Marine: Reported By 3,000 People On The First Day Of Retirement

078. One-On-One Single-Handedly Challenge All Marine's Combat Power 【Subscription】

"Ice Age!!!"

The cold air spewed up from the ground and passed over Akainu's head, and the surface of the fireball was instantly covered with a layer of ice.

Akainu was slightly stunned, turned his eyes to the left, and looked at the man who was covered in cold, with a complicated look on his face.

"Let's go together and work together to subdue him."


Fujitora snatched the sheath out of the saber, aimed at the void, and the sky collapsed and distorted.

Xilan frowned, caught off guard, the huge dragon body fell hundreds of meters, and almost fell to the ground. Fujitora attached high-density gravity to his body, making his movements extremely uncomfortable.

"I can't let go of such a good opportunity."

A burly body leaped into the air and appeared in front of Xilan.

He has a wild appearance, dark skin, thick limbs like a bison, and calluses on his fists. He looks like a powerful player like Garp.

Xilan opened his eyes slightly, "Green cow?"

"It's me! Old guy, taste my fist!!"

The green bull gave a ferocious smile, and punched him head-on.

bang bang bang!!!

This punch was so powerful that the dragon scales on the bridge of the nose shattered, and a ruthless Armament Haki penetrated into the face and destroyed it.


The next moment, two huge nostrils sprayed blood.

" seems that's all there is to it."

The green bull grinned with great satisfaction.

He is actually quite dissatisfied with those boasting about Xilan, everyone is Marine Admiral, why are you a legendary Marine warrior, why are you superior to others?

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom...

The dragon's blood fell to the ground and turned into a monstrous fire.

Xilan's red eyes flashed with bloodlust, revealing his mouth full of fangs, ignoring the gravity exerted by Fujitora, and came straight to bite.

"Who's afraid of you?"

The green bull is not afraid at all, and the punch is crazy output: "Armed color Emission!!"

Boom, wow!!!

Invisible gas roared in, Xilan was punched in the face again, and the dragon scales shattered again.

However, he ignored the pain and rushed towards the green bull with his fangs.

"Can't this lunatic feel pain? 々」!"

The green ox pulled back and retreated in fright.


Severe pain suddenly came from the right arm, and the green bull looked down in disbelief, and saw that the entire arm had been torn.

"Even though the old man exerted gravity, he still has such an exaggerated moving speed." Fujitora murmured to himself in disbelief.

"Your fist is so hard that it hurts me, the old man hates things that can threaten me, so I accept this arm.

Xilan had a bloody severed arm in his mouth.

boom boom boom!!

Flame erupted deep in the mouth, instantly burning the arm to ashes.

Seeing this, the green bull was confused. Is this Xilan's strength?

They're both Marine Admirals, but their feels like they're not at the same level at all.

Xilan relies on strong physical fitness, can resist all kinds of critical strikes, and can make countless mistakes, but they can't make a single mistake!


Above the head, there was a sharp piercing sound suddenly.

Xilan felt like he was locked by something, and when he looked up, he saw a giant meteorite bombarding him.

"Is it Fujitora again?"

Xilan casually muttered that this meteorite with a diameter of more than a few thousand meters is exaggerated enough, and it is estimated to weigh several million tons.


"Don't show your petty tricks to make a fool of yourself. Smile, you disabled man."

Instead of avoiding it, Xilan soared up, quickly approaching the meteorite, and the extremely sharp dragon horns pushed upward.

bang bang!!!

The meteorite exploded on the spot, splitting into countless particles.

There is nothing wrong with Xilan, but many Marines in the GO base were buried alive by rubble.

Sengoku glared at Fujitora, this damn is an undercover act!

Too bad Fujitora is blind and can't see anything.

At the same time, the bone-chilling cold covered the whole body, which made Xilan very uncomfortable.

He belongs to fire and has a natural repulsion to cold things.

Like Marine Admiral Aokiji, a lot of people like him [Xilan doesn't like this guy.

"Oh oh oh you feel uncomfortable, Mr. Arashi?"

"I'm sorry, but it only takes a few seconds, please bear with me a little bit."

Aokiji jumped up vigorously, shooting icicles with both hands.

"Ice Age!!"

Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka!

Xilan's abdomen froze immediately, and the ice quickly spread to his whole body. His 10,000-meter-long body froze in just a few seconds.

"It's the old man's turn to play."

Kizaru turned into a beam of light and rushed to the sky. He stood in the air and threw flash bombs all over the sky:

"Eight-foot Qiong Gouyu!!!"

Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!

Endless flashes of light poured down, without exception, all of which exploded on Xilan's body. Under the mixed doubles of the two, Xilan's dragon scales fell off in a large area.

Seeing the opportunity presented itself, the others also began to show off Kamui.

Sengoku slapped his palm towards the sky, and a domineering shock wave blasted towards his heart.

~Gravity Knife Tiger!!!”

Fujitora also resorted to one of the most powerful killing moves. The green bull who had one arm bitten off hated Xilan to the bone, and output crazily with his hands.

In addition, there is Akainu, who fought just now, if Aokiji hadn't helped him, he might have been lying on the ground by now.

Now, he is going to save face.

“Meteor Volcano!!!”

"Great Eruption!"

"Dark Hound!!"

All the ultimate moves that Akainu could use were thrown out.

The Shichibukai side was also involved.

First of all, Hawkeye, he pulled out the black sword Ye, and a dark green slash soared into the sky.

There is also the Tyrant Bear, which compresses the air into a cube and then throws it at Xilan to explode, which is equally powerful.

As for Buggy, it's purely funny. He has long since found a place where no one is around and became a war reporter.

Edward Weibull also made a huge slash with a knife.

Anyway, all the people present are all attacking Xilan.

One-on-one is looking for death, isn't the green bull strong, what is the result? Xilan bit off his arm easily.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom...

Xilan was surrounded by huge fireballs, and he could feel that every part of his body was being attacked by various powerful moves, and his dragon scales were almost completely crushed.

He could even feel that some places were tearing and bleeding.

"The Red Dragon Tei's Roar!! Yu!"

A gigantic column of incomparable flame light spewed out from Xilan's mouth, falling mightily towards the GO base.

"Can this lunatic fight back?!"

Sengoku was taken aback when he saw this, and then quickly said: "Stop attacking, stop the flames, or the island will be blown up!"

Once the island is bombed and sunk, these ability users fall into the sea, not to mention arresting Xilan, maybe they will feel cold.

PS: Ask for support, continue to explode today!

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