Wuxia chat group.

Graphic designer: "It's a bit of a mess!" The two newcomers who entered the chat group this time turned out to be people who originally existed in the chat group. "

Rainbow Cat Young Man: "Two Qin Shi Huang, one is called His Majesty, the other is called Qin Shi Huang, what are the two heroes called?" A bully? A gang master? "

Space station navigator: "I feel that Qin Shi Huang is also a problem, now there are two Qin Shi Huang, you can also use Qin Shi Huang and His Majesty to distinguish, what if there is Qin Shi Huang in the future?" "

Master Wing Chun Yip: "Let's use the serial number, I feel that No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3 are always in line, no matter how many group members have duplicate identities, we don't have to worry about being unable to distinguish." Funny JPG"

Huashan sent Yue in charge: "If Yue is not mistaken, there were 18 people in the chat group before, except for the world where Daxian and Rainbow Cat are located, there is no Qin Shi Huang, and all other worlds have Qin Shi Huang." "

Huashan Pai Yue was in charge: "Even in the group mission world, even the top world where Qin Yu is located has Qin Shihuang. "

Huashan sent Yue to be in charge: "Yue suggested that it is better to use the serial number, and in the future, the chat group will enter three or five Qin Shi Huang, or even more, Yue will not be surprised." "

Chatting masses ~ couldn't help but ridicule.

Great Qin Zulong: "-".

Qin Shi Huang: ".

Qin Shi Huang No. 1?

Qin Shi Huang No. 2?

Qin Shi Huang No. 3?


Number 5?

In the future, chat groups may be three or five Qin Shi Huang, or even more.

Qin Shi Huang flooded directly in the chat group?

Space station navigator: "You can completely press the serial number, starting from the 1st, whoever has the strongest strength will be in the front, and the 1st can be without the sequence." "

Liu Peiqiang directly put forward a bad idea.

The world will help the lord: "The world will help the lord No. 2, the fourth layer of the old man Tianren realm, the immortal cultivation realm is the late stage of the refining realm, and the late stage of your grandmaster, in the future, it will be the No. 2 of the hero." "

Xiongba did not hesitate to accept Liu Peiqiang's bad idea.

He is confident of completely suppressing the Hsiung Ba 2.

The world will help the Lord No. 2: "Impossible!" "

Hsiungba 2 did not hesitate to deny it.

How ugly the number 2 is!

He is the lord of the world.

The reason why the other hero of the chat group is stronger than him, and even has the realm of cultivating immortals, is completely because he joined the chat group a little earlier than him.

Otherwise, the two join the group at the same time, and he believes that he is the best hero.

The world will help the Lord: "Do you believe that you will die soon?" "

Xiongba sneered.

He had already thought of a way to get No. 2 to yield.

The world will help Lord No. 2: "We are in different worlds, do you think you can kill the old man?" What a joke. "

The hero No. 2 of the Fengyun comic book world looked disdainful, and did not care about the threat of the hegemon in the world of the Fengyun TV series.

Before Xiongba 2, there were some doubts about the words of the chattering masses.

However, after signing in to 10 points on the points page to improve his strength, Xiongba No. 2 deeply felt the anti-heaven of the martial arts chat group.

Points can actually be used to improve strength.

It is entirely possible to invite group members from different worlds into such a heaven-defying martial arts chat group.

Since he is a group member of a different world, even if the hegemonic strength of the Fengyun TV series world is stronger than him, what is there to be afraid of?

The world will help the Lord: "You just stretch your neck and let the old man kill, and the old man will not kill you." "

The hero of the Fengyun TV series world has a look of contempt.

What a stupid number 2.

He previously just betrayed his teammates and abandoned his apprentices to get the villain label.

If you kill another group member, who knows if you will get another tag?

In case he gets the label of a group member killer, then he will be miserable, and I am afraid that he will be directly isolated.

