“In short, I don’t care, if you don’t give me an explanation today, be careful that I’m welcome.”

Brush brush brush –

After Zhao Fengya finished speaking, more than a dozen retinues behind her pulled out the knife in their hands in an instant.

The blade exudes a hint of coldness in the ice and snow.

More than a dozen attendants also showed fierce eyes.


In the wind, Zhao Fengya looked at Lao Huang and Qingfeng, and asked arrogantly: “What about your master?” Tell him to get me out! ”

“See if he can give me an explanation! Hum! ”

As soon as she finished this sentence, Zhao Fengya suddenly felt a complete chill.

It was Qingfeng’s eyes that instantly became cold.

She would never allow anyone to insult Xu Fengnian, no matter how high the other party’s status was, he would make the other party pay the price.

The chill made Zhao Fengya, who was dressed in brocade robes, feel cold to the bone.

What kind of eyes is that?

Zhao Fengya suddenly felt a little frightened.

Maybe you shouldn’t have come.

But Zhao Fengya only reacted now, and it was already a little late.

At this moment, a strange scene suddenly happened.

I saw that the long knives in the hands of more than a dozen retinues were instantly pulled by some force and came out.

“Huh? What’s going on? ”

“This knife…”

“Is there a master?”

“The knife is alive!”

More than a dozen retinues were shocked, and the knife would actually move by itself?

Their eyes looked up in disbelief, and what they reflected was the last afterglow of their lives.

Brush! Brush! Brush!

In just a moment, the dozen or so knives stabbed their throats as if they had life.

The sound of the blade cutting through flesh and blood was particularly harsh, making Zhao Fengya shudder.

In the white snow everywhere, the smell of blood was unusually pungent.

In just a moment, the entourage that had just been murderous was wiped their necks.

He didn’t even have time to scream before he could scream.

Looking at the corpses everywhere, Zhao Fengya’s face suddenly turned pale.

She had never seen such a strange scene.

The knife actually moves on its own, and kills the owner back….

The heart thumped wildly, almost jumping out of the chest.

Zhao Fengya suddenly regretted her recklessness.

Xu Fengnian walked slowly from a distance, and the howling wind blew his hair.

At this time, the snow has stopped, but the cold between heaven and earth is heavier.

The cold is suffocating.

Seeing this figure and looking at the disdainful eyes that stood tall, Zhao Fengya’s heart suddenly shook fiercely.

At this moment, she had a feeling of despair.

This person must be Xu Fengnian.

Did he kill those people just now?

Sure enough, this person is not the first in the world at all!

He has been hiding himself!

Zhao Fengya looked at Xu Fengnian’s eyes, and suddenly felt that she was surrounded by a chill again.

However, she took pride in herself as a princess and held a high position.

Even though Xiliang and Da Li have a delicate relationship, she also feels that Xu Fengnian does not dare to treat herself at all.

Thinking of this, she forcibly pulled out her long sword and pointed it at Xu Fengnian.

The sword body reflects the ice and snow in the sky.

“You killed my entourage?” Zhao Fengya didn’t notice, her voice trembled slightly.

I don’t know if it’s cold or scared.

Or both.

“I killed it, how?” Xu Fengnian, who had just recalled his mother, was not in a very good mood, and his voice was colder than the wind in the sky.

“Hello big guts!” Zhao Feng Ya was furious: “Those who dare to kill me, don’t die?” Do you know who I am? ”

Xu Fengnian didn’t bother to listen to her nonsense at all, and with two fingers, a long blood-stained knife stabbed at Zhao Fengya like an arrow off the string.

“Tell you, I’m Dali…”


The blade instantly penetrated Zhao Fengya’s chest.

In just an instant, she seemed to have been drained of all her strength.

The word “princess” hung in the air, but he couldn’t say anything.

There seemed to be an instant silence between heaven and earth without even the sound of the wind.

Zhao Fengya stood there like a marionette with broken threads.

Tick –

A drop of blood fell on the snow on the ground, smudging like a plum blossom.

Afterwards, plum blossoms bloom under your feet.

Zhao Fengya’s eyes widened, and she fell to the ground unwillingly.

The ice and snow under her feet were dyed red, as if she had died in a large plum blossom.

“You’re Princess Dali, right?” Xu Fengnian smiled to himself.

It’s just that Zhao Fengya can’t hear this sentence anymore.

The wheels of the carriage rolled, and the shadow gradually dissipated into the distance, blurring.

On this snow, only the pungent smell of blood and corpses were left in one place.

The wind swept up the scattered snowflakes over them, like a thin veil, soothing the dead creatures.

In the sky, several vultures smelling blood hovered not shortly, ready to enjoy this big meal.

Until death, Zhao Fengya’s eyes widened.

In fact, killing Zhao Fengya is also a letter of vote left by Xu Fengnian.

The hatred of killing his mother is not shared by the heavens, and he and the Dali Dynasty are not dead.


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