Chapter 227: Should I be forgiven if I have been whitewashed? Ron sets the rules!!

Bucky the Clown, standing on the bow of the ship at the moment.

He wears an oversized garment and uses his ability to split the clothes to stretch out. So at the moment the little hands look huge. At the moment he was frowning.

He also did not expect to meet a large force of the navy here. That’s pretty unlucky.

And he had never seen the Navy dispatch troops of this size. I don’t know what this is for?

It’s really a headache.

If the two sides fight here, they won’t be able to hold out even a minute.

There must be no fighting.

But Bucky thought about it carefully.

After all, I am now a regular company with legal procedures. Not a pirate either.

There is no reason for the Navy to do anything to him. So he doesn’t have to worry at all. Don’t be afraid.

Just swagger over. You can even say hello to the Navy. Come to think of it.

Bucky finally put his mind at ease. And at the moment.

The younger brothers behind him.

Seeing so many navies, I couldn’t help but get excited. Start booing in the back.

“Boss Bucky! Our opportunity has come! ”

“Yes, Boss Bucky! We follow you and wait for this moment! ”

“The navy has killed all the four emperors, if we kill the navy at this time, then won’t we be veritable One Piece!”

“What are you waiting for? Top dog! The opportunity is here! Let’s hurry up! ”

Bucky almost stumbled and fell straight into the sea. The old face turned black.

You’re not sick, are you?

Crazy? Don’t you see the size of the other party? Rushing up now is not looking for death.

What the hell do you imagine me to be? Bucky was speechless to the extreme.

Isn’t that nonsense?

At the beginning, because he was in the era of sea thieves, he said that he took these escaped prisoners with him.

After all, you can directly strengthen your own strength. But now these people have become hot potatoes. Bucky couldn’t shake it off if he wanted to.

It’s really a headache.

With these guys following themselves, sooner or later something will happen.

Bucky coughed twice before and said, “Ahem! ”

“Give me quiet!”

“We are a regular company! Not pirates! ”

At the moment, on the Pluto.

Sengoku called someone to invite Ron out of the training room. Ron had just finished a set of training.

That’s where we came to the deck.

“Oh? What’s up. ”

Ron wiped his sweat and said lightly. Thereupon.

Sengoku points to the clown Bucky’s fleet ahead. He said, “This is Bucky the clown before, who is also a pirate, but recently they started a company, and they don’t fly the pirate flag now.” ”

“But his subordinates are all former escapees, but the problem is that since the garbage dry regular company, he has not been a pirate.”

“So what to do about this situation.”

“Since we met here, do we catch it or not?”

This is a very difficult question.

The Warring States also don’t know what to do, how should the navy treat the pirates who “reformed their evil” before?

If caught, wouldn’t the pirates after that dare to put down the butcher knife? Anyway, if you don’t change the evil and return to the right, the navy will arrest them, and it is better to go all the way to the dark.

If you don’t catch it, then the pirates will think that as long as they change their ways, it doesn’t matter, they can be safe, so they will be bolder at sea.

So I really don’t know how to deal with this problem. Whichever one you choose, the impact is huge. Sengoku couldn’t get an idea, so he would ask Ron. After all, this guy will give the perfect answer every time. Ron looked up at Bucky not far away.

Suddenly, I recall that this guy seems to be running a courier company. That’s a good direction.

In the whole sea, this business is too promising. No way.

The Navy now spends a lot on its military, after all, it has expanded a lot, and has installed naval offices on all the islands. This increased the Navy’s military spending.

But Ron thought carefully and could take advantage of this layout to engage in official logistics.

In this way, not only can you easily afford the military budget, but you can also make a lot of money. After all, the sea is relatively peaceful now, and if you want to raise so many troops, you must let them do something.

Sengoku watched Ron fall into deep thought.

I thought he was bothered by this problem too.

“The inspector general… You see…”

Sengoku’s words interrupted Ron’s thoughts.

Ron didn’t bother with Bucky’s handling at all.

He was just thinking about the Navy employment, but that question could be thought about later.

Answer the words of the Sengoku first.

“This one is easy to handle.”

“Yellow ape, red dog, you two take people to outflank them left and right, arrest them all, and none of them can run”

Ron ordered directly.

The yellow ape and red dog two set out directly, without hesitation, with two fleets, one left and one right directly bypassed.

None of the Warring States expected Ron to order so decisively. Ron looked at Sengoku with a confused look.

Then he said, “For pirates to be severely punished, one day is a pirate, a lifetime is a pirate, the mistakes they have made, will not be forgiven because they have changed their ways.” ”

“If you make a mistake, you must be punished!”

“Besides, aren’t all their subordinates escaped from prison not long ago, which is even more unforgivable.”

“Besides, these people are time bombs, and we don’t have the leisure to keep a dam on them, so we have to do it once and for all.”

“If you encounter this kind of problem in the future, just deal with it like this!”

After Ron finished speaking, he didn’t look at the Warring States, nor at the clown Bucky Pirate Group in the distance, and directly turned around and returned to the training room.

Only the high-ranking officials of the navy were left standing here dumbfounded. Carefully recall Ron’s words.

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