The world will help the master: "You are the old man of another world, but the old man knows the future of his own world, do you know how terrifying the future is?" "

The world will help the lord No. 2: "What is terrible, the old man believes that he is invincible." "

The world will help Lord No. 2: "You are so cowardly, what qualifications do you have to be called a hero, and the old man thinks that you are more suitable to be called No. 2." "

Although the hero of the Fengyun comic world No. 2 said disdainful words.

However, there was still a bit of apprehension in his heart.

"Is there anything else going to happen in the future?"

"However, since the other hero can survive safely, I think I can also get through."

Hsiungba 2 quickly calmed down.

The world will help the lord: "Since you only occupy half of the world now, I think you haven't solved Wushuang City." "

The world will help the master: "You enter the martial arts commodity area of the points mall, search for the Holy Spirit Sword Technique, and take a look at the relevant introduction." "

"Holy Spirit Sword Technique?"

In the world of Fengyun comics, Xiongba No. 2 quickly entered the points mall and searched according to Xiongba's words.

[Holy Spirit Sword Technique: Heaven and Human Realm Special Martial Arts, Sword Sanctuary Creation Peerless, Sword One to Sword Twenty-two, the sword technique is fierce and fierce, and the sword Twenty-three has completely reached a new level, and the sword technique comes out, forming a sword qi enchantment, in which everything pauses and is left to its slaughter. ] 】


Xiongba No. 2 looked at the introduction of the Holy Spirit Sword Technique, and couldn't help swallowing his spit again and again, his expression trembling.

"The Sword Saint is still alive?"

"Even mastering such a heaven-defying sword technique?"

Xiongba No. 2's scalp was numb and his face was horrified.

Because, Wushuang City has been destroyed by him.

In other words, the Sword Saint could find him at any time.

The world will help the lord No. 2: "The Holy Spirit sword technique is so against the sky, how did you survive?" "

The world will help the lord No. 2: "You tell the old man how to deal with Sword Twenty-three, the old man owes you a favor." "

As for calling Hsiungba 2, that is simply impossible.

The world will help the master: "You won't have destroyed Wushuang City, right? "

Xiongba was stunned.

The normal choice, before confronting the Sword Saint, must remain in Wushuang City.

Anyway, there is a chat group, and it is not difficult to surpass the Sword Saint in the future.

Now Xiongba No. 2 is so anxious to ask him to deal with Sword Twenty-Three, and even willing to owe a favor, the meaning of this is too obvious.

The World Will Help Lord No. 2: "Wushuang City has been destroyed by the old man. "

Great Qin Zulong: "The problem is not big, the life span of the sword saint is not long, you can survive if you hide for a while." "

Ying Zheng laughed directly. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

He finds a way to fight the hegemon.

He wants to support Xiongba No. 2 disgusting Xiongba.

Great Qin Zulong: "If you don't want to hide, you can buy a substitute in the chat group." "

Great Qin Zulong: "After the sword saint casts the twenty-third sword, he will definitely die." "

The World Will Help Lord No. 2: "Thank you, Your Majesty." "

Xiongba No. 2 looked at Ying Zheng's words, and his heart couldn't help but settle down.

Great Qin Zulong: "However, the Sword Saint is only a small character, and there are more difficult existences to deal with behind. "

Great Qin Zulong: "Even now, another hero in his own world is cautious and does not dare to show his face easily. "

Great Qin Zulong: "If nothing else, there should be two old monsters in your world, one is Di Shitian, who has lived for nearly two thousand years, and the other is a laugh and three smile that has lived for more than three years." "

The World Will Help Lord No. 2: "??? "。

Are you sure you're talking about his world?

The world will help Lord No. 2: "Great Qin Zulong, how can you know so clearly?" "

Hsiungba 2 was very puzzled.

Since Xiongba is still carefully living in the world of Fengyun TV series, this shows that Xiongba's strength is not as good as Di Shitian and Xiaosan Xiao.

In this case, how did Xiongba know that the Fengyun TV series has these two old monsters?

