Marrying The Villain

Chapter 65: palace change

In the East Palace, the storeroom was half collapsed, and thick smoke billowed in.

In the main hall, there was an ear-piercing sound of jade porcelain shattering. Prince Ning Tan fell on the ground trembling, and a sticky bright red gushed out of his forehead immediately.

As soon as the empress heard the news and rushed over, the emperor said angrily, "Look at your wonderful son!"

The queen said: "Your Majesty calm down, the dragon's body is the most important thing."

His eyes were covered with thick blood, he didn't dare to wipe it with his sleeve, he could only walk on his knees and grab his head: "I am wronged! Someone must be framing my son! I hope the emperor will find out!"

"Shuzi still dares to quibble!"

The emperor let out a turbid cough, pointed at him and said, "At your mother's birthday banquet, you uttered presumptuous words in front of all the officials and wives. You don't think about making progress in the East Palace on weekdays. Instead, you have a night banquet with the servants in the palace Xing Huan, sealed several 'imperial concubines' and 'managers'... just this one, I can punish you for committing a capital crime!"

Ning Tan shrank his neck in fright, and the cry of refutation was blocked in his throat.

Previously, when his father returned from hunting in autumn, the dragon was not in good health. Ning Tan helped to approve the two-day memorial. After tasting the supremacy of imperial power, he became a little complacent. He thought that the gods didn't know about it, but unexpectedly, his father knew it all.

Seeing the prince's six gods without a master, the emperor knew that those absurd acts were true, and became even more angry.

"Remember, everything you have is given by me! I can make you, or destroy you!"

After all, the emperor walked away in a huff.

"Father, queen, mother, queen!"

Ning Tan desperately grabbed the queen's phoenix robe, as if hugging the last piece of driftwood.

The queen's eyes were blank, and immediately a palace official stepped forward and separated the prince's fingers one by one.

When Feng Pao ruthlessly passed in front of her, Ning Tan finally slumped her shoulders.

"Your Prime Minister, Xue You Xiang!"

Ning Tan looked forward to the old man standing on crutches outside the door, tearfully said, "Gu is the only legitimate son! You will help me, right?"

Xue Youxiang's white beard moved slightly, sighed from his nasal cavity, and slowly turned away with Xue Song's support.

The north wind whimpered, and the emperor's weary voice came faintly: "Old Xue, in your opinion, this matter of abolishing the establishment..."

"Establishing a reserve is related to the etiquette and law of the country, and it cannot be rushed."

Xue Youxiang said old-fashionedly, "It won't be too late for His Majesty to make a decision after the eldest grandson of the emperor is born."

"In that case, wait another two months."

The emperor sighed, "I'm so worried at the end of the year, the winter festival is coming soon, I'm tired..."

In the huge hall, only Ning Tan was left limp on the ground like mud, and his shadow jumped on the wall like a ghost.

Gradually, that despair spread wantonly, breeding public hatred.

There are a lot of banquets and entertainment at the end of the year.

This dynasty was founded on the winter solstice a hundred years ago, so this day is second only to the Shangyuan Festival, known as the "sub-year".

This year's winter festival is the same as usual, the emperor ordered the Ministry of Rites to host a grand palace banquet, offering food to the heavens, to reward the loyalty and hard work of the civil and military officials for a year.

Because of the gift of marriage, Yu Lingxi was also invited this year.

The new wind is majestic, and the dark clouds are low in the sky, which seems to be a sign of heavy snow.

Yu Huanchen was away on official business, and Yu Xinyi led the Baiqi Division to guard the inner palace. In the carriage, Yu Yuan personally accompanied his daughter to the banquet.

The street was spacious and lively, the carriage was moving slowly, Yu Lingxi was wrapped in a bright red cloak, and her rabbit fur collar made her face exquisite and incomparable.

The carriage suddenly swayed, and Yu Lingxi bumped against the wall of the carriage, causing her arm to ache.

"What's going on?" Yu Yuan asked.

The guard inspected it and replied: "Back to the general, the rim of the car is broken."

A broken car halfway is an ominous sign.

Yu Lingxi frowned, feeling inexplicably uneasy.

She remembered the huge changes that would happen at the end of this year in the memory of her previous life, and she walked on eggshells every day.

Yu Yuan's complexion also became serious, seeing that the rim of the car was too late to be repaired, he grabbed the cloak and said, "Don't miss the time for the palace banquet, I will enter the palace first, if the wheel is not repaired, I will let Qing Xiao take you back. On the side of the Queen and the Xue family, I will take a leave of absence for you."

