Marrying the Big Shot

Chapter 127: End of text

On the second wedding anniversary, Shu Zimu was busy with the preparation work for the second part of "Super Energy Office". He didn't want to do anything complicated, just discuss with Qi Yan and relax. So Qi Yan's itinerary is to go to a magical theme resort that has just been completed. In addition to the magical magic effect created by technology, you can also enjoy gorgeous Western-style buildings and beautiful flower fields. On the whole, it is very suitable for talking. Atmosphere of love.

Because it was just a trial operation stage shortly after completion, there were not many people in the resort, and Shu Zimu and Qi Yan were very comfortable shopping in the morning. After having lunch in the special theme restaurant, they went to the matching theme hotel for lunch break. Shu Zimu thought that the afternoon activity would be similar to that in the morning. When he woke up, he realized that Qi Yan was gone, and it was a cat knocking on the window that woke him up.

It's an orange cat with no exaggerated figure. The coat is yellow and white, and the skin is smooth and cute. The beckoning cat lying on the window sill knocks on the window like a beckoning. It seems to be very human, asking him to open the door. "same.

Seeing this scene, Shu Zimu couldn't help but stunned, inexplicably feeling that the orange cat was somewhat familiar. He hesitated for a moment, and got up close to the window. When he saw that the other party was still "knocking on the door" in a stern manner, he did not run away in fright. He couldn't help guessing whether this was a "magic cat" similar to those magical effects seen in the morning.

Shu Zimu opened the window a little hesitantly, and the orange cat jumped in dexterously, then sat down in front of him, looked at him intently, and opened his mouth--

"can you help me?"


Shu Zimu's eyes widened at once. He even heard a cat talking!

Despite having considered the possibility of "magic cat", Shu Zimu was startled. After all, the orange cat in front of me is not a doll-like appearance. It looks like a real cat. From appearance to movement, there is no flaw. The only problem is the language. After being shocked, Shu Zimu stared at it for a long time, trying to find out the hidden sounding device on his body.

However, the recording buttons and the like were not found. Looking at Shu Zimu, I felt that the orange cat's eyes became familiar, and the familiar impression seemed a little distant...

"I want to find something that only you can get, can you help me?"

When the orange cat's Zhengtaiyin sounded for the second time, Shu Zimu finally flashed his eyes and wondered why he felt familiar. This orange cat didn't look like he had guessed the net celebrity who had seen the picture or the emoticon. Cat, but the cartoon animation image he saw when he was a kid!

Shu Zimu often watched an animation called "Ryer Cat" before going to elementary school. The main character of the animation is such a yellow and white orange cat, although one is a simple 2D image and the other is a "real cat" in reality. But the pupil color is exactly the same as the pattern, and the posture of squatting is exactly the same.

More importantly, the riel cat in the animation is talking!

Shu Zimu almost thought that the Rael cat in the animation was real, but he soon felt that it was impossible. Most of them were only technological products designed according to the animation image. However, as a fan who once fantasized about Ryle Cat to help himself in his childhood, and thought of his true rebirth experience, Shu Zimu couldn't help but reported a little anticipation.

Shu Zimu leaned over to look at the orange cat with a solemn look and smiled, "Okay."

In the animation, Riel Cat is the embodiment of kindness and justice. At the same time, it has magical magic power. It has been doing the work of punishing evil and promoting goodness, and will also help people realize their wishes. And when the real cat helps people realize their wishes, they will ask the other party to do a favor first. And the real cat wants the other party to do is to achieve the desire, so only those who are willing to help can get the chance of a dream come true.

When Shu Zimu was a child, he hoped that Ryll Cat would help him realize his wishes more than once, especially when he was confused and sad about his father, whom he had never seen. Shu Zimu couldn't help but promise his father many times like the helper in the cartoon. Will come back to see the wishes of himself and his mother.

One can imagine that these wishes have not been fulfilled.

Now it seems that I have really seen Ryle Cat. Although he has already passed the age of believing in the story in the animation, Shu Zimu is still willing to believe that the other party can help him realize his wishes. Not only because of a fantasy in childhood, but also because of inexplicable Qi Yan. Compared with the magical Ryle cat, Shu Zimu feels that it is more likely to be a hidden lover who will take the initiative to help himself realize his wishes.

Just Shu Zimu thought about it and found that he didn't seem to have any urgent desire to realize it. I don't know how this "Ryre Cat" would help him.

