Martial Arts: 3000 Net Sword Slaves At The Start

Chapter 97 Night Slaughter (Please Subscribe, First Update)


Many bandits rushed into the front yard of the inn, and under the light of the torches, all of them had grim smiles on their faces.


Several bandits kicked open the gate of the inn, and entered the inn with knives.

However, before it was their turn to react, several dazzling saber lights came down from their heads.


The bright red blood flew into the sky, and several corpses fell to the ground.

It wasn't Six Swords Slave who made the move, but the twenty or so big men that Nangong Ye had met before.

Although they didn't hear the sound of horseshoes, they were awakened by the arrogant laughter of bandits outside, so they had been lying in ambush behind the door for a long time.

As soon as the bandits rushed in, they were swept away in an instant.

Only this wave of surprise attacks killed several bandits.

"There is an ambush inside, everyone be careful!"

Seeing that his brother was killed, the Sidang family hurriedly sounded a warning.

Then he raised the long knife in his hand, and more than 20 bandits rushed up from behind.

These bandits held bows and arrows, and first shot a few waves of arrows at the inn.


The continuous feather arrows were like locusts, piercing the window and shooting into the guesthouse "060".

Several big men didn't dodge for a while, and were shot dead on the spot.

Seeing his brothers being killed, one of the big men screamed, "Hide behind the table!"

Many brothers listened to the order, kicked over the tables in the inn lobby, erected them as shields, and blocked the feather arrows.

Feathered arrows shot continuously, Ji continued for two cups of tea.

When the bandits stopped shooting arrows, the entire Mangshan Inn had been shot like a hedgehog.

On the wall, on the door, on the ground, and on the table, sharp arrows are densely packed, and there is almost no place to land.


Seeing the people in the inn being suppressed, the third master roared angrily outside the door.

Many bandits obeyed the order and rushed into the inn.

These big men are second-rate, first-rate Cultivation Base, there is no breakthrough Innate realm.

At this time, the superiority in numbers is absolute strength, and they simply cannot stop the impact of hundreds of people.

What's more, there are four major Innate masters among the bandits.

The twenty or so men didn't last long, and were quickly killed.

"Where are people, are they all here?"

The head of the family walked in from the door, looking at the corpse on the ground, his face became angry.

Why did the big fat sheep with five men and four women become more than twenty men?

Wu Laoliu came up and said in a trembling voice: "Don't worry, Master, those people are rich, they must be hiding in the upstairs room."

"As long as the big boss asks his brothers to rush up, they will definitely find those fat sheep."

At this time, the Erdangjia walked in from the door and shouted, "Dage, I found the songwriting that Liu said.

"He didn't lie to us, he is indeed a one-in-a-million hard-earned BMW, priceless."

Hearing this, the head of the family's face softened a little.

If Wu Laoliu dared to lie to him, he would chop The next moment into a pulp.

"Come on, go up a few people, and find those fat sheep for me!"

Hearing the order from the head of the house, more than 20 Shanshan rushed up to the second floor with a grinning grin.

The boss waited downstairs with everyone. He thought that those people didn't have much strength and would be dealt with by own's subordinates soon.

More than 20 bandits rushed to the second floor, full of murderous intent.

This time, if he can help the master catch the fat sheep, that would be a great achievement.

Afterwards, they will be rewarded according to meritorious deeds, and the money they get will be enough for them to enjoy themselves for a long time.

When people are in ecstasy, they tend to ignore the deadliest dangers around them.

When people are most proud, they often don't think that they may already be standing on the edge of a cliff.

From the moment more than twenty people walked up to the second floor, they had already stepped into the gate of hell.

Luan Shen hides in the darkness, his eyes are cold and ruthless.

His killing intent was restrained so well that no one noticed.


Suddenly, a Sword Ray lit up in the dark corridor.

Chaos God turned into a phantom, rushed into the crowd with Sword Ray, and passed through the crowd.


The grim smiles of more than 20 people stiffened on their faces, and they fell to their knees along with the spurt of blood.

On each of their throats, a line of blood slowly split open.

The depth and angle of these wounds into the flesh are not bad at all.