Yu Lingxi thought for a while, and reminded: "There may be changes in the near future, Father Wanwang, be careful."

"Father knows."

Yu Yuan abandoned his cart and got on his horse, flung his cloak and hurried towards the palace gate.

The tinkle of repairing the car sounded, and Yu Lingxi sat alone in the car for a while.

She asked Tang Buli to send out invitations and lanterns, but she didn't receive any response, and she didn't know whether Ning Yin saw her hint.

According to the memory of the previous life, Ning Yin bloodbathed the Golden Temple and killed his brother and father at the end of this year, which is only one month away from now.

Unfortunately, she couldn't wait for that time.

Seven days later, it was her wedding day.

If you're lucky, after the dust settles, maybe the Yu family can get her a peace and divorce.

Perhaps this is the price of tampering with fate, and everything may not go well.

Just as he was thinking, he suddenly heard the carriage tilt again.

After a moment of silence, an attendant's cautious voice came from outside: "Miss, the rim on the other side is also broken."


Yu Lingxi's makeup today is not suitable for riding a horse, and it is too late to find a car or sedan now.

What's more, she just happened to be too lazy to enter the palace and commit crimes, so she said: "Go home."

in the palace.

After the emperor offered sacrifices to the sky, after the lengthy congratulatory speeches, all the officials, wives and noble daughters, sons and grandchildren, etc. were divided into two rows and sat down in the Ziying Hall to rejoice.

Yu Yuan glanced, but no one from the Xue family came.

It is said that Xue Youxiang was so angry that Xue Cen was arrested for **** with a prostitute, he asked for leave to recuperate at home, and never went to the banquet.

Thinking back to the recent events, Yu Yuan was quite thoughtful.

In front of the palace, Yu Xinyi was dressed in the military uniform of the Hundred Cavalry Division, with a bow and arrows on his back, to protect the safety of the concubines in the inner palace.

Seeing Yu Yuankuo stepping into the table, she glanced back and asked, "Father, how about every year?"

"The carriage is broken, maybe it's too late for the banquet."

Yu Yuan explained clearly in a few words, and then warned, "The imperial guards guarding the gate of the palace today are a little unfamiliar, so you should keep an eye on the six directions, and you must not be careless."

"My daughter can save it." Yu Xinyi said.

As soon as Yu Yuan left, he heard a refreshing young voice: "Master Yu!"

Yu Xinyi couldn't help but roll her eyes when she heard this voice, and turned around to see that it was really Nanyang Xiaojun Wang Ning Zizhuo.

"Little County King."

Yu Xinyi had no choice but to salute with his fists together. This young man loves teasing cats and dogs, so he will definitely not miss such a lively palace banquet.

Ning Zizhuo was wearing a light golden and white royal robe, with a high ponytail, and ran over with a smile, "Sis Yu, I have just tasted a piece of Touhua Ci, and it tastes very good, you should try it too!"

After finishing speaking, in front of everyone, he carelessly stuffed the beautiful pastries from the banquet into Yu Xinyi's hands, which was very high-profile and logical.

Yu Xinyi felt that this kid was just about to put up a tail behind him and wag wildly.

The subordinate of Baiqisi behind him didn't look sideways, wanted to laugh but didn't dare, blushing and thick neck.

"You don't have to be cautious, please drink to your heart's content!"

The emperor toasted, and the officials stood up to pay respects, and the banquet officially began. For a while, singing and dancing, chime bells rang together, and the banquet was unparalleled.

Suddenly a person walked in from outside the hall door.

The crown prince Ning Tan was dressed in plain clothes, with bare feet, and was incompatible with the gorgeously dressed officials and wives.

The sound of silk and bamboo bells stopped abruptly, and the officials who congratulated each other gradually became quiet, and the emperor's face instantly sank like the bottom of a pot.

Although the private possession of the dragon robe has been suppressed, there is no impenetrable wall in the world, not to mention that Ning Tan is so stupid that everyone can guess a little bit.

"You should practice self-examination in the East Palace, what are you doing here?" the emperor asked with a straight face.

"My son is ashamed of the teachings of my father and mother, and I can't rest at night. On the occasion of this winter festival ceremony, I come here to kowtow to my father and the people of the world."