"Thank you, I will take you to find that kind of thing." After getting a positive answer from Shu Zimu, the orange cat took the initiative to lead the way, and Shu Zimu obediently followed.

After going out, the orange cat stopped talking and took Shu Zimu to the place where he and Qi Yan played, all the way to the place where they had not set foot. A hidden behind a deliberately desolate dark castle Trail.

The gravel path passed through a forest. With the deepening of one person and one cat, the forest gradually became denser and denser from the sparse forest. Until he saw a delicate and graceful pavilion, Shu Zimu realized that they came from the magic world. To the Chinese style place,

Shu Zimu did not know that there is a scenic area with different styles here, and the beauty is not inferior. After the trees are covered, there are small bridges and flowing water, and palace platforms. Unlike most of the classical landscapes built manually, the bright red on the buildings here does not seem cheap, and the wooden doors and windows have a luster polished by time, which looks truly ancient. And it incorporates a variety of elements, not just the classic charm of China, but also like a fairyland in fantasy. The viewing effect is much better than the special effects of some Xianxia films.

Shu Zimu unexpectedly found that the design here was very in line with his aesthetic, and could not help but slow down. The orange cat in the lead seemed to notice this, and it slowed down as well.

So one person and one cat took a leisurely view of the scenery, and put aside the matter of helping finding things together.

Shu Zimu guessed that Qi Yan's arrangement was to take him here to play in the afternoon, but he didn't know what this "Ryer Cat" really meant. Maybe just to make him remember his childhood, by the way, play a treasure hunt game and give a gift?

Shu Zimu speculated whether Qi Yan would suddenly appear from where, but after a while, he unexpectedly discovered that this scenic spot gave him a feeling of vague familiarity.

At first, it was just a faint sense of sight, as if the scene vaguely seen in the dream, but I could not find the source when I thought about it, just like a fog. After gradually deepening, Shu Zimu saw scenes with different themes but all were beautiful. The mist covering the memory was dispelled a little, and Su Zimu suddenly thought of something.

This is... a scene he once wrote in a novel?

Five colors and ten colors, the Ice City Flame Ding, the 12th floor of the Nine Palace, the realm of dreams and spirits... Shu Zimu looked more and more like it. Except that there is no way to completely restore his fictional fantasy effect, the whole to the details are quite consistent.

This is the scene in a novel written by his last life. In his setting, the realm of dreams is the place to verify love, which is beautiful but dangerous. The protagonist and the lover of the novel are in love with each other, but they are required to pass the test of the realm of dreams and souls because they are hindered by their family members. Because it was the opening of the novel and the main line of the first part, Shu Zimu spent a lot of time and effort to describe the realm of dreams and souls, and today he still remembers many settings.

It was just a matter of the last life. After all, Shu Zimu had never thought that this place he had fabricated would be reproduced in reality after being reborn. If he had some doubts before, then it is entirely possible to determine who this is.

In this world, it is Qi Yan who has another memory like him, and will remember and reproduce a piece of text he wrote many years ago.

In the setting of the novel, the realm of dreams has layers of levels, not only testing the love and loyalty to the lover, but also greatly torturing the tester's mind, and few people can pass. However, once you pass the test and reach the core of the dream realm, you will get huge benefits.

The core of the Dream Soul Realm is a tree, the Dream Soul Tree, which is taken from the meaning of the soul to hold the dream, is a magical tree that only recognizes people who are extremely sincere in love. Those who pass the test can get a gift from the Dream Soul Tree-Dream Soul Fruit. The dream fruit is two in one, and can only be separated and eaten by the two people who love each other. It can prolong life, increase human life and death, improve physical fitness and enhance talent, etc. In short, the effect is amazing. Few people who are fortunate to obtain the dream fruit have used it as a testimony to their lovers for life. The protagonist in the novel uses it to propose marriage.

Thinking of these settings, Shu Zimu realized what he was doing, and instead of studying the scenery step by step, he accelerated his pace and ran directly to the final destination according to his memory.

He wanted to see Qi Yan. Right now.

Shu Zimu doesn't need to pass the heavy levels of Dreamland, all doors are opened for him until a huge stone wall blocks his way.

Shu Zimu is not nervous, he knows this is the last level.

The stone wall in the novel is a wall reflecting the heart, and it is necessary to face the heart through the test before giving the clue to the next step. There are some dense characters engraved on the stone walls here, which have certain rules and seem to hide the subsequent information. However, as a person who already knew the clue, Shu Zimu didn't need to spend time to decipher a little bit. He calmed his breath and turned to walk to the right side of the stone wall. Then I found a button without much effort.

