"Oh my God, if you don't want a million, don't want it, Su Ye is too tyrant, right?"

"Maybe this is the self-cultivation of local tyrants?"

"Have you all forgotten that Su Ye is actually a rich man? maybe he really can't look down on a million dollars!"

"Tut-tut, Su Ye is atmospheric!"

"Both are rich people, and we poor people don't deserve to play with orchids......"

Although Su Ye didn't care about what he said, Old Man Li couldn't help but care.

He took Su Ye's hand and said, "Little friend, this matter can't be counted like this. Although these orchids may not seem valuable to you, in the eyes of those of us who love orchids, they are worth the price. Even if it's a brother, you have to settle accounts, don't you? You give me an account, and this flower will be sold to me, 800,000 yuan, and I will transfer it to you now!"

Su Ye was also a little crying and laughing, so he could only explain: "Even if I want to give it to you, I can't give it, I never remember those things, and I usually swipe my card." "

Old Man Li was stunned for a moment and said, "Then you give me the card!"

Touching from his body, Su Ye did not find a wallet, but found a card bag that was much smaller than the wallet.

After rummaging through it, Su Ye took out a bank card and handed it to Old Man Li, saying, "You can put it in this card, this card I usually use in China." "

But sharp-eyed netizens found another blind spot in Su Ye's card pack.

"Damn, that is the platinum card of ICBC?"

"I seem to have seen the gold card of the Swiss bank in the card bag, I don't know if I read it wrong......"

"You read that right! Su Ye even has the Federal Reserve Black Gold Centurion card! This card is a god card that can be swiped infinitely around the world!"

"Su Ye, you have been exposed! Tell me honestly, are you one of the bosses behind the Longteng Group?"

Not only the audience, but even Mr. Li was frightened by this card.

Looking at the bank card, and then at Su Ye, Old Man Li sighed and said, "I know why you don't put this orchid in your eyes......

Just when Old Man Li transferred money to Su Ye, Zhao Xiaogu's voice sounded again in the sea of flowers: "Su Ye, come and see this, I just saw a flower similar to it at the exhibition!"

Old man Li followed the prestige, only to see that on the bamboo feet of the small bamboo building, there were several very peculiar flowers, and their roots were densely attached to the bamboo feet of the small bamboo building, as if they were dotted with lines on it.

After seeing this orchid, Old Man Li shouted in disbelief: "This is impossible!

Although everyone was puzzled, what was there that the vast audience couldn't find? Just a little bit of the information about the ghost orchid, they all screamed.

"it, fifteen million ghost orchids?"

However, what made netizens' jaws drop was that this was just the beginning.

As Old Man Li walked around the sea of flowers, he found more and more precious orchids.

Datang Fengyu (worth 3.5 million), Tianyi Hechun Orchid (worth 10 million), Crystal Orchid (worth 12 million), ......

Even in the back, the two million Junzi Orchid was no longer on the stage in the eyes of the audience, and there was even a trace of contempt in the eyes of this Junzi Orchid.

"Just two million flowers dare to come out and offer ugliness?"

"Look at the seniors in front of you!"

"Two million, a little money......"

"I suddenly had a bold idea......"

"For such a bold idea of yours, our country has a complete set of criminal law ......"

"I suddenly found that Su Ye was not planting a sea of flowers, but a 'sea of money'!"

This netizen's barrage aroused the unanimous approval of the audience. Even from this day on, the word "Qianhai" replaced the name of the flower sea of Xiaozhulou, specifically referring to the sea of flowers around Suye Xiaozhulou.

Looking at the old man who was gradually lost in the sea of flowers, Su Ye couldn't help but shake his head and sighed, not planning to deal with him anymore.

Obviously, "Don't be overly obsessed with orchids, orchids are just a plaything after all, and overindulgence is a plaything", all of which came out of the mouth of Old Man Li. But now, he is a model of a "plaything" who has escaped from life.

Clapping his hands to gather the children, Su Ye said to the children: "Children, do you know what it means to be discouraged by playthings?"

Lao Liu weakly raised his hand and said, "Dad, I know!" This idiom means that you are too addicted to toys and don't want to learn. "

"That's right. Su Ye nodded with satisfaction, although this explanation is still a bit too superficial, but considering the age of the children, it is very good to be able to make such an explanation.

Just when Su Ye was about to praise the sixth child, the boss suddenly raised his hand and said, "No, it's not right!

