Xiao Li Feidao: "I seem to have guessed the reason for the cruelty of the Upper Realm, so many old monsters with terrifying strength exist, can it not be terrifying?" Shouldn't it be incomparably dark? "

Li Xunhuan was a little puzzled.

According to Ye Hao's current introduction, the Upper Realm can also be regarded as cruel and dark.

However, it did not reach the level of incomparably dark.

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "There must be other reasons. "

"Even if there are many old monsters, as long as the Ascension is just ascending, be careful."

"With their talent that can soar, their own talent must be extraordinary."

"As long as they cultivate for a period of time, their strength should be able to improve rapidly."

Zhang Sanfeng secretly guessed.

Master Wing Chun Yip: "It seems that it is another world with many old monsters, even gods and demons that have survived for hundreds of thousands of years, or even longer. "

Although the chatter masses were shocked, they had gradually adapted.

Because in the world where the chat group members are located, there are more and more old monsters in the world.

Of course, the most important thing is that so many old monsters are not in their world, but in Zhu Yuanzhang's world.

"You guys think too simple!"

Ye Hao looked at the words of the chattering masses, shook his head slightly, and continued to introduce.

Immortal cultivators: "These gods and demons can easily break through to the seventh-order martial artists, and are called king-level gods and demons in the upper realm, even the most ordinary gods and demons can live for millions of years, and even some gods and demons are directly immortal." "

Immortal cultivator: "In the long years, some top gods and demons have broken through to eighth-order martial artists, and are called emperor-level gods and demons in the upper realm. "

Immortal cultivators: "Not only are they immortal, but their strength realm is also reaching the world limit and reaching the highest realm of the upper realm." "

When he saw this, the pupils of the chattering crowd shrank sharply.

The existence of immortal gods and demons in the upper realm is already very terrifying.

Now these immortal gods and demons have even reached the world limit, and the realm has reached the peak of the world.

In other words, there are some immortal gods and demons in the upper realm whose strength has reached the world limit.

After a long period of cultivation, what realm should their combat power reach?

The world will help the lord: "Why does the upper realm favor these gods and demons so much, not only are they talented and innately powerful, but they are even able to live forever?" "

Xiongba now in addition to jealousy, is jealousy.

"When the old man's strength is strong enough, he will first destroy Emperor Shitian, and then enter the upper realm of Zhu Yuanzhang's world and destroy all these demon gods."

He will never allow such a powerful character to exist.

Huashan Pai Yue was in charge: "I don't know if these gods and demons are good or bad?" "

Yue Buqun was about to move.

Although these gods and demons are powerful, they even reach the world limit, and they can be called the strongest in the upper realm.

However, the realm of these gods and demons also stopped growing.

And he is a group member of the chat group, and he is also an immortal cultivator, and his strength is constantly improving.

If after cultivating the Demon Dao, his strength would definitely increase faster.

When his strength is strong enough, he may be able to enter the upper realm of Zhu Yuanzhang's world and use these gods and demons to cultivate demonic skills.

"However, even if there are many eighth-order warrior-level emperor-level gods and demons in the upper realm, it shouldn't be extremely dark for the ascended?"

The chatting masses were still a little puzzled.

After knowing that the gods and demons of the upper realm could obtain immortality, the chattering masses had already expected that some gods and demons would be able to grow to the peak of the world.

Immortal cultivators: "You say, after a group of immortals and strength reaches the peak realm of the world, what will they do after living for thousands of years?" "

Ye Hao's words made the chattering masses react immediately, and they subconsciously thought of a possibility, and they couldn't help but feel numb in their scalps.

Great Qin Zulong: "These emperor-level gods and demons won't be like Emperor Shitian, and there will be a spiritual problem, right?" "

Chef Gao of the canteen: "A group of powerful people who are the strongest in the world, if there is a spiritual problem, then it will be an absolute disaster for the creatures of the upper realm." "

Space station navigator: "If there is really a mental problem, these emperor-level gods and demons may be able to do anything." "

The chat group subconsciously thought of Emperor Shitian of the Fengyun World.