Ning Tan stepped on the floor tiles with bare feet, shivering from the cold, and said with a sad expression, "I beg my father to give this minister a chance to repent in person! If all the officials still feel that this son's virtue is not worthy, this minister...willing Let the crown prince be worthy!"

Yu Xinyi snorted very lightly.

She looked at the prince who touched the ground with his forehead, and said to himself: Which song is he singing?

Yu Yuan at the table also looked solemn, watching from afar.

The emperor's face softened a little, and he said: "If you know your mistakes, you can correct them, and you can't die if you commit a crime. If you have anything to say, just say it."

Ning Tan took a glass of wine from the maidservant's tray, stood up and said, "In the seventh year of Tianzhao, my father became the crown prince alone. He was the crown prince for six years, and he made no achievements. He never had a memorial or dealt with government affairs..."

These words are really not something a fatuous and lecherous prince can say.

Yu Xinyi frowned, she felt something was wrong.

Sure enough, the next moment, Ning Tan raised his hand and turned around, pointing his fingertips at the emperor on the seat, his mournful face showing an extremely suppressed twist: "...that's because, the lonely father, the emperor, is like defending his son against thieves." Watch out! What he needs is not a prince, but a puppet, a sculpture that obeys his orders!"

The prince is crazy, how dare he insult the emperor in public!

The whole house was in an uproar.

"Why don't you listen to your son's explanation? Why?"

Ning Tan blushed, clutching the cup and roaring, "Why!"

The emperor's face that had just eased up suddenly tightened again, and the veins on his forehead protruded: "Prince, you are bewildered!"

"Yes, yes! That was forced by you too! You don't allow your son to touch the imperial power, and you don't allow your son to be incompetent and lustful. You can take the crown prince's position as soon as you say it. It's really, really hard to be your son!"

Ning Tan laughed and hissed, "In your eyes, I'm not the prince. I'm just a dog that you donate when you're happy and kick away when you're unhappy!"

With the sound of the jade shattering, Ning Tan severely smashed the wine cup in his hand.

Wang Lingqing, who was closest to the emperor, took the lead in launching the attack, followed by General Yunhui Li Mao and Minister of War Liu Feng leading the armored guards to rush in!

Under the interests, there is no absolute loyalty.

For those who are not greedy enough, the promise of helping the crown prince to "be crowned king and marquis" after succeeding to the throne is enough to drive them to do anything.

Broken jade splashed, reflecting the cold shadows of swords and swords all over the hall.

Seventh Prince's Mansion.

There were six or seven corpses lying here and there on the ground, including eunuchs and maidservants, all of which were inserted into the Eastern Palace or the palace.

At this time, Ju was lying twisted in a pool of blood, completely wiped out.

The masters behind them couldn't survive today, and naturally these rats who got in the way couldn't stay.

Ning Yin ordered: "Clean it up."

The corpse was dragged away, several basins of water were poured down, and within a short while, the front of the steps was as shiny as new.

The attendant received the secret letter, walked quickly across the court, and reported: "His Royal Highness, the East Palace has already taken action, and Shen Feng and others are also ready. Shall we..."

Ning Yin sat by the beast stove and wiped her hands carefully.

Until the cold white knuckles were rubbed red, and the smell of blood was gone, Fang leaned on the desk by the window, playing with the exquisite black jade carving in his hand, rubbing gently inch by inch.

"Don't rush to close the net, just wait." Ning Yin said.

He had just gained a firm foothold in the palace, and apart from Shen Feng and Li Jiu who feigned death and mixed into the imperial army, there were very limited people under his command who could be used.

What's more, since he is coming back for revenge, he will naturally have to wait for the monarch and ministers to turn against each other, father and son to fight each other, and die tragically before appearing on the stage.

"Your Highness, there is one more thing."


"According to the plan, my subordinates broke down the carriage of the Yu Mansion halfway, and ordered people to block the street, but they still failed to stop General Yu..."

The attendant bowed and rolled his Adam's apple, Fang whispered, "He rode his horse and went into the palace alone."

Rubbing Yudiao's hand paused.

Ning Yin's eyes were wide open, his handsome and pale face was against the cold light, and he repeated: "Oh, did you enter the palace?"

He obviously spoke in an understatement, but the attendant felt chills down his spine, and hurriedly knelt down and said, "This subordinate is negligent! Can you use the plan to coerce General Yu and let him cooperate with the outside world..."

"No need."

Yu Yuan is a single-minded military general. Although he had to secretly give himself some convenience due to the emperor's suppression and suspicion, it doesn't mean that he would agree with his crazy and **** ideas.


