The world will help the master: "It's the first time this has happened, a group task has not yet been completed, and two group tasks have appeared in succession, and one of the group tasks was directly announced as completed." "

Xiongba is very excited!

Battle missions of the same rank with Guo Jing and get 10,000 points reward.

Daxian leads them to trigger a special hidden mission, and there is a sky outside the sky, and they get another 5,000 points.

In addition, there are Zhang Sanfeng's confession tasks and chat group gathering tasks.

These two unfinished group tasks are group tasks that all group members can participate in, and points are distributed according to their contribution.

"The last time Ip Man traded the Golden Body Pill from the Great Immortal with 28,000 points, I will soon be able to collect the points of the Golden Body Pill!"

Xiongba coveted the golden body pill obtained by Ye Man in his last transaction.

Once you refine the Golden Body Pill, you can obtain the Vajra Immortal Body and ignore the attacks below the combat power of the Foundation Building Realm level.

In other words, even if he is attacked by someone while sleeping, as long as the opponent's attack power does not exceed the combat power of the Foundation Building Realm level, he can be safe and sound.

This is simply a huge life-saving card.

Da Qin Zulong: "Da Xian 666, kneel to Da Xian, we trigger a group 15 task is very difficult, as soon as Da Xian shot, I found that triggering the group task suddenly became so simple." "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Great Immortal won't be able to deduce what things can trigger group missions, right?"

Zhang Sanfeng expressed doubts.

His confession task was triggered because of the intervention of the Great Immortal.

Otherwise, how would Ying Zheng and Xiongba know about his relationship with Guo Xiang.

Xiao Li Feidao: "This"

Li Xunhuan was already speechless in shock.

If this is the case, then wouldn't Daxian be able to get as many points as he wanted?

Heaven and Earth Society's Chief Helmsman Chen: "I remembered that when Daxian traded points with us, he said that the points had a little effect on him and could help him understand the rules of the chat group. "

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helm Master Chen: "The Great Immortal won't already have comprehended part of it, right?"

Chen Jinnan looked at Ye Hao's gaze as if he was looking at a supreme deity, extremely fanatical and reverent.

Immortal cultivator: "It's just a coincidence." "

He doesn't have the ability to deduce group tasks.

He can now guess at most what way is easier to trigger a group task.

Great Qin Zulong: "Believe!"

The world will help the Lord: "Believe!"

Xiao Li Feidao: "Believe it!"

Daisen says what is what.

As for whether they believe it or not, only God knows.

"5000 points?"

The families of the chatting masses also became quiet at this time, and their expressions were also full of joy.

They can be brought in to chat group gatherings, even if they don't know the specifics of the chat group, they still know some of the information.

I know exactly what points mean to people chatting.

Compared to enjoying the view, they will definitely choose 5000 points without hesitation.

"Ding-dong, this chat group gathering is initiated by immortal cultivators, in order to ensure the smooth progress of the chat group gathering, immortal cultivators will temporarily obtain chat group administrator permissions. "

The prompt tone of the chat group instantly pulled everyone from shock and excitement, and their expressions became shocked.

"Chat group administrator?"

Everyone was extremely puzzled and asked the chat group.

【Chat group announcement!】

"Chat group manager, that is, the manager of the chat group. "

"Permission 1, have the permission to enter and exit the world of other group members at will!"

Everyone quickly turned their attention to the chat group announcement and read it carefully.

"Permission to enter and exit other group members' worlds at will?"

Everyone's faces changed in unison.

This permission is too much of a threat to their personal safety, and if administrators act arbitrarily in their world, it will definitely cause them huge trouble.

Especially Xiongba, he has a deep understanding of this authority.

During the treasure hunting mission in Lingyun Cave, Huan Zheng moved the idea of capturing Emperor Shitian.

Once Emperor Shitian is provoked, Ying Zheng pats his ass and leaves, and Xiongba can only face the crazy Emperor Shitian.

"Permission 2: Have the authority to prohibit group members from speaking, prohibit group members from receiving tasks, and prohibit group members from entering other worlds. "

When the second permission came out, the faces of the chattering masses were not worried, but frightened.

Once the administrator turns on this permission, it is completely possible for group members to become a viewer of the chat group, and they cannot do anything, and they cannot do anything with the help of the chat group.

"Permission 3, mission reward points*2, you can receive management points once a month, and you can receive 1000 points from each group member, which will be issued by the chat group. "

When they saw the third permission, the eyes of the chattering masses instantly turned red.

Quest reward points are directly doubled!

If you have obtained 5,000 points reward before, after doubling the administrator's authority, you can directly get 10,000 points reward!

In addition to this, there are even management points.

The chat group now has 13 group members and can receive 1,000 management points from one group member per month, which means a fixed income of 13,000 points per month.

When there are dozens or even hundreds of people in the chat group, won't you earn more than 100,000 points just by managing points every month?

"How can I become an administrator?"

"I'm going to be a chat group moderator!" (Read Violent Novels, go to Feilu Fiction!)

The chatters are extremely hot in their hearts, and they can't wait to become the chat group administrator now.

"Permission four, you can choose a skill and realm synchronization, such as the martial arts realm reaches the realm of the Great Sect 037 Master, calligraphy or painting can be directly synchronized to the realm of the fourth grade. "

"Permission 5: Roaming in the long river of time and space, without affecting the history of time and space, can enter the past history of the world of group members. "

"For example, in Guo Jing's world, go back to the past time and space, watch the first Huashan sword discussion, the second Huashan sword discussion, and absorb the other party's martial arts experience. "


When the chat crowd read the announcement, there was only one thought left in their minds, they must become chat group administrators.

The administrator's permissions are too heavenly!

【Dingtone! If you want to apply to become a chat group administrator, you must have previous experience of temporarily obtaining administrator privileges!】

However, the application conditions of the chat group administrator made the chat masses look drastic.

Because, none of them have this experience.

"Apply to become a chat group administrator!"

Ye Hao's heart was also extremely hot, and he quickly communicated with the chat group.

It is only the first permission of the chat group administrator, and the ability to freely enter and exit the world of other group members is too tempting for him.

In this way, his life-saving ability in the fairy world will be raised to a new level.

In case of danger, he can hide in the world of any group member.

Not to mention other permissions that have huge benefits.

"I, I must become a chat group administrator!"

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