Marrying The Villain

Chapter 7: defeated dog

The swordsmanship of Qing Xiao and others are all military moves.

The three assailants threw their hands at each other, looked at each other, and jumped over the wall to escape.

The wind stopped, and the shadows of dead branches and trees were reflected in the stagnant water.

Yu Lingxi held her breath and moved forward, looking at the motionless young man on the ground through the veil of the veil, with mixed feelings.

"Is he dead?"

Qing Xiao put the sword back into its sheath, walked over and turned the boy in black who was lying in the blood on his back.

Facing the young man's gloomy gaze, Qing Xiao suddenly let go, feeling startled for no reason.

This boy has dangerous eyes like a beast.

But just for a moment, the sense of crisis that was chilling to the marrow disappeared, and the young man in front of him was so weak that he seemed to die at any moment.

Qing Xiao suppressed the surprise at that moment, stood up and told: "Miss Hui, he is still alive."

Yu Lingxi exhaled slightly, but couldn't tell whether it was relaxation or something else.

The young man was lying on his back on the ground, his head slightly tilted towards Yu Lingxi's direction, his chest was dark with blood.

Yu Lingxi remembered the purpose of this time, and moved her hand while holding the whip.

The arrogant lunatic in the previous life was just like a defeated dog, lying half dead in front of her.

At this time, he didn't even have the strength to turn over and dodge...

But for some reason, the whip in his hand seemed to be extremely heavy, and he couldn't lift it no matter what.

Ning Yin's eyes were like calm black pools, reflecting Yu Lingxi's slim and graceful figure, and she looked at her without blinking.

Yu Lingxi couldn't describe the look in his eyes, it was dark and calm, but there was an undercurrent.

Those eyes swirled through her emotions.

All kinds of revolving lanterns passed by in the previous life, wronged, sad, angry...

The wind passed through silently, and the hand holding the horsewhip was tightened, but finally fell powerlessly.

Yu Lingxi suddenly felt exhausted, and pursed her lips: "Qing Xiao, let's go."

Qing Xiao glanced at the young man lying on the ground, hesitant to speak.

In the end, he didn't ask anything, and led the other four guards to keep up with the slightly hasty pace of the master.

Yu Lingxi didn't turn her head, she didn't realize that the boy lying on the ground was staring at the direction of her departure, propped up and stood up little by little.

Leaning staggeringly against the wall of the workshop, he lowered his eyes and put away the sharp short blade that had been unsheathed in his sleeve.

The jackdaw perched on the dead tree seemed to sense the murderous intent, and fluttered its wings in shock.

Just now, as long as that woman dared to show a little malice, the short blade in his hand would pierce her slender and beautiful neck.

But she didn't.

It's strange that when I met her twice in a row, the emotions in her eyes were very complicated, like fear and anger.

She obviously doesn't like him, but wants to save him.

It's interesting, there are so many unknown mysteries about that woman.

Thinking of this, Ning Yin calmly wiped off the blood stains from the corners of her lips, leaning on the mottled square wall, and followed the low-key carriage step by step.

The carriage shook, shaking Yu Lingxi's mind.

She wondered if she was in a daze. She was clearly determined to beat someone up, but she turned into saving someone by mistake.

She is the "failure" who goes all out and then declines.

Just as she was thinking about it, she suddenly heard Qing Xiao knock on the wall of the carriage.

"Miss, that boy has been following us all along."

Yu Lingxi got up immediately, lifted the curtain of the car and looked back, and saw Ning Yin holding his wound on his chest with one hand, and leaning on the dilapidated wall with the other, chasing the carriage staggeringly.

Yu Lingxi couldn't help but think of a little black dog that she fed casually when she was young, and also reluctantly followed her for half a block, and couldn't drive her away.

I'm about to enter the main street of the Immortal Capital of the Desire Realm, where people are coming and going, and it doesn't look good to always follow like this.

Qing Xiao said: "Miss, you want a subordinate..."

Intuition told Yu Lingxi that she should not have anything to do with Ning Yin.

