Chapter 80 The yellow ape led the troops to attack the headquarters of the revolutionary army and capture Luffy’s father and son!!

Bartholo was dumbfounded.

He didn’t expect that the yellow ape would suddenly change so much. I actually started to really start moving.

Although his strength in the Seven Seas is relatively strong. But it is impossible to beat the yellow ape.

At this moment, the yellow ape wanted to prove his innocence. That’s really not a hand at all.

Even more ferocious than when dealing with Renly. After all, Ron was here watching.

What if he didn’t work hard enough, didn’t start hard enough, and was thought by Ron to release water on purpose?


At this time, it is absolutely necessary to show 200% strength. Show the state of unending with the revolutionary army. Determination to fight the forces of evil to the end.


Since the beginning of the war, the yellow ape has released all the big moves. Eight-foot qionggou jade sweeps the floor.

Bartholo Bear could only dodge back and forth. There is simply no way to fight back. Although he moves fast.

But the yellow ape’s movement speed is not slow!

The two of them can be said to be the two fastest people in the entire pirate world. Various flicker attacks.

Although Bartholo Bear’s strength is not as good as Renly, this guy moves too fast.

It’s really not easy to catch. This annoyed the yellow ape.

Because he felt that Ron’s gaze behind him was getting colder and colder. If you don’t take advantage of this time to arrest the other party.

Then it is estimated that it will be beaten. Come to think of this.

The yellow ape uses all the best in his ability. Desperately attacking. The attacks are getting faster and faster. Suddenly, there was smoke and dust below. Sand and rocks flying. The wind is raging.

It’s like a human Asura field.

The Bartholome bear was no match for the yellow ape in the first place. At this moment, he encountered the angry yellow ape again.

It’s already great to be able to hold out for so long. A moment later.

The smoke on the field cleared.

The yellow ape stepped on the batholomi bear with his foot. The battle is over.

At this moment, Bartholo Bear has multiple injuries on his body. Electricity runs through everywhere.

Half of his body has now been basically transformed into a robot. And the yellow ape is more handsome.

There was no damage at all on his body, his hands were in his pockets, his mouth was crooked, and he stepped on Bassolomi Bear with a proud face. Then looked at Ron.

The meaning of that look could not be more obvious.

What do you think? I took out the people of the revolutionary army, right? This is enough to prove that I am not an undercover agent of the revolutionary army, right? Now you have no reason to doubt me, do you?

Yet at the moment.

The yellow ape suddenly found that Ron’s face was not very good. I couldn’t help but be a little puzzled.

What’s going on?

The old man has already killed the revolutionary army. Doesn’t he still believe the old man?

Wrong! Right at this time.

The yellow ape suddenly discovered something. Luffy was gone.

The yellow ape looked around, but did not find Luffy’s location. At this moment, the yellow ape was completely panicked.

I can’t help but look at the Bassolomi bear under my feet. said incredulously.

“What about Luffy.”

Bartholo Bear said lightly: “Just now, when your attack smoke was relatively large, I shot him away, and you want to know where he went.” ”

The purpose of Bassolomi Bear here is to get Luffy away. So when he went to war with the yellow ape, he knew that he couldn’t win. So he took advantage of the fact that the surrounding area was full of sand and dust and he couldn’t see the direction. Sneaked up next to Luffy.

The flesh ball fruit ability is used. Fly Luffy into the air.

At this moment, Luffy was already on his way to the headquarters of the revolutionary army. The yellow ape was dumbfounded.

He had just tried so desperately to prove that he was not a member of the revolutionary army. So the attack got a little carried away.

Forgot about Luffy for a moment. This is terrible.

Luffy was rescued, doesn’t this confirm his reputation as an undercover revolutionary army? What if the inspector general thinks he deliberately let him go?

Why is the old man so unlucky? How about this?

I don’t know where Luffy went.

This makes the old man go and get him back. There is not even a chance to make amends for the old man’s death. How should I explain this to the Inspector General at this moment?

The yellow ape was still glad that he had proved that he had nothing to do with the revolutionary army, and he did not expect that in the blink of an eye, because of a mistake, the most important figure in this battle was let go.

Moreover, this person is also the son of the leader of the revolutionary army.

I let him go, how else can this get out of the relationship? And this time.

Ron finally spoke, “Borusalino. ”

“What about the person I want?”

The yellow ape was shocked, not knowing how to reply.

“Old man… The old man really didn’t mean to let him go. ”

“You have to trust the old man!”

Ron didn’t even say anything.

Stood up directly from the chair.

Then slowly walked towards the yellow ape. Then he patted the yellow ape on the shoulder.

Then Duang’s punch hit the yellow ape directly on the stomach. Poof, the yellow ape directly spat out a mouthful of blood. Ron’s movements were slow.

Slow enough for anyone to dodge the punch.

