【Immortal Cultivator】

【Points: 115774】

[Realm: Yuan Infant Realm Three Layers (0/400,000). 】

[Exercises: Ten Thousand Swords True Technique. 】

[Divine power: Instant killing Dafa (0/100,000). 】

[Alchemist: Yipin (0/10,000.] 】

[Tianji: Yipin (0/10,000). 】

[Formation Master: Yipin (0/10,000). 】

[Fu Shi: Yipin (0/10,000). 】

Looking at the updated personal page again, Ye Hao's mood was extremely surging and excited.

The third layer of the Yuan Infant Realm!

His lifespan grew to three thousand years.

Each of the ten thousand sword true sword qi in his body was able to kill the cultivators of the third layer of the Yuan Infant Realm.

And with such sword qi, he was now able to condense a thousand Dao.

If the sword qi is combined with the use of the Divine Power Instantaneous Killing Dafa, there will be a new leap in the power, and each sword qi is enough to threaten the cultivators in the middle of the Yuan Infant Realm.

"If one day I have to face the enemy, I hope that my opponent will be a cultivator of the fourth layer of Qi refining. "

This is Ye Hao's truest thought.

As for how powerful his complete outbreak was, Ye Hao actually didn't want to know.

He just wants to develop obscenely until he is unrivaled in the fairy world.

"The exercises have been purchased to "one two zero", moreover, exercises that can be cultivated to the peak of the Yuan God Realm have been purchased. "

"The main purpose of coming to MixC this time has been successfully completed. "

However, Ye Hao was in a hurry to leave.

MixC has stood in the Hengduan Mountain Range for nearly 10,000 years, and it is still safe and sound, and it should be considered a safe place at present.

"You can learn more about the situation of the fairy world in MixC City. "

Although Ye Hao had always planned to stay in the Linghe Sect, he had at least a basic understanding of the situation in the Immortal World.

In case of any Zheng Demon War, or a Terran and Demon War, he had better run away early.

"Daoist, I wonder what else you want to buy?"

Zhao Qingzhu took a few deep breaths in succession, calmed the violent undulating waves on his chest, with a soft smile on his face, and his beautiful eyes flowed.

It was the biggest deal she had ever completed since working at MixC City.

It was also the one she earned the most spirit stones.

Although Zhao Lingkong and Zhao Qingyun had previously emphasized that Ye Hao was a customer with great potential.

However, Zhao Qingzhu knew that her two clansmen still underestimated Ye Hao's value.

"Thirty dragon scale grasses with at least 5,000 copies!"

Zhao Qingzhu was sure that Ye Hao must still have dragon scale grass on her, but she didn't have any idea of probing.

As long as their Zhao family continues to maintain a good relationship with Ye Hao, there may be greater surprises waiting for them in the future.

"With the help of the Dragon Scale Grass, he will definitely be able to break through to the Jiedan Realm, and with his alchemy talent, he will be at least a top alchemist of the third grade in the future. "

Zhao Qingzhu knows the trade-offs very well.

At this moment, Ye Hao has become the most important of all her familiar customers.

"Buy an introduction to the Immortal Cultivation World, the more detailed the better. "

Ye Hao said.

"This is the information of various forces included in the MixC City, as well as the introduction of the world. "

"This jade Jane will be given to Ye Daoyou for free. "

Zhao Qingzhu smiled.

"Daoist, is there anything else you need?"

Zhao Qingzhu is very patient.

"Don't buy it yet. "

Ye Hao shook his head.

The Jie Dan Realm magic weapon he had purchased before, the Golden Sword, was already outdated.

Instead, he wanted to buy a five-rank magic weapon that could be used in the Transformation God Realm.

"Taking out 30 dragon scale grasses is already amazing, if you buy another five-grade magic weapon, I am afraid it will be tens of thousands of medium-grade spirit stones. "

"It's so eye-catching. "

The strength Ye Hao is showing now is only the peak of the Foundation Building Realm.

Such a rich foundation building realm peak, is already a big fat sheep.

If he consumed tens of thousands of mid-grade spirit stones at will, it was difficult to guarantee that some cultivators in MixC City would not be able to resist attacking him.

"When you change your identity, you can buy a five-rank magic weapon, and you can also buy some other equipment. "

Ye Hao planned to prepare a set of equipment for himself at the level of the Transformation God Realm.

"This is the remaining 10,000 mid-grade spirit stones. "

Zhao Qingzhu quickly took a red storage bag and handed it to Ye Hao with both hands.

In the red storage bag were blocks of spirit stones the size of a baby's fist that shimmered with white jade-colored light.

"No wonder it's so expensive!"

Ye Hao's divine sense probed the situation of the middle grade spirit stone, and some understood why a thousand lower grade spirit stones could be exchanged for one middle grade spirit stone.

Because, the spiritual energy of the middle-grade spirit stone is much purer than the lower-grade spirit stone, and the energy contained in it is also dozens of times.

The cultivators of the Yuan Infant Realm could directly transform the spiritual energy of the Spirit Stone into their own spiritual power.

In other words, using mid-grade spirit stone cultivation can greatly speed up the cultivation speed of Yuan Ying Realm cultivators compared to using lower-grade spirit stone cultivation.

The cultivators of the Immortal World can't wait to improve their strength, and the mid-grade spirit stone can speed up the cultivation speed of the cultivators of the Yuan Infant Realm and even the cultivators of the Yuan God Realm.

