"Order the whole regiment to rush to Cangyun Ridge as quickly as possible, and we will fight side by side with the immortals."

Chu Yunfei quickly reacted and shouted loudly.

"If these immortals can accept the official offerings, then Kyushu Kingdom will become one of the strongest countries in the world."

Chu Yunfei was extremely excited.

A dozen immortals can easily crush the Sakata United, even if the Fourth Brigade to which the Sakata Coalition belongs is probably not the opponent ~ hand of these dozen immortals.

"These immortals can fly again, and they have terrifying destructive power, and they can completely attack the rear of Fuso across the sea. -"

"By that time, Fuso does not want his rear to be attacked by the gods, and they must withdraw their troops from the Kyushu Country."

"Even these immortals can perform decapitation operations"

For a while, countless ideas and inspirations burst out of Chu Yunfei's mind, and the whole person was red with excitement and his heart was surging.

Because, he found that as long as these dozen immortals joined the official, the Kyushu Kingdom would turn the tide on the battlefield.

And even strategically, with absolute initiative.

"Also, contact the principal immediately and tell the principal what happened here."

Chu Yunfei endured the excitement in his heart, and quickly ordered, saying.

With the terrifying strength displayed by these more than a dozen immortals, they will definitely become a hot big figure in the entire Republic of China.

Even the headmaster needs to maintain a certain respect for them.

He is now only a colonel in the district, and his official position is too small, at most, he can convey the attitude of the principal.

If you want to win over such a peerless figure, even if the principal personally comes out, it is not excessive.

"Regiment commander, the 358th Regiment is also rushing madly towards the position of the Sakata United, I am afraid they will also see the immortals."

At this time, Li Yunlong, who was stunned and admired the chatting masses crushing the Sakata United with a smile, the smile on his face instantly froze.

"Regiment Leader, if the one in Chongqing invites these immortals to them, I'm afraid there will be no way for us to live in the future."

Zhang Dabiao looked heavy and said.

Because of the distance, Chu Yunfei did not know the strength of the chat masses.

Zhang Dabiao could clearly see the terrifying battle that broke out on the ghost position.

From beginning to end, the immortal side had an absolute advantage.

Until now, Da Biao has not found that these immortals have suffered any damage.

Moreover, it did not show any inadequacy.

He had a feeling that even if these immortals fought for another day and night, they would probably not feel tired.

"Don't say a wing, it's a brigade, a division, and even an army of devils can only be passively beaten in front of these immortals."

"Commander, you said that if one day, we face such a terrifying immortal, what will we do?"

Zhang Dabiao's face was extremely heavy, and he felt that he was pressed by a mountain in his heart, which made him a little breathless.

"The brigade commander should arrive soon."

"Since the 358th Regiment can see the battles here, the 772nd Regiment will definitely be able to see the battles here."

"The brigade commander should arrive soon."

Although Li Yunlong really wanted to shout, you immortals are willing to join the new group.

However, looking at the terrifying combat power displayed by the chatting masses, he couldn't shout out at all.

The strength of these immortals is too strong, and it is simply not something that a new group can accommodate.

Even the entire Eighth Route Army may not be able to withstand these dozen or so true gods.

"You guys say it again!"

Brigadier Chen, who was more than a hundred miles away from the new group and was hidden in a mountain forest, was a little confused at this time.

He first received a telegram from the 772nd Regiment, and then received a new message forwarded by the 772nd Regiment, and he thought that Li Yunlong had run into trouble again.

As a result, he got an even more shocking, even subversive news.

"There are more than a dozen immortals in Cangyunling who fought with the Sakata United?"

"The Sakata Coalition has collapsed?"

"The 358th Regiment also quickly assembled towards the Sakata United, suspected of preparing to contact the immortals?"

Brigadier Chen kept looking at the telegram in his hand, his brows furrowed.

At this time, the devils were frantically encircling and suppressing the Eighth Route Army, and all the troops suffered heavy losses, although Cheng Blind of the 772nd Regiment was not as good as Li Yunlong.

But, definitely a good boy who is obedient.