Su Ye suddenly looked at the boss curiously, wanting to see what kind of explanation he could make.

I saw that the boss suddenly stretched out his hand, pointed at the old man Li not far away, and said, "Dad, Grandpa Li is the most typical plaything!"

Su Ye suddenly couldn't laugh or cry. Although he also thinks so, but this group of children really doesn't have any face for Old Man Li?

The old man Li who was not far away, heard the children pointing to him and saying that he was a typical plaything, and his elegant old face couldn't help but blush.

But even so, he still looked at the orchid in front of him intently, and did not look back to refute.

On the one hand, he is really embarrassed, and on the other hand, it is also because he really loves orchids very much.

Being able to immerse himself in the same field for so many years, it is absolutely impossible to say that Old Man Li doesn't like orchids.

"In the future, everyone should not lose their minds, okay?" Looking at the children, Su Ye asked.

"Good!" the children nodded.

And Su Ye also nodded with satisfaction, and said, "You have to remember what you said today, Dad has recorded it!"

Although I don't know what the use of Su Ye recording this is, this group of children who are very sensible and know how to be self-disciplined did not take this to heart. The only thing that they could take to heart was to agree to Su Ye's thing.

Returning to the mushroom house with the children laughing, everyone looked at Su Ye's eyes, it was like looking at a monster - even if he was a loser, it was impossible for him to have so many precious flowers in his flower field!

In fact, even Su Ye didn't think of this.

When the small bamboo building was completed, it was because it was too ugly to see the bare land around him, so he let his subordinates plant a flower field. But what seeds were sprinkled into this flower field, Su Ye didn't know.

I looked at the time, and it was almost dinner time.

Since Su Ye appeared in the mushroom house, the people in the mushroom house have not only slept regularly, but even their diet has become quite regular - after all, when Su Ye is alone with a bowl of fragrant food on the side, no matter who wants to come forward and take a bite.

"Do you want to cook?" said Lin Yun'er suddenly stood up and looked at the kitchen.

Huang Lei suddenly looked at him curiously: "Yun'er, can you cook?"

"Of course pull, Yun'er's cooking skills are still very good!" He Jiong, who was present and was most familiar with Girls' Generation, said: "If you want to compare...... Yuna's cooking skills are on par with Mr. Huang's. "

Hearing this, Rao Yihuang Lei couldn't help but burst into a foul mouth: "?"

Netizens all laughed.

"I can't imagine that Mr. Huang will also have a foul language one day!"

"You can't blame Teacher Huang for this, it's really that the current guests are too powerful!"

"A casual guest can compare to Mr. Huang's cooking skills, what's the use of him as a little chef Huang?"

"Why do I think Mr. Huang will be happier if he can let the guests cook?"

This netizen was right, as soon as he heard that Lin Yun'er could cook, and her cooking skills were on par with herself, Huang Lei directly clapped her hands and said: "Su Ye, today's dinner will be handed over to you and Yun'er, I'll take a rest." "

Looking at Mr. Huang's natural appearance, everyone couldn't help laughing.

"You ...... Is it really good?" smiled and patted Teacher Huang's hand, He Jiong looked at him with a smile.

"What's wrong?" Huang Lei spread his hands and explained, "Anyway, half of our mushroom house this season is Su Ye cooking. Besides, Yuna's eyes are full of longing when she looks at the kitchen, I can't discourage her, right?"

Hearing Huang Lei's explanation full of crooked reasoning, netizens expressed their convincing.

Lin Yun'er, who was on the side, walked directly to the kitchen excitedly.

Su Ye sighed and followed closely.

Seeing this scene, I don't know why, Zhao Xiaogu's heart was suddenly filled with a sense of crisis, and he hurriedly walked over and said, "I'll help you!"


Because Huang Lei didn't go into the kitchen tonight, Su Ye could finally change the pink girlish apron for someone else, and he himself put on the black apron.

Seeing Su Ye dressed like this, netizens sighed.

"Oh, that's a pity. "

"Cooking without a pink apron is soulless!"

"Director, we want to see Su Ye in women's clothing, you can arrange it!"

"Women's clothing is a bit too much......! I want to see it too!"

"You think too much, Su Ye can't be a woman. If he forced Su Ye to be in a hurry, he might just let the mushroom house change the director. "

In the ridicule of netizens, Su Ye checked the ingredients in the kitchen, quickly simulated the dinner menu in his heart, and then asked Lin Yun'er, "Miss Yun'er, what do you want to cook?"

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