Martial Arts: 3000 Net Sword Slaves At The Start

Chapter 86 The Evil Ghost Strikes, Injured And Flees (Please Subscribe, Part 2)

At this moment, the door of the room was knocked, "Master, the food and drink are ready, can you come in?"

Seeing Nangong Ye nodding his head, Luan Shen stepped forward and opened the door.

Hua Xunran walked in with eight graceful women, each holding a tray in their hands.

There are two exquisite dishes on the plate~.

Hua Xunran held a blue and white wine jug in his hand, and poured a glass for Nangong Ye, "Master, this is the unique red lotus wine of our Red Lotus Zhai. It was also famous all over the world in the past."

"Young master, try it - it can meet your wishes."

As he spoke, a woman stepped forward and brought a wine glass to Nangong Ye.

Nangong Ye took it with his hand, and saw that the color of the wine was red, crystal clear, and it remained motionless in the cup, like a piece of crystal.

Sniff the aroma of wine lightly, the smell is intoxicating, then raise your head and drink it up.

The nectar entered the throat and turned into a stream of silver.

The wine entered the stomach, and a smell of alcohol emanated, straightening the eyebrows.

"Good wine."

Hua Xunran heard the words, with joy on his face.

"As long as the son likes it."

"Then please enjoy it slowly, my lord."

As she said that, Hua Xunran turned and left the room, while the eight singers stayed behind, dancing and playing in the room.

Nangong Ye saw that their hair was still slightly wet, obviously they had just washed and dressed.

This Red Lotus Zhai has not had a single guest for the past few days, and these singers worry about life and death day and night, so naturally they are not in the mood to dress themselves up.

Now that he saw Nangong Ye coming, he hurriedly cleaned up.

Nangong Ye ate delicious food, drank fine wine, and looked at beauties.

Time passed quickly, and the sky darkened immediately.

At the same time, the atmosphere outside gradually began to change, and a cold air began to envelope the city.

Seeing this situation, the eight singers also began to feel restless.

When dancing, I often make mistakes.

"Okay, don't jump, since you are worried, go out.

Nangong Ye will not embarrass a group of little girls.

"Thank you son."

The eight people saluted respectfully, and then exited the room.

Nangong Ye picked up the wine glass, drank it down, and said thoughtfully, "Do you think he will come tonight?"

There are so many people in Jizhou City, Nangong Ye may come to find him even if he is not sure.

The startled salamander smiled slightly, and Southwest Zhiye filled up his wine glass.

"Young master, don't worry, as long as we stay in this city, he will definitely come.

"Then I'll wait and see."

Nangong Ye looked at the dark night outside the window with anticipation in his eyes.

He has also heard of the prestige of "Blood Transformation Dafa". In terms of power, it is stronger than any martial art left by the old man Wujue. Even Nangong Ye is also very interested in it.

The late night in Jizhou City is no longer the laughter and laughter of the past, and the dark night is busy.

Instead, it became a silent and desolate dead city.

Every household closed the doors and windows tightly, hid in the bed, and did not dare to make a sound.

More people even dug crypts in their homes, hiding under the crypts and sealing the entrances.

In the various inns in Jizhou City, none of the many Martial Forest people fell asleep.

They lit countless candles, each holding a sword and gathered together, back to back, watching every move outside the room.

Any slightest disturbance will arouse their vigilance.

During this time, they all came here like this.

He sleeps during the day and keeps vigil with a sword at night.

A group of people huddled together to keep warm, protecting and relying on each other.

Different from their strict formation, Nangong Ye in Honglianzhai is currently playing chess leisurely with the startled salamander.

In a classic and elegant room, candles are lit in the corners and an incense burner is placed on the table.

The Beihai agarwood in it burns slightly, exuding a delicate fragrance.

The Six Sword Slaves were standing scattered in six corners of the room at this time, their perceptions fully activated.

Any aura that breaks into the Red Lotus Zhai will be discovered by them immediately.

Nangong Ye held a white jade chess piece between his fingers, dropped it lightly, and ate a chess piece in the lower right corner of the startled salamander chessboard.

The startled salamander smiled slightly, and counterattacked without defending, and a sunspot landed, which blocked Nangong Ye's layout of the dragon.

Nangong Ye was not surprised either. With a backhand move, the big dragon came back to life, threatening black.

Nangong Ye and the startled salamander have played many games, and both sides have won and lost.

Tonight's game is a rare period of fierce killing.