She made up her mind and interrupted Qing Xiao's words: "Let the horse run faster, let's go."

The horse neighed, and the buildings on the side of the street retreated rapidly.

Ning Yin's figure gradually faded away, turning into a smaller and smaller black spot.

Until his stubborn figure completely disappeared, Yu Lingxi let out a cry, feeling as if he had finally surfaced to breathe.

Leaving aggressively, returning slumped and exhausted.

After returning to the room, Yu Lingxi didn't say a word, just threw the small whip on the table, threw it face down into the bedding, and lay there motionless.

Annoyed, very annoyed.

She refused to admit that she was soft-hearted, and only thought in frustration: Sure enough, being a villain requires talent.

During the winter solstice, it snowed all night, covering the entire capital city in a vast expanse of snow.

The incense in the Temple of Mercy is the most beautiful in the middle of the month. Madam Yu originally planned to take this opportunity to go to the Temple of Mercy to fulfill her vows, but before she left the door, she had a headache and couldn't blow the wind, so she was frowning worriedly.

Earlier, she made a wish at the Ci'en Temple, begging the Buddha to bless her husband and son who were "seriously ill" to recover soon.

Now that the wish is fulfilled, the matter of worshiping the Buddha cannot be neglected.

"Daughter, go and fulfill your wish for you." Yu Lingxi suggested after serving her mother to drink the medicine.

It just so happens that she also wants to worship gods and Buddhas, to ward off evil spirits and disasters, and to seek Ning Yin.

"Alright. The melon, fruit and sesame oil has already been prepared. When your brother comes back from work, ask him to take you to the Temple of Mercy."

Madam Yu was a little haggard, but her eyes were still gentle and bright, and she told her daughter, "On a snowy day, please be careful."

Yu Lingxi smiled and said, "My daughter can save it."

Youzheng, the twilight is in harmony, and the lights are just coming on.

The winding lights and shadows of the capital reflect the snow, which is unbelievably beautiful.

Yu Mansion's carriage drove into the broad Yongle Street, passing another luxurious carriage.

The wind lifted the hanging flower curtain, and Yu Lingxi caught a glimpse of the carriage that was in the wrong place, and couldn't help being stunned: she had seen that carriage in front of the Colosseum in the Immortal Capital of the Desire Realm.

"What's wrong?" Yu Huanchen shook his hand in front of her.

Yu Lingxi returned to her senses, thinking it was probably just a coincidence, she shook her head and said, "It's nothing."

The luxurious carriage turned a corner, traveled more than a hundred feet along the road of Yongningfang, and stopped in front of a secluded courtyard.

The carriage sank, and a fat man in brocade clothes came out from inside. It was Ning Changrui, the king of Xichuan County who had appeared in front of the Colosseum.

Ning Changrui was addicted to wine and **** all the year round, and he was fond of fighting. This mansion was the place he bought to raise slaves and concubines, and he specially chose a quiet place away from the busy city.

He was full of alcohol, took Wenwan walnuts in his hand, and stepped on the human stool where the servants knelt down to the ground.

There was no one to clean the snow in the courtyard, Ning Changrui almost fell down and was about to get angry when he heard the melodious music of the piano coming from the hall.

Only one concubine Ji can play such a piano sound, and that is really a woman whose bones are soft.

Ning Changrui had a lewd smile on Jiangzi's face, he couldn't wait to wave away his followers, and opened the door with a heavy breath, shouting: "Little girl, I'm going to make waves here when I don't see you..."

With a sound of "baji", the foot that just stepped through the door felt slippery and sticky.

His smile froze, he looked down at his feet, and was shocked.

is blood! So much blood!

The ground was littered with the corpses of the servants of the mansion, and his concubine was sitting in the sea of ​​blood and corpses, her face was pale and her eyes were terrified with tears.

Around her neck was a sharp dagger.

A black-clothed boy sat on the grand teacher's chair with his long legs crossed, one hand resting on his temple, the other held a dagger and pushed forward. He raised his eyes and said, "Go ahead."

