Marrying The Villain

Chapter 86: nightmare

"I remember when I was a child, Ah Chen and I used to go boating here, chatting about the world."

Xue Cen looked at the jagged withered lotus that had not yet sprouted on the water surface, as if recalling the distant past, "At that time, the second girl was not in good health, so she watched from a distance in this water pavilion."

Yu Lingxi thought that Xue Cen would be somewhat resentful, or as arrogant and cynical as the last time they met in the previous life.

Unexpectedly, he was calm, almost sad.

"In the autumn when I was ten years old, I saw you punting boats among the lotus leaves. I was so envious and clamored to eat lotus pods. But how could there be lotus pods at that time? My brothers and sisters were all coaxing and evading, and you were the only one who reached out to pick them."

Standing half a foot away, Yu Lingxi said softly, "Unexpectedly, he slipped and fell into the pool, and since then he has been afraid of water."

Xue Cen smiled: "It's childhood fun the most, teenagers don't care about parting sorrows."

He picked this hour to come, it should not be as simple as reminiscing about the past.

Yu Lingxi's eyes fell on the pair of dragon and phoenix glass wine glasses. The wine glasses were exquisite and translucent, and they could be seen as the best things.

"This jug is filled with the 'Hundred Years' which has been buried for ten years. It was originally used for drinking Heji wine. I don't need it now, so I might as well give it to the second girl."

Xue Cen's eyes fell on which pot of unopened wine, and his Adam's apple rolled several times. Fang Wen said, "I... can I have a drink with the second girl as a farewell party?"

Yu Lingxi asked, "Farewell party?"

Xue Cen looked away hastily, and said bitterly: "The second girl will have a wedding banquet tomorrow, so I won't disturb the fun by visiting."

He made a "please" gesture.

Yu Lingxi took her seat and ordered the maidservants to fetch new tea and food. When I looked back again, I saw the servant Xue Cen brought forward and opened the altar of the 'Hundred Years' which had been treasured for ten years.

Xue Cen took the glass cup and poured two glasses of wine himself, Yu Lingxi had no choice but to swallow the words she hadn't spoken yet.

The amber-gold wine in the cup was slightly rippling, reflecting her clear eyes.

By the Qujiang Pool, there was a soft sound of ding dong ding dong in the secluded courtyard.

"My lord, don't worry, I have ordered someone to improve the properties of the 'Hundred Flower Killer' drug, making it more toxic, and the onset can be extended for one day to ensure that nothing will go wrong."

Xue Song closed the door of the hall, and said to the shadow behind the screen, "Brother She has brought this medicine into the Yu Mansion, and when the bridal ceremony is completed tomorrow, King Jing will die suddenly."

Behind the screen, the sound of rattles came crisply.

The slightly hoarse voice sounded: "I have been reduced to relying on implicating a woman to complete my great cause. After all, I feel ashamed."

"The master is benevolent, and great things are achieved regardless of small details."

Xue Song said, "Prince Jing's Mansion is as solid as gold, and its people are treacherous and treacherous. We can only start from the weak point of Yu Mansion."

The person behind the screen put down the rattle, stood up and said, "There is no antidote to this medicine. I heard that Brother Ling specially tasted a glass of wine as a test before going out. Will it cost his life?"

"Although my younger brother is simple, he won't listen to the minister's advice. He must taste the wine first to confirm that it is not poisonous, and then he will agree to see Yu Lingxi with peace of mind."

With gloom between Xue Song's brows, he said: "Don't worry, my lord, I didn't put that poison in the wine at all."


"I smeared the poison of 'Hundred Flowers Kill' on the rim of the glass cup. As long as Yu Lingxi holds the cup to drink and farewell, even if she just takes a sip, she will definitely be poisoned."

"How do you know that Brother Ling will definitely give the poisonous cup to Miss Yu Er?"

The person behind the screen sighed, "Xue Erlang is full of infatuation, and it can't be eliminated in three or two months. What if he can't do it?"

Xue Song seemed to have expected this a long time ago, nodded and said: "My lord is right, Ah Cen is pure in nature, he will definitely not let him go."

After a moment of silence behind the screen, the man asked: "Then why did you let him..."

"It is precisely because I know that I told Ah Cen that I must give the Phoenix Cup to Yu Lingxi and let him hold the Dragon Cup."

Xue Song was silent for a while, then said coldly, "Ah-Cen became suspicious, so he must have secretly changed the cup, and took it on behalf of Yu Lingxi."

He never believed in his younger brother who was like a blank sheet of paper. What he believed in was only his control over people's hearts.

So the poison was actually smeared in the dragon cup.

Yu Mansion, Water Pavilion.

Xue Cen's breathing tightened, and he said shortly, "Wait."

Yu Lingxi withdrew her hand and looked at him with a little doubt.

"The second girl likes spicy food, this wine tastes a bit weak."

