Marine: Reported By 3,000 People On The First Day Of Retirement

004. Back To Marin, Marine's Darkest Cancer

Swish! Swish!

In the sky, two dragon bodies flew across.

One of them is the turquoise dragon, Haki is extraordinary, so long that he can't see the edge.

The other dragon is Pteranodon, which follows Qinglong.

It is Kaido and king.

Swish Swish Swish! !

The wind was raging, Jhin accelerated to catch up with Kaido.

"That Xilan is really shameless, greedy to refresh the three views!"

In the end, Jhin's warship was detained.

"Hmph... that damn old guy, he's so old, but his fighting power is so ridiculously strong."

Kaido rubbed his swollen cheeks. How long has it been? With his physical fitness, he hasn't recovered yet.

"Sooner or later, I will kill that old guy with my own hands!"


G0 base.

After sending away Kaido and Jhin, Xilan distributed 1 billion Baileys to his subordinates.

He eats meat himself, and others have to follow suit.

This is also the reason why the G0 base is extremely powerful despite its corruption.

In the office, Xilan changed his clothes and put on the Admiral cloak that he hadn't worn for a long time.

Looking at himself in the mirror, he lost his mind for a moment.

Although the hair is gray, but with the eternal body, this body is indeed full of vitality, returning to the state of youth.

Xilan, who was planning to retire, decided to spend another year fishing.

This year, he set himself a small goal of earning one trillion yuan.

It sounds exaggerated, but as long as Xilan let go of the bottom line, it is not a problem.

Capture all the Four Emperors, force them to pay a ransom, grab the Celestial Dragons' "Heavenly Gold", and then go to kidnap the Celestial Dragons and blackmail Doflamingo, probably about the same.

Of course, this is only part of it. As Admiral, Xilan has many ways to make money.

For example, selling officials can also sell warships.

When it was relatively poor, Xilan not only sold the warships, but even the weapons of the younger brothers.

When hunting pirates, everyone paddled with one hand and punched with the other.

Half an hour later, Xilan set off, and the destination was the Marine headquarters.


Marlin's Marshal's Office.

Xilan is coming, Sengoku has heard.

At this moment, he frowned tightly, feeling a little helpless in his heart.

He has been unhappy with Xilan for a long time. He has heard about the corruption of the G0 base, but he has been unable to touch Xilan. It would be bad if his soldiers rebelled along with him.

Civil war is such a bad thing, it will hurt Marine's muscles and bones.

Sengoku waited for Xilan to retire, and once the guy did, bring him to justice.

Who knows, that guy suddenly changed his mind again.


Sengoku sighed and sighed, "Right now, it's really troublesome."

A few days ago, Blackbeard captured Firefist Ace of the Whitebeard Pirates alive.

He traded Ace to Marine in exchange for Shichibukai's spot.

After Marine's investigation, Ace's shocking secret was discovered.

On the surface, this guy is the son of Whitebeard, but in fact, he has evil blood flowing through his body-the son of One Piece King Gore D. Luo Jie.

This, Garp also admitted.

This matter caused a stir within Marine, and even the World government sent people to investigate.

The next day, a plan to wipe out the Whitebeard Pirates was brewing.

The World government calls for the public execution of Firefist Ace.

Everyone in the world knows that Whitebeard values ​​love and righteousness and will never allow his son to be executed. A fierce battle is about to sweep the world.

At this juncture, Sengoku will not do anything to Xilan.

Although everyone is an old man, the old man Xilan is much stronger. In a one-on-one duel, there is no one in this world who can suppress Xilan.

Today's Xilan is like the Rocks who ruled New World in the past. To defeat him, two top combat powers must consume him together.

Half a day later, Xilan's boat was close to Marin.

Everyone looked weird for a while, boy... Isn't this the battleship of the Beasts Pirates? Didn't even take down the skull flag.

Xilan had a cigar in his mouth and rings all over his hands.

He combed his hair back, tied a tie, and wore a white suit and white leather shoes.

With a plausible smile on the corner of his mouth, he walked away from the gazes of countless people in an extremely chic and calm manner.

"Damn guy, Marine's biggest cancer!!"

In Admiral's office, Akainu also saw Xilan through the glass, and he clenched his fists involuntarily.

He scavenged countless evidences of Xilan's crimes.

People smuggling, arms trafficking and warships are all child's play for Xilan.

Akainu even found evidence that he kidnapped the Celestial Dragons and robbed the heavenly gold.

This insane man even auctioned off the Celestial Dragons on the black market, which was said to have been bought by someone for 5 billion Baileys.

It appears to be a man named Tezolo, nicknamed the Golden Emperor.

Ten minutes later, Xilan reported to Marshal Sengoku's office.

Seeing Xilan coming, all the senior executives present stood up, including Marine Admiral like Kizaru and Aokiji.

"Mr. Xilan."

Everyone spoke one after another, Xilan smiled and took out a wad of banknotes:

"Brothers are dressed a little plainly, take it and change into some new clothes."

Everyone was stunned on the spot, my good fellow, are you so unscrupulous to the point of looking for something?

Everyone looked at Sengoku in unison. As expected, this guy also had a gloomy face, but he didn't say a word from the beginning to the end.

Sengoku felt helpless, not to mention that Marine needs Xilan now, but there is no such thing as an upcoming war with Whitebeard, and a super Admiral at its peak hastily set up a super Admiral. If you don't pay attention, Marine will suffer heavy losses.


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