Chapter 68: Inviting the Moon to Worship the Master! There are undercurrents on all sides! God works!!

At this moment, Qingfeng served a cup of tea.

Xu Fengnian picked up the tea and took a sip, his expression was still so flat.

In a trance, it gave people a feeling of fluttering immortality.

It seems that His Royal Highness the former son of the world, the first child in the world, has become an immortal in the flesh, independent and proud of the world.

The teacup is put down.

His voice sounded faintly.

“To resolve the injuries in your body, you must practice my law.”

Xu Fengnian’s eyes lifted slightly, and he glanced at Yue Yue.

“The law shall not be passed on lightly.”

“If you want to practice my law, you two must worship me as a teacher.”

“From now on, how about the Shifting Flower Palace obeying Xiliang’s orders?”

Since you want to win over the forces of the Moving Flower Palace for your own use, taking the two as apprentices is the most convenient means.

He wants to enhance the power of the entire world, lead this world, and collectively soar to the upper realm, and it is also necessary to take disciples and preach.

As one of the most profound women in the world of martial arts cultivation in Kyushu, Zhanyue has high qualifications, and there is no need to say much.

“Of course.”

Xu Fengnian added: “It’s just a named disciple who wants to be a named disciple of Xu Fengnian, but not everyone is qualified.” ”

Even Wang Xianzhi, who is invincible in the world, is still only an anonymous disciple.

Mercy Xing’s face was shocked, and he fell into a tangle.

Her gaze secretly glanced at Yueyue on the side, and then slowly sat down.

Worshipping Xu Feng Nian as a teacher is really a bit difficult.

After all, the Moving Flower Palace is a big force on the martial arts side.

Moreover, even if Mercy Star himself is willing, what about the moon?

She has always had her eyes above the top, she is not willing to live under others, and she is instructed by others, how can she easily agree?

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Yueyue suddenly spoke.

“Worship you as a teacher? Well, I agree! ”

Her expression was calm, but her tone was categorical, without any hesitation.

Even Yueyue herself was secretly shocked after she finished speaking, and she didn’t understand why she agreed like this.

Blurt out.

There was not even a hint of resistance.

Mercy Xing looked at her sister in surprise, she couldn’t believe that the words just now came out of Yueyue’s mouth.

Inviting Yue is obviously rather dead than succumb to the nature of others, how could she agree so simply.

Mercy Xing looked at Yueyue and then at Xu Fengnian, unable to figure it out…….

The Xianyang on this night seems quiet and silent, but in fact, there is already an undercurrent under the calm water.

People and horses from all countries are moving.

They all know the news that Win Zheng will summon the protagonist into the hall tomorrow.

Everyone hopes that their country can form an alliance with Daqin.

They were worried that Xu Fengnian would sacrifice Jiao Dan, and they would promise to marry the princess to him.

Therefore, they all decided that they would also enter the palace tomorrow and meet Emperor Qin.

Among them, there are princes and princes of various countries, young heroes of various sects, and even Beiban are also involved.

Among them, Wu Xiao, who is the Son of Heaven.

Sleep at night, moonlight pouring in.

Wu Xiao was sitting in the courtyard, and at this moment she had changed into white civilian clothes, looking so deserted.

“Wan’er, what do you think about this?”

Wu Xiao slowly spoke.

Although the wind and waves are calm at the moment, Wu Xiao’s voice is still so domineering, like a hunting flag in the wind.

Shangguan Wan’er, who was standing behind Wu Xiao, said, “Your Majesty, I’m afraid the current situation is not good for us. ”

“Naxi Liang Shizi slaughtered the dragon with one move, his skills shocked the world, and he even said that he wanted to use Jiao Dan as a dowry, and it was difficult to ensure that the Qin Emperor would not be moved.”

Shangguan Wan’er told the truth.

The current Xu Fengnian is indeed the best choice for Daqin.

