Chapter 88 The Seven Heroes of Wudang are coming, and Master Concubine Ting is vying for favor!!

Since Shifei Xuan joined Xu Fengnian’s Tianji Pavilion, Ting Ting has been unhappy all day.

The two were old enemies, and among the demon gates, there were also many colleagues of Ting Wan, who had died at the hands of Shifei Xuan.

Ting Ting also killed many people who Cihang Jingzhai had.

The grudge between the two is not something that can be clearly said in just a few words.

It is not something that can be resolved in a while.

As long as Ting Ting has time, she will go to the trouble of Shifei Xuan.

And because he followed Xu Fengnian earlier, he threatened Senior Concubine Xuan to call her Senior Sister.

Although Shifei Xuan is kind by nature, she will not compromise like Ting Wan.

Although Xu Fengnian’s “justice blinded her eyes”, she understood a lot.

However, the feud between the two is not just a matter of good and evil.

Every time they see Ting Ting, the two are-for-tat.

Especially in front of Xu Fengnian, the two of them changed their ways, wanting to prove that they were more important than each other.

Even in the end, things have evolved into the two competing to please Xu Fengnian.

On the other side, the seven heroes of Wudang have also arrived at Xianyang City after a long journey

At the beginning, everyone still didn’t quite believe that Xu Fengnian was the reincarnation of Emperor Zhenwu.

However, when he heard that Xu Feng Nian slaughtered the dragon and established the Tianji Pavilion, he believed at least five points.

After all, Jiaolong is not something that ordinary people can kill, and the name of Tianji Pavilion is not something that ordinary people dare to take.

The streets of Xianyang City are full of people, although the prosperity is not as prosperous as that of the Tang Dynasty Chang’an, but it is also thriving.

Song Yuanqiao inquired a little on the street and knew where Xu Fengnian was now.

The Wudang Seven Heroes no longer hesitated at the moment, and after hurriedly eating a bowl of noodles at a street stall, they went straight to Xu Fengnian’s direction.

This is a lush bamboo forest, surrounded by smoke, like a fairyland.

The bamboo forest is huge, and with the pervasive clouds, it’s easy to get lost in it.

Even the Wudang Seven Heroes have been gone for a long time.

On the way, Mo Shenggu couldn’t help but ask Song Yuanqiao: “Brother Master, you said that this Xiliang Shizi is really the reincarnation of Emperor Zhenwu as Master said?” ”


Song Yuanqiao said lightly: “We haven’t seen her now, so don’t jump to conclusions, but I think Master and his old man should not be wrong.” ”

Yin Liting said: “I’m really curious about what kind of person this Xiliang Shizi is. ”

Zhang Cuishan smiled as he walked: “Maybe it is shaped like an immortal, fairy wind Dao bone.” ”

Everyone didn’t speak, but they all looked forward to it.

Xu Fengnian’s name has long resounded throughout the rivers and lakes.

The Seven Heroes of Wudang are also a little impatient at this moment, and want to see Xu Fengnian’s demeanor.

In a small courtyard deep in the bamboo forest.

Xu Fengnian lazily folded his arms and lay on the chair.

This small courtyard is not big, but this place is full of dragons and tigers, and the wind and water are good.

It is a temporary residence for Xu Fengnian.

Lao Huang was sitting not far from Xu Fengnian, with a fire in front of him.

There is a stone slab sandwiched between the fire, and I don’t know how to cut the meat slices, moisturizing the oil.

Such a comfortable life, it is really unimaginable, among this group of people, any one is a person who can make the entire rivers and lakes tremble.

At this moment, Ting Guan came out of the room with a puff.

Not long ago, she had just quarreled with Shifei Xuan again.

Seeing Xu Fengnian lying there lazily, Ting Ting’s big sly eyes rolled and came over with a smile.

“Gongzi, aren’t you tired after lying for so long, come, Ting Ting rub your shoulders and hammer your legs!”

Speaking, Ting Ting took the initiative to squat beside Xu Fengnian obediently, pinching her shoulders and rubbing her legs, like a little maid.

No one who saw this would associate her with the famous demon girl in the martial arts.

This is simply a well-behaved but clever little sister next door.

“Gongzi, how is it! Is the strength of Ting Ting okay? ”

Ting Ting deliberately said it very loudly, just to anger the master and concubine.

