’s too messy, right?

Does he know what that means?

Five Old Star (fat) said a little speechlessly:

“Can any of you tell me what he’s going to do?”

“Why suddenly ask for a license from World Radio.”

“The old man can’t figure it out!”

Five Old Stars (High):

“The old man doesn’t know.”

“But to give or not to give?”

The Five Old Stars (Sword) said in a deep voice

“Of course you have to give it, have you forgotten what Lord Im said?”

The five old stars (fat) hesitated and said

“But shouldn’t we ask Lord Im for instructions?”

Five Old Stars (Sword):

“Lord Im has already said that Lord Ron will be given the greatest convenience within his authority.”

“Isn’t it just a radio station, he shouldn’t be able to do anything too much.”

Less than five minutes before and after.

An authorized message from the World Government High Command Center.

has already been sent to the headquarters of the Navy.

Move fast, be efficient

It’s not like the way the world government does.

The Sengoku is meeting.


The golden secret telephone worm at the headquarters rang.

This is only used when world governments communicate confidential instructions.

For a moment.

Sengoku and the others thought that something big had happened.

The meeting ended immediately.

Sengoku, Karp, and Tsuru staff officers immediately came to the office.

Karp also said very seriously

“Did something big happen?”

“This golden secret phone worm hasn’t been activated for a long time.”

Sengoku came to the phone bug

Press down on one of the buttons above.

All three were very serious.

Waiting for the phone bug to deliver the secret message.


The holographic projection of the five old stars was projected from the golden phone worm.

One of them said:

“Listen, I’ll wait for the official authorization to activate World Radio.”

Sengoku looked confused.

I took a look at the staff officer Karp and Crane next to him


“You two applied?”

Karp clasped his nostrils,

It looks like it has nothing to do with me.

Staff Officer Tsuru said directly:

“How could it be that we applied?”

Seeing these two did not apply.

Sengoku is even more strange,

Could it be that you applied for it yourself?

How is that possible?

I applied for it myself, why didn’t I know it?


He said immediately:

“We haven’t applied for the right to use World Radio!”

The five old stars in the projection snorted coldly and said:

“Not for you.”

“After opening, transfer the right to use to the inspector general.”

After the five old stars said this, they turned off the communication.

Toot toot ~

The screen disappears.

Sengoku just wanted to express doubts

But there is no chance.

The Golden Secret Bug has been shut down.


“What’s going on here?”

Sengoku wondered if he was dreaming?

Staff Officer Tsuru shook his head

After thinking about it,

That’s what he said

“What is the identity of this inspector general?”

“How is it possible that the authority is so large?”

“Even World Radio is so easy to apply.”

World Radio is an important device for rapid communication with other countries.

It is impossible to use lightly.

Which application does not have to be approved by the world government.

Not only must application documents, instructions for use, but also undergo a strict review of the broadcast content.

Without ten days and a half month, basically it is not authorized.

How could it be as easy as it is now?


It’s not as fast as using newspapers.

This is also why the Navy rarely uses world radio.

This time I was able to authorize it so quickly

I had to make people interested in Ron’s identity.

Karp puffed out his nose

That’s what he said

“To make the five old stars cooperate so much, the identity is definitely not simple.”

“But what the old man is more curious about now is, what is he going to do with World Radio?”

Sengoku took a deep breath


“I always had a bad feeling.”

“I wish I thought too much.”

At the same time,


Almost at the same time,

Stitusi’s side has already received authorization.

After being authorized,

The phone worm in his hand immediately changed color.

Although I don’t know what kind of technology this is,


It’s not easy to see.

Authorized phone bugs,

It is possible to transmit images and sound to sub-stations around the world.

If you can play the screen, the screen will be played.

If the picture cannot be played, the sound will be played.

Because the conditions are different in each country.


The world radio stations set up also vary in specifications.

Some can project the screen

Some can only play sound.

After Stussy got the authorization,

It’s also very emotional.

That’s less than five minutes

The authorization is already down.

This…. It’s worthy of being Im’s younger brother.

This made Stussy thoroughly understand what it is called:

There are people in the DPRK who are easy to do.

She immediately took the authorized phone worm,

Arrived in front of Ron.


“Lord Ron, we have been authorized to transmit messages to substations around the world from now on.”

Smogg and Dusty heard this

All stunned.

This… Can this really be authorized?

No way!

When did the five old stars become so talkative?


That’s too fast, right?

Came down in less than five minutes after applying?

Isn’t it also necessary to censor the broadcast content?

I didn’t even submit the content of the broadcast here

The world government is so relieved to hand over the authorization?

They are not afraid of the Inspector General after being authorized

Feel free to distribute content?

This time,

Smogg and Dusty really couldn’t understand it.

They had thought about this application from the inspector general

Will be scolded by the five old stars.

The result was not only not scolded

I also painfully approved the authorization.

This inspector general, the power is too great, even the five old stars have to give face?

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