Regardless of anything else, even without Jiao Dan, just Xu Fengnian saved Xianyang from flooding, and he already had an absolute advantage.

“Hehe, I really didn’t expect it.”

Wu Xiao looked at the cold moonlight, and her silhouette was clearer in the white moonlight.

Bright red lips, like dripping blood.

“There are such outstanding men in this world, but I underestimate them.”

Shangguan Wan’er said, “Your Majesty, there is only one Xu Fengnian in the world. ”

The corners of Wu Xiao’s mouth curved: “There is only one Wu Xiao.” ”

“Huh. No matter how shocking this Xu Fengnian is, Xiliang is only a prince after all. ”

“Princess Daqin is concubine, and she has decided.”

“Tomorrow, above the court, I will definitely let the Qin Emperor marry the princess to my Da Zhou!”


On the other side, outside the study of the winning government.

An old man with white hair was waiting in front of the door, it was Li Si.

Not long ago, Zhao Gao found Li Si and persuaded him to persuade Win Zheng not to marry Yunyin Yan to Xu Fengnian.

Zhao Gao, with his three-inch incorruptible tongue, successfully persuaded Li Si.

The creaky gate was pushed open by a small eunuch, and a voice as confident as a dragon came from inside.

“Come in!”

Lees walked into the study.

Win Zheng is sitting under the candlelight reading a book, and the light of the fire reflects his domineering silhouette.

“Your Majesty.”

Li Si respectfully stepped forward and handed over.


Yun Zheng nodded, put the bamboo jane away, and said, “I came to ask for the orphan so late, but because of the marriage?” ”

“Exactly, Your Majesty.”

Lees replied.

Yun Zheng stretched and said lightly: “Let’s talk about it, what do you think?” Should Gu marry the princess to Xu Fengnian? ”

Li Si paused slightly, and said humbly: “Your Majesty, then the old minister has the courage to analyze one or two.” ”


Li Si continued: “First of all, Xu Fengnian’s strength is very strong, there is no doubt about it. Now it seems that whether it is Wang Xianzhi or Jian Jiuhuang, it is true. ”

“Secondly, Xu Fengnian slaughtered the dragon today, and indeed saved Xianyang, and Jiao Dan also fell into his hands.”

“But the old minister still thinks that if Your Majesty betroths the princess to him, it will be more harmful than beneficial to my Great Qin.”


Yingzheng’s eyelids raised slightly: “Why?” ”

A gust of wind blew, and his face flickered and dimmed under the flickering candlelight, making it impossible to see the expression.

Li Si analyzed: “Your Majesty, although Xu Fengnian’s personal strength is very strong and can be called invincible in the world, among these nine states, Xiliang is too weak after all. ”

“Governing the country is not a struggle between rivers and lakes, and personal strength is important, but it is not the decisive factor.”

“More importantly, Xiliang is, in the final analysis, only a prince of Dali, and Xu Xiao is just a king with a different surname.”

“Although in fact, everything in Xiliang is independent, but nominally it still belongs to Dali.”

“The white-clothed case of those years has already made the current Xiliang and Dali incompatible, and it is only a matter of time before war starts.”

“The old minister also heard that a month ago, Princess Zhao Fengya died in the hands of Xu Fengnian.”

“If Da Qin and Xiliang form an alliance and help Xiliang deal with Daliang, it is to help them commit the following offenses.”

“This is something that is taboo for all dynasties, and other dynasties in the world will definitely treat me Daqin, and they will be even more jealous of them uniting.”

After Li Si’s words, Yun Zheng did not speak, thoughtful.

Jiao Dan is involved in the art of immortality, how can he easily give up.

Moreover, that Xu Fengnian, a martial arts cultivation as a shocking driving force, the unparalleled princess in the world to marry him, is it really not okay?

In the quiet dormitory, there was silence for a long time, only the candlelight gently flickered.

