Marquis of Grand Xia

Vol 10 Chapter 1612: Return

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Ziweixing, darkness is coming, the **** of plague shoots, but Ning Fan, who hit the Dao realm with just one palm.

Then, in the void, the human clan Tianzun chased, with a strong breath, joined forces to siege the **** of plague.

Thousands of miles away, Yueling stared at the people in the void, respecting the heavens, revealing a strange color.

Is this a fairy?

It's really powerful!

"There are such masters in this barren land."

In the void, Mu Qianxi felt the breath of thousands of miles away, looked away and stared.


Below, on the bank of the counter-current river, Yin'er trot forward, looking at Ning Fan, who fell on the river, his face showing worry.

"He is fine."

In the void, the Changling majesty opened her mouth and said with a narrow voice, "Yin'er, you protect your master, his current strength, don't let him impulsively shoot."


Yin'er nodded and responded softly.

In the big river, the blood dripped the water of the red river, and Ning Fan rushed out of the big river, looking at the **** of plague in the sky, and his face was dark.

What a great guy.

"Master, let the monster give them to the lady, let's stop shooting."

Yin'erfei stepped forward, grabbing Ning Fan ready to shoot again, and said softly.

Ning Fan heard the words and looked startled, looking at the girl in front of him, puzzled, "What are you calling me?"

"Master," Yin'er replied.


Ning Fan frowned, saying, "Does the girl know me?"


Yin'er thought for a while and said, "It's kind of knowing, I knew before."

In the clouds and fog that Ning Fan listened to, he looked at a strong human who swept across the void and said, "Do you know them?"


Yin'er nodded and said, "This is the world's strongest in the realm of heaven, Master, you are similar to them now, except that you have too little martial arts experience, and no one can beat it."

"Heavenly Realm."

Ning Fan whispered softly. It turned out that his current state is called Heavenly Realm.

"Master can watch the battles of the women, so that you can get familiar with the cultivators' battles as soon as possible."

Yin'er reminded that in the previous life, Master's combat experience is unparalleled in the world, and retrogradation of immortals is almost commonplace. It is also the weakest heavenly realm.

In the void, the gods of plague and the celestial ancestors of the world fought again, and the amazing battle fluctuations shook the anime stars.

Hundreds of human heavenly gods have concentrated the most powerful combat power in the world and the last hope of the world.

When the Celestial Virgin appeared in the world, in the distance, in the fairy field, the power of light diffused, and they were separated by an infinite distance, sending the power of light to Ziwei.

Like a fairyland with life, it has become the greatest barrier against darkness.

On Ziweixing, a celestial deity adorned with glory, powerful and full of light.

"You guys are really lingering!"

Plague God's eyes looked at all the heavenly respects around him, coldly.

"You don't die, we can't sleep well."

The Changling Empress responded with a faint sentence. The demon all over the body surged out.

When the war recurs, the dark and light traces jump, the handover takes place, and the sword moves.

Below, Ning Fan looked at the Sky War, and his eyes flashed with different colors.

And on the fairy mountain thousands of miles away, Moon Spirit also watched the battle between the heavenly gods and the **** of plague, and his breath quickly climbed.

Is this a battle between immortals?

She may be able to do it.

Watching for a long time, Yueling was all over him, Bai Guangshengji, Zhenyuan rushed for nine days.

In an instant, the world changed, and thunder fell for nine days.

Under the thunder, Yueling took a step forward, volleying in the Leihai, stepping towards the east step by step.

In a few moments, Yueling stepped over the river and came to the battle between the heavenly gods and the **** of plague.

In the battle situation, the world's people respected the woman in Lei Tribulation, his face showing a strange color.

What a stunning woman, was actually watching the battle.

On the bank of the river, the moment when the Moon Spirit broke through the boundary, Ning Fan was all around him, and the sword was also in the sky.

Aside, Yin'er saw it and immediately backed away, not dared to be involved in the Heaven Tribulation.

Breaking through the realm again, this training speed is really maddening!

In the battle situation, the **** of plague raised his hand and shot with a palm, the breath of darkness swayed, and the destruction was endless.

Close to the corner, the Changling Queen Mother stepped on her feet, her figure flashed over, and subconsciously avoided the power of the **** of plague.

However, the female constituency avoided it, and the eyes of Yu Guang saw the woman coming from the rear, her expression slightly changed.

not good!

But seeing that the breath of darkness is spreading rapidly, it will affect the moon spirits coming from thousands of miles away.

The darkness breathed close, and in the thunder, Moon Spirit frowned, raised his slender hands, and the moon was white and bright.

With a loud bang, the violent shock wave swayed open, and Moon Spirit stepped back half a step, and his whole body was violently shaken.

The power of darkness is still unmatched. However, the performance of Moon Spirit shocked everyone in the world.

In the void, the statue of the Changling Mausoleum fell, and her eyes looked at the Moon Spirit in front of her, and her eyes flashed.

The power of the **** of plague, even though she did not dare to take it easy, the woman in front of him was able to take the palm of the **** of plaster in front of her, which was really incredible.

Just as everyone was shocked, below, a sword light rose into the sky, piercing the darkness and stunning the world.

Plague God's face slightly changed, raising his palm to block the sword light that approached.


On the banks of the river, Yiner's expression was startled, before he could look back, and his figure had disappeared.

In the void, Ning Fan swept to, holding a sword, the pressure of the sword was amazing.

In just a few hours, Ning Fan's breath has changed a lot, and it feels even more different.

The amazing learning ability is better than any peerless arrogance. In the void, Ning Fan and Moon Spirit stand still, bathing in thunder all over the body, and the breath is still rising.

"It turns out you!"

In the battle situation, the **** of plague felt the familiar breath of the two people, and his expression sank. Before this, the Lord of Darkness had been hit hard by the two people one after another. Now, they have finally found them!

The former human master, and the mysterious woman of unknown origin.

"Exactly ~ ~ Save your seat and go to find your tracks everywhere."

The **** of plague raised his hand, the darkness was turbulent, and in a moment, a black bridge of avenue appeared in the void, extremely vague, far from the solidification.

However, even so, the appearance of the bridge of darkness has brought unparalleled pressure to the heavenly venerable people on the earth, and even those who are weaker can't even do it.

"Your Highness Princess, it seems that you and I will join forces."

In the void, Ning Fan spoke quietly.

"Join with former enemies and make people real."

Moon Spirit stepped forward, and his body was so bright and dazzling.

"Very good, come together!"

The **** of disgust spoke coldly.

In the void, Liming and others looked at this scene, showing a strange color.

This day, still came.

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