Chapter 91 Showdown, Leaving the Sky was Blown Up!!

Xu Fengnian stood in the breeze.

The refreshing wind blew away the clouds and mist among the bamboo forests and also blew his hair.

His heart became incomparably calm.

He had already felt the breath of Emperor Zhenwu just now.

Although it was only for a moment, it made him feel as if he had found a new path.

It’s just that this road has not yet been opened.

The Wudang Seven Heroes stood in place, their eyes full of fanaticism.

By now, they had no reason to suspect that Xu Fengnian was the reincarnation of Emperor Zhenwu.

Song Yuanqiao put away his sword, stepped forward and respectfully said, “Sure enough, as expected by the family master, Shizi is the reincarnation of Emperor Zhenwu. ”

“It’s not a secret, this time I and the seven junior brothers came to disturb Shizi, and it was for this matter.”

“Shizi, can you go to Wudang with me? The teacher would like to talk to you! ”

After confirming Xu Fengnian’s identity, Song Yuanqiao’s address to him also changed to “you” At this moment, suddenly another voice came from a distance.

The voice was loud, but ethereal.

“Amitabha! Old Gu Shaolin Xuan asked, I have seen everyone. ”

“Xu Feng Nian Shizi is probably not the reincarnation of Emperor Zhenwu, but my Buddhist Buddha.”

“Therefore, I can’t go to Wudang for the time being, and I also ask the seven heroes for forgiveness and tell Zhang Zhenren.”

When the words fell, I saw an old monk in a robe, leading a dozen monks from the depths of the bamboo forest.

On the body, there is a trace of Brahma light…….

Above the court.

The strange aura is still permeating.

Whether it is leaving the sky, or the faces of the ministers of cultural relics are ugly.

Xu Xiao’s retreat as advance made everyone fall into passivity.

But Xu Xiao, who was in the center of the deep vortex, looked calm, as if these things that happened in the hall had nothing to do with him.

Many ministers and leaving the sky, that is full of anger and grievances.

But I didn’t dare to have a seizure.

Now Xu Xiao is still good to talk about and discuss, if he really pushes him into a hurry, he will directly pick the pick and stop doing it, who will he go to?

At this time, everyone knew that the most urgent task was to persuade Xu Xiao to continue to defend Xiliang.

But no one had this cheeky opening.

No way! I really can’t open my mouth.

It was they who said that they wanted to cut the clan before, and now they are begging Xu Xiaozhen to guard Xiliang in turn?

It’s also too…

Li Tian sat on the dragon chair, his face flushed, shy and angry.

Now it’s okay, play off, play big!

Xu Xiao is about to pick a pick.

Li Tian wanted to persuade Xu Xiao several times, but he couldn’t pull his face down, so he could only sit there silently, his fingers tapping on the dragon chair uneasily.

The atmosphere in the hall was simply awkward to the extreme.

The ministers and generals of the Manchu Dynasty were all killed by Xu Xiao’s few words.

But in the end, someone still has to say it.

You can’t let the emperor lick his face and beg Xu Xiao, right?

After hesitating for a long time, a minister stood up and said respectfully to Xu Xiao: “King Xiliang, and today is undecided, and the northern barbarians have not yet been peaceful. ”

“You still have to focus on the big picture! If you give up Xiliang at this time, it is tantamount to giving the northern barbarians a chance! ”

“Please think for the people of the world!”

The minister’s words were so humble that he almost knelt on the ground and begged his grandfather to tell his grandmother

But the most ironic thing is that not long ago, he was a member of the support of the withdrawal.

Because his son was a general in the DPRK.

But now, even the emperor does not mention this stubble, and he can only ask Xu Xiao for the scalp.

A wrinkled face is even more hot.

It’s as if you’ve been slapped dozens of times.

“Yes, King Xiliang!”

Another minister also pulled down his cheeks and stood up, and persuaded bitterly: “This King of Xiliang, you can’t be inappropriate!” The imperial court treats you so seriously, you can’t leave it alone at this time! ”

“King Xiliang, please think twice! Everyone else thinks that only you can keep the Western Cool. ”

“Yes, King Xiliang thinks twice! If you don’t stay in Xiliang, this world will be chaotic. ”

Everyone said a word to me, their eyes were dumbfounded, and they looked at Xu Xiao sincerely.

That humble look almost knelt down for Xu Xiao.