Li Si seemed to guess what Yun Zheng was thinking, and said, “Your Majesty, if you want that Jiao Dan, you don’t actually need to grant the princess to him. ”

“My Daqin real estate is rich, there are countless rare treasures, I believe there must be that Xu Feng favorite.”

“What’s more, he himself has said that Jiao Dan is of no use to him, as long as my Daqin shows sincerity, he will not be unwilling to exchange.”

“The old minister also suggested that His Majesty could reward him with something and let him hang a name in my official position in Daqin, but he would not give him real power.”

“In this way, since he helped Xiliang and repaid Xu Fengnian’s grace to protect Xianyang, it will not cause the jealousy of the major dynasties in the world.”

“As for the matter of the princess, the old minister suggested that tomorrow people from all countries should be summoned to the palace and then a decision should be made.”

After speaking, the dormitory returned to tranquility again.

The atmosphere was vaguely solemn.

Win Zheng’s face is still as plain as water, and there is no wave in the ancient well, and he can’t see joy, anger and sorrow.

It’s just that those emperor eyes looked deeply at Li Si, and the essence and inner eyelids in the eyes were as deep as the sea.

Time passes minute by minute.

The majestic voice of the winning government like a dragon finally sounded.

“Okay, then according to what Aiqing said, gather everyone to the temple tomorrow and make a decision!”

Outside the inn.

The thief was still secretly observing Xu Fengnian and the others, and his small eyes flashed with essence.

He is still complacent, and his concealment skills are first-class.

But he didn’t know that he had already been exposed, but Xu Fengnian was too lazy to take care of him.

The thief was also shocked about the matter of Zhan Yue agreeing to worship the teacher.

In his perception, Yueyue is a woman who will not submit to anyone.

Just like in the battle of the dragon slayer, she would rather fight her name than reclaim her sword.

But now, he actually promised to worship Xu Fengnian as a teacher? Moreover, or an anonymous disciple?

This made the thief can’t help but start to wonder if this Xu Fengnian could do any magic.

How come so many good-looking girls are willing to stay with him.

Qingfeng, Ting, Inviting Moon, Mercy Star… These four women are all unique and have their own merits.

Not only them, but also a traitor of the Yin and Yang family who was not in the room, Crimson.

“Tsk, what kind of magic does this kid have? Could it be that if you look good, you can do whatever you want? ”

In fact, Zhan Yue agreed to worship the teacher so easily, not only the thief, but even Xu Fengnian was slightly surprised.

Unexpectedly, Yueyue agreed so easily.

But Yueyue’s expression was very calm, as if nothing had happened.

She gently stepped forward two steps, and then knelt on the ground.

“Disciple Invite Yue, meet Master!”

Seeing this, Mercy Star no longer hesitated, she had always advanced and retreated with her sister, and at the moment she hurriedly knelt down and said, “Disciple Mercy Xing, meet Master.” ”

Xu Fengnian nodded slowly, and his heart was also quite joyful.

There are many disciples of the Moving Flower Palace, and they have a high prestige in the rivers and lakes.

As long as they are willing to join their subordinates, they can let themselves transmit more people, so as to take another step towards breaking the barriers of the world.

Moreover, the addition of the Moving Flower Palace will also strengthen its momentum.

Also, I have to say that the moon star is also two beautiful and delicious beauties.

Although it is only an apprentice, it is also excellent to keep your eyes around.

Otherwise, why would everyone raise flowers?

Xu Fengnian stretched out his hand and volleyed into the air, helped the two up, and said lightly: “Even so, from today onwards, you will officially become my anonymous disciples.” ”

“But Master doesn’t need to be called, it’s better to call Gongzi in the future.”

Although he had accepted the apprentice, Xu Fengnian always felt that the title of master was not appropriate.

“Yes, Childe.”

Yueyue said.

Although her face was still so cold, she had a strange feeling in her heart, but she didn’t notice this feeling herself.

