Chapter 184: The Terror of Yu Yuan’s Seal, the Determination of Yu Zheng!!

The huge black skeleton is becoming clearer and clearer.

It was clearly reflected in the eyes of everyone in the land of Kyushu.

But anyone who has seen that cool woman has the dark side in his heart is infinitely magnified.

Since birth, people have had their own dark side in their hearts, but because of monasticism or other ways of practice, people are focused on developing in this more civilized direction.

Thus suppressing this darkness in the heart.

But now, driven by this evil desire, good intentions are covered up and evil thoughts are magnified a hundred times over.

Every corner of the land of Kyushu is full of evil, and those who used to be relatives and friends have begun to kill each other.

No matter how good they were, no matter what vows they ever made

But at this moment, a little grudge can make them hate each other to the bone, and they can wave the blade in their hands without scruples.

Not only ordinary people, but even the various major sects in this martial arts forest were once guarded by these sects together.

But now that they have been eroded by evil, they can no longer distinguish between what is good and what is evil.

In their hearts, there is only hatred for other factions, monstrous hatred.

A bloody storm suddenly fell in the rivers and lakes, and countless sects began an endless battle above the rivers and lakes.

Not only sects, but even dynasties.

Dynasties such as Daming and Song Dynasties had already surrendered and won the government.

But at this moment, they were about to move again because their minds had been corrupted by evil.

They began to plan to besiege Daqin or use troops against neighboring dynasties.

The entire land of Kyushu has fallen into chaos.

Daqin, in front of Xianyang Palace.

“Report Your Majesty, riots have broken out in various parts of Daqin, and those people have picked up their agricultural tools and fought each other, and even the army sent to suppress it has been killed by the people!”

“What, how so?”

Win Zheng looked at the cool woman in the distance in shock.

The moment he looked at Ku Mei, a voice sounded in his heart.

“Kill, kill everyone, so that only the Qin people are left in this world, and then find a way to get rid of Xu Fengnian!” Let the world be under you alone. ”

That thought is constantly growing, and gradually it has grown from a young shoot to a towering tree.

However, winning politics is still winning politics after all, and he forcibly suppressed that madness with reason.

No, it can’t be like this, loneliness definitely can’t be like this, this world has finally calmed down, this war and chaos have finally drawn a rest, how can Shu let this world fall into war again because of his own selfish desires?

However, the voice in his heart is still constantly tempting to win the government.

“Is this war? The world needs to be broken! As long as you can make the world renew a new round of hope, then even if you die someone, what’s the harm? So, what’s the harm in killing some people? How many people did you kill when you unified the six countries? Just one battle of Changping was 400,000 people, and the river of corpses could not flow, have you forgotten all this? ”

No, no, absolutely not!

Win Zheng kept telling himself in his heart.

“Shut up the solitary, the solitary wants the world of peace, not the world of war.”

Yingzheng closed his eyes tightly, and at this moment, he felt great pain and torment in his heart.

One good and one evil, two thoughts were colliding in his mind.

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