In the eyes of the chatting masses, the danger level of Di Shitian was far above the smile.

Although Xiao Sanxiao lived longer, he still maintained his sanity.

After thousands of years of baptism, Xiao Sanxiao not only has invincible strength, but I am afraid that he has already seen through the power position in the world.

In this case, Xiao Sanxiao must rarely interfere in the affairs of the Fengyun world.

Even if you intervene once in a while, I am afraid it will take an average of once in hundreds of years.

Emperor Shitian is different!

What a madman!

Who knows what a madman can do?

Especially a madman with terrifying strength, the destructive power must be extremely terrifying.

Immortal cultivator: "It's good if it's just crazy~." "

Immortal cultivator: "Not only are they not crazy, but their thinking is even extremely clear. "

A group of immortal emperor-level gods and demons who have reached the peak of the world, gods and demons with firm Dao hearts, definitely want to break through to a higher realm and break the boundaries of the world.

At the same time, there are some gods and demons who feel that they have become invincible, and enjoy an invincible life.

Either way, it will have unimaginable effects on the Upper Realm.

Ye Hao shook his head slightly.

Immortal cultivator: "Like the True Dragon Emperor of the Upper Realm, in addition to finding ways to break the limits of the world, his favorite thing to do is to create children." "

Immortal cultivator: "With his emperor-level god and demon bloodline, the dragon race born to him, although there is no god and demon born in heaven and earth, it is also born in the realm of heaven and man." "

Immortal cultivator: "Just the parents and sons of the True Dragon Emperor, there are millions. "

When Ye Hao's wisp of Yuan God entered the rainy cloud-turning world, he was also a little amazed when he found the great initiative of the True Dragon Emperor.

He really created a race, the dragon race, on his own.

Princess Changping: ".

Master of the Flower Shifting Palace:""

Great Qin Zulong:".

The world will help the lord: "That is to say, the True Dragon Emperor has millions of sons, or at least the Heavenly Human Realm?" "

The chat group is also stunned, only feeling that the worldview has been refreshed.

On the one hand, it shocked the operation of the True Dragon Emperor.

On the one hand, it shocked the strength of the dragon clan.

The birth of the True Dragon Emperor is the realm of heaven and earth, and the talent is absolutely top-notch, plus their long lifespan.

There are definitely most dragon sons who have broken through to the sixth-order martial artist level, or even the seventh-order martial artist level.

If other gods and demons are also like the True Dragon Emperor, crazy to reproduce heirs, then there are too many strong people in the upper realm.

Immortal cultivator: "This is still a small scene. "

Immortal cultivator: "These parents and children of the True Dragon Emperor also have the same hobby as the True Dragon Emperor, that is, crazy childmaking." "

Immortal cultivator: "Because, the strength is weaker than the True Dragon Emperor, and the ability to reproduce is becoming more and more terrifying." "

Immortal cultivator: "In other worlds, the dragon race may be a rare race, and in the upper realm of Zhu Yuanzhang's world, the dragon race is a very common race. "

Ye Hao noticed the situation of the dragon clan in the upper realm at that time, and was directly speechless.

No matter what world it is in, the dragon race is one of the top races.

Although the talent is powerful, the number is very limited compared to other races.

However, in the upper realm of the cloudy world, this situation was completely broken.

The Dragon Clan is not only one of the top races in the Upper Realm.

It is also one of the most numerous races.

Emperor Hongwu: "There are hundreds of millions of dragon races in the upper realm? "

Zhu Yuanzhang no longer knew how to describe his mood at this time.

O dragons!

The emperor is even known as the True Dragon Tianzi.

It can be imagined that the position of the dragon race in the human kingdom.

As a result, the dragon clan in the upper realm turned out to be hundreds of millions, or even more.