With a whimper, the piano sound continued intermittently.

"Today is really a good day for listening to music."

Ning Yin's posture remained the same, with a completely different ruthlessness and calmness from the Colosseum. Looking at the ashen-faced Prince Xichuan, he smiled and said, "Isn't it, second cousin?"

Ning Changrui suddenly woke up from the alcohol, and he gritted his molars.

"It's you." Ning Changrui looked around, making sure that the boy broke into his mansion alone, the fear in his eyes turned into contempt.

No matter how powerful he was, he was just a wounded brat, how could he be against the dozen or so slaves he had raised with human lives?

"I wanted you to die in the Colosseum, but who knows that your life is so hard, you have escaped repeatedly."

Thinking of this, Ning Changrui played with the walnuts, and said with a sneer, "It doesn't matter if you escape, but you dare to come to my palace to die! There is a way to heaven if you don't leave, and there is no way to **** to come in!"

With a wave of his hand, ten personal slaves held swords and surrounded the young man.

The strings cracked with a bang, and the sound of the piano stopped abruptly.

The dark wind swept across, and the gate of the other courtyard was closed, covering the blood all over the place.

At the same time, in front of the Temple of Mercy.

There are eminent monks lighting lamps and chanting scriptures, thousands of oil lamps are always bright, shining like a sea of ​​stars, and there is a lively scene that cannot be matched in daytime.

Yu Huanchen carried melons, fruits, sesame oil and other things, helped his sister out of the car, and teased her: "Hurry up and ask for a marriage, and let the Bodhisattva give us a good husband every year."

After a pause, she leaned closer to her ear: "It's best, the surname is Xue."

I thought my sister was blushing as usual, but Yu Lingxi just glanced at him, snorted lightly and said, "I'd better find a marriage for my brother first, preferably with a well-educated and sensible girl."

Being poked at the sore spot, Yu Huanchen shut up.

When he was eighteen years old, he was ordered by his parents and a matchmaker to arrange a marriage.

The girl came from a scholarly family, was about the same age as Yu Lingxi, and was a quiet and beautiful girl.

However, Yu Huanchen has always favored bold and forthright women from all corners of the country, and disliked delicate and weeping ladies, so he was very dissatisfied with this marriage.

Yu Lingxi knew that her elder brother in her previous life used the excuse of Bei Zheng to avoid the marriage, but she never came back. Later, when she heard that the girl didn't want to break the contract and remarry, she twisted her hair and became a sister-in-law in a fit of anger...

Yu Lingxi put her palms together in front of the huge Buddha statue with twirling fingers, and bowed devoutly.

In this life, may all the shortcomings be fulfilled.

The wind swept through the sky and the broken snow fell in the Yongningfang courtyard.

In a short while, the muddy dark red in front of the steps was covered.

There was a splash of blood on the window paper, followed by the sound of a tall and strong body falling heavily to the ground.

The fallen Danu had a dark face and a hideous scar on his eyebrows. He was the leader who had assassinated him in the "lair" earlier.

Ning Yin squatted down and took out a **** secret letter from Da Nu.

Opening it up, a trace of darkness flashed across his gloomy eyes: there really is a mole around him, and he is cooperating with this stupid pig.

With five fingers clasped together, the secret letter turned into powder and sprinkled from the fingers.

Ning Yin kicked the corpse under his feet, tore off an iron pendant from his neck, looked at the light for a moment, then untied the dozen or so same iron pendants from his waist, and combined them with the one he had just obtained.

And on the threshold, lay a fat man covered in blood, his hands and feet twisted in a strange posture.

Two quarters of an hour ago he was still mocking Ning Yin for courting death, and two quarters of an hour later, his hands and feet were wrenched and he was thrown into a pool of blood, unable to cry out or move.

All the masters in the Mansion were killed by this kid!

Fear and resentment were intertwined in Ning Changrui's eyes, just watching the boy in black walking gracefully in front of him with the **** iron pendant in his hands, and then leaned over.