0 ask for flowers

Great Qin Zulong: "You two newcomers should be very confused why there are so many immortal cultivation resources in our martial arts chat group. "

Great Qin Zulong: "That's because there is a real immortal cultivator in the chat group. "

Great Qin Zulong: "He can deduce the past and future of the heavens and realms, and when every newcomer joins the chat group, he can get the gift of the Great Immortal and ask the Great Immortal to deduce a part of the future Heavenly Machine destiny." "

"There are immortals in the chat group?"

Whether it was Qin Shihuang of the legendary world of the Son of Heaven or the hero No. 2 of the Fengyun comic world, they all looked cold and shocked.

At the same time, they were also somewhat relieved.

There is also some understanding of why there are massive immortal cultivation resources in the points mall of the martial arts chat group.

Da Qin Zulong: "The world will help the Lord No. 2, if you don't believe it, you can ask the Great Immortal and let him help you deduce, and you will know whether Xuan's words are true or false." "

Qin Shi Huang: "Meet the Great Immortal." "

The World Will Help Lord No. 2: "Meet the Great Immortal." "

Qin Shihuang and Xiongba No. 2 quickly sorted out their clothes, looked respectful, and bowed towards the void.

Regardless of whether Yingzheng's words are true or false, they send their sincerity first.

If it's a fake, they also have nothing to lose.

If it is true, they will definitely be able to make a good impression on the immortals by doing so.

The World Will Help Lord No. 2: "Immortal cultivator, Great Immortal, is what Daqin Zulong said true?" "

Immortal Cultivator: "What he said is not right. "

Ye Hao ran the Heavenly Mechanic Technique, gained insight into the Heavenly Machinery of the Fengyun Comics World, and gave a negative answer without hesitation.

Great Qin Zulong: "??? "。

Great Qin Zulong: "How can the Great Immortal be wrong?" "

Great Qin Zulong: "Could it be that the world where the two heroes are located has a huge gap in history?" "

The World Will Help Lord No. 2: "Daxian, can you help me deduce my future destiny?" "

Hsiungba No. 2 apparently no longer believed Yingzheng's words.

There is definitely a problem with differences in discourse between group members.

Even doubts about Ye Hao's identity arose.

He wanted to see whether this so-called great immortal was really against the sky.

Immortal cultivator: "There is indeed a big difference between the hegemons of the two worlds. "

Immortal cultivator: "The father of the newcomer Xiongba is the boss in purple, and his martial arts skills are even higher than Xiongba, and at the beginning of the establishment of the Tianxia Society, he has been hiding behind the scenes to help Xiongba expand the Tianxia Society." "

Immortal cultivator: "In addition, Renxiongba has only one daughter, Yuruo. "

Immortal cultivator: "The newcomer Xiongba once worshipped the old man of the three peerless as a teacher, and in order to seize the secret of the three-point return to the yuan, he poisoned and killed the master, and later killed his brother Yu Feijing, plotting to seize his family property, and only then established the Tianxia Society." "

Ye Hao said the information deduced by the Heavenly Mechanics.

There is indeed a big difference between the hero of the Fengyun TV series world and the hero of the Fengyun comic world.

"You know so well?"

Fengyun Comics World Hero No. 2 looked at Ye Hao's words with a shocked face.

The other tyrant is no matter how stupid he is, he can't tell him about poisoning the master, killing the righteous brothers, and plotting to seize the other party's family property.

The world will help the lord No. 2: "Great immortal, because the world is different, so, my world does not have Di Shitian and laughing three smiles?" "

Xiongba No. 2 hurriedly asked.

This difference, for him, is definitely good news.

Otherwise, his world has two hidden old monsters, and he is far from being an opponent.

Immortal Cultivator: "The reason why I say that the government is wrong is because there are not only two immortals in your world. "

Immortal cultivator: "Just the Xiaosan Xiao family, there are three immortal existences, Xiao Sanxiao and his two sons." "

The world will help the Lord No. 2: ""Thousand.

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