After pressing it down, a hole that was one meter wide was exposed on the stone wall that seemed to be seamless.

Shu Zimu raised his foot and walked in.

After entering, the hole closed automatically, and Shu Zimu's eyes were completely dark, but after a while, the light fell on the top of his head. Shu Zimu looked up and saw countless gemstones flashing above, like a shining galaxy.

"The thing I'm looking for is in front, and sure enough you can find it." The orange cat who always kept close to Shu Zimu finally spoke again. Shu Zimu raised her lips, "Of course, this is a gift for me." Then she walked forward.

Coming out of Yongdao, Shu Zimu closed his eyes because of the sudden light, and when he opened it, a strange-looking tree appeared in his sight. The trunk of the tree is separated from the middle, and the branches and crosses form a loving shape. The tree is adorned with walnut-sized "peanuts", which are just slightly shining and make the whole tree quite dreamy.

Shu Zimu ran over and still didn't see Qi Yan. Looking at this "Dream Soul Tree", she didn't know what to do next.

At this time, the orange cat who had no sense of presence suddenly jumped on the tree. With a paw, he picked a fruit and sent it to Shu Zimu's hand in his mouth.

Shu Zi Mu froze for a moment, watching the "Dream Soul Fruit" finely carved in wood in his hand for a while. However, he soon discovered that the "Dream Soul Fruit" did not exactly follow his settings, but could be opened by one person, and inside it was a small rolled paper.

Shu Zimu unfolded a note that was no longer than half a finger, and was surprised to find that it was a photo. He was eating, not knowing how he was taken. He was slightly blowing his cheeks and blowing toward the noodles. Qi Yan looked at him intently.

There is a line of small characters under the photo-Qi Yao secretly photographed me, saying I think you are dumbfounded.

"Poof" Shu Zimu could not help laughing, recalled it, and confirmed that this should be the first time he went to Qi's house.

Unexpectedly, the thing in "Dream Soul Fruit" is this. Shu Zimu looked up, probably counting the things in other fruits.

Suspected "Reel cats" picked the fruits one by one, and Shu Zimu looked at them one by one in anticipation. They were all photos he had never seen, and each Qi Yan wrote a sentence. Although simple, each one made Shu Zimu feel expectation and surprise.

He didn't know that Qi Yan had secretly taken so many photos of him, and those psychological activities that had never been revealed, each word revealed a sweet breath.

The fruit on the tree gradually decreased, and Shu Zimu watched with interest until the last fruit, when it opened, reflected a bright light.

Shu Zimu stared at the pair of rings inside, but he couldn't recover for a while.

"Zi Mu,"

A familiar voice suddenly sounded, and Shu Zimu looked up and found that Qi Yan did not know when she had appeared in front of her.

Qi Yan's face was tight and tight, looking serious and scary, but Shu Zimu saw at a glance that he was nervous, but relaxed, watching Qi Yan approaching step by step, then kneeling on his knees in front of him, holding Hold his hand, solemnly said:

"Will you spend this life with me?"

Facing Qi Yan's focused vision, Shu Zimu realized that they had not experienced the proposal process, and this time Qi Yan spent a lot of time just to fill this shortcoming.

However, even if he is already an old wife and an old wife, knowing that Shu Zimu cannot refuse, Qi Yan is still as serious and nervous as the unmarried Maotou, as if waiting for the sentence of life and fate.

Shu Zimu's heart suddenly became hot and almost melted.

The corners of the brows and eyes couldn't help but bring sweetness, and the corners of the mouth curled up uncontrollably.

"I do."

The author has something to say:

First of all, I wish readers a happy new year and a good year of the dog!

Then I'm very sorry, saying that the end chapter that came the next day has been dragged on for so long, everyone may have forgotten this article...

The reason for the change was Cavan at the beginning, and then there was something wrong with the three yuan. Later, he escaped and mentally continued tomorrow and tomorrow. Finally, it was not until the New Year that I really forced myself to finish writing, but still not. Can catch up before the New Year.

Here again, I apologize solemnly to the readers for my irresponsible behavior

This article is a bit more detailed and will be completed soon. Whether or not you forgive the stupid author, I would like to thank the readers who have seen here for their support. There are new year red envelopes for the messages in this chapter.

Finally, I wish you all a happy New Year again, good health, good luck, and the New Year will not fall into the pit!

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