Graphic designer: "Your Majesty Hongwu, it is certainly not hundreds of millions. "

Graphic designer: "The True Dragon Emperor has millions of parents and children, and these parents and children of his are even stronger than his ability to reproduce. "

Graphic designer: "Even if the parents and children of the True Dragon Emperor do not live as long as the True Dragon Emperor, they have a stronger ability to reproduce." "

Graphic designer: "Maybe some older True Dragon Emperor parents and sons may have more heirs than True Dragon Emperor." "

Graphic designer: "These heirs continue to multiply. "

Graphic designer: "It's a complete data explosion!" "

Graphic designer: "I feel that the number of dragons is probably tens of billions. "

Bai Xiaofei let out a series of words, obviously extremely excited.

Although many myths and legends have dragon sexual nature.

However, Bai Xiaofei did not have a specific cognition.

Now there you have!

Moreover, it is also very profound.

Space station navigator: "The Upper Realm is simply flooded with dragons!" "

Qiao Feng, the leader of the gang: "According to this trend, the more in the future, the number of dragon clans will only grow faster and faster. "

Shifting Flower Palace Master: "In the Upper Realm, dragon liver may be a home-cooked dish for many strong people. "

The chatting crowd shook their heads repeatedly.

The dragon race of the rainy world completely subverted their cognition. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Immortal cultivator: "With the True Dragon Emperor, one of the strongest in the world, as a backing, as long as it is a dragon family in the form of a true dragon, all of them can enter the Dragon Transformation Pool, and their strength will directly break through to the Heaven and Human Realm." "

Immortal cultivator: "In other words, the weakest dragon clan that encounters the true dragon form in the upper realm is also the Heavenly Human Realm. "

Immortal cultivators: "Coupled with the techniques they cultivate, the weapons they have, and their racial bloodline, they are far above the Ascension. "

Immortal cultivator: "If you encounter a dragon clan in the form of a true dragon, you will either be caught giving birth to a child to the dragon clan, or you will be reduced to food." "


The chat group was silent!

At this moment, they finally understood why the Great Immortal said that the Upper Realm was dark and cruel.

Just one dragon clan has more than ten billion clansmen.

Then the dragon family in the form of a true dragon is probably hundreds of millions.

In other words, the Dragon Clan has at least hundreds of millions of Heavenly Human Realm powerhouses.

Coupled with the unique innate conditions of the dragon clan, as long as it is a dragon clan in the form of a true dragon, it can crush the ascendant.

The world will help the master: "Great Immortal, what is the greatest treasure of the Dragon Pool?" "

The majestic eye is incomparable.

As long as the true dragon in the form of a true dragon enters the Dragon Pool, it will be able to break through to the realm of heaven and man.

If he possesses a Dragon Transformation Pool, then establishes the Yun Dynasty, so that all the creatures in the Fengyun World will become the existence of the Heavenly and Human Realm.

So how powerful will his dynasty be?

How strong will he be?

Immortal cultivator: "The Dragon Transformation Pool can smelt the bloodline of any race, forming a special energy to stimulate the bloodline of the dragon race, and make the bloodline of the dragon race return to the ancestor." "

The world will help the master: "That is, the dragon clan captures countless other races and throws them into the dragon pool?" "

At this moment, Xiongba has a further understanding of the cruel living environment of the Upper Realm.

Any race may be a cultivation resource of the dragon clan.

Princess Changping: "The dragon race is so cruel, so isn't the race in the dragon clan's sphere of influence have no way to live?" "

Huashan sent Yue to the head: "You are still too young, with the operation of the dragon clan, I am afraid that they are all foreign relatives of the dragon clan within their strength." "

Chef Gao of the canteen: "With such a terrifying number of dragons, how many creatures do you need to hunt each time the dragon pool is transformed?" Hundreds of millions? "

With Ye Hao's introduction, the chatting masses also felt the suppression of the upper realm.

Just one dragon clan can inflict terrifying destructive power on the Upper Realm.

From the moment the Dragon Pool was born, I don't know how many races perished in the hands of the Dragon Clan.

If the Terrans in the upper realm do not have invincible powerhouses, I am afraid that there are often clansmen of the Terrans who are caught in the Dragon Pool and become the nourishment for the growth of the Dragon Clan.