At such a serious and sad moment, let alone Cheng Blind, even Li Yunlong did not dare to make such a joke.

However, the information on the telegram was so absurd that serious disciplinary mistakes were made.

"Immediately send a guard platoon to the vicinity of Cangyun Ridge to confirm the news, and at the same time, pay close attention to the movements of the surrounding devils."

Brigadier Chen pondered for a moment, and quickly made a decision.

If the contents of the telegram were true, the devil would definitely react.

This time, the ghost dispatched to encircle and suppress the army of the Eighth Route Army, which numbered tens of thousands of people.

Domino effect.

If the Sakata United is in danger of being completely wiped out, the devil will definitely make a move.

"What did you say?"

"The Sakata United is besieged by more than a dozen demons, and there is a danger of annihilation of the entire army?"

The headquarters of the 4th brigade, brigade commander Yamashita Miji, looked at the telegram in his hand with a confused expression.

Is Demon the code name of a regiment of the Eighth Route Army?

The Sakata Wing was besieged by more than a dozen regiments of the Eighth Route Army?

"The commander of the brigade, Daisaku Sakata, sent a farewell message, saying that if the Sakata Wing holds out for a quarter of an hour at most, the entire army will be destroyed."

Soon, another telegram arrived.


"Absolutely impossible!"

Yamashita saw that the two looked hideous and roared angrily.

The Sakata Wing is the main force of the Fourth Brigade, and once the Sakata Wing is completely destroyed, the Fourth Brigade will be greatly damaged.

Moreover, since the war with Kyushu Country, they have never had a precedent of total annihilation of the wing.

Once the Sakata Wing is completely destroyed, even if he, the brigade commander, does not need to commit suicide, I am afraid that he will be sent back to China and directly discharged.

"Order all units of the Fourth Brigade to abandon the task of pursuing the Eighth Route Army, and all units will return to the aid of the Bantian Wing at any cost."

"In addition, inform the division commander of the Sakata Wing about the situation, as well as the commander, and request tactical guidance."

Yamashita saw that the two were vicious and said.

He didn't care what happened to Cangyunling, and the Sakata United would definitely not be completely destroyed.

Whether it was a demon or the Eighth Route Army, they actually let the Sakata United lose so much, they all had to pay a huge price.

"Order the 15th Flying Group to immediately go to Cangyun Ridge to determine what exactly happened in Cangyun Ridge."

The commander of the First Army of the Devil, Yoshio Shinozuka, received telegrams from the Sakata United, the 4th Brigade, and the 8th Division, and also fell silent.

However, he quickly came back to his senses.

No matter what demons and demons appeared in Cangyunling, he believed that a flying brigade was enough to help the Sakata United team solve the dilemma.

"Daisen, the Sakata Wing has been completely destroyed."

Cangyunling, the chatting masses flew on the position of the Bantian United, cut off the head of every devil, and told Ye Hao with great certainty.

Even if they cut off their heads, they will die, don't talk about these ordinary devils.


"It's too fierce!"

"Immortals are invincible!"

The new group of soldiers looked at the calm battlefield, cautiously walked over, and then fell into an endless carnival.

Sakata United's more than 4,000 devils, all of whom were separated from each other.

A wing was besieged by more than a dozen immortals, and the whole army was destroyed.

"Immortals are invincible!"

"Long live the immortals!"

"Shangxian is mighty!"

The 358th Regiment, which arrived quickly, also looked at the battlefield with a shocked and shocked expression, and looked at the chatting masses in awe.

However, they used all their strength to eat milk and ran the fastest marching speed in their lives, and they had just arrived at the battlefield, and all the more than 4,000 devils of the Sakata Coalition were killed.

What amazing strength and means is this?

"Tuanzai, what now?"

Fang Ligong, chief of staff of 358, was cautious and said.

The combat power of these dozen immortals is really too strong.

Killing devils is like cutting wheat, and the soldiers of a wing are all killed like this, and they don't even have a chance to escape.

This is much more terrifying than the immortal strength they had expected before!

"This is the real immortal!"