Xue Cen reached out to touch the small silk bag hanging on his waist, probably absent-minded, and took a long time to untie the small silk bag.

Xue Cen smiled apologetically, took out two paprika plums from his bag, and put them in the glass wine glass in front of him.

Yu Lingxi was in a daze. For so many years, Xue Cen had been carrying her favorite things with him.

But since we are going to part ways today, is his move too intimacy and redundant?

Just as she was thinking, Xue Cen pushed the glass cup carved with dragon patterns in front of her, and smiled: "Second Miss, please."

He took the lead in picking up his own phoenix cup, and solemnly said, "This cup is a respect to the two little ones in the past."

After finishing speaking, he paused, raised his head and drank it down.

Xue Cen was upright and restrained himself, and never drank too much, but when he drank in a hurry, the corners of his eyes were red with choking.

He stopped Yu Lingxi, who wanted to persuade her, poured another cup and said, "This cup is a toast to the future."

Yu Lingxi always felt that there were too many things hidden in his eyes at this moment, as if they were about to overflow.

She suppressed the hesitation in her heart, picked up the dragon-patterned glazed cup in front of her without changing her expression, and flirted with Xue Cen away.

The boy was holding the jug, and his eyes fell on the rim of the cup that Yu Lingxi slowly approached to his lips without blinking.

Yu Lingxi pursed her lips imperceptibly, with the ripples of the wine reflected in her eyes.

The moment the cup was about to touch her lips, Yu Lingxi paused slightly.

Then Xue Cen suddenly reached out, snatched the glass of wine from her hand, and swallowed it down.

Yu Lingxi couldn't stop her, and the servant froze in shock.

Taking advantage of the lack of reaction from the servant who supervised him, Xue Cenhong hissed and said, "The wine is poisonous, don't touch it!"

In an instant, the boy came back to his senses.

Knowing the bad thing, he turned around and wanted to run away, but was knocked to the ground by the palm of Yu Huanchen who rushed over.

This young servant was very skillful, he got up quickly, stepped on the rockery, climbed up the wall, and fled outside.

Yu Huanchen wanted to chase, but was worried about the situation in the waterside pavilion, he hesitated for a moment, then handed over the pursuit task to Qing Xiao and other attendants, and strode towards Xue Cen himself.

"Put away the glass cup on the ground and call the imperial physician! Go!"

Thinking of something, the surprise in Yu Lingxi's eyes gradually turned into horror, and she took a step forward and said, "Is there 'Hundred Flower Kill' in my glass of wine? Spit it out!"

"It's too late." Xue Cen just shook his head lightly.

Ever since his elder brother repeatedly stimulated him with the marriage between Yu Lingxi and King Jing, he had doubts, and the despair of being betrayed by his relatives shattered his remaining hopes.

He had no other choice. Instead of using someone else to deal with Yu Lingxi, he might as well take the risk himself.

The corners of Xue Cen's eyes were slightly red, and he held up a gentle smile: "If not, I would have no chance to tell you the news."

Yu Lingxi was speechless for a while.

As a former fiancé, Xue Cen's visit was a bit abrupt this time.

If it was in her previous life, Yu Lingxi might not have any defenses.

She agreed to meet, but she just thought that if the Xue family used Xue Cen's hand to harm her and Ning Yin like in the previous life, she could take advantage of the situation to catch Xue Song's "Hundred Flower Killing" to kill dissidents.

But she never expected that Xue Cen would be so stupid as to swallow that glass of poisoned wine by himself.

Xue Cen, who had Yu Lingxi supported by Yu Huanchen, managed to remain calm: "Brother, induce him to vomit."

"Ah Cen, spit it out!"

Yu Huanchen's face was stern, and he stretched out his fingers to press Xue Cen's abdominal acupoints to induce vomiting, but it was too late.

No one knew better than Yu Lingxi how powerful Baihuasha's medicine was.

"No...don't worry about me."

Xue Cen grabbed Yu Huanchen's hand, raised his head to look at Yu Lingxi, and said hastily, "They made double preparations, and buried an assassin among the guests of honor at the wedding banquet, intending to assassinate King Jing! I failed this time, and it's their assassination plan. I will definitely... help him in advance, go quickly."

Xue Cen's brows and eyes were still warm, but a little more calm and decisive.

Yu Lingxi took a step back, begged her elder brother to deal with the matter in front of her with her eyes, then quickly turned and ran away.

The setting sun collected the last ray of light, and Xue Cen's reddish eyes were full of tranquility.


Fortunately, this time, he was not late.

The carriage left Jingwang Mansion and headed towards Yongle Gate.

The incense wafted from the table, and Ning Yin pressed her fingers against her forehead and closed her eyes for a nap, her drooping eyelashes cast a circle of shadows under her eyelashes.

He rarely dreams, but in the past two days, he has repeatedly dreamed that he is walking in a long black secret road, which seems to never end.