Now that Shifei Xuan has joined Xu Fengnian’s Tianji Pavilion, it is impossible for Ting Ting to fight with her to the death.

But if she is angry if she is fine, Ting Ting is still very happy.

This bit of her careful thinking naturally couldn’t be hidden from Xu Fengnian.

However, Xu Fengnian did not break or speak, but just smiled and enjoyed the massage of Ting.

At this moment, Shifei Xuan also walked out of the room.

She lowered her head and blushed a little.

What I held in my hand was actually a fruit plate.


Shifei Xuan’s voice was simply smaller than a mosquito, and if it weren’t for Xu Fengnian’s profound cultivation, I am afraid that he would not have heard her at all.

“Hey! Isn’t this the Great Holy Daughter of Shifei Xuan? Why is this coming? ”

Ting Ting looked at Shifei Xuan quite sarcastically, as if she was the winner.

Shifei Xuan glanced at Ting Ting angrily, but did not speak.

After hesitating, she turned her heart sideways and ran to Xu Fengnian in two steps.

“Childe… Eat…… Eat grapes…”

Shifei Xuan’s slender jade finger pinched an emerald green grape with water droplets and handed it to Xu Fengnian’s mouth.

Shifei Xuan, who had never behaved like this, had already turned red to the base of her neck.

Xu Fengnian secretly smiled in his heart, feeling that the fighting spirit of these two people was really too interesting, he opened his mouth and ate the grapes handed over by Shifei Xuan.

Immediately after, I felt another pair of soft hands, gently pinching my shoulders.

And in the strength is integrated into the internal force of a heavenly magic strategy, cold and comfortable.

It is the who is not far behind.

While giving Xu Feng Nianrou’s shoulders, Ting Ting said sarcastically to the master concubine: “Tsk! I didn’t expect that the White Lotus Holy Daughter would also have a day of serving! What an eye-opener! ”

If it was usual, Shifei Xuan would definitely leave in shame when she heard such words, but this time, instead of leaving, Shifei Xuan strengthened her belief.

Her thoughts are the same as Ting, even if she can’t fight to the death in the future, she will squeeze Ting down.

Thinking of this, Shifei Xuan picked up another piece of apple with two fingers.

“Childe, eat apples.”

This time, Shifei Xuan made her voice a little louder and a little more gentle.

Her face was red with shame, not to mention how charming.

A mouthful of apple with a foreign aroma in the mouth, full of juice.

Then Xu Feng Nian felt it again, and a comfortable feeling came from his thighs.

Shifei Xuan was also like a, squatting obediently on Xu Fengnian’s side.

“Gongzi, this strength, is it okay?”

Shifei Xuan asked cautiously.

Ting Ting secretly cursed in her heart not to face, and came to the other side of Xu Fengnian and gave Xu Fengnian the other leg.

“Gongzi, my skills are much higher than his!”

Ting Ting smiled and groaned, and then injected internal force into it.

Not to be outdone, Shifei Xuan began to massage with internal force.

The two looked at each other, and they both saw an unconvinced look in each other’s eyes.

This can enjoy Xu Fengnian.

He just lay there.

The left leg is warm and comfortable, and the right leg is cool and refreshing.

Opening your mouth from time to time to eat a bite of fruit is simply a blessing to enjoy people.

What’s more, one of these two is a famous witch who moves the rivers and lakes.

The other is the head of the next generation of Cihang Jingzhai who is on par with her.

This black and white, one good and one evil two stunning colors are not served at the same time, and many people dare not think about it even in their dreams.

However, Xu Fengnian’s guy does not have the slightest psychological burden.

It’s as if everything is taken for granted.

He deserves that treatment.

The old desolate on the side sighed one after another.

“Tsk, the young master is just a good fate!”

“It’s not like me, I’m old, and I haven’t accompanied me yet, hey! Life is bitter! ”

Lao Huang gulped meat and drank wine like gluttony.

The mouth full of oil dripping down the chin is full of food, but he is lamenting his own life.

“That’s right!”

Lao Huang suddenly wanted to think of something, and said to himself: “The lady who buys noodles in Xianyang City is very charming, find a free time, I have to peek at her to take a bath!” ”

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