It can be seen that Chaos God is quick to strike the sword, and strikes steadily.

Luan Shen appeared behind more than twenty people, put his sword back into its sheath, still expressionless.

There are only a dozen or so ants in the area, and killing them will not bring any pleasure.

Just as Luan Shen made his move, the other five sword slaves had already made their move.

In the backyard of the inn, Zhen Gang fell from the roof, and his figure flashed like a ghost.

More than 20 bandits who were stealing horses had their throats slit at the same time and fell to the ground dead.

There are the most bandits in the front yard of the inn, so three of the six sword slaves came.

Erdangjia and Wudangjia were sitting on horseback, expressing their impatience.

Because they didn't participate in the frontal attack, they were blaming the old master and the fourth for taking too fast.

Duan Shui came behind the two without a sound. The hidden man had already put the sword on the necks of the two, but the two didn't notice it at all.


The back of the necks of the two were cut open at the same time, and two heads shot up into the sky, with impatience in their eyes.

Duan Shui's sword was so fast, the two of them didn't even know they had been killed.

"Second master! Fifth master!"

Seeing that the two were killed, many bandits screamed and roared.

For a moment just now, they didn't see anything, they only saw Erdangjia and Wudangjia sitting on horseback, but their heads flew out.

"Who, come out quickly, don't play tricks!"

"If you have the ability to come out for a face-to-face confrontation, what kind of hero is a sneaky one!"

Many bandits roared angrily, and the sound spread far in the dark night.

After the voice fell, everyone suddenly felt a Sword Ray passing by their eyes.

Looking up, he saw two graceful women flying over under the moon sky.

Before everyone could comprehend it, they saw two chain blades flying past, leaving two rounds of sickle moon scimitars in the air...

In an instant, several mountains were cut to death.

When he died, there was still surprise in his eyes.

Facing Six Sword Slaves, these bandits with low Realm are ants and can only be slaughtered!

The noise here spread to the lobby of the inn, which aroused the vigilance of the head.

"What's going on outside? Somebody go out and have a look!"

Wu Laoliu heard the order and hurried to the Tianmen of the Tian Inn.

Then just as one of his feet stepped out of the threshold, his whole body trembled suddenly, and then froze.

"Hey, Wu Lao Liu, what are you doing blankly?"

"The boss told you to go out and have a look, are you looking for death?"

Seeing Wu Laoliu froze, San Dangjia stepped forward and slapped him on the face.

However, he didn't expect that his ordinary slap would directly slap Hao Lao Liu's head off his neck.

Seeing that the fracture was as smooth as a mirror, the third master broke out in a cold sweat, and hurriedly turned around and shouted, "Dage, something is not right..."

Before he finished speaking, the next words stopped in his throat.

Everyone saw only a flash of Sword Ray, and then the third master froze.

His eyes widened, and his face trembled a few times.

Then, his head slowly slipped off his neck and fell to the ground.

At this moment, the inn lobby fell into a dead silence.

The big master, the fourth master and more than 20 bandits watched this scene blankly, their minds went blank.

None of them knew what happened. They only saw San Dangjia and Wu Lao Liu die inexplicably.

"Who the hell? Get daddy out!"

After returning to his senses, the head of the family was furious, raised his big knife and roared towards the surroundings.

However, the dark night was quiet, without any sound.

Even the sound of insects chirping at night has all subsided at this moment.

"Hey, you two, 0.8 go out and have a look."

The head of the family waved his hand and sent out two bandits again.

Although the two were afraid, they did not dare to disobey the order of the head, and walked towards the gate in a hopper manner.

The blood of San Dangjia and Wu Lao Liu hadn't dried yet, Wu Lao Liu's head was at their feet, and his eyes were still fixed on them.

The two were trembling all over, and they couldn't even hold the knife in their hands steadily.

However, the two walked out of the gate without incident.

At this moment, both of them breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, feeling like they were alive after a catastrophe.

However, the joy on the faces of the two lasted only for a moment, and was replaced by fear in an instant.

Because next, they saw the most unforgettable and frightening scene in their life!

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