"The thirteen people you sent to kill me are all here."

The blood stains on the brows added a bit of color to Ning Yin's pale face. He loosened his slender fingers and let the thirteen iron pendants clang and fall in front of Ning Changrui, smiling harmlessly: "You count?"

Ning Changrui's fat body trembled violently, spitting blood from his mouth.

"You... are you pretending? Why..."

Ning Yin casually wiped the blood from his hands, and continued to talk: "Why am I so good at martial arts, and I was tortured so badly by you before?"

As if thinking of a pleasant thing, he laughed: "If you don't hide your strength and use yourself as bait, how can you catch all of you big fish? Fishing, how can you be impatient."

Ning Changrui's eyes widened, everything had a reasonable explanation.

It turns out that the seemingly weak prey is the most vicious hunter.

"No, it's not me..." Ning Changrui struggled to spit out a few broken words, anxious to explain.

"Of course I know that you are not the mastermind behind the scenes. A stupid and aggressive person like you is only worthy of being used by others."

Ning Yin walked up to the blood-stained guqin, brushed the strings with her slender fingers, and plucked a few tunes: "But what's the matter? I just want to kill you tonight."

Ning Changrui began to regret it, and tremblingly said with difficulty: "Since you know, then, let me go, I can...pretend you have never been here..."

"Okay, cousin, answer my question."

Ning Yin plucked the strings one after another, and asked with a smile, "Who is that woman?"

Ning Changrui was stunned for a moment, and he said vaguely with blood foam: "Which... woman?"

There was a vibrato, and the hand that plucked the string stopped.

"Black Market, she has a prescription that only I know about. Lair, she appeared too timely."

He raised his eyes, "Don't say it, it's just a coincidence."

When things go wrong, there must be a demon. Ning Yin never believed in such a coincidence.

What's more, everyone wants him to die, who will save him for no reason?

"I don't know you...who are you talking about..."

Seeing Ning Yin glance over coldly, Ning Changrui was trembling with fat all over his body, and whimpered, "I didn't lie to you! I really... really don't know!"

Could it be that her appearance was really an accident?

Impossible, he has never told anyone about Jiuyouxiang's secret recipe.

He hesitated for a while.

However, the dark man who was originally "dead" in the pile of corpses suddenly opened his eyes, jumped up, and slammed Ning Yin with the mace in his hand!

Ning Yin's body was the first to detect the killing intent, and subconsciously raised the short blade to block.

With a clang, flames splashed everywhere.

Ning Yin heard the crisp sound of bones coming from her right wrist, and then felt a sharp pain in her chest, and she dropped the short blade.

He reacted quickly and turned around to relieve his strength. At the same time, the dagger in his left hand was unsheathed and crossed the dark man's neck.

The man froze, with a thin line of blood on his throat, staring and fell to the ground, completely silent.

Violet red blood gurgled out from under the corpse, and soon fainted a large swath of dark color on the floor tiles.

Ning Yin shook her right hand, her wrist was limply hanging down without any strength.

He studied the swollen wrist with great interest for a moment, and concluded: "Tsk, it's dislocated."

Then he pinched his wrist and twisted it, only to hear a soft "click", and the dislocated wrist bone was put back in place.

From the beginning to the end, Ning Yin never blinked his eyes, as if it was just a piece of wood without pain.

He bent down and picked up the dark man by the back collar with his good left hand. He dragged the 200-jin body easily with one hand, and then threw it in front of Ning Changrui with a plop.

As if he was still not satisfied, he stroked his chin and adjusted his posture again so that Ning Changrui was face to face with the dead body.

Then, Ning Yin picked up the short blade that fell from the ground, and placed the handle in Ning Changrui's twisted and broken hand for him to hold.

Ning Changrui's cloudy eyes were full of fear and bewilderment.

But it didn't take long for him to be at a loss, and soon he knew Ning Yin's intentions.

"The king's mansion of Xichuan County rebelled against the slaves, tried to kill the master and defected, a duel, the slaves and the king of Xichuan County died together..."