Immortal cultivator: "The situation of the dragon race is quite good in the upper realm. "

The world will help the Lord: "??? "。

Xiao Li Feidao: "??? "。

Great Qin Zulong: "??? "。

The dragon race that hunted other races and threw themselves into the Dragon Pool was actually quite cruel in the Upper Realm?

How cruel would that truly terrifying race be?

Immortal cultivator: "Another emperor-level god and demon in the upper realm, the True Demon Emperor, in order to live forever, he combined his bloodline talent to create the True Demon Dafa, and was able to cultivate demonic qi. "

Immortal cultivator: "As long as you continue to devour the qi, blood, and soul of living beings, you can continue to grow your demonic qi." "

Immortal cultivators: "Not only can you gain a longer life, but you can also gain great power." "

Immortal cultivator: "Later, after the True Demon Emperor reached immortality, he found that devouring ordinary beings had no effect on his ascension. "

The upper realm of the cloud-turning world, in Ye Hao's opinion, the development is a little too outrageous.


The chatting masses couldn't help but swallow their spit again and again, looking nervous.

They all knew that the next operation of the True Demon Emperor was absolutely terrifying.

Otherwise, the operation of the dragon clan would not be just ordinary cruelty.

Immortal cultivator: "Therefore, the True Dragon Emperor will randomly transform hundreds of millions of living beings into demons every 100,000 years, and teach them the True Demon Dafa." "

Immortal cultivators: "Also, tell them that after 100,000 years, these demon races will be harvested."

Immortal cultivator: "If you want to survive, you can only reach the realm of the True Demon Emperor within 100,000, or find a way to shield the perception of the True Demon Emperor." "

Immortal cultivator: "The demon race is originally crazy and bloodthirsty, plus there is a time limit of 100,000 years, and where they pass, they devour all life. "

"The True Demon Emperor is cruel and cunning."

No demon race could escape the perception of the True Dragon Emperor, and the reason why he let some demon race go was for him.

On the one hand, it is to make those demon races feel a trace of vitality, and they (if they have to do well) will desperately improve their strength.

On the other hand, these demon races that were let go by the True Demon Emperor all had the potential to reach the seventh-order top realm.

Even some demon races have the potential to break through to the eighth-order realm.

It has been hundreds of millions of years since the True Demon Emperor reached the eighth-order realm, and after the realm reached the peak of the world, he even created various eighth-order techniques with great power.

If it was a demon race that had just broken through to the eighth-order realm, he had hope to kill and devour it.

The purpose of the True Demon Emperor is twofold.

One is to cultivate a large number of seventh-order top demon race devourers.

One is to cultivate an eighth-order demon devourer.


The faces of the chatting crowd changed drastically, and their expressions were shocked.

According to the True Demon Emperor's way, as the date of death of 100,000 years gets closer and closer, the strength of the demon race will become stronger and stronger.

At the same time, they are getting crazier.

Even the dragon clan would dare to devour it.

Because once they were unable to break through to the eighth-order realm, or find a way to evade the perception of the True Demon Emperor, they would definitely die.

Immortal cultivator: "Like the True Buddha Emperor, he wants to use the power of faith to break the shackles of the world, not only he personally crossed the living beings, but also sent his own followers to various parts of the world to cross countless living beings." "

Immortal cultivator: "All these transformed beings will lose themselves, and every day they will recite the true Buddha scriptures to provide the power of faith to the true Buddha Emperor." "

Ye Hao shook his head slightly.

After hundreds of millions of years, the emperor-level gods and demons of the upper realm can do anything in order to pursue breaking the boundaries of the world.

Immortal cultivator: "Like the Soul Emperor, he secretly took his Yuan God away from the genius of the Upper Realm, hoping that one day, when all doppelgangers become one, break the boundaries of the world." "

Immortal Cultivator: "His favorite thing is to seize the Ascending Genius." "

Immortal cultivator: "Like the True Blood Emperor, he fuses his own blood into the countless races in the Upper Realm, and then slowly erodes it." "

Immortal Cultivator: "As long as he exerts his natural powers, these races will become his nourishing noon." "

Chat masses: ".

How could there be such a terrible world?.

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