Suddenly, there was a scream from a distance outside the window.

In the silent night, this scream came unexpectedly, as if it spread throughout the entire city of Jizhou.

"Kill him, it's an evil spirit coming!"

"No matter what you say tonight, you can't let him go."

"If you don't kill him, we're all going to die.

After the screams, there were successive sounds of fighting and roaring.

Nangong Ye was expressionless, he knew that this was the reason why black energy appeared to kill people and fight with people in Martial Forest.

He watched with cold eyes and continued to play chess with the startled salamander without making any moves.

The death of outsiders is none of his business.

Soon, the fighting outside gradually subsided.

The whole process takes no more than a cup of tea.

It can be seen that this person's method of killing is ruthless and fast.

Nangong Ye had heard the screams, and he could roughly guess that there were hundreds of people who died this time.

After a period of calm, there were screams outside again.

This is the second group of people killed by black air tonight.

Soon, this group of people was also killed.

Time passed, the screams sounded and then went out, and this cycle went on and on. I don't know how many people he killed.

But listening to the sound, the screams were getting closer and closer to Honglianzhai where Nangong Ye was, and the evil spirits were killing in this direction.

Nangong Ye dropped a piece on the chessboard, and said softly: "It seems that the evil spirits are coming soon."

The voice fell, and the windows of the room were suddenly blown open by the wind.

A gust of cold wind rushed in with the smell of blood and corpses, and blew out the candles in the room.

At the same time, a gloomy cold air poured in from the window, causing the temperature in the room to drop rapidly.

This is not a cold air, but a murderous air, far colder than the cold air.

This person's murderous aura is simply terrifying, not inferior to Luo Wang Tian Zi's first-class killer.

0…ask for flowers………

To have such a heavy murderous intent, I also know that this person must have killed many people in a short period of time.


"Guest officer, have you ever felt lonely late at night? Do you want the company of a little girl?"

A soft voice resounded in the room and echoed everywhere, but it was impossible to tell where the sound came from.

Nangong Ye had no words, and the six sword slaves had already made a bold move.


Seven Sword Rays lit up in the dark room at the same time, and these seven Sword Rays were like meteors tearing through the night, shooting towards one direction at the same time.

This direction is not the window, but the door of the room.

Although this person opened the window from the outside, he made the illusion of breaking through the window.

But in fact, they are attacking east and west, launching an offensive from the door of the room.


How fierce the Six Swordsmen's strikes were, and they didn't have the slightest intention to hold back their hands.

The six people attacked together and directly destroyed the door completely.

Sword Qi tore open the door and rushed into the lobby, tearing a big hole in the opposite wall.

With a wave of Nangong Ye's sleeve, all the candles in the room lit up at the same time.

I saw the six sword slaves in six places, each with awe-inspiring killing intent.

Their faces were indifferent, and they sensed the movement of Honglianzhai, not letting go of the slightest clue.

But at this time, there was silence in the Red Lotus Room, and there was nothing suspicious.

The singers of Honglianzhai knew that something might happen tonight, so they hid in the room one by one, no matter what happened or heard any sound, they would not appear.

"Okay, people have already run away."

Nangong Ye looked towards the door, which was now in ruins.

The door made of high-quality nanmu has been torn to pieces by Sword Ray of Six Sword Slaves.

On the ground, a pool of black blood was left behind.

This black heart exudes a stench, and it has corroded the nanmu floor, which proves that this person's blood is highly poisonous!

"The subordinate neglected his duty, let Assassin escape, and begged the young master to punish him."

Zhen Gang put away his sword and came to Nangong Ye, kneeling on one knee.

The same is true for the other five sword slaves.

As Nangong Ye's personal bodyguard, it is a serious dereliction of duty to meet Assassin but not keep him.

Nangong Ye shook his head, "No need, this man is very good at Qing Gong, and he also has magical powers to protect his body, and if he misses a hit, he will flee thousands of miles away, no wonder you guys."

Nangong Ye is in the room, and the battle is clear at a glance.

Black Qi sneaked into Honglianzhai, naturally to kill Nangong Ye and his party.

It's just that Six Swordsmen made fierce moves, killing Wushuang.

Before Hei Qi could make a move, he was besieged and killed by the six sword slaves.

With a combined attack, the attacker was injured on the spot.

This person's Qinggong was superb, and the blood-transforming Dafa was incomparably mysterious, so he escaped in time.

ps: More than 2,800 words per chapter, guaranteed four updates per day.

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