In this case, its value is bound to skyrocket.

"Daoist, finally come to MixC City, I'll bring you for a tour?"

Zhao Qingzhu asked and said.


Ye Hao did not refuse.

Just the right opportunity to open your eyes.

"I'll take Daoist friends to the pill area first. "

Zhao Qingzhu and Ye Hao walked side by side.

"This is the two-pin pill area, among which the Zhuji Dan, the Washing God Pill, the Small Creation Pill, and the Big Pei Yuan Pill, these pills that can help break through the realm or improve qualifications are the most popular. "

"There is also a corresponding Danfang in the Vientiane Building. "

Zhao Qingzhu was very proud and said. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

MixC is in the Great Business Empire and is also one of the top fang markets.

"This is the three-pin pill area, which is also a pill that assists in breaking through the realm and improving qualifications, and it is the hottest seller. "

"Jindan, Nirvana Dan, Nirvana Pill, Longevity Pill, and so on. "

"This is the magic weapon area!"

"This is the Fuji District!"

"This is the formation area!"

"This is the Spirit Beast Zone!"

After wandering around MixC for most of the day, Ye Haocai and Zhao Qingzhu separated.

Ye Hao first walked out of MixC City, changed the appearance of an old man outside, raised his aura to the early stage of the Jiedan Realm, and came to the headquarters of MixC Tower again.

Purchased a five-rank magic weapon, the Taiyigeng Golden Sword.

Similar to the Golden Sword he had purchased before, it was hard and sharp, mainly with his Ten Thousand Swords True Technique and Instant Killing Dafa.

The inheritance of auxiliary systems such as alchemists, alchemists, formation masters, talisman masters, and heavenly machine masters was purchased, and it reached the fifth rank.

In addition, he also bought a lot of miscellaneous things, and spent nearly one million medium-grade spirit stones.

"I can't ask for this vest. "

In order to buy these things, Ye Hao even sold two Blood Dragon Fruits 0.........

Once the dragon clan learns, it will definitely hunt down his vest.

When the other cultivators knew that he sold the Blood Dragon Fruit, they would definitely suspect that there were other Blood Dragon Fruits on him, and in order to prolong his life, maybe the cultivators of the Divine Realm would make a move.


Ye Hao used a puppet talisman to turn into the appearance of an old man, causing him to fly away from Vientiane City and fend for himself.

He secretly changed into the appearance of the middle-aged man before, came to Teleportation City, and teleported back to Linghe City.

No matter how big the storm it caused, what did it have to do with the outer disciples of the fourth layer of his Spirit River Sect's Qi Refining Realm?

Chat groups.

The world will help the master: "Hahaha, the old man's martial arts realm has reached the peak of the grandmaster, and the immortal cultivation realm has stepped into the third layer of the refining realm." "

Xiao Li Feidao: "A cultivator of the fourth layer of refining qi, silently passing by. "

Great Qin Zulong: "A cultivator of the fourth layer of refining qi, silently passing by. "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "You put a lot of pressure on the old Dao, fortunately, I just broke through to the fifth layer of refining qi, otherwise I would really be caught up by you." "

The world will help the Lord: ".

In the Fengyun World, the hero who had just finished the retreat and greatly increased his strength, the smile on his face instantly froze.

These dog pack friends don't have a good thing!

None of those whose strength is lower than him bubbles.

Chef Gao of the cafeteria: "Immortal cultivator, great immortal, all the spirit fields I planted in the Qin Dynasty have all withered and died." "

Chef Gao of the canteen: "I completely followed the cultivation method above Xiuxian Yujian, tried several times, and all of them withered. "

[Chef Gao of the cafeteria sent a photo. 】

In the mythical world, Gao Yao looked panicked and worried.

Each group member planted ten acres of spirit fields, which was the task that the Great Immortal had arranged for them.

He was just getting started, and something went wrong.

Xiao Li Feidao: "It should be the influence of space-time correction." "

Li Xunhuan looked at the photos sent by Gao Yaofa, one by one, withered and yellowed spirit food seedlings, and said his guesses.

Daisen once said that the rules of time and space in the mythical world will correct all changes and the original historical trajectory.

Da Qin Zulong: "The chat group can cover your heavenly machine and breath, but it will not cover the spiritual food, Ken 0.6 must have been discovered by the rules of time and space." "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Unless you use the formation that isolates the heavenly machine, I am afraid that you will not be able to grow spiritual food." "

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helm Lord: "This time-space rule is really wide. "

The guess of the chat masses is roughly the same.

Immortal cultivator: "If you want to grow spiritual food, it seems that you need to have the means to resist the rules of time and space. "

The rules of time and space in the mythical world definitely do not allow spirit plants to grow.

Chef Gao of the cafeteria: "Great Immortal, what will happen if I completely cover my heavenly machine and breath?"

Gao Yao gritted his teeth.

Since the rules of time and space in the mythical world did not make him feel good, he also lifted the table.

He wanted to see how the rules of time and space would make him Zhao Gao if he completely blocked the induction of the rules of time and space and let Gao completely disappear in the Qin Dynasty.

The shackles of fate want Gao to go down the historical trajectory and become a part of history, trying to break the shackles of Gao Yao's fate!"

"This task can be completed by inviting three group members to complete it together, and points will be awarded according to the completion of the task, and the task reward will be distributed according to each person's contribution. "

At this moment, the prompt of the group system sounded.

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