Ning Yin slowly picked up the candlestick on the case table, squatted down and said with a smile: "This is the ending I chose for my cousin, is my cousin satisfied?"

The bright candlelight illuminated his thin and beautiful cheeks, but Ning Changrui seemed to see a demon, desperately twisting his fat body like mud.

But his hands and feet were broken, and no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't move an inch.

He even couldn't get rid of the dagger in his hand.

Ning Yin admired his desperate expression, and then slowly let go of the candlestick in Ning Changrui's panicked wailing.

With a bang, the candle flame quickly climbed along the curtain, swallowing the entire beam in an instant.

In the raging flames, the heat wave was transpiring, and Ning Yin's smile was handsome and distorted.

The hall of the palace was on fire, and Ning Changrui sobbed mournfully.

But what's the use? He could only watch as the flames licked his clothes, burned his flesh, and finally swallowed him whole.

It was very windy today, and by the time someone found out, everything would have been burned to ashes.

Ning Yin walked out of the yard and stretched herself. When I looked up, fine pieces of white fluttered down.


"Snow is good, it can bury all the filth..."

Before she finished speaking, Ning Yin suddenly covered her lips and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Viscous scarlet dripped from between his pale fingers and dripped onto the snow. It was a redder color than the raging flames behind him.

In the sneak attack just now, he suffered serious internal injuries, and he has survived to the extreme.

His vision began to blur, and Feixue had a double image, but he only paused for a moment, and then continued to move forward. Every few steps, fresh blood overflowed from his mouth and nose.

He took a shortcut and headed towards the fairy capital of the Desire Realm.

Even the immortals in the Desire Realm can't stay any longer. To be on the safe side, they must be burned and burned...

The gongs on Yongning Street rushed, and the flames were overwhelming.

Officers and soldiers galloped past on horseback, yelling loudly to organize manpower to fight the fire.

Yu Lingxi's carriage returning home was blocked on the avenue, making it difficult to move.

"Where did the fire start?" Yu Huanchen asked, jumping off the carriage.

Qing Xiao came out of the crowd in a hurry, panting and said: "Young General, it's King Xichuan's other courtyard that flooded. The fire was so intense that the whole street was blocked."

The wind is strong tonight, if the fire is not brought under control, the entire Yongning Square might be burned down.

Yu Huanchen subconsciously took a step forward, then paused again, and looked back at his sister in the carriage: "Sui Sui, you..."

Seeing her brother hesitate to speak, Yu Lingxi knew that he would not sit idly by.

So he lifted the veil and veil, and smiled helplessly: "Brother, go and help put out the fire. I have guards to take care of me, so I can go back by myself."

Only then did Yu Huanchen get on his horse with peace of mind, and shouted: "Qing Xiao, take my token and mobilize the troops to patrol the city and put out the fire with all our strength!"

After saying that, he raised his whip and galloped towards the fire.

Yu Lingxi looked at his brother's heroic figure walking retrograde in the heavy snow, and his heart moved slightly.

He is still as old-fashioned and energetic as in his previous life.

"Miss, I can't go in the direction of Yongning Street, and I have to take a detour back to the residence from Shengping Street." The guard led the restless horse and reported outside the car.

Shengping Street?

Isn't that adjacent to the fairy capital of the desire world?

Yu Lingxi controlled herself not to think about that pale and handsome face, put down the curtain and said, "Then let's go."

Shengping Street.

Ning Yin staggered, but finally couldn't hold on to his injuries, and fell headlong into the snow between the roads.

Maybe it's because the body's temperature is losing, but he doesn't feel the cold, he just feels comfortable.

He lay on his back, watching goose feathers and heavy snow falling one after another, beautiful and desolate.


A passing carriage spotted him and hurriedly reined in to stop, the horse neighing unbearably.

Someone came walking on the snow with a lantern, and hesitantly shouted: "Who is blocking the way ahead?"

On the lantern of the dangling carriage, the word "Yu Mansion" could be vaguely seen.

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