If the yellow ape wants to dodge, it is easy. But how dare the yellow ape hide.

After dodging, you will definitely be beaten even harder. Yellow apes already have experience. At the moment, the stomach cramps are incomparable.

Bent over and finally stood up.

Seeing this scene, the surrounding naval soldiers couldn’t help but cover their eyes. They could even feel the pain of the yellow ape.

The yellow ape general was beaten again, it’s too miserable, right?

“The only one who can beat the admiral so freely is the inspector, right?”

Ron sat back in his chair. Only then did he slowly say: “If you guessed correctly, you photographed Luffy to the headquarters of the revolutionary army, right?” ”

“You think it’s very safe there, right?”

Bartholomi Bear did not reply. Anyway, his task has been completed.

And he himself will soon be transformed into a war machine without memory. So it doesn’t matter if you get caught.

However, Ron’s next words made Bassolomi Panic.

“When I knew you were going to beat Luffy back to the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army, I was waiting for you to do so.”

“I know that this guy Yellow Ape will definitely not be able to watch Luffy, and you will definitely succeed.”

“But that’s exactly what I wanted.”

“I’m worried that I can’t find the location of the headquarters of the revolutionary army, and thank you for guiding me.”

Ron suddenly took out a compass at this moment.

The compass’s pointer quickly pointed in Luffy’s direction.

Before that, Ron also wanted to solve the Revolutionary Army, but could not find their place.

Because the leaders of the revolutionary army that Luffy knew, they were not at the headquarters now

The position of people like Doragsab is always changing.

It is clear that in the execution of the mission, it is not at headquarters.

So there is no way to indicate the specific location of the headquarters by compass. But now Luffy happened to fly to the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army.


As long as you follow him, you will definitely find the headquarters. This was something Ron had planned in the beginning.

He wanted to take over the headquarters of the revolutionary army in one fell swoop. And at this time, the yellow ape looked confused. It turned out that this was all the plan of the inspector general, “You deliberately let Luffy be sent flying, so why did you beat the old man!” ”

Ron said lightly.

“Do you still need a reason to hit you?”

“Now give you a chance to atone for your sins.”

“Take the compass, follow this direction, and lead someone to take down the headquarters of the revolutionary army.”

The yellow ape was stunned, he did not expect that Ron would dare to do such a big thing just a few days after taking office.

“Is there a problem?”

Ron’s tone became a little heavier. The yellow ape nodded repeatedly, and then said: “No problem, the old man must have arrested them all.” ”

“Okay, let’s go.”

Ron waved his hand, so.

The yellow ape immediately took Orochimaru’s troops and then prepared to board the warship. Follow the direction indicated by the compass.

Attack on the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army. However, at this time.

The yellow ape suddenly discovered that a supernova was ready to escape by boat. It is the Drake of the ancient allosaurus form of the animal lineage.

That’s worth it.

Can the old man still let you run away in front of me? The yellow ape who has just been taught a lesson. You can’t allow yourself to make this mistake again. Eight-foot mirror.

Instantly came to Drake. Directly a lightspeed kick. Kick him to the ground.

“Hmph! Still want to run? ”

The old man will not let any pirates escape from the old man again. The yellow ape looked at Ron with an inviting expression.

“Inspector General, from now on, no pirate can escape under the nose of the old man.”

The yellow ape’s expression was extremely serious. Speak righteously.

He had expected Ron to praise him with great satisfaction. But never expected.

Ron quickly disappeared in place. The next moment.

The yellow ape felt that his one was hit. Then with a bang, it flew straight out for a long distance. The yellow ape is really confused, why is this also beaten?

He obviously did not let go of the pirate this time, and arrested him in time. Isn’t it praiseworthy?

“You beat your own people even harder than the Da Pirates!”

“Can’t you see that Drake is one of your own?”

Ron said coldly. The yellow ape looked confused.

“Drake is his own person?”

The yellow ape’s whole person collapsed.

I finally wanted to show myself to make up for myself and let Luffy go. I didn’t expect that attacking a supernova casually was actually my own person? The yellow ape, who was very helpless, took several naval fleets and then followed the direction indicated by the compass. Got out of here.

And Ron ordered all the soldiers to pour the whole thing into the glass and check it again.

Confirming that there were no more pirates here, he ordered the warship to return to the naval headquarters.

This time, a total of nearly 10,000 pirates were captured. Supernova was captured except Luffy.

Also taken away were Renly, Bartholome Bear Step. +1 on top war executions

The pirates of the Chambord Islands are completely cleared. Calculate the time.

It’s time to execute Ace.

Karp and Yellow Ape are almost educated, and it’s time to see how they perform in the war on top.

“Return to the headquarters of the Navy and prepare to declare war on Whitebeard.”

Ron ordered the class to return to the dynasty.

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