Ning Yin looked at the jade carving of beauty in her palm, and ran her fingertips over her fine eyebrows and eyes.

Yu Lingxi was sitting in the flower hall, her eyelids were twitching, and she always felt restless.

"Years old?"

Madam Yu called several times before Yu Lingxi came back to her senses, and said with a smile, "Aniang, what's the matter?"

Su Wan was a little worried, took her hand and said, "Auntie is asking you, is there anything that needs to be revised in the gift list for the dowry?"

Yu Lingxi glanced at the long and gilded red gift list, her eyelashes drooped, "I'll listen to you, Aunt."

Why can't Mrs. Yu see what's on her daughter's mind?

The daughter and Xue Erlang are childhood sweethearts, but in the end there is only the admiration between brother and sister, and there is no love between men and women, but they are tied together by a decree of marriage.

According to my husband, Sui Sui had a chance to escape. But in order to take the overall situation into consideration, and also for the safety of this big family, she still chose to go home obediently.

As a mother, how can she not feel distressed?

Sighing, he heard the sound of horseshoes coming from outside the door.

The movement of the father and son returning home is different from normal days. The horseshoes are messy and hasty, and the comings and goings are very chaotic.

Yu Huanchen had already put on his armor, and hurriedly pushed the door in, bringing a gust of cold wind.

"Sui Sui, stay at home with your mother and Ah Wan, and don't go out no matter what happens."

His tone was unprecedentedly hoarse, completely lacking in his usual cheerfulness.

Yu Lingxi comforted A Niang and sister-in-law, and just after chasing them out, she saw several confidant generals under Yu's army were ready to go, discussing something.

"...The power of the emperor and the general is divided into three. Now we want to deploy troops to serve the king, but we still need to obey the orders of the household department and eunuchs. How can this be done in time!"

One of them laughed angrily, and said angrily, "If we deploy troops without permission, we will be labeled as treason again! It's really Zhu Bajie looking in the mirror, he is not a person inside and out."

"Father and Yu Xinyi are still trapped in the palace, so we can't leave it alone."

Yu Huanchen made a decisive decision, "Go and mobilize all the forbidden troops that can be mobilized first, and the Xuanwu Gate will obey the order. Even if you can't act rashly, you can still deter the rebellious party..."

Immediately, Yu Huanchen turned his head and saw his sister standing in the court, and couldn't help being startled.

"Years old."

Yu Huanchen waved his hand to signal his subordinates to go and make arrangements, while he pressed his knife and walked towards his sister.

Yu Lingxi looked at the silver scale armor on her elder brother, frowned and asked, "What happened in the palace?"

Yu Huanchen looked into his younger sister's transparent eyes, and remembered what she had said earlier that there would be chaos at the end of the year, but he still told the truth: "The prince took advantage of the Winter Festival palace banquet to rebel and imprisoned more than three hundred people, including the minister's wife and others, in the purple palace." Yingdian, coercing the emperor to abdicate."

Yu Lingxi's mind was empty, and all the missing memories were connected into a ring at this moment.

She finally understood what she missed when she was lying on the bed with a serious illness in her previous life——

It was a palace change, a turmoil that was enough for Ning Yin to reap the benefits and wash the court with blood.

The crown prince and the emperor fight each other, and one person will always be defeated, while the rest of the surviving people are like turtles in a urn, unable to stop Ning Yin's footsteps at all...

But in the turmoil of the previous life, there was no elder brother and father. This was the only change in Ning Yin's revenge plan.

One, very dangerous accident.

"Brother, can you trust me again." Yu Lingxi said seriously.

"Of course!" Yu Huanchen nodded.

From the real culprit behind the disaster to Wei Qi's true identity, from Xue's double-faced swordsmanship to her saying that there will be chaos at the end of the year, too many things my sister predicted have become reality, and Yu Huanchen has no reason not to believe her.

"No matter what happened in this palace change, brother, please rescue Father and Sister, and protect the Seventh Prince."

Yu Lingxi took a deep breath and bowed to her brother, "Please help him!"

In her previous life, Ning Yin killed everyone and stood in the highest position in the world in a way that was almost self-destructive, but she also suffered the most vicious abuse and backlash.

If possible, in this life, she would let Ning Yin gain power in the world and be respected by everyone.

Let him change from the perverse lunatic in his previous life to a legitimate hero.

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