The world will help the master: "The point reward obtained by the group mission opened by Daxian must exceed 10 million points. "

As the only villain in the chat group now, Xiongba feels that he has to hug Daxian's thigh even more.

It was because he didn't hug Daxian's thigh once, he almost finished.

Xiao Li Feidao: "I don't know if the world where the Great Immortal opens the task will be more advanced than the Star World?" "

Graphic designer: "The advanced task card must open a low-risk and high-recovery mission, and the mission world may not be high-level this time." "

Chef Gao of the cafeteria: "I wonder if the points mall will list special goods such as high-level mission cards and high-level crossing cards in the future?" "

Using 10,000 points to buy mission cards is too risky.

Sometimes not only do you not earn points, but you even lose money.

That's too pitted.

"Dingdong, you get a mission for Skywalk, kill Fuso soldiers, and get 1 point reward for each Fuso soldier killed."

The crisp voice of the group system sounded in Ye Hao's ears.

"Bright Sword World?"

At the moment when the group system sounded, Ye Hao also used the Heavenly Mechanic to gain insight into the situation of the mission world.

"This group mission is good."

Ye Hao couldn't help but show a smile on his face.

It is really a low-risk, high-recovery group task.

A Fuso soldier is 1 point, how many soldiers are in Fuso?

[The immortal cultivator sent a screenshot.] 】

Immortal cultivator: "An ordinary Republic of China time and space, the time is in 1940. "

Graphic designer: "Envy cried, Daxian can kill beasts like devils, and can get points, which is worthy of being a group mission from the advanced mission card." "

Master Wing Chun: "If only I killed a devil in my world, I would also be able to get 1 point." "

Ye Man's eyes were red.

In the world of Ip Man, he just kills a hundred devils and does not necessarily get 1 point reward.

Chef Gao of the canteen: "My think tank has just checked the books, and in 1940, the total strength of the three armies of the Devil Navy, Army, and Air Force was about 2 million people, and Daxian easily harvested 2 million points. "

The world will help the master: "This is the advanced task card?" "

The chatting crowd looked envious, and only felt that saliva was about to flow out.

It is worthy of a low-risk, high-recovery group mission.

An ordinary Republic of China era, let alone the great immortals entering it, even if they enter it, there is no danger ah.

And the reward points are also very scary, at least 2 million points can be obtained.

Immortal cultivator: "Your eyes must be enlarged." "

Immortal cultivator: "Don't be fooled by the description of the surface of the group task. "

Immortal cultivators: "Fuso's strength in 1940 was indeed only about 2 million, but they expanded to more than 7 million in 1942, and when World War II was about to end, they shouted 100 million jade pieces." "

Ye Hao sneered.

2 million points want to send him?

Even after the management authority*2, it is only about 4 million points, which is too little.

The world will help the Lord: "??? "。

Huashan Paiyue was in charge: "??? "。

Princess Changping: "??? "。

Da Qin Zulong: "Kneel to the Great Immortal, 100 million jade shattered, is the Great Immortal going to harvest 100 million points?" "

Even Ying Zheng, who was performing a group mission in the Heavenly Dragon World, his face changed drastically, and he couldn't help but swallow his spit.

Graphic designer: "During World War II, there were not 100 million devils, but there were 780 million. "

Bai Xiaofei was also shocked.

Daxian won't harvest 780 million points at once, right?

It's also too scary.

At the same time, Bai Xiaofei also felt his blood boiling.

Daisen is going to suppress the entire Fuso Kingdom.

Daisen did what he always wanted to do, but didn't have the opportunity to do.

Chef Gao of the cafeteria: "Daxian, can you broadcast live?" We want to see. "

Gao Yao very much wanted to know how Ye Hao operated, so that all the people of Fuso were soldiers.

Otherwise, there is no point reward for killing ordinary devils.

Great Qin Zulong: "Kneel and beg Daxian to live broadcast!" "

Space station navigator: "Kneel and beg Daxian to broadcast live!" "

This is an opportunity for them to learn from the Great Immortals.

Xiao Li Feidao: "Daxian, can we enter the mission world with you?" I also want to experience what it's like to experience killing devils. "

"Cheeky, I'm embarrassed to expose you."

Smiling at the world of rivers and lakes, Yue Buqun sneered.

I also experience the feeling of killing devils, which is really shameless!

Xiao Li flying knife world without Fuso?

Huashan Pai Yue was in charge: "Great Immortal, can we enter the mission world with you?" We also want to kill the brutal ghost soldiers of World War II. "

Watch the live broadcast, where to enter the mission world to watch the operation of the great immortal, more experience.

Graphic designer: "Can we enter the world of missions together?" (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Bai Xiaofei almost jumped up with excitement.

If you can personally watch the Great Immortal suppress Fuso, and even be able to fight the devil with your own hands, it will be even more exciting.

If you fight with other ordinary people, it doesn't feel at all.

However, if it is to crush the Fuso soldiers, it is an incomparably wonderful enjoyment.

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "'If the Great Immortal has any chores, despite the orders given to us, we can run errands.'" "

The chatting masses are extremely exciting.

Immortal cultivator: "If that's the case, then let's enter together." "

Ye Hao nodded gently.

"Ding-dong! Immortal cultivators enter the quest world! "

"Ding-dong! Emperor Hongwu enters the mission world! "

"Ding-dong! Graphic designers enter the world of quests! "

"Ding-dong! Heaven and Earth will enter the mission world! "

After getting Ye Hao's permission, the chatting masses instantly entered the world of bright swords.

And at this time.

Bright Sword World.


"This Sakata United really has something (get it)!"

Li Yunlong took the binoculars and looked at the position of the Sakata United, and secretly said in his heart.

Since 1937, he has fought with ghosts many times, and he has never encountered such a difficult and elite ghost.

"What shit Sakata United, Lao Tzu hit the elite."

Although Li Yunlong felt some pressure in his heart, on the surface, he was understating and saying extremely enthusiastic words.

When the two armies are at war, the most important thing is morale.

The independent regiment was originally inferior in equipment to the Sakata United, and if the morale was not as good as that, then how to fight?

"Buzz~", "Buzz~", "Buzz~"

At this moment, above Cangyun Ridge, white pillars of light descended from the sky, instantly attracting the attention of both warring parties.

The white light pillar dispersed, and one after another the figures of the imperial sword flew into the air.

Li Yunlong: "??? "。

Sakata: "??? "Cang.

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