Chu Yunfei became more and more excited.

As a hot-blooded soldier, he knew all too well how much help it would be to have the chattering masses join the battle with Fuso.

The chatting masses were able to crush a wing, a brigade, or even a division unharmed.

Because, one brigade of the devil, or even a division, only the number of people has increased, and there are some more heavy weapons, and the firepower has become more fierce.

These changes simply become a greater threat to the average army.

For the chat masses, the threat level does not increase much at all.

"I went to visit the immortals and express our attitude" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

As soon as Chu Yunfei wanted to contact the chatting masses on behalf of the official, he found a figure standing in the void, looking incomparably young and handsome, and suddenly moved.

"You're having fun too! Now it's my turn! "

Ye Hao said lightly.

"Buzz~", "Buzz~", "Buzz~"

Ye Hao's words fell, and under the stunned expressions of Li Yunlong, Chu Yunfei and the others, one after another their incomparably familiar figures appeared on Cangyun Ridge.

The generals of the Eighth Route Army, the generals of the Jin and Sui Army, the generals of the Gui Army, the generals of the Sichuan Army, and the generals of the Principal Yan lineage


These generals looked horrified, looked at each other, their bodies tensed, and they only felt their scalps numb.

Is this an illusion?

Or is it real?

"Let's watch a play first."

Ye Hao smiled slightly.

"Six realms of reincarnation!"

Ye Hao recited the six-character mantra, and in an instant, only six huge black holes shrouded the entire earth in it.

At the same time, Ye Ning's projection of the Earth House also appeared on Earth.

However, Ye Hao only let these generals see the projection of the prefecture, and the others on the earth could not see it at all.

"Swoosh~", "Swish~", "Swish~"

Then millions of ghost soldiers were thrown into eighteen levels of hell.

In an instant, all the ghost soldiers in the Bright Sword World were killed.

However, under Ye Hao's deliberate influence, Fuso has not been found in China for the time being.

"I want to ask you for a favor, I wonder if you would like to?"

After throwing all the Fuso soldiers into the eighteenth layer of hell, Ye Hao set his eyes on the generals who were dumbfounded and their souls were in shock.

"If the immortals have any orders, I will definitely do so."

Without any hesitation, all the generals said in unison.


The great god in front of him summoned all the hell mansions, and even threw millions of ghost soldiers into the eighteenth layer of hell in an instant.

This kind of terrifying god is not something they can offend at all.

"Since everyone has no opinion, I'll talk about my business."

Suppressing more than two million Fusang soldiers was only the first step, and Ye Hao did not pay attention to it at all.

All the generals stood straight, their faces serious, and they looked like they were ready to go to the soup.

"I have thrown all the soldiers of Fuso into the eighteenth level of hell, and I hope that you will continue to attack Fuso from all directions."

"No matter what method you use, it is best to let the whole people of Fuso be soldiers."

Ye Hao said his plan.

The reason why he did not let the prefecture appear on the earth was because he was afraid to scare Fuso into peeing, and they did not dare to resist.

Just let these ordinary soldiers go to attack.

Although the high-level of Fuso did not know why the soldiers of the Kyushu Kingdom appeared directly in Fuso.

However, in the face of the attack of the soldiers of Kyushu Country, they still dared to resist.

"As a reward, the territories of Fuso, Maple Leaf, Siam and other countries will be rewarded to you according to their contribution."

"In addition, after you die, I will arrange a good priesthood for you in the prefecture."

Ye Hao directly opened his own chips.

With his current magical powers, it was very easy to condense an underground mansion in the Bright Sword World.

"The operation lasts only one day."

"No, as long as your mind moves, you can leave this place."

"If you are willing, in a quarter of an hour, I will change you, and your army, into devilish weapons, and throw them around Fuso."

More than two million devils were sent to the eighteenth level of hell by him, and their weapons were just used to equip the army of Kyushu Kingdom.

"Don't worry, God, I will do my best when I wait!"

None of the generals left.

If you really leave, it will be a fool!

"Since everyone has no problem, in a quarter of an hour, besiege Fuso Yi!"

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