The world is so wonderful, even Yueyue herself doesn’t know why she agreed to visit the teacher so happily.

Xu Fengnian let Yueyue sit cross-kneeled while he sat opposite her.

“Now, feel the dark wound in your body with your heart.”

Yueyue slowly closed her eyes and began to feel it.

In an instant, her heart was beating wildly, her breathing was difficult, and her whole face turned blood red.

At the dantian of the body, it seems that a flame from hell is burning.

Just when Yueyue was unbearable and almost about to vomit blood, Xu Fengnian’s hand gently rested on her shoulder.

And Ling held Yueyue’s wrist with one hand.

Inviting the moon instantly only felt two refreshing breaths, swimming all over the body from the shoulders and wrists, suppressing the unbearable burning…

The breath was unusually cool, like a clear spring in the desert, which instantly flowed all over Yueyue’s body.

Every corner, every meridian, even every strand of hair.

Feeling that the burning breath was suppressed, Xu Fengnian smiled slightly, and then began to operate the secret in his heart.

At the moment when the secret of the word was running, not only Yue Yue, but even Xu Fengnian felt extremely comfortable, as if every pore on his body was breathing

Moreover, Xu Fengnian’s energy actually began to recover slowly, although it was not much, it was enough to further speed up the progress.

“What’s going on?”

Xu Fengnian was puzzled in his heart.

But soon, he understood that the current secret of the word has been promoted to the intermediate level.

Therefore, even if you heal the wounds of others, you will feel something, and the most intuitive thing is that the energy will slowly recover.

As soon as she thought of this, Xu Fengnian poured more human character breath into Qianyue’s body and only felt a vast and boundless breath, like an initiation, which was quenching her body.

In the deepest part of the Dantian, the disordered True Qi that made him extremely painful was dissipating little by little!

A quarter of the incense burning, these disordered true qi, all disappeared!

Moreover, what surprised Yueyue even more was that she found that Xu Fengnian’s breath was pulling the breath of Ming Yugong in her body and began to operate.

And in the continuous operation, Ming Yugong is gradually getting stronger, impacting this ninth layer barrier!

Going to break through?

Qianyue couldn’t believe that Mingyu Gong, who had failed to break through with all his efforts, was so driven by Xu Fengnian to break through?

Qianyue hurriedly stabilized her mind, controlling the Mingyu Gong aura in her body and catering to Xu Fengnian’s aura.

In an instant, Yueyue only felt a warm and cool breath, shrouded in it.


The white light was like moonlight, blooming in the body of the inviting moon.

She opened her eyes in surprise and found that Ming Yugong had broken through to the ninth layer!

At this time, the skin was as transparent as jade, and she tried to run the Ming Yu Gong, and found that the power did not volatilize outward but converged inward.

That is to say, after the work, not only does not lose the internal force, but also increases the power, reaching endless and endless.

She looked at Xu Fengnian, her eyes flashing with a strange brilliance.

The thieves outside the window were even more shocked and couldn’t close their mouths.

Good fellow, that’s an exaggeration!

Can not only cure the devil, but also help people break through? The thief feels that the worldview has been refreshed.

Xu Fengnian slowly stood up and let out a breath.

Just now, when Xu Fengnian helped the Lord invite Yue to heal his injuries, he also tried to understand the mystery of Ming Yugong.

Xu Fengnian unexpectedly found that Ming Yugong could also help him recover his energy.

Although there is no way to achieve a quick reply, in the long run, the response speed helped by Ming Yugong is also a number that cannot be ignored.

Due to the reason of automatic enlightenment, Xu Fengnian only slightly enlightened, and he had already digested all the Mingyu Gong and tried to operate in his body again.

Sure enough, the speed of energy recovery was increased by two-tenths.

His whole person looked like white ice shrouded in cold mist, and he was even more dashing and dusty.

At this moment, Crimson Smoke pushed the door in.

“Gongzi, the situation is not right three!”

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