But this time, he touched the finish line.

Like a door, push it open hard, and the faint blue light comes oncoming.

It is a narrow small room, and the fluorescent blue light is emitted from the ice bed in the small room. And in the center of that blue light, lay a beauty with black hair and red lips quietly.


Ning Yin inspected the beauty sleeping soundly on the ice bed, and reached out to touch the corner of her stiff mouth, but only felt a piece of ice cold.

The heart suddenly hurts.

Noticing something, the gray falcon on the eaves suddenly flew, and the sharp chirping of the falcon pierced the night sky with the sound of piercing cold.

Ning Yin opened his eyes suddenly, turned his head slightly, and Sen Han's blade stabbed head-on.

The cold light reflected in the eyes, and it was frosty.

A moment later, there was a creepy sound from the stabbing Yi Bin's arm, and then the blade that stabbed into the carriage flew out and pierced his throat.

There was still disbelief in the assassin's eyes, like a rag doll, dangling and nailed to the wall of the square, blooming a **** flower.

"Finally hooked."

Shen Feng, who was hiding in the dark, heaved a sigh of relief, and bent his elbow against the broken halberd by his side, "Why doesn't Your Highness deal with these assassins in the palace, but try to lure them here?"

Zheji glanced at the shadows of swords and swords in the alley, and only said: "Because the palace is getting married tomorrow."

His Highness will never allow these miscellaneous fish to stain the bricks and tiles of the palace. He wants to marry Miss Yu Er in a clean way.


Folding the halberd with his backhand, he took out the epee on his back, seeing the timing was right, he rushed out first.

The peach blossoms on the wall are in full bloom, a pink glow.

The breeze moved lightly, the shadow of the moon swayed, and the peach blossoms fluttered and fell to the ground, dyed a strange bright red by the gurgling stickiness.

Ning Yin frowned, wiped away the little blood on his hands in disgust, and looked at the assassin with all his limbs in the corner.

This is the only one alive among the ten top assassins, but it is almost dead.

The assassin sat slumped among the corpses like a puppet with broken strings, bleeding from his mouth and nose, but still laughing wildly.

"Death is imminent, why are you so arrogant?"

Shen Feng muttered, and walked forward, "Hey, what are you laughing at? Is there another trick?"

The assassin hooted twice, and then suddenly spewed out a mouthful of **** arrows.

Blood splashed, and some images flashed through Ning Yin's mind.

On the shawl couch, someone spat out a mouthful of black blood, which stained his snow-colored skirt.

every year.

When his heart hurt, he staggered a step blankly.

"Your Highness!"

Zheji subconsciously wanted to help him.

Ning Yin steadied herself, suppressing the fishy sweetness welling up in her throat.

Guessing what, he went straight past the attendant, and when he got on the horse, he stabbed the horse's **** with the short blade fiercely, and galloped towards Yu Mansion with all his blood.

"I had a dream."

"I dreamed that I would die because of this, leaving you alone in the world."

Is it a dream?

If it was just a dream, why would his heart hurt so much.

If it wasn't a dream...

The horses were foaming and neighing, and the people stood up. Ning Yin saw Yu Lingxi who was leading a group of guards to go out.

The two stared at each other from a distance of several feet, and there was a moment of silence.

"Ning Yin!"

Seeing him appearing in front of her safe and sound, Yu Lingxi's eyes lit up and she breathed a sigh of relief.

But then, her heart rose again.

Because Ning Yin's complexion was really terrible, her cheeks were almost pale in the dark night, blood was splashed on her chin, her eyes were sunken, she was cold and heavy like never before in her life.

His eyes were so black, with a dark red, Yu Lingxi couldn't see through the emotion in his eyes for a moment.

She trotted over worryingly, raised her head and said, "Are you okay? I just heard that the Xue family bribed the assassin..."

Before she finished speaking, Ning Yin got off her horse, and her tall figure covered her whole body.

He lowered his eyes and stared at Yu Lingxi's face for a long time, then raised his wiped finger, and gently touched the corner of her mouth as if confirming something.

"Ning Yin?" Yu Lingxi was puzzled.

Ning Yin laughed lowly, her blood-stained smile was crazy.

"It's warm."

He stroked Yu Lingxi's cheek with a satisfied expression.

"Ning Yin."

Yu Lingxi took advantage of the situation to hold his fingers, allowing him to feel his body temperature more intuitively, and asked softly, "What's wrong with you?"

The shadow of the lamp under the wall flickered, and Ning Yin's eyes were devouring the light.

"I dreamed that you were lying on an ice bed in a dark room, unable to smile or speak. When I touched your cheek, it was only stiff and cold."

Ning Yin's voice has always been deep and pleasant, elegant and paranoid, "How could it be possible for me to become like that in my age."

Yu Lingxi's heart tightened, as if someone had punched her hard, and there was a lot of pain.

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