Shicai, the old minister who was the first to say the withdrawal, couldn’t wait to give himself dozens of big mouths at this moment.

Everyone thought that if enough steps were given, Xu Xiao should also meet and accept it.

But without thinking, he refused again.

“My lords, it’s not that I’m pushing Xu Xiao away, I’m just obeying Your Majesty’s will.”

“Providence cannot be violated, and drought will not be violated.”

“When His Majesty Shicai asked me what I thought of this matter, I already knew that His Majesty must have the right person in his heart.”

“Your Majesty, as the king of a country, is unmatched by Wen Tao’s martial arts.”

“I am absolutely relieved of the candidate in his heart.”

“You adults don’t have to be anxious, can’t you find my second Xu Xiao?”

After Xu Xiao’s words, Ye Blood was almost angry from the sky. Good fellow, if you get cheap and sell well.

Didn’t you Xu Xiao’s words mean to keep you from coming to the stage?


There were two violent coughs from the sky, and it was already difficult to breathe when he was angry.

However, he didn’t know how to oppose Xu Xiao’s words.

To be sure, he was the one who had the intention to test Xu Xiao, and it was he who took the Withdrawal Clan to test Xu Xiao’s reaction.

Xu Xiao’s words made Li Tian want to pull down his face to beg him, but he couldn’t pull it down.

This is simply a living killing!

Li Tian only felt that his qi and blood were reversed, and the blood vessels all over his body were thumping wildly.

He even doubted that he would live ten years less than angry.

Xu Xiao, this guy, seems to have an iron heart, no matter how everyone persuades, he will not do it alive, how is this good?

However, when he was angry, he also knew that the most urgent thing was to quickly ask Xu Xiao.

But just now, Xu Xiao’s words had already sealed all his words, how could he speak?

Leaving the sky, he hurriedly gave his eyes to Sima Yang, the first assistant minister and the great general Gu Xiantang, who were not far away.

Sima Yang was one of the most trusted people from the sky, holding a high position, and was listed as his right hand man along with Gu Xiangtang.

During that time just now, Sima Yang never spoke.

But now, the eyes of the sky are dull, and the two can only force themselves to step forward again to persuade.

Sima Yang touched his beard and took the lead in speaking: “King Xiliang, and today is the time when you are needed, you still have to focus on the overall situation.” ”

“I know that you may have complained to the imperial court for so many years, but there is no way to let you garrison Xiliang!”

“And please King Xiliang to take Cangsheng seriously!”

Gu Xiantang also stepped forward and shook: “King Xiliang, when it comes to fighting against the Northern Barbarians, there is no one in the entire dynasty who is comparable to you. ”

“Even I… If I return to my hometown, how can I fight against the Northern Barbarians? When the time comes, the unlucky, isn’t it still born in the world? ”

A great general, a chief assistant minister.

They are both the ceiling of civil officials and military generals, but now these two people are pleading with Xu Xiao, a frontier king with a different surname, together with a low voice, which can be regarded as the only part of the Kyushu continent

But Xu Xiao was not so easy to relax, and he said lightly: “Two, you don’t know. ”

“It is because I think about the lives of the people of the world and the Jiangshan society of His Majesty that I want to tell my old age.”

“Now, I am old and no longer able to deal with the northern barbarians.”

“If I unfortunately lose to the Northern Barbarians and boost their arrogance, it will really harm the world!”

“What’s more, I also said that Your Majesty must already have a candidate for when, can’t the two adults still trust Your Majesty?”


Li Tian coughed out angrily again.

Good fellow, this Xu Xiao is really infuriating.

I really don’t give any face at all.

This is not thinking about the big departure, this is forcing himself to put down all his face and beg him.

Thinking of this, a mouthful of old blood from the sky is about to spurt out.

He forcibly closed his mouth, swallowed this mouthful of old blood back hard, and only stood up all over his body with anger.

Sima Yang and Gu Xiantang helplessly glanced back at Litian, and they couldn’t do anything about it.

This Xu Xiao is simply not oil and salt.

Li Tian also understood that it seemed that in this matter, he had to take the initiative to ask Xu Xiao.

Hold on! Hold on!

An emperor, but asked his courtiers to continue to split the earth and seal the king.

Is there still such a grievance in the world?

But the heavens also know that this mouth will not come.

After scolding Xu Xiao dozens of times in his heart, he finally slowly stood up from the dragon chair…

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