The world is cloudy.

Upper bound.

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Is it just fried like that?" "

Zhang Sanfeng looked at the mushroom bombs in the storage bag, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching a few times.

It was definitely the biggest bomb he had ever detonated.

Da Qin Zulong: "Blow, after the bombing is finished, we can also start acting." "

Space station navigator: "The work of detonating the mushroom bomb can be completely handed over to artificial intelligence, Zhang Zhenren you can withdraw." "

Master Wing Chun Yip: "The movement is definitely very big, but unfortunately I can't see it." "

Graphic designer: "Alas ~ I can't see it, and I don't know how big the movement is made, how many demon gods can be alarmed?" "

As Zhang Sanfeng teleported back to the Nether through the chat group, the artificial intelligence remaining in the Upper Realm instantly detonated all the mushroom bombs.

"Boom" 193"! "

A violent explosion sounded.

The power of more than 20,000 mushroom bombs exploding at the same time is really terrifying.

The movement caused by it was even more terrifying than a twelfth magnitude earthquake, the ground shook, and the trees evaporated instantly.

It was as if a bright sun had risen on the ground, and everything turned into scorched earth wherever it passed.

"Boom!" , "Boom! "Boom! "

I don't know how long it took, when the explosion subsided.

High in the sky, a spirit pet was also under the command of artificial intelligence, opened the storage bag, and threw all kinds of technological weapons, as well as demons and monsters contaminated with the breath of the ghosts of the prefecture, into the bottom.

At this time, the demons near the explosion area all looked at the explosion area in amazement, and some flew over cautiously.

"Is it an emperor-level god and demon fighting?"

Most of the demons looked at the direction of the explosion with a shocked face, without any hesitation, turned around and fled.

Such a huge movement, no matter what happened there, they could not afford to provoke it.

Once they entered the explosion area, in case there was really any chance in this area, the emperor-level gods and demons would definitely kill all the living beings who entered the explosion area in order to prevent any omissions.

"What's going on in that direction?"

And the emperor-level gods and demons of the upper realm all sensed the huge movement in the explosion area.

Especially after artificial intelligence has released various technological weapons, as well as demons and monsters that are contaminated with the atmosphere of the prefecture, this feeling has become stronger!

"What special energy is this? Could it be a special experiment of which demon god? "

"What kind of ghost power is this, some demons affected by the explosion, there are strange changes in their bodies?"

"Search the souls of a few nearby demons to see if there is any information about the cause of the explosion in their memories."

"Not simple! It's definitely not easy here! I have a feeling that there is definitely something special here. "

After a while, five emperor-level gods and demons appeared in the area where the mushroom bomb exploded, carefully looking at the situation in the explosion area.

Especially after some emperor-level gods and demons found scientific and technological weapons and demons and monsters that were contaminated with the breath of the prefecture, these emperor-level gods and demons felt more and more that there was a big secret in the explosion area.

"It's almost time, we can move on."

And at this time, in the Nether, when Zhang Sanfeng once again showed the Heaven and Human Realm, he shattered the void and quietly flew to the Upper Realm.

This time the luck was very good.

The place where Zhang Sanfeng ascended was a completely deserted and dilapidated place.

This was once the place where two king-level gods and demons met, causing unimaginable damage here.

"Buzz~", "Buzz~", "Buzz~"

After determining that it was safe for the time being, Zhang Sanfeng threw a formation plate to the ground, and in an instant, a three-rank top spirit gathering array covered the surroundings.


Zhang Sanfeng directly opened a special passage between the Heavenly World and the Realm of the Cloud-Turning World, allowing the Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi to enter the Heaven-Relying World through the Gathering Spirit Array.

"Let's get started too!"

The chatting masses passed Zhang Sanfeng one after another, using red envelopes to teleport themselves to the upper realm.

Then he also used the array plate he purchased in the points mall to activate the three-rank top spirit gathering array.

In an instant, the heaven and earth spiritual energy within a radius of 100,000 li was absorbed by the Spirit Gathering Array and converged towards the core of the formation of the Spirit Gathering Array.

The core of the formation of the Gathering Spirit Array is to connect their respective worlds. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


In the respective worlds of the group members, the heaven and earth spiritual energy that could not be seen with the naked eye frantically poured into their world.

The heaven and earth spiritual energy of the rainy and cloudy world is too rich, and the heaven and earth energy of the world where the group members are located is too low.............

Just like water flowing low, coupled with the blessing effect of the Gathering Spirit Array, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth poured into the world where the group members were like a flood of collapse.

And at this time.

World of mythology.

"Hahaha, it seems that Minister Gao's plan has been successful, and I can feel the incomparably rich aura."

"If we can absorb enough Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi, from now on, our world will not only be able to practice martial arts, but even directly cultivate immortals."

"Cultivate Immortals! It's so good! Immortal cultivation can live forever. "

"I feel that future immortality should not be an illusion, since we can absorb the Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi from the world where Zhu Yuanzhang is located, then we can also absorb Spiritual Qi from other high-level worlds, and our world level will definitely become higher and higher."

Several people in charge of the highest conference room in Kyushu Country smiled one by one, looking ecstatic.

Several of them had already started cultivating immortals.

Even if the realm was not high, they could clearly sense that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was growing rapidly.

Moreover, over time, the speed has not slowed down, it continues to accelerate.

This situation naturally made them ecstatic.

Gao was doing something, and he didn't hide it from them.

They all know exactly what the success of the plan means.


Just 1.6 At this time, the rules of time and space in the mythical world suddenly changed.

If only a small amount of heaven and earth energy poured into the mythical world, the rules of time and space might not have any reaction.

However, with the blessing of the three-grade top spirit gathering array, it also absorbed the heaven and earth energy of a high-level world, and instantly sensed the rules of time and space.

Although the rules of time and space do not have the wisdom of thought, they have instincts and basic rules.

It senses an opportunity to evolve to a higher level.

The rules of time and space of the mythical world directly descended directly to the upper realm of the rainy and cloudy world through the direction of spiritual energy convergence.


The rules of time and space mobilized the power of the mythical world, blessed on the Gathering Spirit Array, and began to swallow the heaven and earth spiritual energy of the rainy and cloudy world realm even more frantically.

And that's just the beginning.

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